Kuji Goshin Ho Manual Switch

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Kuji Goshin Ho Translation In The House! Today I received an uncommon English translation of a Kuji Goshin Ho manual, along with the Japanese text in traditional Japanese sutra style booklet form (not sure what the exact term for that is -- please forgive). Kuji Goshin Ho Densho - English Interpretation - Digital $14.99 USD. This is for a Kuji Goshin Ho. It is about 8 pages long. This is the english interpretation of the Kuji Goshin Ho. It is designed to be used with the Kuji Goshin Ho manual. This is one of the main texts used in Ninpo Mikkyo.

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Kuji Goshin Ho

Qi Training Manual
By: Manji Itto (Manji101)
Welcome to my first Qi training manual; since this is my first time writing one of these please bear with me... In this I will cover the basics of Qi, explain Qi and other Chinese terms, and give you some interesting exercises. Well enjoy.
What is this “Qi” you speak of?
Qi, now where did that word come from?! Qi (pronounced “Chee”) is also known as chi, and to the Japanese it is called Ki. Chi is your life force, your energy. It is vital for without Qi you would be dead for there would be no life in you. Most people gather Qi without even knowing it; they gather it from the foods they eat and by sleeping. Others have discovered how to gather more Qi through meditation, martial arts like Tai Chi (Taiji), Qi Gong (Chi Kung), and through deep rhythmic breathing from the stomach. There are several other ways but I won’t list them all here. If one has a vast amount of Qi he will live longer than others who have not gathered extra Qi will. Daoists believed through meditation and Qi training one could become immortal. There are several legends of very old Tai Chi masters being able to fly because of this amazing energy.
What about all of these other big, hard to pronounce Chinese words?
Yi: Yi is intention. You will. You use Yi everyday to talk to eat as well as to use Qi. If one has a weak Yi there Jing will be weak for they cannot use Yi to direct the power. If one has a strong Yi and the ability to use Fa-Jing they could practically hit a person without touching them physically.
Jing: Power. A punch is an ancient form of Jing while a Fa Jing (kinda like a “ki blast” from anime) is a lot more complex. Think of the body as an engine, Qi is the gasoline and Jing is the horsepower of the gasoline exploding into a more useful power.
Shen: Shen is your spirit. You soul and mental force. Shen is god-like When one becomes advanced they use Shen instead of Qi and be able to create Jing and Yi from it alone. It is said that if one has a strong Shen as well as lots of Qi with enough Yi there soul will live forever and become a spirit.
What are Yin and Yang Yin and Yang are all about balance. There is always a bit of Yang in an ocean of Yin and vice versa. Here are some examples of the two.
Low Yang
As you can see, Yin and Yang are opposites. They are two halves of the whole. For example: If there were no darkness, there would be no light. This is because there is a contrast between the two and we can notice the difference. It is this way with all things, looking at the list above you can think of many other things and their Yin and Yang aspects. One, for example, would be sex appeal. If there were no beautiful people, we would not know of ugly people. Because there would be no comparison, only the one type of person.
Now let us look at how your body can be divided into Yin and Yang aspects. Below is a table of the major Yin and Yang aspects of your body, just to give you and idea.
Chart which shows Yin and Yang in Your Body:
Lower Half
Small Intestines
Upper Half
Large Intestines
How do I cultivate Qi?
Well there are several ways to do this. Qi is cultivated naturally through eating and sleeping. Qi also can be cultivated by meditation, Internal Alchemy (Nei Dan), Taiji, and the list goes on. Here are some basic exercises to cultivate Qi.
Qi Breathing
Daoist Breathing: This breathing involves you to pull in your stomach when you inhale and let in go out when you exhale. This will get Qi to flow out of the Tan Tien.
Belly Breathing: This exercise will allow you to bring Qi into your Tan Tien. When you inhale your stomach should expand out using the lower part of your lungs. When you exhale let the stomach return to its normal position.
I won’t tell you how long to do these exercises because you should see what works for you and make your own training schedule that fits you. If you know Taiji (Tai Chi) try out the following.
Now you create the motions used in the form. A Yang motion might b throwing a loose fist followed by a Yin motion like making a circular movement with your arms. So go on out and try this out. If you have any questions or comments on this give me an e-mail, the address is at the bottom of this page.
Now the following may seem very simple but it works for me, try it out.
Zhan Zhuang
The Relaxed Dragon
1. Stand with hands at your side, knees slightly bent, straight back.
2. Begin to visualize yourself as a dragon, with long whiskers and two big horns.
3. Stand like this for about 30 minutes. You might feel some heat in your hands after a while, this is quite normal, the Qi is trying to move to the dantian.
The Phoenix
1. Stand with hands at side; visualize yourself as a phoenix.
2. Slowly rise up your arms until they are horizontal at your shoulder level, like a phoenix spreading its wings.
3. Turn your hands outward, like a phoenix's wingtips.
4. Stand like this for about fifteen minutes, feel the qi coming in through your palms.
Methods to attain a focused mind.
To use Qi you should have a strong Yi (intention) as well as a focused mind. I find that Zazen works very well for this.
Zazen is a simple meditation done by Zen monks in monasteries and all over the globe. To perform Zazen get into a lotus position (sit “Indian Style”). Now focus on your breathing. When you inhale imagine the air as a fog, imagine this fog entering and swirling inside of you while you inhale. When you exhale imagine the fog leaving your body.
Koans- Koans AKA “Zen Riddles” can be focused on while in Zazen. Here are a few Koans: “When you clap your hands together a sound is produced, what is the sound of one hand clapping?” and another “If a tree falls down in the forest and no one is around, does it make a noise?” Now these riddles have nothing to do with sound waves or anything like that. Unask the question. Mantra- Mantras are basically things you repeat over and over. You hear monks repeating mantras all the time. Probably the most common and most stereotyped mantra is “Ommm”. Here are a few mantras; Ommm, O Mani Padme Hung, There is no self; only breath.
Basic Taiji and Qi Gong Movements
Here are some basic movements from Taiji and Ba Duan Jin Qi Gong that will cultivate Qi.
Pushing Water: This is a simple movement from Taijiquan.
1. Stand with your feet shoulder width apart. Hands at Tai Tien level with palms facing ground and fingertips pointing forward.
2. Slowly bring hands up to shoulder level. Imagine your hands bringing up water with them.
3. Now slowly push the water down. You should stop with your hands at tan tien level.
4. Repeat steps 1-3 as desired.
Basic Ba Duan Jin Qi Gong Movement: Baduanjin (eight pieces of brocade). Baduanjin was a form invented by the Immortal Qungli Quan, a retired general. It fell into mortal hands because Qung inscribed it on a cave wall because Lu was late for a meeting of theirs. (alledgedly, because he was entertaining a female friend...)
They are primarily breathing exercises but have stretching movements. (Qi is sometimes translated as “breath” or “air”)
1. Stand feet together, step into a narrow horse stance, hands at sides
2. Breath in, palms, bring fingertips together to nipple level
3. Breath out, interlock fingers, palms up, push up to sky, look up
4. Breath in, bring hands down to nipple level, fingertips together
5. Breath out, palms down, hands to sides
6. Repeat for a total of three times
7. End by standing feet together, hands in front, push down to sides
Qi Healing Techniques
Here are some techniques I have found that really help me when I get hurt.
Technique 1: Hot/Cold Healing
I do this when I have sore muscles, cramps, and …just plain old pain.
1:Imagine the place where the pain is located as a cold mass of cells, tissue, blood vessels, etc. Just imagine that everything there is cold.
2.Now imagine the Qi in you as a warm force. Move it to the place where it hurts with your Yi.
3.Have the heat warm the cold painful area, making it feel better and sending the pain away. Do this until you get the results you desire.
4.Remember to move the Qi back to the Tan Tien after you are done.
Technique 2: Internal Heater
I use this technique in the winter when I get cold. It is rather useful. I find that it works best when it is quiet and peaceful around me.
1. Imagine your Qi moving throughout your body.
2. Now imagine the Qi as a warm force
3. Now feel wave after wave of warmth wash over you
4. Once you have reached the desired effects send the Qi back to the Tan Tien.
Technique 3: Exhaling Pain
I perform this technique sometimes after a rigorous sparring match that I have received an injury in. For example I may have gotten a kick to my shin, after I get home if the pain is still there I do the following.
1. Imagine the pain as a black fog moving inside of you.
2. Now when you inhale visualize the air as a white fog going inside of you swirling around.
3. When you exhale imagine the black fog (pain) escaping your body through the pores in your skin.
4. When finished settle the Qi back into the Tan Tien via Yi.
Kuji Kiri
Once upon a time I studied whatever I could about Ninjitsu. During my quest for knowledge I came across Kuji-Kiri. Kuji Kiri were not only used by ninja, it was practiced by the Samurai during wartime, it was know as kugi goshin-ho. These nine ideograms were believed to drive away evil forces. I use them myself; I like to get up early in the morning while the sunrises and practice kugi goshin-ho (remember that’s Kuji Kiri) as the sun comes up. The ideograms give me power that I need to start off my day. Here they are.
Kuji of Strength of Mind and Body
This Kuji enhances physical strength as well as giving you a positive outlook.
Middle fingers extended, all others are interlocked
Kuji of the direction of energy
This Kuji can be used to direct energy and increase internal power.
Index fingers and thumbs extended, middle fingers curled over index fingers, all other fingers are interlocked
Kuji of Harmony with the Universe
This Kuji can help bring you to peace with mankind, animals, and to be at one with yourself.
Last two fingers extended to form a V shape (with tips touching) thumbs are extended, all others interlocked
Kuji of Healing
This Kuji helps speed up the healing process of your body.
Index fingers and thumbs extended, all others interlocked
Kuji of Premonition of Danger
This Kuji seems to raise you awareness and speed up your reactions.
All fingers interlocked
Kuji of knowing the Thought of Others
This Kuji increases your ability to “feel” the thoughts of others.
All fingers interlocked inwards.
Kuji of the Mastery of Time and Space
When I use the Kuji it speeds up my perception of time, but I can also use it to slow down my perception of time. I find this very helpful when in a boring class, or when I want a moment to last.
Index finger of left-hand points up with all of the fingers of the right hand curling around it, the thumb of the right hand is on the outside edge of the nail of the left index finger
Kuji of Nature and the Elements
This Kuji seems to bring me to level with the environment I’m in and seems to allow to realize how to use it to me advantage.
Fingers outspread, palms out, index fingers and thumbs touching
Kuji of Enlightenment
This Kuji is said to help with meditation and enlightenment
Right hand covering left, thumb tips touching
Tuina is Chinese massage. If you are a martial artist you know how relaxing a nice massage after a long day of sparring can be. After I finish working out I always cool down with some stretching and Tuina. Tuina literally translated means “Push-Grasp”. The following are some movements used in Tuina.
Tui: Pressing and dragging
Na: Grasping
An: Pressing
Mo: Palm rubbing
Rou: Kneading
Dian: Finger pressing
Ca: Rubbing
Gun: Rolling
Zhen: Vibrating
Cuo: Twist and rub
Mo: Wiping
Tina: Lift and grasp
Anrou: Press and knead
Boyun: Forearm kneading
Ji: Beating or drumming
Pai: Patting
Dou: Shaking
Yao: Rotating
Ban: Pulling
Bashen: Extending

Email: darth_vengence1@hotmail.com

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Kuji Goshin Ho Manual Switch

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Kuji Goshin Ho Manual Switches

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The Oguni clan is a Japanese clan .
Shinnohi or Miko-no-mime ( imperial princess by marriage ) is the title given to a wife of a Shinno ( imperial prince ) or refers to a person holding such a title .
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Jiho Hattori ( dates of birth and death unknown ) was a samurai from Iga Province and an akuto ( a villain of medieval times ) , who was active from the late Kamakura period to the period of the Northern and Southern Courts ( Japan ) .
The Kengo-in Temple is a temple of the Jodo Shinshu ( the True Pure Land Sect of Buddhism ) in Takagamine , Kita Ward , Kyoto City , and the Head Temple of the Kengoin school of Jodo Shinshu .
Ruiju Kokushi , completed and established in 892 , is a history book edited by SUGAWARA no Michizane , which classified and recompiled the entries of six classical Japanese history texts compiled in chronological order , following the example of Leishu ( ' classified books ' ) in China .
The Taika Reforms are political reforms based on Kaishin no Mikotonori ( the Imperial Reform Edict ) issued in 646 in the Asuka period .
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Michikiri is a folk custom practiced on roads or crossroads at the entrance to villages ( or regions ) .
Hiromitsu MAITA ( 1533 - April 3 , 1595 ) is a busho ( Japanese military commander ) ( feudal lord ) from the Sengoku period into Azuchi Momoyama period .
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Born in 1049 and passed away on May 4 , 1115 , FUJIWARA no Tamefusa was a Court noble in the late Heian period .
Haiku is Japanese poetry structured in the set form of 5-7-5 syllables .
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Tonjiki refers to food given to lower officials or sometimes respectable persons at a banquet in the garden of the Imperial Court and nobles ' residence during the Heian period .
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Goshun ( April 28 , 1752 - September 4 , 1811 ) was a painter in the Edo Period .
The friendship club was established on December 24 , 1912 as an Innai ( within the House ) faction within the House of Peers ( Japan ) and existed until May 3 , 1947 when the Constitution of Japan was promulgated .
Akiie KITABATAKE ( 1318 - June 10 , 1338 ) was a court noble during the period of the Northern and Southern Courts .
Imperial Princess Yasuko ( her given name can be also pronounced as ' Koshi ' ) ( 919 - 957 ) is considered to have been the 4th wife of FUJIWRA no Morosuke , who was a member of the Imperial family during the Heian period .
Imperial Princess Nagako ( year of birth unknown - March 27 , 914 ) was a member of the Imperial Family during the early Heian period .
Jonan-gu Shrine is a Shinto shrine located in Fushimi Ward , Kyoto City .
Kanetane HIRATA ( December 31 , 1799 – October 25 , 1880 ) was a scholar of ancient Japanese literature and culture .
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Yoshio TONOUCHI ( 1830 - May 12 , 1863 ) lived during the end of the Edo period .
Kitayama sugi is a Japanese cedar that grows in the northern area of Kyoto City .
Jojin ( 1011 - November 9 , 1081 ) was a Tendai Sect Buddhist monk who lived during the mid-Heian period .
' Shinto Gobusho ' was a foundational book of Ise Shinto ( also known as Watarai Shinto - a school of Shinto thought established by priests of the Grand Shrine of Ise in the medieval period ) and a collective term for the following five-volume apologia .
Emperor Shijo ( March 17 , 1231 - February 10 , 1242 ) was the eighty seventh Emperor ( his reign was from October 26 , 1232 to February 10 , 1242 ) .
Soen NAGATANI ( 1681 -1778 ) was a farmer who lived in Yuyatani Village , Ujitawarago , Yamashiro Province ( present Yuyatani , Ujitawara-cho , Tsuzuki-gun , Kyoto Prefecture ) .
Rokudo is a Buddhist term and it means six posthumous worlds to which the souls of the dead transmigrate .
Kurama kokyo is a religious school that was established in October 1947 by Shigaraki Koun , the chief priest of Kurama-dera Temple who was affected by Theosophy , separating from Tendai-shu sect .
Masayoshi MATSUKATA ( March 23 , 1835-July 2 , 1924 ) was a Japanese samurai ( feudal retainer of Satsuma ) and a statesman .
Yokobue ( The Flute ) is one of the fifty-four chapters of ' The Tale of Genji . '
FUJIWARA no Atsumoto ( 1046-1106 ) was a court official and a composer of Chinese poems during the late Heian period .
Joan ENDO ( 1836 - the year of death unknown ) was a soldier of the Mibu-Roshigumi .
Kokuzekomoku was a petition that Hirobumi ITO who was a governor of Hyogo Prefecture submitted it with three executives of Prefecture ( Nobuyuki NAKAJIMA , Mitsuaki TANAKA , Noriyuki GA ) and Finance officer / judge , Munemitsu MUTSU who was in Osaka .
MINAMOTO no Masamichi ( 1118-March 28 , 1175 ) was a court noble during the late Heian Period .
Toyoyuki YAMANA was a person in Muromachi Period and was Hoki no kuni no kami ( Governor of Hoki Province ) .
Tamemoto REIZEI ( 1854-1905 ) was a Japanese kajin ( waka poet ) .
Tsunemichi NIJO ( 1255 - date of death unknown ) was a kuge ( court noble ) of the Kamakura period .
Seoritsu hime is a shrine of Haraedo no okami ( gods of purification in Shinto religion ) .
Masanori AKAMATSU was a busho ( Japanese military commander ) lived in the late Muromachi period , and also a shugo daimyo ( a feudal lord of provincial military governors ) and a Warring lord of Harima Province .
Konyo ( 1798 - August 19 , 1871 ) was a priest of the Jodo Shinshu ( the True Pure Land Sect of Buddhism ) in the end of the Edo period , the 20th head priest of the Nishi Hongan-ji Temple , and daisojo ( a Buddhist priest of the highest order ) .
TAIRA no Tokitsugu ( 1222 - August 9 , 1294 ) was a court noble during the mid-Kamakura period .
Happo Nihon-shu ( sparkling Japanese sake ) is sparkling , that is , carbon-dioxide-containing Japanese sake which has attracted attention in recent years .
Kagaku ' means handing down their academic skills within the family or the clan .
Masakiyo KAMATA ( 1123-February 11 , 1160 ) was a busho ( military commander ) at the end of the Heian period .
Gunga ( county district offices ) was a government office attended to the affairs of state by government officials ( lower or middle ranked ) of the counties ( called Gunji ) under the kodai Ritsuryosei ( ancient East Asian system of centralized governance ) in Japan .
The Wake clan was a Gozoku ( local ruling family ) based in the Wake District ( formerly Fujino District ) of Bizen Province .
Kaneharu YOSHIDA ( 1565 – 1616 ) was the 10th head of the Yoshida family ( lineage can be traced to the hanke , Urabe clan ) who were tosho-ke ( the hereditary lineage of Court nobles occupying relatively high ranks ) .
Eso ( date of birth and death unknown ) was a Buddhist priest who came from Baekje in the Aska period .
Satogozen ( 1168 - June 15 , 1189 ) was a woman , who lived from the late Heian Period to the early Kamakura period .
Mikinotsukasa ( also called Sakenotsukasa ) was a branch office of Kunaisho , erected under the ritsuryo legal code system .
Chikuun MOTOSAWA ( March 26 , 1836 - October 13 , 1907 ) was a priest of Jodo Shinshu ( True Pure Land Sect of Buddhism ) and a Japanese scholar of the Chinese classics , who founded Kakuchi gakusha ( the Kakuchi school ) , known as ' Chonmage gakko ' ( the school of must-wear a Japanese topknot ) , located in the present Higashi Murayama-gun , Yamagata Prefecture .
Horin ( 1693 - November 24 , 1741 ) was a gakuso ( scholar monk ) of Jodo Shinshu ( the True Pure Land Sect of Buddhism ) during the middle of the Edo period .
Maizuru City local history museum is a history museum specializing in the history of Maizuru City , located on the second floor of the Maizuru City civic hall , Kitatanabe , Maizuru City , Kyoto Prefecture .
Ippo MISHOSAI ( 1761 - 1824 ) was a Japanese flower arrangement expert .
Kichiemon NAKAMURA is a Kabuki ( traditional drama performed by male actors ) actor 's professional name .
Rakuchu rakugai zu are a genre paintings produced from the Muromachi period to the Edo period that depicted the town area ( inner Kyoto ) and suburbs ( outer Kyoto ) from an overhead view .
Kurama-dera Temple is a buddhist temple located in Kurama Honmachi , Sakyo Ward , Kyoto City , Kyoto Prefecture .
The Imperial Family is a generic term for the Emperor and the members of the Imperial Family .
FUJIWARA no Shokushi ( Taneko ) ( 1157 - October 22 , 1228 ) was the Empress consort of Emperor Takakura .
Field Science Education and Research Center , Kyoto University , Ashiu Forest Research Station ( abbreviated to ' Ashiu Forest Research Station , Kyoto University ' ) is a research facility of Kyoto University , located in Miyama-cho , Nantan City , Kyoto Prefecture ( Kyoto Prefecture ) .
Junshin ( year of birth unknown , died on April 20 , 1250 ) was a priest of Jodo Shinshu ( the True Pure Land Sect of Buddhism ) who lived in the mid Kamakura period .
Takakazu SEKI ( c . March , 1642 - December 5 , 1708 ) was an Edo-period mathematician ( of Japanese-style mathematics , called ' wasan ' ) .
Gyoe ( 1340 - year of his death is not clear ) was a learned monk of Tendai Sect cum waka poet in the mid-Muromachi period .
Sakihisa KONOE ( 1536 - June 7 , 1612 ) was a court noble who lived during the Sengoku period ( period of warring states ) ( Japan ) and the Azuchi-Momoyama period ,
The robbery and murder on the Sanyo Railway train was a robbery and murder case that occurred in the middle of the Meiji period .
Koshido or lattice door can be either a sliding or swinging door style .
Mori no Yuenchi ( Forest Amusement Park ) is a former amusement park located in Yase , Sakyo Ward , Kyoto City , which was operated by Keifuku Electric Railroad Co . , Ltd .
Rinji meant a document of decree issued by Kurodo ( Chamberlain ) in response to the Emperor 's intention .
The Sumitomo Family is the founding family of Sumitomo Zaibatsu .
Katsushige ITAKURA was a daimyo ( Japanese feudal lord ) from the Azuchi-Momoyama period to the Edo period , and served as Kyoto Shoshidai ( deputy of Kyoto ) .
Katsuranomiya is one of the Miyake ( houses of an imperial princes ) and also one of the four heredity Imperial prince ' families .
To-ji Choja is the chief abbot of To-ji Temple ( Kyoogokoku-ji Temple ) , and acts as its manager and Kami ( director ) .
Senji NARA ( 1822 - May 4 , 1892 ) was an exemplary farmer and agricultural advisor , who was born in Kagawa Prefecture .
Japanese calendar covers Japanese own subjects relating to calendars .
Keage Station , located in Keage , Higashiyama Ward , Kyoto City , was a stop on the Keihan Keishin Line operated by the Keihan Electric Railway .
Yubeshi ( written as 柚餅子 ) is a processed food which is made using citron .
Yumeji TAKEHISA ( September 16 , 1884 to September 1 , 1934 ) was a Japanese painter and poet .
Kikuhime YOSHIHIRO ( date of birth : unknown - date of death : December 4 , 1595 ) was a lady from a samurai family who lived from the end of the Sengoku period ( period of warring states ) to the Azuchi Momoyama Period .
Nakataka SHIMOTSUMA ( 1551 - June 28 , 1616 ) was a busho ( Japanese military commander ) in the end of the Sengoku period ( period of warring states ) to the early Edo period .
The street name in Kyoto City is not only an identifying name but is also used to refer to the address ( see Maps of Kyoto City ) .
Toshimaro YOSHIDA ( March 16 , 1841 - July 8 , 1864 ) was an activist of the Choshu Domain who was active in the late Edo period .
Shoko ( 1412 - 1493 ? ) was a priest and waka poet in the middle of the Muromachi period .
Enchin ( dates of birth and death unknown ) was a priest of the Hosso sect of the early Heian period .
Ben no Naishi ( dates of birth and death unknown ) was a female waka poet of Kamakura period .
FUJIWARA no Tamaro ( 722 - April 28 , 783 ) was a court noble and Sadaijin ( Minister of the Left ) in the Nara period .
Fundoshi Iwai ( aka Heko Iwai ) is a coming-of-age ritual for men , that takes place in some regions of Japan .
MINAMOTO no Masamichi ( year of birth unknown - August 10 , 1017 ) was a government officer ( especially one of low to medium rank ) and kajin ( waka ( a traditional Japanese poem of thirty-one syllables ) poet ) of the mid-Heian period .
Yazaemon TESHIMA ( May 1 , 1899 - January 3 , 1978 ) was a Nohgakushi ( Noh actor ) playing shite ( the principal roles ) of Kongo-ryu school .
Yusen-ji Temple is a Buddhist temple belonging to the Nichiren Sect located in Matsugasaki , Sakyo Ward , Kyoto City .
Yoritsuna YAZAWA ( 1518 – June 21 , 1597 ) was a busho ( Japanese military commander ) during the Sengoku Period ( Period of Warring States [ in Japan ] ) .
A temple belonging to the Myoshinji school of the Rinzai sect , Ryoan-ji Temple is located in Ukyo-ku , Kyoto city .
Kinhisa IMADEGAWA ( July 9 , 1806 - September 27 , 1836 ) was a kugyo ( court noble ) during the late Edo period .
Yoshitaka ( 義尊 ) OUCHI ( 1545 - October 11 , 1551 ) was the heir of Yoshitaka ( 義隆 ) OUCHI .
MINAMOTO no Shitago ( 911-983 ) was a Japanese scholar and poet of the early Heian period .
Ryoi SUMINOKURA ( 1554 - August 17 , 1614 ) was a wealthy merchant in Kyoto during the Sengoku Period ( Period of Warring States ) .
Terutsune HOSOKAWA was a Japanese military commander who lived from the Sengoku Period ( Period of Warring States ) to the Azuchi-Momoyama period .
Enkan ( September 1 , 1281 - April 2 , 1356 ) was a Tendai Sect Buddhist monk who lived during the latter part of the Kamakura period and the Northern and Southern Courts period .
Tarutaru sauce ( tartare sauce or tartar sauce in English ) is a kind of sauce ( seasoning ) made from mayonnaise .
MICHISHIMA no Shimatari ( year of birth unknown – Februay 17 , 783 ) was a warrior of the Nara period .
Tadataka HOSOKAWA , or Kyumu NAGAOKA , was a busho ( Japanese military commander ) from the Azuchi-momoyama period to the Edo period .
MINAMOTO no Michichika ( 1149 - November 14 , 1202 ) was a court noble and statesman who lived in the late Heian period and the early Kamakura period .
' Kanna ninen dairi Utaawase is an utaawase ' ( poetry contest ) held by Emperor Kazan on July 24 , 986 .
The Edo period ( also known as the Tokugawa period ) refers to a period in Japanese history where Japan was governed by the Edo shogunate government .
Yoshimasa TANAKA ( 1548-March 23,1609 ) was a Japanese military commander in the Sengoku period ( Period of Warring States ) and the Azuchi-Momoyama period , and later , was a Japanese feudal lord in the Edo period .
Shogosho was the seat of the castle where Shugo ( provincial constable ) lived in medieval Japan .
Togubo existed in the Ritsuryo system ( a system of centralized government based on the ritsuryo code ) in ancient Japan .
Hisahide IZUMISAWA ( year of birth unknown - March 1615 ) was a military commander and a vassal of the Uesugi family during the Warring States period .
Imperial Princess Reiko ( October 12 , 1270 - August 30 , 1307 ) was an Imperial Princess of Emperor Gofukakusa .
Tadamasa MAKINO ( December 2 , 1799 - November 30 , 1858 ) was a daimyo ( Japanese feudal lord ) and a roju ( member of shogun 's council of elders ) who lived in the Edo period .
Mitsuyo ( year of birth and death unknown ) was a swordsmith who lived in Chikugo Province during the late Heian period .
Tankai ( 1099 - 1174 ) was a shaso ( priest who belonged to ) Kumano-hongu-taisha Shrine and the 18th Kumano betto ( title of an official who administered the shrines at Kumano ) in the late Heian period .
Ojo is a methodology for becoming a Buddha , as defined by the Mahayana Buddhism .
The term ' Genseishojoju ' is also referred to as ' gensho futai ( the idea of ' not falling back in this world ' ) . '
Tadato TODA ( October 17 , 1739 - March 14 , 1801 ) was a daimyo ( feudal lord ) in the middle of the Edo period .
Takefusa KIKUCHI ( 1245 – May 2 , 1285 ) was a busho ( Japanese military commander ) in the middle of the Kamakura period .
FUJIWARA no Morosuke ( 908 - June 7 , 960 ( May 6 , 960 by the old calendar ) ) was a Kugyo ( Court Noble ) during the mid Heian Period .
Enjiro YAMAZA ( December 2 , 1866-May 28,1914 ) was the Japanese diplomat in the Meiji and Taisyo period .
Emperor Nimmyo ( 810 - May 6 , 850 ) , the fifty-fourth Emperior , reigned from March 30 , 833 to May 4 , 850 ( in the early Heian period ) .
The shinmei-zukuri style is a style of shrine buildings in Japan .
The Makimuku Yazuka-kofun Tumulus is an ancient tomb belonging to the Makimuku-kofun Tumuli Cluster in Sakurai City , Nara Prefecture .
Seisei HAI ( date of birth and death unknown ) was an envoy who visited Wakoku ( Japan ) in accordance with the orders of Yo-dai ( Emperor Yang ) of the Sui Dynasty in the first half of the seventh century .
Denko-ji Temple is a temple belonging to the Ritsu sect , located in Ogawa cho , Nara City , Nara Prefecture .
Shigeyoshi NABESHIMA ( December 11 , 1800 - January 16 , 1863 ) was the 28th feudal lord of Takeo in the Saga Domain in the late Edo period ( Takeo was a dominion in the Saga Domain ) .
Hyakumanto Darani is the collection of Dharanis that was dedicated to Buddhist temples by way of being placed in one million mini pagodas during the Nara period for the protection of the nation as well as for repentance .
Yoshiyuki ISSHIKI ( dates of birth and death unknown ) was a figure during the Sengoku period ( period of warring states ) ( Japan ) .
Hangesho ( the eleventh day after the Summer solstice ) is one of the seasonal days ( zassetsu ) in the Japanese calendar and is so-called because it falls around the time that the medicinal herb Lizard 's Tail ( Crowdipper ) flowers ( the leaves of the hangesho ( also called katashirogusa ) also turn white on half the leaf around this time ) .
Hanpo refers to one of Bunin ( appointments of government posts ) in the ritsuryo system ( a system of centralized government based on the ritsuryo code ) .
Okiku ( August 7 , 1595 - July 1 , 1615 ) was Hidetsugu TOYOTOMI 's daughter .
Shungaku MATSUDAIRA was a Japanese feudal lord , the 16th lord of the Fukui Domain of Echigo Province in the late Edo period .
Saikudokoro ( or called Saikusho ) refers to an institution or craft center for handicraft industry which was permanently or temporarily established by Kenmon ( an influential family ) in the medieval period .
Saneoki OGIMACHISANJO ( 1457 - February 10 , 1481 ) was a Kugyo ( top court official ) during the Muromachi period .
The ' Toshi Kaden ' was written in 760 .
Norikuni IMAGAWA ( 1295 ? - June 8 , 1384 ) was shugo daimyo ( shugo , which were Japanese provincial military governors , that became daimyo , which were Japanese feudal lords ) from the end of Kamakura Period through the period of the Northern and Southern Courts .
Tokoroten , written in Japanese as ところてん , 心太 , 心天 , or 瓊脂 , is food made by boiling seaweed such as tengusa ( Gelidiaceae ) and ogonori ( Chinese moss ) until they melt and produce agar , which is then cooled down until set .
Yoshifuyu KIRA ( 1607 – May 6 , 1668 ) was a Koke-Hatamoto ( privileged family under the Tokugawa Shogunate ) in the early Edo Period .
Tago hi is an ancient stone monument in Aza Gomon , Ike , Yoshii Town , Tano County , Gunma Prefecture and designated as a special national historic site .
Sukunabikona ( also called Sukunahikona , as well as Sukunaminokami , Sukunahikona , Sukunahikone , and so on ) is a god in the Japanese mythology .
Sukeyoshi ODA ( 1732 - September 28 , 1799 ) was a daimyo ( a Japanese feudal lord ) in the Edo period .
Bakufu kaigun ( navy ) was a navy with western-style armaments which was organized by Edo bakufu ( Japanese feudal government headed by a shogun ) to accomplish battles at sea as a mission .
Sakuji bugyo was a post held by hatamoto during the Edo Period .
FUJIWARA no Narimichi ( 1097 - 1162 ) was a court noble who lived in the latter half of the Heian period .
' Jifuku ' means the clothes , or allocations of these clothes , bestowed by the Imperial Court to the Emperor 's family members and their retainers in spring and autumn or in summer and winter , every year .
ISE no Tsugiko ( born 772 , died July 6 , 812 ( old lunar calendar ) ( August 16 , 812 ) ) was the wife of Emperor Heizei .
Emperor Keiko ( 13 B.C. - December 23 , A.D. 130 ) was the twelfth emperor ( reign : August 22 , A.D. 71-December 23 , A.D. 130 ) , being described in ' Kojiki ' ( The Records of Ancient Matters ) and ' Nihonshoki ' ( Chronicles of Japan ) .
Mokushi was a govermental post in the Edo period which was in charge of maintaining ranches under direct control of the bakufu , as subordinates of an officer in the bakufu , and it is said that the officers in the post were responsible for managing the Goyoboku of the Tokugawa bakufu ( public ranches of horses + hunting grounds for Shogun ) .
Tsune-shozoku means a set of most ordinary costumes worn by performers of bugaku ( traditional Japanese court music accompanied by dancing on stage ) .
' Teiji-in uta-awase ' refers to ' uta-awase ' ( the contest of ' tanka ' [ thirty-one Japanese syllable 's poem ] ) , held on April 22 , 913 , by Cloistered Emperor Uda at his residence Teji-in .
Point ( ' sentoki ' in Japanese ) is a sharp-pointed chipped stone tool .
Tadokoro was one of the systems that were established during the Kofun period ( tumulus period ) to control people and land , which also referred to the private property controlled by Gozoku ( local ruling family ) .
Densha Yakiuchi Jiken ( literally Train Arson Attack ) was to cause arson to trains and other facilities .
Senyokutaku refers to a light-colored engraved print like a cicada wing , or a technique of such rubbing .
In the ' Gikeiki Chronicles ' , ' Ima no Tsurugi ' sword , a Japanese short sword of 19.7 cm in lengh , was used by MINAMOTO no Yoshitsune in killing himself .
Ojoyoshu is a Buddhism book in one part and three volumes compiled in 985 by Genshin ( priest ) , a Sozu ( the Prelate ) in Eshinin Temple at Yokawa on Mt . Hiei , in which he collected important passages relating to gokuraku ojo ( the Pure Land of Amitabha where the dead are allowed to live peacefully ) , extracting from many sources such as Buddhist scriptures and instructions in terms of the Jodo Sect .
Moshinsho is a commentary on ' The Tale of Genji , ' written by Tanemichi KUJO , the Kanpaku ( regent ) during the Sengoku ( Period of Warring States ) and Azuchi-Momoyama periods .
Jimonkoryu is a monthly magazine of Japan .
Tenson-jinja Shrine is a Shinto shrine located in Otsu City , Shiga Prefecture .
Sanin-tei was a private school kept by the Sugawara clan , that had produced Monjo hakase ( professor of literature ) for three generations ; SUGAWARA no Kiyokimi , SUGAWARA no Koreyoshi , and SUGAWARA no Michizane , during the early Heian period .
The Kitano Line ( Kitano-sen ) is a railway line operated by Keifuku Electric Railroad Co . , Ltd. that connects Kitano-Hakubaicho Station ( located in the Kita Ward of Kyoto City , Kyoto Prefecture ) and Katabiranotsuji Station ( Ukyo Ward ) .
Yoshitaka SHIBUKAWA ( 渋川 義陸 , year of birth unknown - September 23 , 1538 ) was a busho ( Japanese military commander ) in the Sengoku period ( period of warring states ) .
Ohide TANAKA ( September 16 , 1777 – October 24 , 1847 ) was a scholar of Japanese classical literature from the late Edo period .
Imperial Prince Kaninnomiya Tatsuhito ( June 17 , 1792 - March 9 , 1824 ) was a member of the Imperial family during the Edo Period .
Takamichi KYOGOKU ( October 13 , 1603 - January 19 , 1666 ) was the first lord of the domain of Mineyama , Tango-no-kuni .
Chigo has roughly the following meanings .
The Intoku taiheiki is a work of Japanese literature .
FUJIWARA no Atsuyori ( 1090 - ca . 1182 ) was a court noble and poet in the late Heian period .
The Settsu-Genji ( a branch of the Minamoto clan )
Masatomo SUMITOMO ( December 31 , 1585 - 1652 ) was a merchant in the Edo period .
Tamemitsu REIZEI ( June 10 , 1559 - March 29 , 1619 ) was a kugyo ( high court noble ) and a poet who lived from the late Sengoku period ( period of warring states ) to the early Edo period .
An ancient capital can be defined as a place which has been the national capital since the ancient times or a place which was once the national capital city .
Kanji day is the memorial day , which the Japan Kanji Aptitude Testing Foundation has established in 1995 .
Saikyo miso is the common name for a whitish yellow sweet miso containing a high proportion of malted rice made mainly around the Kinki region ; and the main characteristic of this miso is that while miso usually used for miso soup contains 12 % salt , Saikyo miso contains only about 5 % salt .
The Ogura Hyakunin Isshu Cultural Foundation was established by the Kyoto Chamber of Commerce and Industry under the theme of ' Hyakunin Isshu ' ( One Hundred Poems by One Hundred Poets ) to contribute to the development of Kyoto Culture and Kyoto tourism .
The Battle of Fubeyama ( Mt . Fube ) was a war between an army of the Amago clan which was directed by Yukimori YAMANAKA to reconstruct the Amago clan and the Mori clan who was attempting to prevent it .
Suiko ( government loans made to peasants ) was a term that indicated the loans carrying interest observed in ancient and medieval Japan .
Seishinko-ki is the diary of FUJIWARA no Saneyori who acted as a Kanpaku ( chief adviser to the emperor ) in the mid Heian period .
Genko ( year of birth and death unknown ) was a Buddhist priest of the Tendai sect who lived in the end of the Heian period .
Toyo YAMAWAKI ( February 1 , 1706 - September 25 , 1762 ) was a medical scientist in the Edo period .
Chofuku is the clothes that government officials wore from the Aska period to the Heian period when they came to work at the Imperial Court .
AZUMI no Hirafu ( year of birth unknown - 663 ) was a diplomat and busho ( Japanese military commander ) in the mid seventh century .
Yahiko MISHIMA ( February 23 , 1886 - February 1 , 1954 ) was an athlete of track and field in the Meiji period .
Konoe no daisho ( Major Captain of the Palace Guards ) is one of the government posts in the ritsuryo system .
Shigeharu KUWAYAMA was a Japanese military commander who lived during the Azuchi-Momoyama period .
SOGA no Murajiko ( 611 ? – 664 ) was a male member of a local ruling family in the Asuka Period .
Mt . Otowa exists in the boundary between Otsu City of Shiga prefecture and Yamashina Ward of Kyoto Prefecture , and is the highest mountain in Yamashina Ward .
' Maruobi ' is a kind of women 's obi ( sash ) used in Japan .
Zoni is a soup dish which contains mochi ( rice cakes ) and other ingredients , and it is usually eaten in the New Year .
Chucho Jijitsu ( The record of the central nation ) is a history book about the thought of reverence for the emperor , written by Soko YAMAGA .
Kaizu-osaki is a shore reef area jutting out into Lake Biwa located in Makino-cho , Takashima City , Shiga Prefecture and it is one of Biwako Hakkei ( Eight Views of Lake Biwa ) .
Kenkai OKA ( 1799 - December 8 , 1839 ) was Ranpoi ( a person who studied Western medicine by means of the Dutch language ) who lived during the Edo period .
Stone tools resembling a knife were characteristics to the end period of the Paleolithic period , and they were made by blunting and exfoliating flakes like stone knives ( blades ) ( i.e. Exfoliation was adjusted so that the sharp edge of flake would be partly remained like a knife blade and the rest of the edge would be blunted ) , and by forming the flakes into a shape similar to modern knives .
' Gi-yofu architecture ' is an architectural style that Japanese carpenters created by imitating Western-style architecture .
Matabe IWASA ( 1578-July 20 , 1650 ) was a painter in the early Edo period .
SAKANOUE no Kaneshige ( 1114 ? - June 23 , 1162 ) was a government official who lived towards the end of the Heian period .
Imperial Princess Akiko ( April 29 , 1137 - August 6 , 1211 ) was an Imperial Family member during the end of the Heian period to early Kamakura period .
Honne to tatemae is a Japanese expression to explain a social phenomenon .
Imperial Princess Sonshi ( 966 - May 24 , 985 ) was the second Princess of the sixty-third Emperor Reizei .
This section on ' Town names in Fushimi Ward , Kyoto City ' lists official town names in Fushimi Ward and summarizes the period and process of their establishment .
Kyo-gashi means sweets that are made in Kyoto prefecture .
FUJIWARA no Michitaka ( 953 - May 17 , 995 ) was a court noble in the mid-Heian period .
Born in 812 and gone on October 11 , 880 , SUGAWARA no Koreyoshi was a literary man and a court noble in the early Heian period .
Shobei TAMAYA is a Karakuri-ningyoshi ( wind-up doll manipulator ) .
' Haru no Hi ' ( Spring Days ) is a haikai collection .
Shoshii ( Senior Fourth Rank ) is one of the ranks in the ranking order ( ikai ) and the ranking order of Shinto gods ( shinkai ) in Japan .
Daughter of FUJIWARA no Toshinari ( Shunzei )
ARIWARA no Motokata ( year of birth and death unknown ) was a waka poet in the Heian period .
Prince Asa ( also known as Asa Taishi or Ajatesa , 557-631 ) was a son of King Widok ( Baekje ) in Baekje .
Shinano no kuninomiyatsuko ( also known as Shinanokokuzo ) was kuninomiyatsuko ( local ruling families in ancient Japan ) ruled Shinano Province .
Prince Uji no Wakiiratsuko [ ( 菟道稚郎子 ) Uji no Wakiiratsuko ; his date birth is unknown and his date of death was in ' 312 . ' ] appeared in the Kiki [ ' Kojiki ' ( A Record of Ancient Matter ) and the ' Nihonshoki ' ( Chronicles of Japan ) ] as an Imperial family ( royal family ) during the Kofun period ( tumulus period ) in Japan .
Juge-jinja Shrine counts among the seven ' upper shrines ' of Hiyoshi-taisha Shrine , which consists of the following shrines that have become the branch temple of Juge-gu Shrine .
Kuchiko are the ovaries of sea cucumbers .
Zaike was a house , and the cultivated land and residents belonging to the house .
The Bukko-ji ( 佛光寺 ) School of Shin Sect is a school of Jodo Shinshu ( the True Pure Land Sect of Buddhism ) .
Sozei ( date of birth unknown ; date of death : February 11 , 1455 ) was a Japanese poet during the Mid-Muromachi period .
Tohaku HASEGAWA ( 1539 to March 19 , 1610 ) was a painter in the Azuchi-Momoyama Period through to the early Edo Period .
Kinmune SAIONJI ( born 1310 , died August 28 , 1335 ) was a court noble from the end of the Kamakura Period to the Kenmu Restoration .
Emmachi Station , located in Nishinokyo Emmachi , Nakagyo Ward , Kyoto City , is a stop on the Sanin Main Line ( Sagano Line ) , which is operated by the West Japan Railway Company ( JR West ) .
Ranbodori was an warrior 's act of looting things and robbing people after war from the Sengoku Period ( Period of Warring States ) through the Azuchi-Momoyama period .
Chikako UEDA ( dates of birth and death unknown ) was geigi ( a woman who gives fun with a song , a dance or a music instrument at a feast ) and a poet at the end of the Edo period .
Mitsuhira HEKI was a sword craftsman in Musashi Province who lived during the Edo period .
A shintai or goshintai ( ' go ' is an honorific prefix ) means the body of a kami ( deity ) in the Shinto religion .
Nobutaka MATSUDAIRA was the fourth lord of the Kameyama Domain , Tanba Province .
Yorimori TADA or MINAMOTO no Yorimori ( year of birth and death unknown ) was a busho ( Japanese military commander ) during the late Heian period .
The Japan-Austria Treaty of Amity and Commerce was an agreement concluded between Japan and Austria / Hungarian empire on October 18 , 1869 .
Shozo MASUDA ( 1930 - ) is a Japanese researcher of traditional Japanese Noh drama .
Enkin-kyosha is a method for deciding the ranking of an individual competition in Japanese archery , based on how close an arrow is shot to the center of the target .
' Nozarashi Kiko ' ( Journal of Bleached Bones in a Field ) is a travel record by Basho MATSUO , haikai ( seventeen-syllable verse ) poet in the mid-Edo Period .
Sanyodo ( Senyodo or Kagetomo-no-michi ) can mean :
OTOMO no Fukei ( ? – September 1 , 683 ) was active in the Asuka period .
Emperor Gotsuchimikado ( July 3 , 1442 - October 21 , 1500 ) , the 103rd Emperor , reigned in the Muromachi period from August 21 , 1464 to October 21 , 1500 .
Nishitonotsuka-kofun Tumulus ( also known as Nishitonozuka-kofun Tumulus ) is a large keyhole-shaped tomb mound in early Kofun period ( Tumulus period ) in Nakayama Town , Tenri City , Nara Prefecture .
FUJIWARA no Masanaga ( 1145 - August 28 , 1196 ) was a Kugyo ( top court official ) during the late Heian period .
Shigekazu KAWAGOE ( years of birth and death unknown ) was a Japanese military commander of Kawagoe Yakata , Iruma District , Musashi Province in the Kamakura period .
Sonobe-cho is a municipality which existed in the central part of Kyoto Prefecture until December 31 , 2005 , and is a castle town of Sonobe-jo Castle .
Kagami-mochi is a circular , flat rice cake offered to Shinto and Buddhist deities on occasions such as the New Year .
The Seven Generals ( or ' Nanasho ' ) are the feudal lords who were reared by Hideyoshi TOYOTOMI from an early age and famous as the brave generals .
Miyazu han was one of the han ( feudal lord 's domain ) located in Yosa County , Tango Province , during the Edo period .
' Edo ' ( also described as Yedo , Yeddo , Yendo , Jedo ) is the former name for Tokyo .
Seen in a parade during the Gion Matsuri Festival in Kyoto , Takayama is one of a ' yamaboko , ' which is a festival float mounted with a decorative long-handled sword .
' Obon ( the Bon festival ) ' means a series of events to worship the souls of ancestors held in Japan on and around July 15th of the old Japanese luni-solar calendar .
The Battle of Uji-gawa River was a battle that took place in January 1184 , at the end of Heian period , between MINAMOTO no Yoshinaka , and MINAMOTO no Noriyori and MINAMOTO no Yoshitsune who were dispatched by MINAMOTO no Yoritomo in Kamakura .
The Kyoto Shugoshoku ( literally , ' office of the protector of Kyoto ' ) was an important post in the Edo bakufu that was newly created at the end of the Edo period ; it was one of the three key posts in the bakufu , the others being the Seiji-Sosaishoku ( literally , ' political governor ' ) and the Shogun-Kokenshoku ( literally , ' guardian of the Shogun ' ) .
The ' Hokke Sanbu-kyo ( Threefold Lotus Sutra ) ' is a set of sutras of Mahayana Buddhism .
' Akuto ' generally refers to a person who disturbs the order of society , or a group of people who commit wrongdoing , but in Japanese history , it refers to a person or class rebelling against the existing system in the middle ages .
Tadayoshi ASHIKAGA was a busho ( Japanese military commander ) who lived during the period of the Northern and Southern Courts ( Japan ) .
Iya Yotsugi is a history book covering the reigns of two Emperors , Emperor Takakura and Emperor Antoku , and is said to have been written by FUJIWARA no Takanobu in the early Kamakura period , although it is no longer extant .
Haibutsu-kishaku ( 廃仏毀釈 in Chinese characters ) means a movement to destroy Buddhist temples , Buddhist statues and Buddhist scriptures as well as to abolish the privileges entitled to Buddhist priests / nuns .
' Kosode Soga Azami no Ironui ' is a program of Kabuki ( traditional performing act ) .
Shakkanho is one of unit systems for measuring length , area , and so on .
Giso means reporting conclusions about state affairs to the throne after deliberation by Dijokan ( Grand Council of State ) under the ritsuryo system ( a system of centralized government based on the ritsuryo code ) .
Reikoden-tenmangu Shrine is a shrine in Kamigyo Ward , Kyoto City .
Otsuzumikata refers to a special duty that is to take charge of an otsuzumi ( big drum ) in Nogaku-hayashi ( Japanese orchestra for Noh performance ) or kabuki musical accompaniment .
Meryo ( or Uma no tsukasa ) refers to one of the government officials in the Ritsuryo system ( a system of centralized government based on the ritsuryo code ) .
Tokujiro NISHI ( September 4 , 1847-March 13 , 1912 ) was a Japanese diplomat .
' Gutoku-sho ' is a treatise written by Shinran on his own religious faith through his master 's teaching of the Jodo ( Pure Land ) sect .
Naomasa II was a busho ( Japanese military commander ) and daimyo ( Japanese feudal lord ) in the Azuchi-Momoyama and early Edo periods .
Obai-in Temple is a sub-temple located within the precinct of Rinzai sect Daihonzan ( Head Temple ) Daitoku-ji Temple in Murasakino , Kita Ward , Kyoto City , Kyoto Prefecture .
Located in the Fushimi ward of Kyoto City and in Uji City of Kyoto Prefecture , Rokujizo Station is a stop on Keihan Electric Railway , West Japan Railway Company ( JR West ) and Kyoto Municipal Subway lines .
Kurokuwa ( 黒鍬 ) ( a construction worker ) refers to people engaged in civil engineering in the Sengoku period ( period of warring states ) and Edo period .
MINAMOTO no Yoshikane ( year of birth and death unknown ) was a late-Heian period military commander of the Kawachi-Genji ( Minamoto clan ) .
Yoriudo ( Yoryudo ) was a term used during the middle ages after the Heian period for certain people , but had multiple meanings .
Shinko Engeki Jusshu refers to the specialty plays of Kikugoro ONOE of Otowaya selected by Kikugoro ONOE the fifth and Kikugoro ONOE the sixth .
Genjo NORO ( January 15 , 1694 - August 6 , 1761 ) was a scholar of herbalism of the mid Edo period .
TAIRA no Takamochi ( Prince Takamochi ) ( October 21 , 839 - June 28 , 911 ) was the Seishi Imperial family ( Imperial family given surname by the Emperor ) during the Middle Heian Period .
Unshu Mikan ( Scientific name : Citrus unshiu ) is a kind of mandarin orange and evergreen bush belonging to the Rutaceae family .
Toshinobu ODA was busho ( a Japanese military commander ) in the Sengoku period ( period of warring states ) .
Mochinobu ISSHIKI ( year of birth unknown - June 7 , 1434 ) was a busho ( Japanese military commander ) in the Muromachi period .
Japanese swords ( 日本刀 ) are a generic term for swords forged in the originally developed way in Japan .
Takei Ryuzo Productions ( established and dissolved in February 1929 ) was a film company located in Kyoto .
Saiju-ji Temple is a Buddhist temple belonging to the Jodo Sect ( the Pure Land Sect of Buddhism ) located in Narutaki Izumitaki-cho , Ukyo Ward , Kyoto City , Kyoto Prefecture .
Michiyo KOGA ( 1583 - 1615 ) a Kugyo ( court noble ) during the Azuchi-Momoyama period .
Usaburo SHIMIZU ( 1829 - January 20 , 1910 ) was a well-known businessman who was born in Habu Village , Saitama County , Musashi Province ( currently it is Habu City ) .
Jakusui INO ( August 28 , 1655 – August 4 , 1715 ) was a medical , herbal and Confucian scholar in the middle of the Edo Period .
Kizugawa Station was a temporary station that once existed on the Nara Electric Railway Line ( later the Kintetsu Kyoto Line ) in Kyotanabe City ( Tanabe City at that time ) , Kyoto Prefecture .
Hachiya-no-sho Manor was a shoen ( manor in medieval Japan ) that existed in Mino Province during the Heian and Muromachi periods .
' Rashomon ' is a novel written by Ryunosuke AKUTAGAWA early in his career .
Inokuma-dori Street is a street running south-north in Kyoto City , Kyoto Prefecture .
Sankan-Seibatsu ( the conquest of three countries in old Korea ) was written in the war affairs of the ' Nihonshoki ' ( Chronicles of Japan ) , on the military expeditions against Silla ( pronounced ' Shiragi ' in Japanese : Kingdom of ancient Korea ) by the Empress Jingu who was a descendant of Prince Amenohiboko of Silla .
The Shinkyogoku-dori Street is a street running north-south in Kyoto City .
Seiryo-ji Temple is a Buddhist temple of the Pure Land sect located in Sagano , Ukyo Ward , Kyoto City , Kyoto Prefecture .
Eizan Electric Railway Co . , Ltd. is a railway business operator managing lines between Demachiyanagi Station in Kyoto City 's Sakyo Ward and Yase / Kurama .
The five types ( Meguro , Mejiro , Meaka , Meao and Meki ) of Fudo-son ( Acalanatha ) located at six different sites including Ryusen-ji Temple ( Meguro ) , Konjo-in Temple ( in Toshima Ward ) ( Mejiro ) , Saisho-ji Temple ( Meki ) , Nankoku-ji Temple ( Meaka ) and Saisho-ji Temple ( in Setagaya Ward ) ( Meao ) as well as another Meki ( yellow eye ) in Tokyo are collectively referred to as Goshiki Fudo .
Imperial Prince Okusaka ( Okusaka no miko , year of birth unknown - March 16 , 454 ) was a member of the Imperial family who lived during the Kofun period ( tumulus period ) .
Maboroshi is one of the fifty-four chapters of ' The Tale of Genji . '
Kobe Incident was an incident that occurred on February 4 , 1868 , in which in front of Sannomiya-jinja Shrine of Kobe ( present-day Kobe City ) , a troop of the domain of Bizen ( present-day Okayama Prefecture ) injured French sailors who had crossed the array of the troop , and shot horizontally to the Minister-Counselors from Western countries who were inspecting the place which was supposed to be the settlement site ( present-day Former Foreign Settlement ) .
Daigo family are a kuge ( court nobles ) with kakaku ( family status ) of seigake ( the second highest family status for court nobles ) .
So-Yo-Cho ( a tax system , corvee ) was a tax system under the Ritsuryo system ( a system of centralized government based on the ritsuryo code ) adopted in China and Japan .
Yuzamashi is one of the tea utensils used in Senchado .
Imperial Princess Yoshiko ( 僐子 ) ( 1159 - April 14 , 1171 ) was a member of the Imperial Family in the latter period of the Heian period .
Tomomasa OYAMA was a busho ( Japanese military commander ) from the end of the Heian period to the early Kamakura period .
Matsuo-ryu school is a school of the tea ceremony , originated by Soji MATSUO .
Tanetatsu AKIZUKI ( November 28 , 1833-October 17 , 1904 ) was a Japanese politician at the end of the Edo period and in the Meiji period .
Located in Uji City in Kyoto Prefecture , Amagase Dam is on the Uji-gawa River , the common name of the middle reaches of the main stream of the Yodo-gawa River , which is known as a first-class river .
Registered tangible folk cultural properties are registered on the cultural property registry ledger by the Minister of Education , Culture , Sports , Science and Technology .
The Kyoto Prefectural Botanical Garden is located in Sakyo Ward , Kyoto City .
The Kenrei-mon Gate is one of the outside gates in the Imperial Palace .
Hachimanyama is one of ' yamahoko ' floats , or decorative floats , which are paraded through streets during the Gion Festival held in Kyoto City on the seventeenth of July .
Shinsui BANDO was a name used by Kabuki actors .
Yamajiro refers to castles built on steep mountains .
Kujo-dori Street is one of the major east-west streets in Kyoto City .
Keisei ( 1189 - November 18 , 1268 ) was a Buddhist priest in the Kamakura period .
Imayo is one style of Japanese songs .
Kanetaka KUJO ( January 4 , 1554 - February 23 , 1636 ) was a kanpaku in the era from the Azuchi-Momoyama period to the early Edo period .
Yodai-me ( IV ) Tojuro SAKATA ( male , December 31 , 1931 - ) is a Japanese actor and kabuki actor .
IKI no Komaro ( dates of birth and death unknown ) was a noble of Nara Period .
Shionoha Onsen Hot Spring ( Shionohaonsen ) is a hot spring in Kawakami Village , Yoshino County , Nara Prefecture ( former Yamato Province ) .
Susano ( also known as Susano no Mikoto ) was a deity ( Shinto religion ) that appeared in Japanese mythology .
Shirogoro SAWAMURA V ( September 15 , 1877 - August 27 , 1932 ) was a Japanese Kabuki actor and movie actor .
Nara Kenritsu Bijutsukan ( Nara Prefectural Museum of Art ) is the museum in Nara city , Nara prefecture .
Shichusen refers to privately produced counterfeit money , as differentiated from the official money coined by the government .
Kenji NOGUCHI ( 1843 – February 4 , 1864 ) .
Arahabaki belief is a folk belief found in the Tohoku region .
Jozan MIIZUMI ( 1805-November 4 , 1877 ) was a priest born in Bizen Province ( present-day Okayama Prefecture ) .
Kawachibon is a group of The Tale of Genji manuscripts allegedly created by Daikenmotsu ( duty ) MINAMOTO no Mitsuyuki and his son , MINAMOTO no Chikayuki , and their copies .
MINAMOTO no Yoshichika was a busho ( Japanese military commander ) in the late Heian period .
Gozoku refers to a family who existed within a broader-based political power of a nation , lords and so on , had many lands , properties and private soldiers in a region , and had a certain level of regional sovereignty .
FUJIWARA no Akisuke ( 1090 - June 8 , 1155 ) was a court noble and poet in the late Heian period .
Kitsu-onsen Hot Spring is a spa situated at Kitsu , Amino-cho , Kyotango City , Kyoto Prefecture ; the area was once called ' Tango Province . '
MIYOSHI no Tameyasu ( 1049-August 29 , 1139 ) was an aristocrat and Sando-ka ( a professional of mathematics ) who lived in the latter part of the Heian period .
Chikayuki TOMIDA was a samurai who belonged to the Kodama party of Musashi Province ( present-day Tomida , Honjo City , Saitama Prefecture ) during the Kamakura period .
FUJIWARA no Muneyoshi ( 1083 ~ February 1170 ) was a court noble of the latter half of Heian period .
Hundred stories concerning last days of the Tokugawa shogunate are a collection of retrospective stories on the end of the Edo period and Meiji Restoration which appeared serially in Hochi Shinbun ( newspaper ) in 1902 .
Iesue ANDO ( date of birth and death unknown ) was a busho ( Japanese military commander ) during the end Kamakura period to the period of the Southern and Northern Courts ( Japan ) .
Nue is a legendary creature that is called a specter and has been talked about in Japan from ancient times .
Tokitaka KIKUCHI ( 1287 - 1304 ) was a Japanese military commander who lived toward the end of the Kamakura period .
Nairaishi ( Palace Etiquette Office ) was one of the institutions belonging to Nakatsukasasho ( Ministry of Central Affairs ) in the Ritsuryo system ( a system of centralized government based on the ritsuryo code ) in Japan .
MINAMOTO no Yoshisuke ( unknown to 1180 ) was a warrior in the end of the Heian period .
Genjo ( written as 絃上 , also called ' Kenjo ' ) is a Noh play program .
Yoshinobu KIMURA ( date of birth unknown - October 24 , 1600 ) was a busho ( Japanese military commander ) and a daimyo ( Japanese feudal lord ) in Azuchi-Momoyama period .
The fifth head of the Shimazu soke ( the head family ) , and the first son ( 1322 - 1340 ) of Sadahisa SHIMAZU .
Konoshimanimasu Amaterumitama-jinja Shrine is a Shinto shrine located in Uzumasa , Ukyo Ward , Kyoto City .
The Agata-matsuri Festival is held on June 5 and 6 every year in Uji City , Kyoto Prefecture .
Noshiika ( 伸し烏賊 or 熨斗烏賊 ) is a food made from dried squid .
Karu no oiratsume was a princess , who was a daughter of the 19th imperial ruler , Emperor Ingyo .
' Kuon jitsujo ' is the thought in the teachings of Hoke-kyo Sutra ( the Lotus Sutra ) according to which Buddha was not enlightened at the age of thirty-five but was coming from the eternal past as Buddha ( the enlightened one ) by Rinne Tensho ( the belief that all things are in flux through the endless circle of birth , death , and rebirth , or the circle of transmigration ) .
' Machiyakunin , ' also pronounced as ' choyakunin , ' refers to an administrative organization in urban areas which existed during the Edo period .
FUJIWARA no Kanemasa ( 1148-September 5 , 1200 ) was a kugyo ( top court official ) from the end of the Heian period to the early days of the Kamakura period .
Azuma-asobi is a fairly long suite that needs approximately 30 minutes to be completed , which is classified into the Kuniburi no Utamai ( native-style songs and dances based on the music of ancient Japan ) , a type of gagaku ( Japanese Imperial Court music ) .
Norimune URAGAMI ( 1492 - 1502 ) was a busho ( military commander ) in the Muromachi period .
Untei is a facility regarded as the first public library in Japan .
Neriko ( a pastille ) is a solid matter in which powdered fragrant wood , spices , or herbes are mixed together with honey or gum arabic .
Japanese Americans are U.S. citizens who have roots in Japan .
Yasuaya WAKISAKA was the tenth ( last ) lord of the Tatsuno Domain in Harima Province .
Michishige NAKANOIN ( May 14 , 1631 - April 19 , 1710 ) was a Kugyo ( court noble ) during the early and middle of the Edo period .
Hidetane CHIBA was a gokenin ( an immediate vassal of the shogunate in the Kamakura and Muromachi through Edo periods ) who lived during the early Kamakura period .
Prince Tame ( Tame no miko , 572 - year of death unknown ) was the first son of Emperor Yomei .
A money changer is a store or merchant who mainly deals with changing money and finance .
Eirei is a ' term used to honor the spirits of dead persons who performed an outstanding act . '
TACHIBANA no Tamenaka ( about 1014 - November 17 , 1085 ) was a court noble and a waka poet in the late Heian period .
FUJIWARA no Tadatsuna
Gonso was a Sanron sect priest ( born in 754 and passed away in June 25 , 827 ) in the latter Nara period and the former Heian period .
Komame MIYAKE ( 1910 - ) is a Gion Kobu geisha ( Japanese professional female entertainer at drinking parties ) and an accredited master of the Inoue school of Kamigatamai ( dance ) .
Kuikaeshi is an act in which , after a property 's ownership was shifted to someone else by compromise or donation , its previous owner or his descendants recover the ownership by disaffirming the previous decision .
Nara Tokae is the annual event that has been held in Nara ( mostly in and around Nara Park ) in the early August ( for ten days ) since 1999 using the candles called toka ( lantern ) .
Senryu ( satirical haiku ) is one kind of Japanese poem in lines of five , seven , and five syllables .
Hitsumabushi is a regional cuisine made with eel that is eaten mainly in the Nagoya area .
Tokiuji YAMANA ( 1303 - April 22 , 1371 ) was a busho ( Japanese military commander ) who lived from the late Kamakura period to the period of the Northern and Southern Courts ( Japan ) .
Spirit of establishment
Kanami or Kannami ( 1333 - June 16 , 1384 ( May 19 , 1384 by the old calendar ) ) was a sarugakushi ( a performer of sarugaku , a form of theatre popular in Japan during the 11th to 14th centuries ) from the Period of the Northern and Southern Dynasty to the Muromachi Period .
The Kids ' Science Museum of Photons which is located in Kansai Science City is the first science museum for photons in Japan .
Kiyoshi TSUKIGATA ( 1846 - 1894 ) was a government official of the Meiji Period .
Doson ( 1175 - 1228 ) was a member of the Imperial Family and a priest during the end of the Heian period .
Imanishi-ke Jutaku is located in Imai-cho , Kashihara City , which has been selected as one of the Preservation Districts for Groups of Historic Buildings , in the central part of Nara Prefecture .
Emperor Nan ( year of birth unknown-January 24 , 1459 ) was an emperor of the Gonan-cho Dynasty .
Sanshin-shichiso is a general term for port cities of Sanshin and Shichiso defined as Japan 's ten most important ports and harbors in ' Kaisen Shikimoku , ' --the Oldest Sea Law of Japan established in the late Muromachi period .
' Jinen Koji ' ( Jinen the Lay Monk ) is a Noh piece by Kanami .
Hisasuke TAKATSUKASA ( 1726 to April 19 , 1733 ) was a kuge ( court noble ) in Edo period .
Naniwa Daido is a road that was constructed in the ancient times from Osaka City , Osaka Prefecture to Sakai City , Osaka Prefecture .
Kaikei ( birth / death dates unknown ) was a Busshi , Sculptor of Buddhist Statues , of the Kamakura period ( 1185-1333 ) .
KOREMUNE no Tadasuke ( ? - 1009 ? ) was a nobleman in the mid Heian period .
Tamemasu REIZEI ( 1516 - October 2 , 1570 ) was a kugyo ( high court noble ) and a poet who lived in the Sengoku period ( period of warring states ) .
Kuji ( Oyakegoto ) is one of terms in Japanese history and used in the following meanings .
Nikujaga is a Japanese dish .
Monk-Imperial Prince Sonjo ( 1217 - January 2 , 1291 ) was a Monk-Imperial Prince during the middle of the Kamakura period .
Kyogoku Soran was one of Kyogoku clan 's family battles over the succession to ( the headship of ) the house in the Omi Province which took place during the time from the Muromachi Period to the Sengoku period ( period of warring states ) in Japan .
Horin-ji Temple , located in Kamigyo Ward , Kyoto City , is a temple of the Myoshin-ji Temple school of the Rinzai sect .
The pedestal is the table on which to place a Buddha statue or an image sculpture .
Kinga INOUE ( 1732-August 1 , 1784 ) was a Japanese Confucianist who lived in the mid-Edo period .
Nobutsuna KUTSUKI was the seventh lord of the Fukuchiyama Domain in Tanba Province .
Koin ( 1145 - July 13 , 1216 ) was a waka poet and a priest of the Tendai sect who lived from the end of Heian period until the early part of the Kamakura period .
Junen-ji Temple , a temple of the Seizan Jodo sect , is located in Kamigyo Ward , Kyoto City .
FUJIWARA no Tsunezane ( 1068 - November 21 , 1131 ) was a kugyo ( the top court officials ) of the late Heian period .
Niwaka ( written in Chinese characters as 俄 ) is an impromptu comic play that was performed at banquets or on the streets in the Edo / Meiji periods .
Shinpan is one of the classifications of clans during the Edo period , that distinguished the clans forefathers as male descendants through a line of males from Ieyasu TOKUGAWA .
MINAMOTO no Mitsushige ( year of birth and death unknown ) was a Samurai in the end of the Heian period .
The Kyoto International Manga Museum is a manga museum established on the site of the former Tatsuike Elementary School in Nakagyo Ward , Kyoto City .
Yoshitsune YAMAMOTO was a busho ( Japanese military commander ) who lived in the end of the Heian period .
Yasumitsu URAMATSU ( July 31 , 1800 - March 17 , 1872 ) was a court noble in the end of the Edo period .
The term ' shittaku ' refers to a rubbed copy made by placing wet paper on an object and then putting black ink on it .
WATANABE no Tsuna ( 953 - March 23 , 1025 ) was a military commander during the mid-Heian Period .
TAIRA no Tadamori was a samurai at the end of Heian period .
Ransai EMA ( 1747 to August 27 , 1838 ) was a scholar and a doctor who studied Western sciences and medicine by means of the Dutch language in Japan .
Masanobu TSUDA ( date of birth and death unknown ) was a busho ( Japanese military commander ) in Muromachi period .
Sankakubuchi Shinjukyo Mirror / Sankakuen Shinjukyo Mirror is a kind of bronze mirror and large mirror engraving divine beasts with a triangular-rim in its cross-section .
Hokkai KATAYAMA ( February 14 , 1723 - October 19 , 1790 ) was a Confucian and a composer of Chinese poems in Japan who lived during the middle of the Edo period .
FUJIWARA no Iemasa ( 1080 - May 10 , 1115 ) was a kugyo ( court noble ) during the end of the Heian period .
Ranpoigaku ( school of Dutch medicine ) refers to medical science introduced to Japan during the Edo period mainly through medical officers ( doctors ) in Dutch Trading Post in Dejima , Nagasaki .
Mototeru TAKATSUKASA ( April 19 , 1727 – July 6 , 1743 ) was a court noble of the middle of the Edo period .
Jinja-cho is a local administrative organ of Jinja-honcho ( the Association of Shinto Shrines ) .
Medals for merit were conferred on persons according to the persons ' distinguished services .
Tsunanao OSAFUNE ( ? -1599 ) was a figure who lived in the Azuchi-Momoyama Period
Shigetsugu YAMADA ( the date of birth unknown - July 6 , 1221 ) was a samurai during the beginning of the Kamakura period .
Sotetsu NAKAMURA was a nurishi ( a maker of lacquer ware and handiworks ) of the Senke Jisshoku ( the ten designated artisan families who supply their goods to the three Sen Tea Families ) .
The Sakuradamongai Incident refers to the event of March 24 , 1860 , when the roshi ( masterless samurai ) of the Mito Domain attacked the procession including the Tairo ( Chief Minister ) , Naosuke II , and assassinated him outside the Sakuradamon Gate of Edo-jo Castle ( Chiyoda Ward , Tokyo ) .
Kinnori IMAGAWA ( February 25 , 1638 - December 8 , 1697 ) was Kugyo ( court noble ) in the early Edo period .
FUJIWARA no Munemichi ( 1071 ~ August 17 , 1120 ) was a government official of the late Heian period .
Fujimasa TOCHI ( year of birth and death unknown ) was a ' busho ' ( a Japanese military commander ) over the Azuchi-Momoyama to the early period of the Edo Era .
Kin-za was a place or an organization in charge of casting or appraising and approving of gold coins in the Edo bakufu ( Japanese feudal government headed by a shogun ) .
Ikko ikki ( literally , ' Ikko-sect riot ' ) is a general term for riots during Japan 's Sengoku period ( period of warring states ) ( Japan ) caused by followers of the Hongan-ji Temple branch within the Jodo Shinshu sect ( the True Pure Land Sect of Buddhism ) , which was also called the ' Ikko ' or ' only one direction ( to heaven ) ' sect .
The term ' Buke no toryo ' means the leader of groups of samurai .
Provincial temples ( kokubunji ) and provincial nunneries ( kokubunniji ) are temples and nunneries that were established in each province of Japan in the year 741 by Emperor Shomu in order to pacify national unrest .
MINAMOTO no Hiromasa ( 918 – November 13 , 980 ) : Heian period noble and court musician .
In the Ritsuryo system ( a system of centralized government based on the ritsuryo code ) , the term kaieki referred to removing someone from their current post and appointing someone new to that position .
The Inaba Riot was a large scale uprising of peasants which broke out in the Nishiowari region ( 133 villages of Inazawa , Bisai , Ichinomiya and Tsushima [ today 's Aichi Prefecture in Japan ] ) in January 1870 .
Tsutsuizutsu ( also read as tsutsuitsutsu in some cases . It is written as ' tsutsuizutsu ' ( つつゐづつ ) in the old kana notation ) is a story in ' Ise Monogatari ' ( The Tales of Ise ) and ' Yamato Monogatari ' ( The Tales of Yamato ) .
Okoge refers to a portion of cooked food that is scorched or food that gets burned .
Taketoki KIKUCHI was a busho ( Japanese military commander ) at the end of Kamakura period .
The ' Red Brick Warehouses ' are 12 red brick warehouses located at the former headquarters of the Maizuru Navy Ordnance Corps ( 舞鶴海軍軍需部本部地区 ) ( now Maizuru Port Waterfront ) in Maizuru city , Kyoto Prefecture .
MUTSUGE no Hiro ( date of birth and death unknown ) was a man who lived during the Asuka Period .
Yasushige HONDA ( 1554 - May 4 , 1611 ) is a busho ( Japanese military commander ) in the Sengoku period ( Japan ) .
Ujikuni HOJO ( alternatively Ujikuni FUJITA ) was a busho ( Japanese military commander ) in the Sengoku period ( period of warring states ) .
Koizumi Domain was a domain which existed in Yamato Province ( current Koizumi-cho , Yamatokoriyama City , Nara Prefecture ) .
Ninki is a general term for tools that were supposedly used by the Ninja ( a secret agent in feudal Japan highly skilled in stealth and secrecy ) .
The Kyoto Art Center , located in the centeral area of Kyoto City , is a site for promoting art-realated activities .
FUJIWARA no Suenari ( 1102 - March 21 , 1165 ) was a Kugyo ( top court official ) at the end of the Heian period .
Ko KUSUNOKI ( November 18 , 1921 - ) is a Japanese geophysicist and geographer .
Hachiro FUJISAKI ( 1843 - July 8 , 1864 ) was a warrior of Tosa clan .
Kaneda-jo Castle ( also known as Kanetanoki Castle ) is an ancient mountain castle ( Korean-style mountain castle ) built in Tsushima Province during the Asuka Period .
Ichinen sanzen is a kanpo ( meditative training to reach enlightenment ) and fundamental principle of the Tendai sect .
Hanabishi is a type of hanabishi-mon ( a crest that represents the head of the Takeda family and the military governor of Kai Province ) which is used as a family crest in Japan .
Ichiyo HIGUCHI ( May 2 , 1872 - November 23 , 1896 ) was a Japanese novelist .
The revolt of TAIRA no Tadatsune occurred in the Boso peninsula ( Kazusa , Shimousa , Awa Provinces ) in the Heian period .
It is written as 応天門 or 應天門 .
Kueiden , in a broad sense , is a term used in Japanese history and means lands directly managed by the government while Shieiden ( Private land ) was managed by private citizens .
Naiki was Honkan , the collective name of government posts , which belonged to Nakatsukasasho under the ritsuryo legal code system .
Cirrina ( enCirrina )
Tenryo is commonly known as a name for territories that were under the direct control of the Edo Shogunate .
The Seven Great Spearmen in Japan are the seven people who were praised for their yaribataraki ( spear works ) by Hideyoshi TOYOTOMI .
Erizeni ( also called erisen or sensen ) indicates the act of not accepting low-quality coins ( called bitasen coins or akusen coins ) in payments , carried out in the latter half of the medieval period in Japan .
That was the first cabinet of Kei-En era ( Katsura-Saionji era ) that lasted for more than ten years .
Osumi Station , located in Osumi Maruyama , Kyotanabe City , Kyoto Prefecture , is a stop on the Katamachi Line , which is operated by the West Japan Railway Company ( JR West ) .
The 48 Vows refers to the 48 vows made by Hozo Bosatsu ( Dharmakara ) prior to the start of ascetic training to attain Buddhahood .
Morito NISHINA ( date of birth unknown - 1221 ) was a samurai military commander in the early Kamakura period .
Honnoji Incident is about an event on June 21 , 1582 whereby Mitsuhide AKECHI , a key vassal of Nobunaga ODA , rose in revolt and attacked his master , Nobunaga , who had been staying in Honno-ji Temple in Kyoto and Nobunaga committed suicide .
Kenshun ( 1299-August 2 , 1357 ) was a monk of Shingon sect in the period of the Northern and Southern Courts ( Japan ) .
Shoju is an antonym for Shakubuku ( to correct another 's false views and awaken that person to the truth of Buddhism ) .
Shamichoro is a Japanese specter that is introduced in ' Hyakki Tsurezure Bukuro ' ( One hundred bags in idleness ) , a collection of specters illustrations by Sekien TORIYAMA .
Matsugasaki Station , located in Matsugasaki-Rokunotsubo-cho , Sakyo Ward , Kyoto City , Kyoto Prefecture , is a stop on the Karasuma Line , which is operated by Kyoto Municipal Subway .
Kannon-ji Temple , located in Sennyuji Yamanouchi , Higashiyama Ward , Kyoto City , is a temple of the Shingon sect 's Sennyu-ji school .
Japanese military history is characterized by the long feudal battles inside the nation and the overseas expedition during the age of imperialism .
HAJI no Chishima ( year of birth and death unknown ) was a person from the Asuka Period in Japan .
The decree of one castle per province was established by the Edo bakufu ( Japanese feudal government headed by a shogun ) on August 7 , 1615 .
The Takano-gawa River , which runs through Sakyo Ward , Kyoto City , Kyoto Prefecture , is included in the first-class Yodo-gawa River system .
Kameoka City Community Bus is a community bus that operates in Kameoka City , Kyoto Prefecture .
Nobu IKUTA ( 1885 - 1950 ) was a chainman in the end of Meiji period .
Sadatoyo SHIBAYAMA ( May 23 , 1638 - June 1 , 1707 ) was a court noble who lived in the Edo period .
Yoshimichi KUJO ( December 19 , 1167 ~ March 19 , 1188 ) was a court noble of the end of Heian period .
The word genkan refers to the main entrance of a building .
Harima no Inabi no Oiratsume ( year of birth unknown - June 25 , 122 ) was the empress to the twelfth Emperor Keiko who was described in ' Kojiki ' ( The Records of Ancient Matters ) , ' Nihonshoki ' ( Chronicles of Japan ) , and ' Harimanokuni Fudoki ' ( records of the culture and geography of the Harima Province ) .
Okazaki-koen Park is an urban park in Okazaki , Sakyo Ward , Kyoto City .
Fusan is the distribution of ofuda ( paper charms ) on which the words ' 南無阿弥陀仏 、 決定往生六十万人 ' are written , practiced in the Ji sect , a Pure Land sect of Buddhism .
Jodo Shinshu ( the True Pure Land Sect of Buddhism ) Higashi Hongan-ji school is a school of the Jodo Shinshu consisting of more than 300 branch temples and respected temples which separated from the Shinshu sect Otani school containing around 10,000 branch temples .
Kitcho is a high-class Japanese-style restaurant serving Japanese cuisine based in Osaka City .
The Nagaokakyo Happy Bus is a community bus operated by Nagaokakyo City in Kyoto Prefecture .
Emperor Suzaku ( September 7 , 923 - September 6 , 952 ) was the sixty-first Emperor ( his reign was from December 14 , 930 to May 16 , 946 ) .
Zen Nihon Senchado Renmei ( National Japanese Sencha Association ) is an incorporated association founded for the promotion and development of Sencha-do ( the way of sencha ) .
Hiyoshi-cho was a town in Funai-gun , Kyoto Prefecture , which existed until December 31 , 2005 .
Ganjiro NAKAMURA , the second ( February 17 , 1902 - April 13 , 1983 ) was a kabuki actor who is representative of the Showa period .
Kamo-jinja Shrine is the collective name for Kamo Wakeikazuchi-jinja Shrine ( Upper Kamo-jinja Shrine ) and Kamo Mioya-jinja Shrine ( Lower Kamo-jinja Shrine ) in Kyoto City , Kyoto Prefecture .
Akiyoshi YAMADA ( November 18,1844-November 11,1892 ) was a samurai ( a feudal retainer of the Choshu Domain ) , statesman and army military man .
Myoden-ji Temple is a Buddhist temple of the Nichiren sect located in Nijo-dori sagaru , Higashi Oji-dori Street , Sakyo Ward , Kyoto City .
The term ' childhood name ' ( yomyo or yomei in Japanese ) refers to a name for use by someone only in his childhood ( this custom was more or less limited to male children ) .
Seiryu-buai refers to one of the criteria of determining the state of rice and represents in percentage how many seiryu , that is , rice grains each having an ordered excellent shape are present in a specific amount of unmilled rice .
' Choteki ' refers to those who inflict vengeance on the emperor ( imperial line ) in Japan .
Rei-taisai is the common name of the most important reisai ( regular festival ) that is performed on a day associated with the shrine .
Nanmyo-ji Temple is a Omuro school of the Shingon sect temple located in Sakahara-cho , Nara City , Nara Prefecture .
Conger pike ( Muraenesox cinereus ) is a kind of fish classified in the Muraenesocidae family , order Anguilliformes .
The term ' Rikyu shichitetsu ' means the seven leading disciples of Rikyu .
Presently , kenpo and yawara mean martial arts with bare hands using striking and kicking techniques ..
Hironaka KONO ( August 24 , 1849 – December 29 , 1923 ) was a party politician in the Meiji and the Taisho periods .
MICHI no Obitona ( 663 - May 18 , 718 ) is a government official from the period of Emperor Monmu through until the early Nara period .
Tsukigase Village was a village that once existed in Nara Prefecture .
Yukan MATSUI was a civil officer in the Azuchi-Momoyama period ( the period of warring states in Japan ) .
Jakuemon NAKAMURA the Fourth ( August 20 , 1920 - ) is an actor and Kabuki actor .
Doto ( dates of birth and death unknown ) was a priest during the Asuka period .
Betsuri is a collection of poems written by Bokusui WAKAYAMA .
Chitoku hoshi ( the Buddhist priest Chitoku ) was Onmyoji ( a Yin yang master ) around the reign of Emperor Ichijo in the Heian period .
Oyumi-kubo was one of Kubo ( shogunate ) families of the Ashikaga clan ( of Motouji-ryu or the Motouji lineage ) in Kanto region .
Ban Dainagon Ekotoba or Tomo no Dainagon Ekotoba is a narrative picture scroll depicting the Otenmon Incident at the end of the Heian period .
' Hachiman matsuri yomiyano nigiwai ' is a kabuki play .
TAIRA no Tomoakira ( 1169 - March 20 , 1184 ) was the oldest son of TAIRA no Tomomori .
TAIRA no Yorimori was a military commander in the late Heian period .
Rokoku Hakase was a post appointed by Onmyoryo ( a government office that had jurisdiction over calendar preparation , astronomy , divination , etc . ) under the Ritsuryo system ( a system of centralized government based on the ritsuryo code ) in Japan .
Emperor Chuai ( year of birth unknown - March 8 , 200 ) was the fourteenth Emperor of Japan , as recorded in the ' Kojiki ' ( The Records of Ancient Matters ) and the ' Nihonshoki ' ( Chronicles of Japan ) ( period of reign : February 11 , 192 - March 8 , 200 ) .
A ' Kamidana ' ( a household Shinto altar ) is a shelf used to enshrine the Shinto gods ( Shinto ) at home , in office , and in other places .
The Constitution of 1868 was the proclamation in which the Meiji government determined the governmental organization of the early Meiji period .
Genroku-Oban refers to a large-sized gold coin issued in November 1695 following the issuing of the Keicho-Oban .
Takanaga KYOGOKU ( June 12 , 1695 - August 5 , 1769 ) was the fifth hereditary domain head of the Mineyama Domain in Tango Province .
Ama-dera ( also pronounced Ni-ji ) is the temple whose chief priest is bikuni ( female Buddhist disciple ) ( ama ( a nun ) ) .
Abemonju-in Temple is a temple of the Kegon sect in Sakurai City , Nara Prefecture .
Shinban is a post in a samurai family in the area of security and military affairs ( bankata )
Shogen IEKI ( years of birth and death unknown ) was a member of the Miburoshigumi ( Mibu masterless warriors group ) which was the forerunner of the Shinsengumi ( literally , the newly selected corps , referring to a special police force for the Tokugawa regime ) .
Chubunsen was an import duty in the Muromachi period .
Kencho SUEMATSU ( September 30 , 1855 - October 5 , 1920 ) was a politician during the Meiji and Taisho period .
The Teranouchi is an east-west street , which starts from Horikawa-dori / Shimei-dori Street in Kamigyo Ward , Kyoto City to Teramachi and its surroundings near Horikawa-dori / Kamidachiuri-dori Street . ( Teranouchi-dori Street )
MINAMOTO no Akikuni ( year of birth and death unknown ) was a busho ( Japanese military commander ) in the late Heian period .
Kintomo TOKUDAIJI ( August 26 , 1678-January 11 , 1720 ) was a high-rank Court noble in the middle of the Edo period .
The term ' hakushu ' or ' kashiwade ' ( both of which mean clapping ) refers to a gesture people make when they offer prayers to gods ( deities , spirits ) at Shinto religious services or before Shinto shrines or household altars .
TAIRA no Tokiko ( 1126 - April 25 , 1185 ) was a woman during the late Heian period .
Shinryo Kogyo was a policy implemented by the Emperor and the Kamakura bakufu ( Japanese feudal government headed by a Shogun nominally appointed by the Emperor ) mainly in the mid-Kamakura period to promote the performance of Shinto rituals on the basis of tenjin sokan shigo ( an idea of correspondence between Heaven and Man ) .
The seated statue of the Rushana-butsu in the Todai-ji Temple is a Buddha statue generally known as the ' Great Buddha of Nara . '
Sakai no kurohiko no miko ( earlier than 401 - 456 ) was the second prince of Emperor Ingyo .
' Asashiro-jinja Shrine ' is a shrine in Asashiro , Maizuru City , Kyoto Prefecture .
Genshin was a Buddhist priest of the Tendai sect who lived during the mid-Heian period .
Buson YOSA ( Born in 1716 , died on January 17 , 1784 ) was a Japanese haiku poet and painter in the middle of the Edo Period .
Rokuro UMEWAKA , the 54th ( April 28 , 1878 - August 16 , 1959 ) was a Nohgakushi ( Noh actor ) playing shite ( principal roles ) of Kanze-ryu school .
Manju-ji Temple is a sub-temple located within the precinct of Tofuku-ji Temple in Higashiyama Ward , Kyoto City .
SOGA no Sukenari ( 1172 - June 28 , 1193 ) was a samurai who lived during the early Kamakura period .
Suketo KARASUMA ( 1417 - January 23 , 1483 ) was a court noble during the Muromachi period .
Nehan-e , also referred to as Nehan-ko or Nehan-ki , is a Buddhist memorial service practiced in Japan and China on February 15 in the Chinese lunar calendar , the day when Shakyamuni entered Nirvana ( died ) , to remember the illustrious memory of Shakamuni and repayment of a kindness .
Shuon-an Temple , located in Kyotanabe City , Kyoto Prefecture , is a temple of Rinzai sect 's Daitoku-ji school .
FUJIWARA no Michifusa ( February 16 , 1025-May 29 , 1044 ) was a Court noble in the mid Heian period .
The ' Manyoshu ' ( written as 万葉集 or 萬葉集 ) is the oldest extant collection of poems , compiled from the latter half of the seventh century to the latter half of the eighth century .
Masaaki ( 正顯 ) KUSUNOKI was a busho ( Japanese military commander ) in Muromachi period .
Shigeo SAMEJIMA ( October 21 , 1849 - April 17 , 1928 ) was a military man of Imperial Japanese Army ( IJA ) .
FUJIWARA no Nakahira ( 875 - October 14 , 945 ) was a retainer of the Imperial Court who lived in the Heian period .
Nobutada ODA was a busho ( Japanese military commander ) and daimyo ( Japanese feudal lord ) during the Azuchi-Momoyama period .
Kiyome means people who were engaged in the disposal of animals and cleaning on behalf of priests who were prohibited to kill animals in a temple .
Eihime ( - March 24 , 1623 ) was the fourth daughter of Nobunaga ODA .
Nomura Art Museum is located at 61Nanzenji Shimo-Kawara-cho , Sakyo Ward , Kyoto City , Kyoto Prefecture
The Oshu Fujiwara clan was the clan whose power stretched over the entire Tohoku region , which centered on Hiraizumi in Mutsu Province ( later Rikuchu Province ) and included Dewa Province , from 1087 after the Zenkunen War ( the Early Nine Years ' War ) and the Gosannen War ( the Later Three Years ' War ) to 1189 , when it was destroyed by MINAMOTO no Yoritomo .
Sakekabu is one of the licensing systems in the sake brewing industry , which was implemented by the Edo bakufu ( Japanese feudal government headed by a shogun ) of Japan as a basic policy for controlling sake brewing .
Ryuzaburo UMEHARA ( 梅原 龍三郎 : March 9 , 1888 - January 16 , 1986 ) is an oil painter who was active from the Taisho Period to Showa Period .
' Hikihitomai ' is a kind of ' sarugaku ' ( form of theatre popular in Japan during the 11th to 14th centuries ) .
Matsushita zenni ( the Buddhist nun ' Matsushita , ' year of birth and death unknown ) was a woman in the middle of the Kamakura period .
Hino Tanjoin Temple is a Buddhist temple belonging to the Hongan-ji branch of the Pure Land Sect .
Tsukumo Nasu refers to a ' karamono chaire ' ( tea caddy from China ) that was a treasured possession of Yoshimitsu ASHIKAGA , the third Shogun of the Muromachi bakufu ( Japanese feudal government headed by a shogun ) .
FUJIWARA no Nagakata ( 1139 - April 12 , 1191 ) was a court noble and a kajin ( waka poet ) in the end of the Heian period .
Yasumune UTSUNOMIYA was a busho ( Japanese military commander ) who lived during the Kamakura Period .
The Hosho school is a style of Waki-kata in Nohgaku .
Motonaga KOZAI ( birth date unknown - September 7 , 1507 ) was the busho ( warlord ) during the Sengoku period ( period of warring states ) ( Japan ) .
Yoshihiro OUCHI ( 1356-January 25 , 1400 ) was the shugo daimyo ( shugo , which were Japanese provincial military governors , that became daimyo , which were Japanese feudal lords ) in the Muromachi period .
The Milky Way is a nebular cluster like a shining belt crossing the night sky .
Sanposon ( also pronounced as Sanboson ) is the honzon ( principal image of Buddha ) of the Hokke sect and Nichiren Sect of Buddhism .
Okimoto HOSOKAWA was a military commander who lived in the Azuchi-Momoyama Period .
Sukeyoshi KARASUMARU ( June 19 , 1622 – January 19 , 1670 ) was kuge ( a court noble ) and poet during the early Edo Period .
MINAMOTO no Yoshikata was a busho ( Japanese military commander ) of Kawachi-Genji ( Minamoto clan ) at the end of the Heian period .
Prince Okinaga no Mate ( Okinaga no Mate no Okimi ; his date of birth and death were unknown ) was a Japanese Imperial family during the fifth to sixth century .
Hana no gosho Palace is a popular name for the Ashikaga Shogun family residence that stretched over a space of 110 meters from east to west and 220 meters from north to south , surrounded by the current Karasuma-dori Street , Imadegawa-dori Street , Kamidachiuri-dori Street and Muromachi-dori Street in Kamigyo Ward , Kyoto City .
Seijisosaishoku was one of the three most important posts in the Edo bakufu , which was newly established towards the end of the bakufu system in the late Edo period , together with Shogun-kokenshoku ( the post for the guardian of shogun ) and Kyoto shugoshoku ( the military governor of Kyoto ) .
Masakazu NARUSE was a retainer of the Tokugawa clan in the Sengoku period ( period of warring states ) ( Japan ) .
Ryozen-ji / Ryosen-ji / Reizan-ji is the name of a Buddhist temple .
Akinari UEDA ( July 25 , 1734 - August 8 , 1809 ) was a writer of yomihon ( books ) , a poet , an expert in the tea ceremony , a scholar of Japanese classics and a haiku poet in the late Edo period .
Honzen-ji Temple is a branch temple in the Kyoto Jinmon lineage of the Hokke sect .
Yoshioki OUCHI was the daimyo ( feudal lord ) of Suo Province who lived from the end of the Muromachi period to the Sengoku period .
The three largest festivals in Kyoto refer to the three festivals held in Kyoto City , Kyoto Prefecture .
Ko is a society organized by people having the same faith .
Toyuke-daijinja Shrine is located in Oe-cho , Fukuchiyama City , Kyoto Prefecture .
蹲踞 ( Sonkyo or Sonko ) is a way of sitting by squatting down or kneeling down on the knees to lower the hips .
TACHIBANA no Ooiratsume ( year of birth and death unknown ) was a wife of the Prince Shotoku .
Shintaro HAYASHI ( year of birth unknown - December 10 , 1868 ) was a corporal of the Shinsengumi ( a special force that guarded Kyoto during the end of Tokugawa Shogunate ) .
The three portraits of Jingo-ji Temple are three portraits owned by Kyoto Jingo-ji Temple .
The name ' Omi-Genji ' refers to the clan who originated from Genji ( Minamoto clan ) and settled in Omi Province as their home base in the Medieval period .
Engimono ( a lucky charm ) is an object with which to celebrate or pray for something good .
Nanboku TSURUYA was a professional name of Kabuki ( traditional drama performed by male actors ) actors and playwrights .
NASU no Yoichi ( 1169 - date of death unknown ) was a warlord at the end of the Heian period .
' Chojuro KAWARASAKI ' is a name used by successive proprietor of the Edo Ichimura-za Theater , and it is also a professional name used by Kabuki ( a Japanese traditional form of drama and music performed by male actors ) actors .
Garei ( literally , the ghost of a picture ) are said to be tsukumogami ( spirits that inhabit certain objects ) where a portrait has been possessed by the spirit of its painter .
MINAMOTO no Mitsuyori ( year of birth and death unknown ) was a samurai in the middle of the Heian period .
Tally ( saifu or wappu ) was a certificate stamp used to settle money transactions between distant lands in medieval Japan , and it became the origin of currency exchange .
Hobutsu shu is a Buddhist setsuwa ( anecdotes ) collection from the end of the Heian period .
Sakutei-ki , written during the Heian period , is the oldest book concerning gardens in Japan .
Kokuanten ( Sanskrit : Kālarātri , Kālarātrī ) was one of Tembu-shin in Buddhism .
Ninsokuyoseba , Hitsuke Tozoku Aratame-kata Ninsokuyoseba by formal name , was a self-support facility set up by the Edo Shogunate for minor offenders and those who are likely to commit crimes .
The term ' Tocha ' refers to a tea competition where participants taste different kinds of tea to compete in discerning them , which was popular in the medieval period .
Ietsugu 's stone pagoda located at his grave in the Zojo-ji Temple
Saihei HIROSE ( June 16 , 1828-January 31 , 1914 ) was the first administrative director of Sumitomo family .
Dorayaki ( Cake )
Shirageyama Tumulus is a keyhole-shaped tomb mound located in Yosano-cho , Yosa-gun , Kyoto Prefecture .
Michitsune KOGA ( January 9 , 1842 - January 10 , 1925 ) was a Kugyo ( top court official ) from Kyoto .
Kobetsu Sekke refers to the Imperial Family or its male descendants who succeeded Sekke ( line of regents and advisers ) in the Edo period .
The Triple Intervention refers to the recommendation made by France , the German Empire and the Russian Empire to Japan on April 23 , 1895 that Liaodong Peninsula which was given to the Japan Empire as wartime reparation based on the Treaty of Shimonoseki be returned to Qing , China .
Byodo-ji Temple is a Buddhist temple belonging to the Chisan School of the Shingon Sect located in Shimogyo-ku Ward , Kyoto City .
Shunbun ( Vernal Equinox ) is one of the 24 seasons in the solar year .
MURAKUNI no Shimanushi ( year of birth unknown - October 23 , 764 ) was a figure who lived during Japan 's Nara period .
Daimonji yaki is an event in which bonfires are arranged so that they form a Kanji character ' 大 ' ( Dai means big ) .
Simply referred to as yamahai , yamahai-jikomi ( yamahai-shikomi ) is a method of brewing sake ( Japanese rice wine ) that belongs to the kimoto-kei ( traditional moto , or yeast starter , developing method ) .
Ikkoku heikinyaku refers to land taxes and assignments evenly imposed on shoen ( manor ) and kokugaryo ( territories governed by a provincial government office ) of a particular province during the Middle Ages in Japan .
Masatsune INOUE was a daimyo ( Japanese feudal lord ) and roju ( senior councilor ) in the Edo period .
In Japanese literature , the term ' Historical Tale ' refers to the works based on real historical events and written in the style of a narrative .
Gigo KYO ( year of birth and death unknown ) was an individual who lived during the Warring States , Azuchi-Momoyama and Edo periods .
Hidari Tachi is the technique to hold and grip a sword with the left hand placed towards the Tsuba ( a hand guard ) and the right hand placed at the base of the hilt , meanwhile the right hand is usually placed towards a Tsuba and the left hand is placed at the base of a hilt in the art of swordsmanship .
Gaertner Cultivation Treaty Incident or Gaertner Incident is a diplomatic incident that occurred over the cultivated land in Nanae Town in the first year of Meiji period .
The term ' gokenin in Kyoto ' ( zaikyo gokenin ) refers to a gokenin ( an immediate vassal of the shogunate in the Kamakura and Muromachi through Edo periods ) who was permanently stationed in and around Kyoto under jurisdiction of the Kamakura bakufu ( Japanese feudal government headed by a shogun ) .
The term ' Zangirimono ' ( cropped-hair plays ) refers to kabuki kyogen plays ( plays [ programs ] presented in Kabuki [ traditional drama performed by male actors ] ) which are classified into Sewamono ( plays dealing with the lives of ordinary people ) and reflect the folkways after the Meiji Restoration .
The Yurinkan Museum , located in Okazaki , Sakyo Ward , Kyoto City , is a private facility that is mainly dedicated to ancient Chinese art works .
MIBU no Tadamine ( exact dates of birth and dead unknown , but probably lived from around 860 to 920 ) was a kajin , or waka poet , of the Heian period .
Cloistered Imperial Prince Gyojo ( November 29 , 1640 - May 28 , 1695 ) was a member of the Imperial family and a Buddhist priest who lived during the early Edo period .
Sojaban ( or Soshaban ) was a governmental post in the Edo bakufu or domains .
Taisaku is :
Heihachiro TOGO ( January 27 , 1847 - May 30 , 1934 ) was a samurai , a feudal retainer of the Satsuma Domain , and a member of the Imperial Japanese Navy .
Tahoto Station is a stop on the Mount Kurama Cable Railway operated by Kurama-dera Temple , a religious corporation located in Sakyo Ward , Kyoto City , Kyoto Prefecture .
A jinya is a residence where a government office was located of the domain ( han ) of a daimyo ( territorial lord ) under the shogunate system in the Edo period , or a building acting as the residence and office of the daikan ( local governor ) of a tenryo ( bakufu-owned piece of land ) .
The movement to create Aimi Prefecture was a movement that people requested to create a new prefecture , and the movement was centered in Yonago City , Tottori Prefecture from 1890 to 1891 .
Joya no Age-taimatsu ( Age-daimatsu ) Festival is a festival at Aza Joya , Maizuru City , Kyoto Prefecture .
Kampaku is a post held by a person who governs in the Emperor 's stead .
Sanetoyo OGIMACHI ( January 12 , 1620-March 19 , 1703 ) was a kuge ( court noble ) in the early part of the Edo period .
Michina KOGA ( 1647 - September 26 , 1723 ) was a Kugyo ( top court official ) who lived from the early to mid Edo period .
Kannabi ( also called kamunabi or kaminabi ) refers to a place that holds numerous spirit replacements or material objects in which divine spirits reside ; or one form of divine replacement in which the natural environment is an object of worship that contains the spirit of a deity .
According to Kojiki 's preface , Kojiki is the oldest Japanese history book dedicated by O no Asomi Yasumaro ( or may be called the O no Yasumaro ) in 712 .
' Inzen ' is a document which an Inshi ( official of the In no cho , or Retired Emperor 's Office ) issues in a format of hosho ( a document informing a decision of the upper ranked personages such as an emperor or shogun ) upon direct orders from Daijo Tenno ( the Retired Emperor ) .
The Kizu-gawa River , a tributary of the Yodo-gawa River system flowing through Mie and Kyoto Prefectures , is a class A river .
Momosuke FUKUZAWA ( June 25 , 1868 - February 15 , 1938 ) was a businessman and a statesman in Japan .
Jigen-in Temple is a Shingonshu sect Omuro school temple located in the Izumisano City , Osaka Prefecture .
Kishimojin ' or ' Kishibojin ' ( haaritii in Sanskrit , Goddess of Children ) is a yasha ( yaksha in Sanskrit , Buddhist deity sometimes depicted as a demonic warrior ) guarding Buddhism and a goddess .
MINAMOTO no Rinshi ( 964 - June 25 , 1053 ) was the aristocratic lady of the mid-Heian period and was the legal wife of FUJIWARA no Michinaga .
Kitsushi SAIONJI ( 1225 - October 20 , 1292 ) was the Chugu ( Empress ) to Emperor Gosaga , and later became Empress Dowager .
FUJIWARA no Atsutoshi ( 918-947 ) was a noble in the mid Heian period .
Futaoki , one of the tea ceremony equipment , is a rest on which the lid of the iron tea pot or the dipper end of the water ladle is placed ; it is made of bamboo , metal , or ceramic .
Heizaburo IWANO is a maker of traditional Japanese washi paper .
Togakushi-ryu ( also called Togakure-ryu ) school is one of ninjutsu ( ninja art ) schools .
Michikata KOGA ( 1541 - May 25 , 1575 ) was a Kugyo ( top court official ) during the late Muromachi period .
Ine-cho is a town in Kyoto Prefecture .
Kizugawa City is located in the southern part of Kyoto Prefecture .
Noritsuna WATANABE ( 1694 - Dec . 11 , 1767 ) was the second lord of Hakata Domain , Izumi Province .
TOMO no Kowamine ( birth and death year unknown ) was a government officer ( especially one of low to medium rank ) of the early Heian Period .
Shudenryo , also referred to as Tonomori no Tsukasa , refers to an institution that belonged to Kunaisho ( Imperial Household Ministry ) in the Ritsuryo system ( a system of centralized government based on the ritsuryo code ) of Japan adopting the Ritsuryo system .
Unkei ( unknown birth date - January 10 , 1224 ) was a sculptor of Buddhist statues who was actively engaged in his career from the end of the Heian period to the beginning of the Kamakura period .
Soa ( year of birth and death unknown ) was a priest in the Muromachi period and the seishi ( senior envoy ) headed the first Envoy Ships Dispatched to Ming China by the Muromachi bakufu ( Japanese feudal government headed by a shogun ) .
Sanehisa HASHIMOTO ( June 7 , 1790 to February 22 , 1857 ) was a court noble , and a high court noble in the late Edo period .
Saneyoshi TOKUDAIJI ( 1096- October 13 , 1157 ) was a court noble during the latter half of the Heian period .
Tosho-Chosonsei is a generic term used to refer to the system implemented in island areas apart from the town and village system implemented in Japan 's mainland .
Nijoin no Sanuki ( Sanuki of Nijoin , ca . 1141 - ca . 1217 ) was a poetess of the late Heian and the early Kamakura period .
Kinagashi ( dressing kimono casually ) is a style in which a man doesn 't put on hakama ( pleated and divided skirt made in fine stripes ) when he wears wafuku ( Japanese traditional clothes ) .
Imperial Princess Katsuranomiya Sumiko ( February 22 , 1829 - October 3 , 1881 ) was Emperor Ninko 's third Princess .
Tamayoribime , also known as Tamayorihime , is a Shinto goddess from Japanese mythology .
The term kiganjo refers to a Buddhist temple or Shinto shrine at which worshipers pray for favors .
Genba-ryo was one of the institutions belonging to Jibusho ( the Ministry of Civil Administration ) in the Ritsuryo system ( a system of centralized government based on the ritsuryo code ) in Japan .
Saibanshiyosho is a law book compiled by SAKANOUE no Akimoto on the Imperial command of the retired Emperor Gotoba in 1207 , the beginning of the Kamakura period .
Ashio Mining Pollution was a pollution incident which occurred at Ashio copper mine located around Watarase-gawa River in Tochigi Prefecture and Gunma Prefecture at the end of the 19th and the beginning of the 20th century .
Hono is a religious act performed by ujiko ( shrine parishioners ) and danka ( supporters of a Buddhist temple ) aimed at respecting or appeasing and pleasing Shinto and Buddhist deities in which people offer ' something of value ' to such deities ( including tombs ) .
Kanetomo YOSHIDA ( 1435 to March 28 , 1511 ) was a Shintoist during the mid-Muromachi period to Sengoku period ( Period of Warring States ) .
' Ichiaku no suna ' is the first collection of poetic works produced by Takuboku ISHIKAWA .
A soson meant a community ( in the form of a village ) organized through autonomous , territorial connections among peasants in medieval Japan .
Kintaroame is a bar of candy that is produced using a special technique .
Tokitomo KASAMA ( adopted child )
Goshu-no-nikki is the first technical book on sake brewing in existence in Japan that was handed down in the Satake clan .
Kaisho literally means a place where a kind of reunion , party , event , assembly or meeting was held .
Shinsho Gokuraku-ji Temple , also known as Shinnyo-do Hall , is a Tendai Sect Buddhist temple located in Sakyo Ward , Kyoto City .
Tsurumatsu TOYOTOMI / TOYOTOMI no Tsurumatsu ( 豊臣鶴松 ) was the first son of Hideyoshi TOYOTOMI ( although there is a different theory that contradicts this )
FUJIWARA no Tameto ( year of birth unknown - 1045 ) was a nobleman in the mid Heian period .
Tadakiyo MAKINO ( November 26 , 1760 - August 17 , 1831 ) was a daimyo ( Japanese feudal lord ) and a politician who lived in the late Edo period .
Masayasu KOBORI ( 1786-July 25 , 1867 ) was a hatamoto ( direct retainer of a shogun ) in the late Edo period .
' Ukagaikata ' indicates the name of a government post in Kanjosho ( the department in charge of financial and public affairs ) of the Edo bakufu or officers ( called kanjo-shu ) of that department .
Jakuemon NAKAMURA is a Kabuki ( traditional drama performed by male actors ) actor 's professional name .
Ekan ( date of birth and death unknown ) was a Buddhist priest who came to Japan from Goguryeo in the Nara period .
The Shoten-shoku is a section in charge of Court rituals of the Japanese Imperial Household .
Icchu ( year of birth and death unknown ) was a Dengaku ( refer to the descriptions below ) and Noh player who was active in the period of the Northern and Southern Courts ( in Japan ) .
' Yomotsuikusa ' were demons in Japanese Mythology , which were said to live in the land of the dead .
Yokan , in general , is a Japanese confection which is made by jellifying bean jam , mainly made from adzuki beans , with Japan agar .
Great Buddha statue in Kyoto originally existed in Hoko-ji Temple ( Higashiyama-ku Ward , Kyoto City ) .
HAJI no Umate ( year of birth unknown , February 26 , 711 ) was a person of the Asuka Period in Japan .
Tenjin-gawa River belongs to the first-class rivers of the Yodo-gawa River system .
An Eritate-goromo ( literally , standing-collar robe ) is one of Japanese yokai ( ghosts , spirits and monsters ) that was portrayed in Sekien TORIYAMA 's yokai art collection book : ' Gazu Hyakki Tsurezure Bukuro ' ( The Illustrated Bag of One Hundred Random Demons ; the term ' hyakki ' in its title is a pun on the usual hyakki , replacing the character for demon which is written as ' 鬼 ' in Japanese with a character for vessel written as ' 器 , ' and sure enough , most of the yokais shown in this book are tsukumogami [ a type of Japanese spirits that originate in items or artifacts that have reached their 100th birthday and become alive ] ) .
Incense burning is an example of Geido ( art ) , aimed at enjoying incense while meditating in a quiet world away from the pressures of daily life , and to appreciate the fragrance rising from Koboku ( fragrant wood ) burned ( ' taku ' in Japanese ) according to traditional rituals .
Nagamasa KIZAWA ( 1493 ? - April 12 , 1542 ) was a man in the Warring States period of Japan .
FUJIWARA no Michikane ( 961 - June 13 , 995 ) was a court noble in the mid-Heian period .
Mochitada KAZANIN ( 1405 - February 20 , 1467 ) was a kugyo ( court noble ) who lived during the Moromachi period .
Imperial Prince Saneyasu ( 831 - June 14 , 872 ) was an Imperial family member in Heian period .
Kanjo is a ceremony mainly celebrated in Esoteric Buddhism , in which a legitimate successor is declared by pouring water over the top of the head .
Takauji ASHIKAGA ( 1305-58 ) was a general from the late Kamakura period to the Northern and Southern Courts period .
Hosonaga is a type of ubugi ( swaddling clothes ) of the Heian period with a shape similar to kariginu ( a type of ancient kimono ) .
Nichiju ( June 11 , 1314 - February 28 , 1392 ) was a Nichiren sect priest in the period of the Northern and Southern Courts ( Japan ) .
Oborozukiyo ( also called Oborozukuyo ) is a fictional character in ' The Tale of Genji ' written by Murasaki Shikibu .
SAKANOUE no Masano was the forth son of SAKANOUE no Tamuramaro .
Kankuro NAKAMURA is a Kabuki ( traditional drama performed by male actors ) actor 's professional name .
Nagahama-jo Castle is a castle built by Hideyoshi TOYOTOMI in Koen-cho , Nagahama City , Shiga Prefecture .
Kawagoe-yakata ( also known as Kawagoe-kan ) was a castle which existed in Uwado , Kawagoe City , Saitama Prefecture .
Tan-luan was a Buddhist monk who lived during the period of the Northern and Southern Dynasties in China .
Yamashiro Province in Kyoto Prefecture , represents the twelve cities , towns and villages located in the south of Uji City .
FUJIWARA no Mitsuyori ( 1124- February 25 , 1173 ) was a Kugyo ( top court official ) who lived during the latter part of the Heian period .
Moritoki HOJO was a family member of the Hojo clan in the end of Kamakura period .
Kimuko HAYASHI ( 1884 - 1967 ) was a dancer , author , social activist and a businesswoman .
ABE no Sadato was a Japanese military commander lived during the mid Heian Period .
' Oyoroi ' ( large armor ) is one type of Japanese armor .
Haji pottery is a type of earthenware that evolved from Yayoi-type pottery and was produced from the Kofun ( tumulus ) to Nara and Heian periods , until replaced by Kawarake earthenware in the medieval and early modern times .
Empress Teimei ( June , 25 , 1884 - May 17 , 1951 ) belonged to the Imperial Family of Japan .
Mimaki Domain is a domain which was in Mimaki , Kuse County , Yamashiro Province ( present-day Kumiyama-cho , Kuse-gun , Kyoto Prefecture ) .
Imperial Prince Tokiwainomiya Tsuneaki , also pronounced Tsuneakira ( June 24 , 1303 - September 26 , 1351 ) was a member of the Imperial Family belonging to the Daikakuji Imperial line of the period of the Northern and Southern Courts and the youngest child of Emperor Kameyama .
Shuki-daiban are vermilion-lacquered household goods succeeded as the Fujiwara clan 's treasures by successive Toshi choja ( head of the Fujiwara clan ) .
Emperor Annei ( 577 B.C.- January 11 , 510 B.C. ) is the third emperor , who was described in ' Kojiki ' ( The Records of Ancient Matters ) and ' Nihonshoki ' ( Chronicles of Japan ) ( Reign : August 13 , 549 B.C. -January 11 , 510 B.C. ) .
Chinju-fu is an office in charge of military affairs in ancient Japan , located in Mutsu Province .
The Kamogawa River is a first class river in the Yodo-gawa River System that flows through Kyoto City , Kyoto Prefecture .
Kyoryuchi Keisatsu ( the Foreign Settlement Police ) refers to the police force placed in the foreign settlements throughout the Empire of Japan prior to treaty revision .
Ensai ( year of birth unknown – 877 ) was a priest of the Tendaishu sect of the early Heian period .
Geki was one of the government posts belonging to Daijokan , which was the highest organization of the Imperial Court under the ritsuryo legal code system .
Mineyama Station , located in Mineyama-cho of Tango City , Kyoto Prefecture , is a stop on the Miyazu Line of the Kitakinki Tango Railway .
Goro HANEDA was nurishi ( a lacquer ware artist ) in the late Ashikaga period .
A sightseeing volunteer guide is an individual who voluntarily assists and guides tourists for free or a nominal fee on a continual basis .
Konan NAITO ( born on August 27 , 1866 and passed away on June 26 , 1934 ) was one of the Japanese outstanding historians .
Imperial Prince Tsuneyasu ( year of birth unknown - July 1 , 869 ) was a member of the Imperial Family during the early Heian period .
Retsudo Gisen ( 1635-August 17 , 1702 ) was a priest of the Rinzai sect in the Edo period .
TAIRA no Masakado ( 903 - March 30 , 940 ) was a warlord during the mid-Heian Period .
Imperial Princess Ryoshi ( Nagako ) , January 25 , 1030 - September 21 , 1077 , was the first daughter of Emperor Gosuzaku , the sixty-seventh Emperor of Japan .
Junnyo ( August 3 , 1577 - January 21 , 1632 ) was an individual from the Azuchi-Momoyama period and Edo period .
Kintoshi TOKUDAIJI ( February 1 , 1371 - August 9 , 1428 ) was a Kugyo ( high court noble ) in the Muromachi period .
Tokudo is a ceremony in Buddhism to enter into priesthood .
Yamato-e is one concept of style in Japanese paintings .
The ' Ouki ' ( also pronounced Shoyuki ) is the diary of the Heian-period court noble FUJIWARA no Sanesuke .
Udoneri was a government post under the ritsuryo legal code system .
Tojiro YAMAMOTO is a professional name for a kyogen performer of the Tojiro Yamamoto family of Okura school , which is handed down generation to generation .
Gunki monogatari ( martial tales ) refers to literary works written during the Kamakura and Muromachi periods whose subjects are taken from historical battles .
Sogo refers to the profession of Sokan ( official positions given to Buddhist priests by Imperial Court ) to manage Buddhist priests and nuns in Japan .
Fukuchiyama City is the second oldest city in Kyoto Prefecture and is located in the Tanba region in the northern part ( old Tanba Province ) of Kyoto Prefecture .
The Akizuki-no-ran War is a revolt by the warrior class against the Meiji Government which took place in Akizuki , Fukuoka Prefecture ( currently Akizuki , Asakura City , Fukuoka Prefecture ) in 1876 .
Hina-matsuri is an annual event of the seasonal festival to pray for the healthy growth of girls .
Yamabushi Shinko is a belief from the ancient times in Japan , regarding divine spirits that live in the mountains .
The kettekino ho is a garment of chofuku ( cloths which the people who came to work at the court on a regular basis wore in the Heian period ) in Japan .
NAKATOMI no Katsumi ( date of birth unknown - April 587 ) was a local ruling clan of the Asuka period .
Prince Kuramochi ( Kuramochi no miko ) is one of five kikoshi ( a young nobleman ) who appeared in ' Taketori Monogatari ' ( the Tale of Bumboo Cutter ) .
Junbo means equating a woman who is not the real mother of the emperor with his mother or the title of a woman who is equated with the mother of the emperor .
Takachika Fukuoka ( March 3 , 1835 - March 7 , 1919 ) was a Karo ( chief retainer ) of the Tosa Domain in the end of the Tokugawa period and a statesman in the Meiji period .
Haibu ( haimu ) refers to a ritual of bowing which includes sayusa ( a series of movement from left to right to left ) for expressing one 's gratitude on occasions such as joi ( investiture of a court rank ) , appointment , and shiroku ( receiving a stipend ) in the Imperial Court during the Heian period .
The meanings of ' cultural properties ' are as follows :
The Azuchi Castle Tenshu Nobunaga no Yakata Museum is a facility located in Azuchi-cho , Gamo-gun , Shiga Prefecture .
TAIRA no Koreyoshi was a busho ( Japanese military commander ) who lived during the mid-Heian period .
Tensho o-jishin was an earthquake which occurred on January 18 , 1586 .
Naijusho was an extra statutory office established in the latter half of the Nara period under the ritsuryo system .
The term ' Senso ' means to succeed the position of Tenshi ( emperor ) upon the demise of the previous emperor or his abdication from the position .
Takokushu is a territory of Sengoku daimyo ( Japanese territorial lord in the Sengoku period [ period of Warring States ] ) .
' Tawara no onda ' is a shinji ( Shinto ritual ) performed every year on May 3 , at the Taji-jinja Shrine in the Tawara district of Hiyoshi-cho , Nantan City , Kyoto Prefecture .
Prince Funado ( year of birth unknown - July 757 ) was a member of the Imperial family in the Nara period .
Donzurubo is a place of odd sight in Kashiba City , Nara Prefecture , where oddly-shaped rock outcrops can be seen .
Imperial Princess Teishi ( Yoshiko / Sadako ) ( August 15 , 1013 - February 3 , 1094 ) was the sixty-seventh Emperor Sanjo 's third Princess .
Kazumasa ISONO ( dates of birth and death unknown ) was a Japanese military commander who lived from the Sengoku period ( Japan ) to the Azuchi-Momoyama period .
' I ' ( 移 ) is a form of official documents under the ritsuryo system ( a system of centralized government based on the ritsuryo code ) , to be exchanged between government officials when there are no hierarchical relationships between them .
Ranzan ONO ( September 13 , 1729 - April 5 , 1810 ) was a great scholar of herbalism in the Edo period .
The term ' oyatsu ' ( おやつ ) , also written in katakana ( one of the Japanese syllabaries ) as オヤツ , refers to an afternoon snack that was originally eaten at yatsudoki ( approximately 2 p.m. ) according to the old Japanese way of counting time .
Bureau of Shrines and Temples was one of the bureaus of the Meiji government .
' Rokuhara Tandai ' is a job title in the Kamakura bakufu ( Japanese feudal government headed by a shogun ) .
A rakugoka performs rakugo ( traditional comic storytelling ) as an occupation .
Higashiyama-tenno ( Takanaga ) kensho-no-kanro ( kanro [ a way to clarify things , also called physiography ] to clarify the fact on Emperor Higashiyama ( aka Imperial Prince Takanaga ) ) is one of ' Shinpu-kanro ' which was a physiographic book clarified by Hosei MIURA , and was a Shinpu-kanro which clarified and praised the fact that the Imperial Prince Takanaga who was the first prince of the Emperor Godaigo was enthroned on Mt . Hiei on November 20 , 1336 and was an emperor of the genuine Imperial line enthroned at takamikura ( a rank of an emperor ) .
Nariakira FUJITANI ( 1738 - November 9 , 1779 ) was a scholar of Japanese classical literature in the mid Edo period .
FUJIWARA no Matate ( 715 to April 29 , 766 ) was a statesman who lived in the Nara period .
The Tachikawa-ryu school is a school of Esoteric Buddhism founded by Ninkan in the Kamakura period and perfected by Monkan in the period of the Northern and Southern Courts .
Princess Matsu ( 1561 - May 31 , 1616 ) was the fifth daughter of the Sengoku daimyo ( Japanese territorial lord in the Sengoku period [ period of Warring States ] ) Shingen TAKEDA .
Shinei ( date of birth unknown - 737 ) was a Buddhist priest in the Nara period .
Saneto SAIONJI ( 1434 - December 20 , 1495 ) was a kugyo ( court noble ) and kajin ( waka ( a traditional Japanese poem of thirty-one syllables ) poet ) of the Muromachi period .
In ( 院 ) originally meant a large construction surrounded by high walls , but it also refers to the following :
Junsai ( year of birth unknown - March 16 , 1207 ) was a priest of the Jodo ( Pure Land ) sect of Buddhism who lived from the late Heian period to the early Kamakura period
Kyoikurei is an order about education promulgated in September 1879 to replace the educational system ( the 214th edict of Dajokan [ Grand Council of State ] of 1872 ) promulgated in 1872 .
Tenbu ( deva in Sanskrit ) means deities of Buddhism .
Oshihime was the Empress of Emperor Koan , one of the eight emperors who reigned during the Kesshi-Hachidai ( Eight Undocumented Sovereigns ) .
Saneeda SANJONISHI ( March 8 , 1575 - November 22 , 1640 ) was a noble who was active from the Azuchi-Momoyama Period to the beginning of Edo Period .
Miyako Plain refers to a plain that spreads from the center of Yukuhashi City , Fukuoka Prefecture to the eastern part of Miyako County and the northern part of Chikujo County .
Sarugaku is a Japanese art form that was popular during the Heian and Muromachi periods .
Nobutoyo TAKEDA was a military commander in the period of warring states .
Emperor Konin ( November 22 , 709 - January 15 , 782 ) was the 49th Emperor who reigned from October 27 , 770 to May 4 , 781 .
Choho-ji Temple is an independent Tendai Sect temple located in Nakagyo-ku Ward , Kyoto City , Kyoto Prefecture .
The Aomatsuba Incident was Sabaku-ha ( supporters of the Shogun ) crackdown incident which happened in the Owari Domain from February 13 to 18 in 1868 .
Shibutani kaido or Shibutani-dori Street , Shibutani-goe is one of the streets in Kyoto City which crosses Higashiyama ( Kyoto Prefecture ) and connects Kyo ( Kyoto ) and Yamashina Ward .
Ginnosuke ICHIKAWA is a name used by Kabuki ( a traditional form of drama and music performed by male actors ) actors .
Lake Biwa is a lake in Shiga Prefecture .
Komahime ( 1581 - September 5 , 1595 ) was the second daughter of Yoshiaki MOGAMI and Osaki Fujin , and was a concubine of Hidetsugu TOYOTOMI .
What is Wakadoshiyori ?
Shinsei ( ' kugeshinsei ' ) means a written code established based upon imperial order by Tenno ( the Emperor ) and Daijo Tenno ( the Retired Emperor ) from the mid Heian period to the period of the Northern and Southern Courts ( Japan ) .
Yasohachi YAMANO ( 1841 - 1910 ) was a lowly member of the Shinsengumi ( a special force that guarded Kyoto during the end of Tokugawa Shogunate ) , and one of the binan goninshu ( five men of beauty ) .
TAKEDA no Daitoku ( or TAKEDA no Daitoko , date of birth and death unknown ) lived during Japan 's Asuka period .
' Genji choja ' means the head of the Minamoto clan .
Tea utensils is a generic term for utensils used in the Japanese tea ceremony .
The Sanko-ji Temple is a temple of the Seizan sect in Oharano , Nishikyo Ward , Kyoto City .
The Kamakura period ( 1185-1333 , called ' Kamakura jidai ' in Japanese ) describes one distinct period in Japanese history in which the bakufu ( Japanese feudal government headed by a shogun ) was located in the city of Kamakura .
A haikomei is a type of name for men used mostly in Japan .
Prince Mochihito ( 1151 - June 20 , 1180 ) was one of the Imperial family members during the end of the Heian period .
Sutra , ' of the Buddhist sutra ( Kyoten , Kyoden , sutra in Sanskrit , sutta in Pali ) , means a record of Shaka 's teachings among Buddhist scriptures .
Zennyo was a monk of Jodo Shinshu ( the True Pure Land Sect of Buddhism ) during the period of the Northern and Southern Courts ( Japan ) .
Takasada ENYA ( Birth unknown-April 27 , 1341 ) was the busho ( Japanese military commander ) who lived between the end of Kamakura to the Nanbokucho periods ( the period of the Northern and Southern Courts ) ( Japan ) .
' Enjiro JITSUKAWA ' is a professional name which was used by some Kabuki ( a traditional form of drama and music performed by male actors ) actors .
Morimasa SAKUMA ( 1554 - July 1 , 1583 ) was a vassal of the Oda clan .
Hisahide MATSUNAGA was a busho ( Japanese military commander ) in the Sengoku Period ( Period of Warring States ) .
Johannis de Rijke ( December 5 , 1842 - January 20 , 1913 ) was a Dutchman who systemized erosion and torrent control , and designed afforestation construction projects , and is known in Japan as ' the father of erosion and torrent control . '
Masamura HOJO belonged to the Hojo clan , and lived in the early to mid-Kamakura period .
The vernal equinox ( the spring equinox ) is the day when the vernal equinox occurs .
Tahoto ( literally , ' multiple-treasure pagoda ' ) represent an architecture of pagodas , which are religious buildings in Asia .
Kennin-ji Temple , located in Higashiyama Ward , Kyoto City , Kyoto Prefecture , is the headquarters of the Rinzai sect Kennin-ji School of Zen Buddhism .
An ' Osei-chu ' ( mimicking roundworm ) or ' Osei ' ( literally , mimicking or parroting the host 's words ) is a weird disease or a ghostly roundworm which causes the disease known in China and Japan , as described in collected essays written in the Edo period , such as ' Shin Chomonju ' ( literally , a new collection of famous tales ) and ' Kanden jihitsu ' ( literally , fallow-field essays , continued ; miscellaneous essays ) .
Menden were rice fields that were exempt from the tax determined by the government during the late ancient times to the middle ages of Japan .
Tsukigata Productions ( registered as Tsukigata Purotakushon , established in 1928 , liquidated in 1932 ) was a film company that existed in Kyoto and then in Nara .
Todaijiyama Kofun is a keyhole-shaped tumulus constructed around the late fourth century corresponding to about the middle of the early Kofun period located in Tenri City , Nara Prefecture .
The Hoken system is a political system modeled after the Shu Dynasty in China , which was advocated in the political thought of Kanji using nations , such as China .
Hachijonomiya Imperial Prince Toshitada ( November 24 , 1620 - August 20 , 1662 ) was a member of the Japanese Imperial Family who lived in the early Edo period .
Emperor Tenchi ( Tenji )
Kokei ( 977 - August 27 , 1049 ) was a Tendai sect priest in the middle days of the Heian period .
MINAMOTO no Tamemune ( ? - August 24 , 1156 ) was a military commander of the Kawachi-Genji branch of the Minamoto clan who lived at the end of the Heian period .
Emperor Seimu ( 84 – July 29 , 190 ) was the 13th emperor ( reigned from February 18 , 131 to July 29 , 190 ) written in the ' Kojiki ' ( The Records of Ancient Matters ) and the ' Nihonshoki ' ( Chronicles of Japan ) .
Yoshinaga ASANO was a busho ( Japanese military commander ) in the Sengoku period and a daimyo ( Japanese feudal lord ) in the Azuchi-Momoyama period and the Edo period .
Kitakinki Tango Tetsudo Kabushiki-gaisha is a public-private joint venture , located in and part financed by Kyoto Prefecture , operating both the Miyafuku Line and Miyazu Line ( the former was laid by the Japan Railway Construction Public Corporation , and the latter was once designated as a Specified Local Line of the Japanese National Railways ( JNR ) ) .
KEIHANNA PLAZA is a central facility at Kansai Science City ( Keihanna Science City ) in Hikaridai , Seika-cho , Soraku-gun , Kyoto Prefecture .
Anmitsu is a kind of Japanese confectionery , which is mitsumame dessert ( boiled beans , cubes of agar gelatin , and other delicacies with molasses poured on ) covered with bean jam .
The Otani-byodo was the mausoleum of Shinran who was the founder of Jodo Shinshu sect
Western dishes are the dishes peculiar to the Western countries .
Shisetsu jungyo was a on-site procedure to carry out a judgment which was handed down by the bakufu ( Japanese feudal government headed by a shogun ) on shoryo soron ( litigation over real estate ) in the medieval Japan .
The list of buildings and structures in Kyoto Prefecture which have been designated as important cultural properties lists those existing in Kyoto Prefecture from all the buildings and structures designated as important cultural property in Japan .
Debayashi is a kind of kabuki music played on a stage by performers .
Imperial Prince Fushiminomiya Sadanori ( October 26 , 1836 - December 16 , 1862 ) was a member of the Imperial family during the late Edo Period .
Yorishige HORI ( year of birth and death unknown ) is a busho ( Japanese military commander ) in the last days of Heian period .
FUJIWARA no Asako ( or Tomoko , year of birth unknown - February 19 , 1166 ) was a woman in the later Heian period .
Emperor Gokameyama ( 1347 ? - May 10 , 1424 ) was the ninety-ninth Emperor in the period of the Northern and Southern Courts ( Japan ) and the last and fourth Emperor in the Southern Court ( reign : November / December 1383 - November 19 , 1392 ) .
Chinju no Mori ' are forests attached to Shinto shrines , managed and maintained so as to enclose the Sando ( approach to the temple ) and the Haisho ( place of prayer ) .
The five kings of Wa refer to San ( 讃 ) , Chin ( 珍 ) , Sai ( 済 ) , Ko ( 興 ) and Bu ( 武 ) who paid tribute to the Eastern Jin and Song ( Southern Dynasty ) in the period of the Northern and Southern Dynasties ( China ) in 5th century and received sakuho ( homage by Chinese emperors ) as ' King of Wa ' .
Stone axes were a kind of stone tools that were axes made of stone attached to wooden handle .
Taienreki ( 大衍暦 : also read as Daienreki ) was a lunisolar calendar once used in China and Japan .
Masahane ARAKI ( 1662 – March 10 , 1732 ) was hatamoto ( direct retainer ) of Edo bakufu ( Japanese feudal government headed by a shogun ) .
Bunmeiron no gairyaku ( An Outline of a Theory of Civilization ) is a book written by Yukichi FUKUZAWA .
' Kaifuso ' is the oldest Japanese collection of Chinese poems in existence .
Hyakusen SAKAKI ( December 11 , 1697 - October 2 , 1752 ) was a Nanga painter ( an original style of painting in the Edo period which had a great deal of influence from the Chinese Nanga style ) who lived during the middle of the Edo period .
' Manyodaishoki ' is a commentary on ' Manyoshu ' ( the oldest anthology of tanka ) by Keichu , who was a scholar of Japanese classical literature during the Edo Period .
ICOCA ( ikoka ) is an IC card , mainly used as a ticket , electronic money and locker key , that West Japan Railway Company ( JR West ) launched in the Kinki District Urban Network on November 1 , 2003 .
Sanniryo was one of the institutions belonging to Shikibu-sho ( the Ministry of Ceremonial ) in the Ritsuryo system ( a system of centralized government based on the ritsuryo code ) in ancient Japan .
Ommyodo , which owes its origin to ancient Chinese natural philosophical theory and Inyo-gogyo-shiso theory ( the way of Yin and Yang , combined with the Taoist theory of the five elements ) , is a system of natural science and the art of spell-casting that uniquely developed in Japan .
Kosho ( 小姓 ) is the name of a post in a samurai family similar to a page or squire .
Kazunobu ( 和信 ) INUI ( 1544 - January 18 , 1586 ) was samurai of the late Azuchi-Momoyama period .
Hikichigiri is a type of Japanese sweet made from mochi ( Japanese rice cake made of glutinous rice pounded into paste and molded into shape ) and sweet bean paste .
' Hokuriku Chotei ' refers to the Imperial Court that is deemed to have existed during the period of Northern and Southern Courts in the present Hokuriku Region , which was backed up - and was claimed to have legitimacy - by warlords taking the side of the Southern Court .
' Sunoko ' is a Japanese wooden board made of slatted thick bars .
' Kasuga no Shinboku ' refers to ' Shinboku ' ( the sacred tree ) of Kasuga-taisha Shrine located in the present Nara Prefecture .
Harumitsu HINO ( February 20 , 1518 - October 13 , 1555 ) was a court noble in the Sengoku period ( Period of Warring States ) .
Manzai or comic dialogue is a type of entertainment or talk show performed mainly by a comedy duo , which has been uniquely developed in Japan 's Kinki region based upon the traditional form of manzai observed on New Year 's Day .
Tegara is a hairdressing cloth to wrap around the topknot of traditional Japanese women 's hairstyles .
Ippodo is the name of a distributor of Japanese green tea , located at Nijo-dori Agaru , Teramachi-dori , Kyoto City .
Betobeto-san is one of Yokai ( Japanese folk monsters ) , and follows a man walking in the dark at night .
Dosan or Hidetatsu SAITO was a military commander during the Sengoku period .
TAIRA no Masanori ( year of birth and death unknown ) was a busho ( Japanese military commander ) lived in the mid-Heian period .
Kumadori was the make up method unique to Kabuki ( traditional drama performed by male actors ) play .
Nihon-ga ( Japanese style painting ) is a genre of painting unique to Japan .
Kinzumi SAIONJI ( March 7 , 1818 – July 13 , 1836 ) was Kugyo ( a Court Noble ) in the late Edo period .
FUJIWARA no Choshi ( Toko ) ( around 954-March 1 , 982 ) was the eldest daughter of FUJIWARA no Kaneie .
' Yamatonookuni tamanokami ' is a god ( shinto ) appearing in Japanese Mythology .
Kenitsu OKAMOTO ( 1559 - 1591 ) was a busho ( Japanese military commander ) in the Sengoku period ( period of warring states ) and a vassal of the Satake clan , or a daimyo ( Japanese territorial lord ) in the Sengoku period in Hitachi Province .
Yoshihiro IDO ( 1532 - 1612 ) was Busho ( Japanese military commander ) in the Sengoku period ( Japan ) .
Tenyaku referred to Honkan , a government post , which belonged to Nakatsukasasho in the ritsuryo legal code system .
Kogetsu is a Kyo-gashi ( Kyoto style confectionary ) manufacturing and sales company whose headquarters is located in Fushimi Ward , Kyoto City .
Masasuke 's Notes on Court Costume is a book on court costume and lore written in kana that appeared at the end of the Heian period .
Nichira ( ? - December , 583 ) was a Japanese who served the King of Baekje , which existed in the Korean peninsula in the sixth century .
Gion odori : Gion odori is performed from November 1 to 10 annually in the Gion Kaikan Theater .
Kouma no Myobu ( year of birth and death unknown ) was a female waka poet during the reign of Emperor Enyu in the Heian period .
The Kujo Family is one of the Sekke and a court noble .
The Arson Case of Kinkaku-ji Temple was an arson case which occurred at Rokuon-ji Temple ( commonly called Kinkaku-ji Temple ) located in Kinkakuji Town , Kamigyo Ward ( present-day Kita Ward ) , Kyoto City early on July 2 , 1950 .
Kitora-kofun Tumulus is located in Asuka-mura , Takaichi County , Nara Prefecture .
Chikusei MIMURA ( male , May 4 , 1876-August 26 , 1953 ) was a bibliographer in Japan .
Shokudo or zokudo is a penalty charge which was paid with copper ( or money ) to a government official in an amount that corresponds to the crime in exchange for imprisonment .
Mt . Miwa is a cone-shaped gentle mountain in the southeastern part of Sakurai City , Nara Prefecture , which is located in the southeastern part of Nara Basin across the farthest north part of Nara Prefecture .
Fujimon School is one of the generic names for numbers of honzan temples ( head temples ) and their branch temples in Nichiren Sect , which succeed the dharma lineage of Nikko , who was one of 6 high-caliber disciples of Nichiren .
Kyoto Tourism Culture Certification Test , for ' Kyoto Expert Certification , ' is a certification test covering knowledge about a particular place that is held by the Kyoto Chamber of Commerce .
Jiun-Myoi ( 1274 - July 10 , 1345 ) was a priest of the Rinzai Sect from the latter part of the Kamakura period to the period of the Northern and Southern Courts .
The Shakai minshuto is the first socialist party in Japan , which was formed in 1901 .
Gonrokuro MAKINO ( September 20 , 1819 - August 5 , 1869 ) was a feudal retainer of Okayama in Bizen Province and patriot of Sonno Joi ( advocating reverence for the Emperor and the expulsion of foreigners ) in the end of Edo period .
Yoshisuke KUJO ( October 15 , 1185 - November 30 , 1218 ) was a kugyo ( court noble ) in the end of Heian period to the early Kamakura period .
Komehyappyo ( a hundred straw rice bags ) is a historical episode regarding the education by Torasaburo KOBAYASHI , a vassal of Nagaoka Domain Echigo Province , who was active from the end of Edo period through until the early Meiji period .
' Kinkakuji ' ( The Temple of the Golden Pavilion ) is a novel written by Yukio MISHIMA .
Fuyusuke SHONI ( date of birth unknown – September 30 , 1375 ) was a busho ( Japanese military commander ) in the period of the Northern and Southern Courts ( Japan ) .
Prince Takechi ( Takechi no Miko or Takechi no Oji ) ( c.654 - August 13 , 696 ) lived during the Asuka period of Japan and a son ( the oldest son ) of Emperor Tenmu .
Saiin Kasuga-jinja Shrine is a Shinto shrine located in Ukyo Ward , Kyoto City .
KI no Yoshito ( dates of birth and death unknown ) was an official in the middle of the Heian period .
' Suminomiya-jinja Shrine ' is a shrine in Nagaokakyo City , Kyoto Prefecture .
Muhoto is a stone pagoda ( Buddhist pagoda ) mostly used as a priest 's tomb tower .
Noriko TSUZAKI ( 1786 - August 23 , 1873 ) was a senior lady-in-waiting in the Konoe family and person loyal to the emperor who lived towards the end of the Edo bakufu period .
Kannodoko means connections between a Buddha and a human being , or between a teacher and a learner .
Ochimizu is water that was said to bring back youth when it was drank .
Takino HAYASHI was Tekkan YOSANO 's and later Oyo MASATOMI 's wife .
Dojo ( dates of birth and death unknown ) was a Buddhist priest in the Asuka period .
Ranryo SEKI ( May 5 , 1805 - September 28 , 1863 ) was a Zeze Domain 's Confucian assigned to edohantei ( residence maintained by a daimyo in Edo ) from 東万木村 ( current Aoyagi , Adogawa-cho , Takashima City ) , Takashima County ( Shiga Prefecture ) , Omi Province ( Shiga Prefecture ) .
Kuhon ( Kyuhin ) refers to a three-way classification of things and people 's characters and each classification is divided into further three categories .
Shinsen Roei Shu ( Newly Selected Collection Singing Poems ) is a collection of Chinese poems compiled in Japan .
Honcho Gatsuryo ( or Honcho Getsurei ) is the oldest remaining kuji-sho ( a document about governmental operations and ceremonies ) where , concerning annual events in the middle era of the Heian period , their origins , histories and contents are described .
Washu Yoshinogun Gunzanki ( hereafter ' Gunzanki ' ) is a name of the series of the natural history and topography books written by Tomoari MINAMOTO of the Kishu Domain , a scholar of herbalism and natural history in the late Edo period .
Irizake is an old Japanese seasoning used during the Edo period , which is made by putting umeboshi ( pickled Japanese apricot ) into Japanese sake ( rice wine ) , and boiling it down .
Sotan ( 1413 - 1481 ) was an artist-monk in the middle of the Muromachi period .
Rusu-seifu refers to the Establishment organized to protect the nation in early Meiji Period while Iwakura Mission , which consisted of leaders of the Meiji government , was visiting Europe and America ( December 23 , 1871 - September 13 , 1873 ) .
The Shingi Shingon sect is a school of the Shingon sect ( whose founding father was Kobo-daishi Kukai ) , and this school is connected to Raiyu , a high-ranking Buddhist priest of the Kakuban school , which followed the teachings of Kogyo Daishi Kakuban , who brought about the revival of the Shingon sect .
Suteteko is underpants with the long length under the knee , and it is usually worn by men .
Sando is the road used for visiting a shrine or temple .
FUMI no Chitoko ( date of birth unknown - May 20 , 692 ? ) lived in the Asuka period of Japan .
Masayoshi NITTA was a busho ( Japanese military commander ) in the Kamakura period .
Chofuku-ji Temple , located in Umezu , Ukyo Ward , Kyoto City , is a temple of the Nanzen-ji school of the Rinzai sect .
MINAMOTO no Toru ( 822 – September 25 , 895 ) was the 12th son of Emperor Saga .
Sanzo TSUDA ( February 15 , 1855-September 29 , 1891 ) was a Shiga Prefecture police officer and an army sergeant .
Kamakura kubo was an administrator post in Kamakura Government which was established as an outpost position for the ten provinces of the Kanto region by the Seii taishogun ( literally , ' great general who subdues the barbarians ) of Muromachi bakufu ( Japanese feudal government headed by a shogun ) during the Muromachi period .
Akikonomu Chugu is a fictional character who appears in Murasaki Shikibu 's novel ' Genji Monogatari ' ( The Tale of Genji ) .
Kiwametsuki BANZUI Chobei refers to a play of Kabuki .
Masafusa ICHIJO ( 1443-November 29 , 1469 ) was a Kugyo in the Muromachi period .
Atagoyama Amusement Park is an amusement park that used to be in Ukyo Ward , Kyoto City .
Tatsuta Domain was a feudal domain that was located in Yamato Province ( present-day Tatsuta , Ikaruga-cho , Ikoma-gun , Nara Prefecture ) .
Yasushi NOMURA ( September 10 , 1842 - January 24 , 1909 ) was a samurai ( warrior ) and statesman in Japan .
Himukai-daijingu is a shrine located along the Sanjo-dori Street in Yamashina Ward , Kyoto City .
Nyogo was one of the ranks and titles of the imperial consorts in the pre-modern days of Japan , and its role was to attend on the emperor in his bedroom .
Autumn festivals collectively mean festivals held in autumn .
The former Imazu post office is a historical building located in Takashima City in Shiga Prefecture .
Michiharu TESHIMA ( September 15 , 1939 - ) is a Noh actor of the Kongo school of shite-kata ( lead actors ) .
Yasuchika HORIKAWA ( March 18 , 1797 - September 28 , 1859 ) was a Kugyo ( high court noble ) who lived in the late Edo period .
YOSHIMINE no Kiyokaze ( year of birth unknown-May 10 , 863 ) was a Court noble in the Heian period .
Kokumin Domeikai is the political society organized in the Meiji period , in September , 1900 .
FUJIWARA no Senshi ( her given name can also be pronounced ' Akiko ' ) ( 962 - February 7 , 1002 ) was the nyogo ( a court title given to a consort of the Emperor ) of the sixty-forth emperor , Emperor Enyu , in the Heian period .
The Expulsion Edict is a law Kanpaku TOYOTOMI Hidetsugu issued in 1592 during the Azuchi Momoyama period .
Koshibagaki Zoshi ( The Tale of the Brushwood Fence ) is a picture scroll .
Gotairo indicates the five most powerful daimyo clans , appointed as Karo ( or Tairo ) of the Toyotomi family , and acted as executive organs of the Toyotomi Administration at the last days of the administration , during the Bunroku era ( 1593-1598 ) .
SHOKU shugen ( date of birth and death unknown ) was toraijin ( settlers ) who became naturalized as a Japanese citizen from Tang in the latter half of the seventh century ( the late Asuka period ) .
Gishin ( born 781 , died August 26 , 833 ) was an early Heian-period Buddhist monk of the Tendai sect .
Imperial Prince Kachonomiya Hirotsune ( April 19 , 1851-May 24 , 1876 ) was a member of the Imperial family of Japan and a military man of the Imperial Japanese Navy .
Akanabe-no-sho Manor was a shoen ( manor in medieval Japan ) that existed in Mino Province during the Heian and Muromachi Periods .
Harunaga ONO was a vassal of the Toyotomi clan from the Azuchi-Momoyama period through to the early part of the Edo period .
' Dappan ' was the act of a samurai leaving his master 's domain to become a Ronin ( masterless samurai ) .
TACHIBANA no Kiyotomo ( 758-789 ) was a statesman in the late Nara period .
The Otsu Domain refers to a domain which existed in Omi Province ( present-day Otsu City , Shiga Prefecture ) .
Sawarabi is one of the fifty-four chapters of ' Genji Monogatari ' ( The Tale of Genji ) .
Unagimeshi is a term used to refer to a Japanese cuisine that comes with broiled eel on top of rice .
Shinsen KITAGATA ( 1850 - 1905 ) was a Buddhist monk of Otani School of Shinshu Sect .
Jibugyo was bugyo ( magistrate ) appointed by the Kamakura bakufu ( Japanese feudal government headed by a shogun ) and the Muromachi bakufu .
The Nishioji-dori Street , located west of the heart of Kyoto City , is one of the major north-south streets running in Kyoto City .
Sadaaki MATSUDAIRA was the fourth lord of the Kuwana Domain at the end of the Edo Period ( Years in office : 1859 - 1868 )
Ishiyama Hongan-ji Temple , was established at Ishiyama in Settsu Province ( Chuo Ward , Osaka City ) in 1496 , during the time of Rennyo , and later became the head temple of Jodo Shinshu ( the True Pure Land Sect of Buddhism ) .
Yoshimizu-jinja Shrine is a shrine located in Yoshino-cho , Yoshino County , Nara Prefecture .
Akikuni MATSUDAIRA ( January 23 , 1849 - January 2 , 1864 ) was a samurai who lived during the Edo period .
The Uji Line is a railway line of Keihan Electric Railway that connects Chushojima Station located in Fushimi Ward , Kyoto City , Kyoto Prefecture and Uji Station ( Keihan ) located in Uji City , Kyoto Prefecture .
Kegare is a notion in Buddhism and Shinto and means a dirty , bad , not clean state , such as being unclean , impure etc .
Hojicha ( written as ほうじちゃ or 焙じ茶 ) is a type of Japanese green tea , generally referring to tea made with roasted tea leaves .
Denden-gu Shrine is a guardian god shrine of Horin-ji Temple located in Arashiyama , Nishigyo Ward , Kyoto City and enshrines deities that are worshipped as pioneers in the field of electricity and electromagnetic waves .
OSHIKOCHI no Mitsune ( 859 ? - 925 ? ) was a poet of the early Heian period .
FUJIWARA no Mototsune ( born in 836 and died on February 28 in 891 ) was a court noble in the early Heian period .
Koka-Isshin school is a school handed down within the Hanamoto family which was a merchant family in Bitchu .
TAIMA no Hiroshima ( July or August , 672 ) was a person who lived in the Asuka period of Japan .
Takatomo KYOGOKU ( February 23 , 1623 - April 4 , 1674 ) was the second feudal lord of Mineyama Domain , Tango Province .
The usurpation of the imperial throne is either when those who do not have direct blood relationship or have remote blood relationship seize the Emperor 's position or when this is expressed in a critical manner .
Scene of the second floor of a high class shibai-jaya ( ooyaja ) .
Masachika MORI ( 毛利 正周 , year of birth unknown - April 24 , 1721 ) was a samurai of the Satsuma domain in the Edo period .
Imperial Prince Koreyasu ( June 2 , 1264 - December 3 , 1326 ) was the 7th Seii taishogun ( literally , ' great general who subdues the barbarians ' ) of the Kamakura Shogunate .
Tarako refers to the ovary ( roe ) of cod .
Kanze-ryu is one of the schools in Nohgaku theater
Manzo NOMURA , the Ninth ( December 23 , 1965 - present ) is a kyogen performer of the Izumi school .
YOSHIMINE no Moroki ( 862 - November 13 , 920 ) was a nobleman during the early Heian period .
Tojuro SAWAMURA is a professional name of Kabuki actors .
Naka no kuninomiyatsuko 仲国造 ( also known as Nakakokuzo ) was kuninomiyatsuko ( local ruling families in ancient Japan ) ruled the east part of Hitachi Province .
NAKAHARA no Yorisue ( year of birth and death unknown ) was a late Heian-period nobleman and legal scholar .
Mizuhiki is a string to decorate gifts and envelopes and varies in shape and color depending on the intended purpose of use .
What is hoyo ?
The Yoshino pact was concluded by Emperor Tenmu and his empress who was later known as Empress Jito promising their son , Prince Kusakabe , to be the next emperor .
The Shishigatani Conspiracy was a plot to overthrow the Taira clan and occurred in Kyoto in July , 1177 , during the Heian period .
Kiden-tai is a type of format of history books in East Asia .
Kamuyaimimi no mikoto ( year of birth unknown ; died in May , 578B.C. ) was a member of the Imperial family ( the royal family ) , described in the ' Kojiki ' ( The Records of Ancient Matters ) and the ' Nihon Shoki ' ( Chronicles of Japan ) , etc .
Ryoankeigo ( 1425 - October 3 , 1514 ) was a Buddhist monk of Rinzai Sect in the mid-Muromachi period and Sengoku period ( Period of Warring States ) ( Japan ) .
Kenrojishin is one of the Tembu-shin in Buddhism and controls earth .
Tossho SAWAMURA was a name used by Kabuki actors .
' Chirimen ' ( crepe in French ) is a kind of plain woven silk cloth .
FUNYA no Kiyomi ( 693 - October 31 , 770 ) was a member of the Imperial Family in the Nara period ( Later demoted from nobility to subject . )
Kenshin ( 1131- December 20 , 1192 ) was a Tendai sect priest in the late Heian period .
Kakujin ( 1021 - 1081 ) was a priest of the Enryaku-ji Temple who lived in the middle of the Heian period .
Shin Kabuki Juhachi Ban refers to the specialty plays of Danjuro ICHIKAWA of Naritaya selected by Danjuro ICHIKAWA the seventh and Danjuro ICHIKAWA the ninth .
Wayo-secchu ( Japanese Hybrid Style ) architecture refers to buildings constructed in modern Japan that intentionally blend elements of Japanese and Western architecture .
Rakuraku-so is a hotel using the former Gentaro TANAKA 's residence in Kameoka City , Kyoto Prefecture .
Tadaaki CHIGUSA ( Date of birth unknown - July 21 , 1336 ) was a kuge ( court noble ) and busho ( Japanese military commander ) during the Kamakura period and the period of the Northern and Southern Courts .
Kangen ( 854 - July 9 , 925 ) was a priest of the Shingon sect during the mid Heian Period .
The term Nenshaku means the right to confer a court rank on a person that was granted to chiten no kimi ( the Retired Emperor in power ) and sangu ( the Three Empresses : Great Empress Dowager , Empress Dowager and Empress ) in Japan 's ancient / early medieval period .
Mikuriya is the honorific expression of Kuriya ( a kitchen ) .
Iokiiribiko no miko was a member of the Imperial family who lived during the Kofun period ( tumulus period ) .
Rebel army is a term opposed to a term ' Imperial Army ' which was made to deny legitimacy of some armies which appeared in the history of Japan .
FUJIWARA no Sanemasa ( 1019 - March 23 , 1093 ) was a nobleman during the mid Heian period .
OTOMO no Yasumaro ( date of birth unknown - 21 June 714 ) was a person who lived during the Nara and Asuka Periods .
The Battle of Tatarahama was a battle in 1336 during the period of the Northern and Southern Courts ( Japan ) .
Eizaburo ONOE is a hereditary family name for an actor of Kabuki , a Japanese traditional theatrical drama .
Saneki SANJONISHI ( September 6 , 1511 - March 1 , 1579 ) was a court noble , poet and classical scholar during the Sengoku period ( Period of Warring States ) .
Kiki is a collective designation of the ' Kojiki ' and ' Nihonshoki . '
Benzo YODA ( June 21 , 1853 - December 12 , 1925 ) was a Japanese Hokkaido pioneer .
Sojifujitsu is to make a false statement to the Emperor or to make a false charge .
Sumiyuki HOSOKAWA was a busho ( Japanese military commander ) in the late Muromachi period ( the Sengoku period [ period of warring states ] ) .
Masanori KAJIKAWA was a busho ( Japanese military commander ) in the Sengoku period to Azuchi-Momoyama period .
Sumptuary laws are a series of laws , ordinances , and orders that ban luxury ( Shashi ) and promote or force thrift .
Seppuku is a method of suicide that involves cutting the abdomen with a sword .
Enen ( date of birth unknown - 1040 ) was a Buddhist monk cum painter in the mid-Heian period .
Ishisaji is a kind of chipped stone tool made of obsidian , shale , chert , etc .
Yukinaga KONISHI was a daimyo ( Japanese feudal lord ) in the Azuchi-Momoyama period .
Rokuro UMEWAKA , the 55th ( August 3 , 1907 – February 8 , 1979 ) was a Nohgakushi ( Noh actor ) playing shite ( a principal role ) of the Kanze-ryu school , Living National Treasure , and a member of the Japan Art Academy .
FUJIWARA no Michimasa ( 992 - August 31 , 1054 ) was a court noble and a tanka poet of the Heian period .
Meinichi means a deathday , or the day of a person 's death .
Musashi no kuni no miyatsuko ( 无邪志国造 ) , also known as Musashi kokuzo , was a kuni no miyatsuko that ruled the east part of Musashi Province .
Imperial Prince Hirohira ( 950 - October 6 , 971 ) was a member of the Imperial Family and the first Prince of Emperor Murakami during the Heian period .
Tadaaya HIROHATA ( July 24 , 1824 - February 18 , 1897 ) was a court noble during the late Edo Period and a politician during the Meiji Period .
Poorly-fed children are children to whom meal is not given enough due to the economic poverty of the family .
The Kobayakawa clan is a shizoku ( clan ) in Japan .
' Shinto Taii ' is the name of Shinto books written by various Shintoists in the middle and modern ages .
Yoken-ryu school is the name generally given to a school of Sado ( tea ceremony ) that regards Yoken FUJIMURA as its founder .
Nasu no kuninomiyatsuko was kuninomiyatsuko ruled the northeast part of Shimotsuke Province .
Yukiko TODOROKI ( September 11 , 1917 - May 11 , 1967 ) was the Japanese actress .
Nanzen-in Temple is a sub-temple located within the precinct of Rinzai sect Nanzen-ji school Daihonzan ( head temple ) Nanzen-ji Temple in Sakyo Ward , Kyoto City .
Tsunehide CHIBA ( the year of his birth and dead unknown ) was a gokenin ( an immediate vassal of the shogunate in the Kamakura and Muromachi through Edo periods ) during the early Kamakura period .
Tomomitsu IWAKURA ( 1810 - 1813 ) was a retainer of Imperial Court during the latter Edo period .
Heimin means ordinary citizens without any official rank or title .
Daimokuko is a ko ( meeting to lecture Buddhist scriptures ) composed by followers of Hokke sects .
Yugiri Tayu was a Geisha of the highest rank , and lived in Yukaku ( red-light district ) of Kyoto , Shimabara , Osaka , and Shinmachi ; only two women among all the Geisha had the name of ' Yugiri . '
Nobumune OINOMIKADO ( 1391-after 1453 ) was Kugyo during the Muromachi period .
Kitaro NISHIDA ( May 19 , 1870 - June 7 , 1945 ) was a representative Japanese philosopher , professor and honorary professor of Kyoto University .
Choken OTANI ( March 27 , 1930 - ) is a Jodo Shinshu ( True Pure Land Sect Buddhism ) priest and the 25th chief priest of the Otani school , Shinshu sect .
JR-Miyamaki Station , located in Miyamaki Takatobi , Kyotanabe City , Kyoto Prefecture , is a stop on the Katamachi Line , which is operated by the West Japan Railway Company ( JR West ) .
Sakai Prefecture was a prefecture that existed during the initial years of the Meiji Restoration period .
The Onie no matsuri Festival is the first Niiname-sai Festival ( ceremonial offering by a emperor of newly-harvested rice to the deities ) solemnized by an emperor after his or her Sokui no rei ( ceremony of enthronement ) .
Kimekomi ningyo is a type of wooden doll .
Haruko KAJUJI ( born 1553 , died March 21 , 1620 ) was the wife of Imperial Prince Sanehito , the fifth son of Emperor Ogimachi .
Shutosho ( vaccination institute ) is the name of the medical institute established for the purpose of prevention and treatment of smallpox in Japan .
The Muromachi period ( 1336-1573 ) is a period of Japanese history spanning the length of time the Muromachi bakufu ( Japanese feudal government headed by a shogun ) was in existence .
Nashimoto no Miya was the Miyake ( house of an imperial prince ) established by Fushimi no Miya Imperial Prince Sadayoshi 's Imperial Prince , Prince Moriosa .
Agedashi dofu is a dish of tofu lightly dusted with starch or flour , then deep fried , and served in dashi broth or dashi-based sauce seasoning with soy sauce .
Prince Ishizukuri ( Ishizukuri no miko ) is one of five kikoshi ( a young nobleman ) who appeared in ' Taketori Monogatari ' ( the Tale of Bumboo Cutter ) .
Located in Ayabe City , Kyoto Prefecture , Ayabe Station is a stop owned by West Japan Railway Company ( JR West ) .
Enyuin ( 1549 - year of death unknown ) was the mother of Tojumaru MIURA and Hideie UKITA .
The Nishi-Rosen Kyotei was the agreement to settle the dispute over the Republic of Korea ( the Korean Empire ) signed between Empires of Japan and Russia on April 25 , 1898 .
Nerigashi ( a confection made from kneaded beans , rice , or rice powder ) is also referred to as ' konashi , ' which is a snack food produced by mixing an ingredient in the form of powder or grain and an ingredient in the form of liquid or paste , applying external forces for many times to homogenize the distribution , and finishing it in a clayey state of plastic deformation .
Oshioki Ruireishu was a compilation of law reports dealing with criminal cases , which was created by the Edo bakufu .
Bugyo is the name of a profession for a samurai family from the Heian period to the Edo period .
Engo ( verbal association ) is a rhetorical technique in waka poetry , where two or more semantically associated words are used in a poem to express one 's sentiments .
Mokuryo refers to an institution that belonged to Kunaisho ( Imperial Household Ministry ) in the Ritsuryo system ( a system of centralized government based on the ritsuryo code ) of Japan adopting the Ritsuryo system .
Asakura clan was a local ruling family whose home base was Echizen Province , and the clan later ascended to be a sengoku daimyo ( Japanese territorial lord in the Sengoku Period ) .
Ryozo MIYANAGA ( 1833 - January 16 , 1868 ) was a Dutch Studies scholar from Fukumitsu-mura , Tonami County , Ecchu Province ( present-day Fukumitsu , Nanto City , Toyama Prefecture ) .
Chinu no Okimi ( year of birth and death unknown ) was a member of the Imperial ( royal ) Family between the late sixth century and seventh the century in Japan .
Located in Sodeshi , Tango-cho , Kyotango City , Kyoto Prefecture , Kyoga-misaki is a cape overlooking the Japan Sea ( the western part of Wakasa Bay ) .
Naotsune KUMAGAI ( 11283 - 1365 ) was a Gokenin ( shogunal retainer ) / Samurai during the period between the end of the Kamakura period and the Northern and Southern Courts period ( Japan ) .
Kaishi ( Japanese tissue )
Uchiginu is one kimono of many kimonos forming juni-hitoe ( twelve-layered ceremonial kimono ) .
KADA no Arimaro ( 1706-September 23 , 1751 ) was a scholar of Japanese classical literature in the middle of the Edo period .
Ruiju fusensho is a collection of official documents where Daijokanpu ( official documents issued by Daijokan , Grand Council of State ) , imperial decrees and gebumi ( reports to upper-class persons ) from 737 to 1093 were classified and compiled .
Koshohajime ( New Year lecture in the court ) is an annual event of the Imperial court in which Shinko ( Scholars give a lecture or explain achievements to the Emperor , the Empress , and the nobility ) is given by scholars as a part of the Emperor 's start of learning in January every year .
Giondofu refers to a Dengakudofu ( tofu , bean curd skewered , roasted over charcoal , and coated with miso ) dish , sold by two chaya ( tea houses ) in front of Yasaka-jinja Shrine ( Gion-jinja Shrine ) in Kyoto in the Edo Period .
Korenori KAMEI ( 1557-February 27 , 1612 ) was a Japanese busho ( military commander ) .
Kizu-cho is the name of the town which used to exist in Soraku-gun , Kyoto Prefecture .
FUJIWARA no Nagara ( Nagayoshi ) ( 802-August 10 , 856 ) was a Kugyo ( court noble ) of the early Heian period .
Koreharu OMIYA ( 1496 - October 8 , 1551 ) was a government official in the Sengoku period ( period of Warring States ) .
FUJIWARA no Michitsuna ( 955 - November 8 , 1020 ) was a noble of the mid Heian period .
The Kawakatsu clan ( Kawakatsu-shi or Kawakatsu-uji ) was a Japanese clan .
Ryogen ( 912 - January 31 , 985 ) was a priest of the Tendai Sect who was active in the Heian period .
Koun-ji Temple is an Eigenji School of the Rinzai Sect sub-temple located at Kumogahata-Nakahata-cho , Kita Ward , Kyoto City .
Positioned above the Sadaijin ( minister of the left ) and the Udaijin ( minister of the right ) , the Daijo-daijin ( grand minister of state , also known as Dajo-daijin ) was the highest official post in the Daijokan ( Grand Council of State ) under the Ritsuryo system .
Ryoken ( 1611 - April 18 , 1687 ) was a Shingishingon sect monk during the early Edo period .
Kayariki ( a mosquito repellent stick holder ) is a device to steady a burning repellent stick and to facilitate the post-cleaning of it , keeping ashes from flying off , by burning a mosquito repellent stick in or on it .
Arinori CHIGUSA ( October 15 , 1687 - May 18 , 1738 ) was a kugyo ( court noble ) who lived during the middle of the Edo period .
This article describes myth of food origin in Japanese Mythology .
Yamazaki Shoten is another name for the independent Shingon Sect lineage Kannon-ji Temple in Yamazaki-cho , Otokuni-gun , Kyoto Prefecture .
Shiso ( 紫蘇 , Perilla , the scientific name : Perilla frutescens var. crispa ) is a plant , a genus of Perilla that belongs to the Lamiaceae family .
Itsumade , or Itsumaden is one of the monsters that have been handed down in Japan .
FUJIWARA no Fuyuo ( 808 ~ May 25 , 890 ( lunar calendar date ) ) was a court noble of the early Heian period .
Omihakkei is one of Hakkei ( the most beautiful scenes of a certain area ) in Japan .
' Wakatai jisshu ' ( The Ten Styles of Japanese Poetry ) is a treatise on waka poetry written by MIBU no Tadamine , one of the compilers of Kokin Wakashu ( A Collection of Ancient and Modern Japanese Poetry ) .
Meiji is the name of an era in Japan .
Dochuzu is a pictorial map made during the Edo period in which land routes or sea routes are described .
Maruyama-Shijo School is a name collectively referring to Maruyama School founded by Okyo MARUYAMA and Shijo School founded by Goshun MATSUMURA , which became famous in Kyoto from the late Edo Period .
Emperor Juntoku ( October 22 , 1197 - October 7 , 1242 ) was the eighty fourth Emperor during the Kamakura period .
Kaoru INOUE ( January 16 , 1836 - September 1 , 1915 ) was a Japanese feudal samurai retainer of the Choshu clan , statesman , and businessman .
Inoko ( the Young Boar Festival ) is an annual event held on the day of boar in October ( month of boar ) in old calendar .
FUJIWARA no Mototoshi ( 1060-Feburary 20 , 1142 ) was a court noble and poet of the late Heian period .
Yorinaga ODA ( 1582 to October 15 , 1620 ) , was the second son of Nagamasu ODA ( Urakusai ) .
Dokoshi ( Public Works Office ) was one of the institutions belonging to Kunaisho ( Ministry of the Sovereign 's Household ) in the Ritsuryo system ( a system of centralized government based on the ritsuryo code ) .
FUJIWARA no Mitsutaka ( 1127-September 6 , 1201 ) was Kugyo ( the top court officials ) who lived from the end of the Heian period to the beginning of the Kamakura period .
Kono-jinja Shrine is a Shinto shrine located near Amanohashidate in Miyazu City , Kyoto Prefecture .
Enga TERAMOTO ( 1872 - 1940 ) , born in Kaito-gun , Aichi Prefecture , was a priest of Higashi Hongan-ji Temple and the third Japanese who entered Tibet .
Tenryaku no Chi describes the idealized political reign of the Emperor Murakami in mid-Heian period ( in the mid-10th century ) .
Kiyomitsu TORII ( 鳥居 清満 , 1735 - May 11 , 1785 ) was an Ukiyoe artist who was active in the Torii school of Ukiyoe in the early Edo period .
Imperial Prince Tsuneyoshi / Tsunenage ( 1324 - May 3 , 1338 ) was Emperor Godaigo 's Prince .
Sensho MURAKAMI ( May 1 , 1851 - October 31 , 1929 ) was an educator and a scholar of Japanese Buddhist history who played an active role from the Meiji period to the Taisho period .
Located in Maizuru City , Kyoto Prefecture , Aobasanroku-koen is a park at the foot of Mt . Aoba .
Shukuba Ichiya Yumekaido is a festival that takes place in Furuichi , Sasayama City .
Kososhin is the god deemed to be the ancestor of Imperial Family .
Kinna SAIONJI ( 1410 - June 21 , 1468 ) was a Kugyo ( high court noble ) in the Muromachi period .
Saida is a Japanese term used to refer to alcohol-free , transparent and colorless soda which tastes sweet and sour .
Ogetsuhime ( Ohogetsuhime ) is a deity who appears in the Japanese Mythology .
The Itsukaichi Constitution is one of the constitution drafts which were made at the beginning of the Meiji period .
YOSHIMINE no Yasuyo ( 785-August 2 , 830 ) was a court noble during the early Heian period .
Zuryomei were unofficial names for government posts .
Ryukan ( 1148 - January 21 , 1228 ) was a Jodo sect priest from the late Heian period to the early Kamakura period .
' Kakushi nenbutsu ' is a general term that refers to heretical sects ( and their beliefs ) within Buddhism , which have various secretive aspects .
' Kugatachi ' ( also known as kukatachi and kukadachi ) refers to trials by ordeal held in ancient Japan .
Toro ( a garden lantern ) is a kind of traditional Japanese lighting fixture .
Shosoin monjo refers to document collections kept in Todai-ji Temple Shosoin , which are mainly created by the Sutra copying office at Todai-ji Temple .
' Tenjin-shinko Faith ' is a belief in Tenjin ( heavenly gods ) ( Raijin ( god of lightning ) ) , specifically , a Shinto faith with awe and prayers centered around Sugawara no Michizane as ' Tenjin-sama . '
Gunyaku ( also known as Guneki ) was a military service and provisions that was imposed by the lord on a retainer to offer in wartime .
Takayama Dam is located a short distance upstream from the confluence point of the Yodo-gawa River System stretch of the Kizu-gawa River and its arm Nabari-gawa River in Oaza Takao , Minami Yamashiro-mura , Soraku-gun , Kyoto Prefecture .
Prince Shioyaki ( Year of birth unknown - October 21 , 764 ) was a grandchild of Emperor Tenmu and a child of Imperial Prince Niitabe .
Okazaki-michi Station was a railway station on the Keihan Keishin Line of the Keihan Railway Company .
Hirotsuna KAWAKATSU ( 1579 - Nov 3 , 1661 ) was a military commander during the Azuchi-Momoyama period and subsequently , a retainer of the Shogun during the Edo period .
Takasago tayu is a former Shimabara tayu ( a high ranking courtesan of the Shimabara district in Kyoto ) from Shimogyo Ward , Kyoto City .
Nodagawa Station , located in Koaza Kakiuchi Aza Shimoyamada , Yosano-cho , Yosano-gun , Kyoto Prefecture , is a railway facility of the Miyazu Line operated by Kitakinki Tango Railway ( KTR ) .
The Kengoin school of the Jodo Shinshu sect is one of the schools of Jodo Shinshu ( the True Pure Land Sect of Buddhism ) .
Soyo ( 1526 - December 13 , 1563 ) was a renga poet ( linked-verse poet ) in the Sengoku period ( period of warring states ) .
FUJIWARA no Yoshino ( 786 - September 10 , 846 ) was a court noble who lived in the early Heian period ,
Moritane CHOSOKABE ( year of birth unknown - June 4 , 1615 ) was a busho ( Japanese military commander ) who lived in the Azuchi-Momoyama period through to the early Edo period .
Dosho ( 1281 - January 24 , 1356 ) was a priest of the Tendai sect and a poet .
Rikken seiyukai was one of the two major political parties along with Rikken Minsei-to political party between the end of Meiji period and the early part of Showa period in Japan ( September 15 , 1900 - July 16 , 1940 [ the orthodoxy faction , the unificationists ] / July 30 , 1940 [ the reformists ] ) .
Yasumura WAKIZAKA ( 1656 - October 31 , 1706 ) was a successor of the Tatsuno Domain in Harima Province .
Ecchu fundoshi ( 越中褌 ) is a kind of fundoshi , a traditional Japanese undergarment for adult males .
Sosetsu SEN , also known as SEN no Sosetsu ( 1592 to 1652 ) was a chajin ( master of the tea ceremony ) .
The shiki system is the term to indicate the stratified ruling structure in medieval Japan .
Gakkanin is a type of Daigaku-besso ( academic facility for nobles ) that belongs to Daigaku-ryo ( Bureau of Education under the ritsuryo system ) .
Kyoto-shugo is one of the occupational categories of the Kamakura bakufu .
Hironobu HIROTSU ( 1819 - 1883 ) was a Japanese diplomat .
Sadamitsu HORIGUCHI ( 1297 - 1338 ) was a busho ( Japanese military commander ) , who lived from the late Kamakura period to the Northern and Southern Courts period .
Cloistered Imperial Prince Shoe ( 1094 - March 4 , 1137 ) was a Shingon sect priest in the late Heian period .
Nagaoka Tenmangu is a shrine ( tenmangu ) located in Nagaokakyo City , Kyoto Prefecture .
The Keiji Bypass is the bypass of a national highway that extends from Kusatsu City in Shiga Prefecture to Kumiyama Town , Kuse-gun in Kyoto Prefecture .
' Tsuru Kame ' is a program of Noh , traditional masked dance-drama .
The Japanese term ' matsuri ' ( festival , written as 祭 or 祭り ) refers to ceremonies or Shinto rituals worshipping Shinreikon ( the spirit of God ) .
Tatsuji ( 1846 - 1910 ) was a geisha of the Shimabara Kikyoya house in Kyoto .
The Irtysh surrender incident is the incident in which the crew of a special service vessel of the Russian Baltic Fleet called the Irtysh , which had been damaged in the Battle of Tsushima and stalled at sea , surrendered in Waki district , Tsuno village , Naka County ( present-day Waki town , Gotsu City ) , Shimane Prefecture at about 2 : 00 pm on May 28 , 1905 .
OMI no Mifune ( 722 - July 30 , 785 ) was a literary man in the late Nara period .
ISONOKAMI no Otomaro ( year of birth unknown - October 9 , 750 ) was a Kugyo ( the top court officials ) and man of literature in the Nara period .
Showaraku or Jowaraku is a gagaku ( ancient Japanese court music and dance ) music piece .
Kutsuki-mura was a village located in the former Takashima-gun in the west of Shiga Prefecture .
Nagatoshi NAWA ( ? - August 15 , 1336 ) was a military commander during the period of the Northern and Southern Courts ( Japan ) .
The Saga-Genji were the descendants of Emperor Saga , the fufty second emperor , and the first to be given the Genji name .
The Yamagunitai ( the Yamaguni Corps or Troop ) was an armed force of farmers that was formed during the Bakumatsu period ( a fifteen-year period , from 1853-1868 , that saw the demise of the Tokugawa bakufu ) in the hamlet of Yamaguni in Kuwata county of Tanba Province ( the modern-day Keihoku-cho , Ukyo Ward , Kyoto ) .
Kazuma ODA ( November 11 , 1882 - March 18 , 1956 ) was an artist and a printmaker , who lived during the Meiji period to the Showa period .
Kojiro Nobumitsu KANZE ( 1435 or 1450 - August 15 , 1516 ) was a Sarugakushi ( an actor of Sarugaku ( early form of the Japanese classical drama Noh ) and a Nohgakushi ( an actor of Noh ) ) , and a playwright of Sarugaku ( Noh ) .
Chidori no Kyoku ( a song for plover ) is a musical composition for koto ( a long Japanese zither with thirteen strings ) and kokyu ( Chinese fiddle ) composed by Yoshizawa Kengyo ( the highest title of the official ranks within the Todo-za [ the traditional guild for the blind ] ) ( the second ) .
Utano Station , located in Nagao-cho , Utano , Ukyo Ward , Kyoto City , is a railway facility of the Kitano Line , which is operated by Keifuku Electric Railroad .
People living in Kyoto called sake ( rice wine ) brewed outside of the Kyoto area and brought to Kyoto as yosozake over the Muromachi period and the Edo period .
Fusajiro KANEMATSU ( June 25 , 1845 - February 6 , 1913 ) was a Japanese businessman .
' Jisha honjoryo no koto ' was a law enforced by the Muromachi bakufu ( Japanese feudal government headed by a shogun ) on July 10 , 1368 .
Fukurozoshi is a treatise on waka poetry written during the Hogen era ( 1156 - 1159 ) in late Heian period by FUJIWARA no Kiyosuke , who was a court noble and a poet in a linage of the Rokujo family .
Oyamakuhi no kami is a Japanese deity .
Nagakatsu FUJIKAKE ( 1557 - July 7 , 1617 ) was a busho ( Japanese military commander ) who lived during the Azuchi Momoyama period and the early Edo period .
Somato is a kind of a garden lantern , which is crafted to show a revolving shadow picture with its inside and outside frames .
A kodencho was an account book made to report to the central government on the results of koden ( research of public paddy fields in a ryoseikoku [ province ] ) by a kodenshi ( koden researcher ) or a kokushi ( provincial governor ) sent by the central government under the ritsuryo system in ancient Japan .
Ten-en-chi-hou is an ancient Chinese view of the universe which considers the heaven as round and the earth as square .
Oobako ( date of birth and death unknown ) was a Japanese woman in Jodai ( mainly the Nara era ) .
Chihanji was a name for a local government official position in the early Meiji period .
Omuro is the location name of Ukyo Ward , Kyoto City , Kyoto Prefecture .
' Kudensho ' is a book written in 1331 by Kakunyo , who was the third chief priest of Hongan-ji Temple of the Jodo Shinshu ( the True Pure Land Sect of Buddhism ) .
Mokkotsu ho is one of the techniques in Oriental painting .
Satoko OTANI ( September 1 , 1906 - November 15 , 1989 ) was the wife of Kocho OTANI , the 24th Hoshu ( head priest ) of Higashi Hongan-ji Temple .
SAEKI no Mino is a court noble in the Nara Period .
The ' Shochu Incident ' occurred in 1324 ( late Kamakura period ) , where a plan to overthrow the Kamakura bakufu by Emperor Godaigo was discovered beforehand and the main perpetrators were executed .
Private schools were private-run educational institutions ( whose teachers were the brightest persons and former government ministers , etc . ) in China as well as in Japan during the Edo Period .
The Mushanokoji family was a Japanese clan ( court nobles ) .
The Rinpa school refers to artists and craftsmen in the Edo period who used a similar style , including Sotatsu TAWARAYA and Korin OGATA .
The fifth Utaemon NAKAMURA ( February 14 , 1866 - September 12 , 1940 ) was a kabuki actor who was active in the Meiji period and the Taisho period and the prewar period of the Showa period .
Rokuyo refers to one of rekichu ( various information recorded in the almanac ) and has the six kinds such as sakigachi ( The day on which bold actions are supposed to turn out well ) , tomobiki ( The day currently believed to pull a friend by superstition ) , sakimake ( The day on which it is supposed to be better to avoid disputes and hurried actions ) , butsumetsu ( Buddha 's death or unlucky day ) , taian ( The most auspicious day in the six-day Buddhist calendar ) and shakko ( The day of great misfortune ) .
The subjugation of the Emishi means the conquest of the Emishi ( later called the Ezo ) , the indigenous inhabitants in the northern and northeastern parts of ancient Japan , carried out by the imperial court .
Rengo ( 1468 - August 26 , 1543 ) was a priest of Jodo Shinshu sect ( the True Pure Land Sect of Buddhism ) over the middle of the Muromachi period and the Sengoku Period ( Period of Warring States ) .
The Hashiba clan was a clan founded by Hideyoshi TOYOTOMI .
' Rokudai Shojiki ' ( or ' Rokudai Shoshiki ' ) is a historic tale written in chronological form in the early Kamakura Period of Japan .
Ine Bay is a bay located in Ine Town , Yosa County , Kyoto Prefecture .
Rekido ABEI ( male , 1805-September 16 , 1883 ) was a modern Japanese tenkokuka ( artist of seal engraving ) .
Kongobutsushi Eison Kanjingakushoki is an autobiography of Eison , a Buddhist monk who founded the Shingon Ritsu sect in the Kamakura period .
A Gyotai ( fish box ) is an accessory used for Sokutai costume ( traditional formal court dress ) .
Shigenari INAGE was busho ( a Japanese military commander ) who lived during the last days of Heian period and the early Kamakura period .
Kozuya-bashi Bridge is a bridge over the Kizu-gawa River connecting Kumiyama-cho , Kuse-gun , Kyoto Prefecture and Yawata City .
Kabuki ie no gei is a program list that is especially selected by the influential members of kabuki actors as the specialty pieces of their kabuki schools .
FUJIWARA no Ujimune ( 810 - March 27 , 872 ) was a court noble and politician in the imperial court who lived in the first half of the Heian period .
Gorosaku NAGASHIMA ( 1852 - June 20 , 1869 ) was a member of Shinsengumi ( a group who guarded Kyoto during the end of Tokugawa Shogunate ) from Abo Province .
Prince Oi ( Oi no Kimi or Oi no Miko , his date of birth and death were unknown ) first appeared in the Itsubun ( unidentified or lost writings ) written articles of the ' Joguki ' ( Record of the Crown Prince ) being an Imperial family ( Royal family ) around the fifth century in Japan
' Ni-moto ' was one of the producing methods of ' Nanto moro-haku , ' the sake ( Japanese rice wine ) that had a reputation of having the highest quality and grade from the mid-Heian period to the end of the Muromachi period .
The Uta-e is an elaborately designed pictorial work consisting of several illustrations depicting tools , natural phenomenon , plants and animals among other things that appear in Japanese poems , stories , and famous ceremonies , aimed at helping readers imagine and understand the backgrounds of these works .
Shigehira KOBAYAKAWA was a samurai in the Kamakura period .
Engi , Tenryaku no chi is the magnificent imperial reign name for the reigns of Emperor Daigo and Emperor Murakami in the mid Heian Period ( the 10th century ) .
Dakyu , also known as Uchimari ( Japanese polo ) is an athletic sport or a game similar to polo , once played in Japan .
Nanzenji tofu is a kind of tofu produced around Nanzen-ji Temple , the Grand Head Temple of Rinzai sect in Kyoto , and Shonai Region of Yamagata Prefecture .
FUJIWARA no Nagato ( 949 - c . 1009 ) was a waka poet in the mid-Heian period .
Nobuto TSUDA is busho ( a Japanese military commander ) and daimyo ( a feudal lord ) from the Sengoku period ( period of Warring States ) ( Japan ) through the Azuchi-Momoyama period .
The Kasuga family was one of Japan 's noble families .
The Emperor Taiho ( - , reign - ) was a person whom Yoshimasa MIURA , who called himself Nancho seito ( Legitimate Succession of the Southern Court ) , insisted was his ancestor .
Asukanabe is one of the local dishes of Nara region .
Yoshimi ASHIKAGA was a member of the ASHIKAGA clan from the mid- to late Muromachi period .
Kazuyuki FUKUO ( July 30 , 1973 - ) is a Noh actor of the Fukuo school of waki-kata ( supporting actors ) .
Tsunamitsu HIROHASHI ( July 31 , 1431-April 6 , 1477 ) was a Kugyo ( the top court officials ) in Japan .
Gennin ( 818 - December 14 , 887 ) was a priest of the Shingon sect early in the Heian period .
Bukko-ji Temple is a Jodo shin shu ( True Pure Land Sect Buddhism ) temple located in Shimogyo-ku Ward , Kyoto City , Kyoto Prefecture .
Yoshisuke HINO ( 1397 - July 24 , 1434 ) was a man who lived in the Muromachi period .
The Inarizuka-kofun Tumulus , located in Mogusa , Tama City , Tokyo Prefecture , is a burial mound built in the late Kofun period ( the period of ancient burial mounds ) ( the first half of the seventh century ) .
Sadayuki ATSUJI ( 1528 - July 7 , 1582 ) was a Japanese military commander and vassal of the Asai and the Oda clans during the Sengoku Period .
Kyoho-Oban refers to a large-sized gold coin released in July 1725 .
The Jin no Sadame was a type of privy council in use by regency governments during the Heian period .
OHARA no Otoji ( year of birth and death unknown ) was a daughter of FUJIWARA no Kamatari .
Kamashi is a craftsman to found chagama ( iron tea ceremony pot ) .
Located in Kaya , Yosano-cho , Kyoto Prefecture , Kaya Steam Locomotive Square is a facility run by Kaya Kosan Co . Ltd. to preserve and exhibit railway cars .
Kagetomo YAMAOKA was the Busho ( Japanese military commander ) in the Sengoku Period ( Period of Warring State ) and the Azuchi-Momoyama Period .
ATO no Otari ( date of birth and death unknown ) was a government official ( lower or middle ranked ) in the Nara period .
Senkichi SASAKI ( born on December 18 , 1930 to now ) is a kyogen performer of Okura-ryu ( the Shigeyama family , Kyoto ) ( Okura school ) .
Agata no INUKAI no Michiyo ( 665 ? - January 11 , 733 ( old lunar calendar ) ( February 4 , 733 ) ) was a court lady during the early Nara Period .
Hisamoto HIJIKATA ( November 23 , 1833 - November 4 , 1918 ) was a shishi ( patriot ) and statesman from the late Edo period ( the last days of Tokugawa Shogunate ) to the Meiji and Taisho periods .
A katsudo benshi is a Japanese professional narrator of an old motion picture , or a silent movie , who gives live narration to the audience .
Goryosha is a car which is designed for the Japanese Emperor and the Imperial family .
the Asai clan , Hidetsugu HASHIBA , Takatsugu KYOGOKU , Kuruwa ( walls of a castle ) , stone wall
Chokusai is a religious service at a shrine where imperial messengers are sent by the Emperor .
Yoshitane SOMA ( year of birth and death unknown ) was a samurai who lived during the Kamakura period .
Kumanokuni no miyatsuko ( Kumano Kokuso ) was shizoku ( clan ) who ruled Kumano Province ( later Muro-gun , Kii Province , present Southern area of Wakayama Prefecture and Southern area of Mie Prefecture ) in ancient times .
Shippan ( unknown – October 15 , 1144 ) was a monk during the late Heian period .
Shingen TAKEDA , Harunobu TAKEDA was a busho ( Japanese military commander ) during the Sengoku period ( Japan ) , a shugo daimyo ( shugo , which were Japanese provincial military governors , that became daimyo , which were Japanese feudal lords ) of Kai Province , and a daimyo ( Japanese territorial lord ) during the Sengoku period ( period of warring states ) .
Sho is a standard unit of volume ( capacity ) in the East Asian system of weights and measures .
Morokazu NAKAHARA ( 1184 - July 19 , 1251 ) was a person during the Kamakura period .
Tomomune HIKI ( the date of birth and death unknown ) was a busho ( Japanese military commander ) from the end of the Heian period into the beginning of the Kamakura period .
Koon-toka-ho is a Japanese sake-making method used today , in which the starch component of polished rice is gelatinized not by being steamed but by being heated at a high temperature , and then is fermented with the rice malt and yeast that is added at the next stage .
Akio SHIOTSU ( January 22 , 1945 - ) is a shite-kata ( a main actor ) of the Kita school of Noh .
The term ' ikki ' refers to an attempt made by a community in Japan to achieve an objective when members of the community that share the same sentiment work closely together for a certain reason .
Tatsuo KISHIMOTO ( November 13 , 1851-April 5 , 1912 ) was a law scholar in Japan .
Suzuriarai ( literally , washing ink stone ) is an event carried out on July 6 in the lunar calendar in preparation for welcoming the Tanabata Star festival .
HEKI no Kiyotari ( 浄足 ) ( year of birth and death unknown ) was a government official ( lower or middle ranked ) of Nara period .
An official national measure that was enacted by Emperor Gosanjo in 1072 , Enkyu senjimasu ( also referred to simply as Senjimasu ) was used to implement new manor regulation policies , including a manor regulation ordinance issued during the Enkyu era .
Imperial Prince Hozumi ( year of birth unknown - August 30 , 715 ) was a member of the Imperial family , who lived during the Nara Period .
Tokuro MIYAKE is one family name given to Kyogen performers .
Zoami ( year of birth and death unknown ) was an actor of the Dengaku Shinza ( New Dengaku Guild ) , who was active during the same time period as Zeami .
San-shikishi is a collective term for the ' Tsugi-shikishi ' ( spliced shikishi ) , ' Sunshoan-shikishi , ' and ' Masu-shikishi ' ( square shishiki ) and is one of the best examples of ' kana-gaki ' ( writing in kana , as opposed to Chinese characters ) calligraphy from the Heian period .
Itabuki no Miya was an Imperial Palace where Empress Kogyoku lived in about the middle of the seventh century .
Hanreki-shosha was an exclusive organization to distribute the calendar in the early Meiji period .
MURAKUNI no Oyori ( date of birth unknown - July 676 ) was a person who lived in the Asuka Period .
Imperial Prince Fushiminomiya Kunimichi ( 1641 - September 1 , 1654 ) was a member of the Imperial family in the early Edo period .
The Surrender of Edo-jo Castle was executed during the ending of the Edo period ( the final phase of the Tokugawa shogunate ) , occurring over the months of March to April in 1868 ; Takamori SAIGO , a representative of the new Meiji government , and Kaishu KATSU , a representative of the former Tokugawa shogunate troops ; together strategically negotiated a peaceful resolution to the surrender of Edo-jo Castle ; this peacefully negotiated transfer was to become historically known as , The Bloodless Surrender of Edo-jo Castle .
Joo TAKENO ( 1502- December 22 , 1555 ) was the wealthy merchant ( merchant for armory or leather ) of Sakai City .
Sushi restaurant is also called sushisho or sushiten and is a restaurant which serves Japanese food sushi .
In the study of history , komonjo ( literally , old documents ) refers to methods created to communicate one 's intentions to a specific addressee .
The Katsuraki clan was a powerful local clan who had their base in the Kazuraki region of the Yamato Province ( present day Gose city and Katsuraki city , Nara Prefecture ) during the Kofun period ( tumulus period ) .
Robatayaki refers to the style of premises and serving at restaurants , which originated in Sendai City , Miyagi Prefecture and developed in Kushiro City , Hokkaido , as well as the dishes served there .
Suketsugu MATSUDAIRA was the third lord of the Miyazu Domain , Tango Province .
Torazo NINAGAWA ( February 24 , 1897 - February 27 , 1981 ) was an economist and statistician .
Tegotomono is the style of composition which has instrumental parts ( here , it is also called ' tegotomono-form ' ) or the kind of songs in sankyoku music which consists of jiuta , so ( or koto ) music and kokyu ( Chinese fiddle ) music .
Akabozu is a specter that has been told in Kyoto Prefecture and Ehime Prefecture .
The government offices centralizing plan was the city plan of the capital of Tokyo which was organized in the Meiji period ; it planned to build a splendid baroque city which would be equivalent to Paris or Berlin by centralizing official buildings such as the Congress Hall and government offices around Kasumigaseki area in Tokyo .
Hoju-ji Temple is a Tendai Sect Buddhist temple located in Higashiyama Ward , Kyoto City .
Chikamoto NINAGAWA ( 1433 - July 13 , 1488 ) was an agent in the administrative office of the Yoshimasa ASHIKAGA and Yoshihisa ASHIKAGA shogunate .
KIYOUCHI no Oyuki ( 808-June 29 , 882 ) was a government official who lived during the early Heian period .
Located in Sakyo Ward , Kyoto City , Kyoto Prefecture , Murin-an Villa is a facility centered on a Japanese garden and is designated as a place of scenic beauty .
Koretoyo KAJUJI ( 1503 – March 22 , 1594 ) was a court noble in the Azuchi-Momoyama Period .
Imperial Prince Fushiminomiya Kunitaka ( March 8 , 1456 - April 24 , 1532 ) was an Imperial family member during the late Muromachi period .
Ishida Station , located in Ishida-morihigashi-cho , Fushimi Ward , Kyoto City , Kyoto Prefecture , is a railway facility of the Tozai Line of the Kyoto Municipal Subway .
TAIRA no Yasumori was a busho ( Japanese military commander ) who lived during the late Heian period .
FUMI no Kusuri is a person who lived in the Asuka Period , but his birth and death dates are not known .
' Bon toro ' ( also called ' bon doro , ' written as ' 盆燈籠 ' in Japanese ) is a lantern-shaped decoration , which is dedicated to the dead at a grave during the season of ' Obon ' ( an annual festival of the dead ) in Japan .
Izanagi-jinja Shrine is located in Ikoma City , Nara Prefecture .
Sakite-gumi was one of military systems in the Edo bakufu .
Kocho OTANI ( October 1 , 1903 - April 13 , 1993 ) was a monk in the Jodo Shin ( True Pure Land ) sect of Buddhism , and he was the 24th Hoshu ( high priest ) ( Monshu ( representative priest ) later ) of Higashi Hongan-ji Temple .
Takatori Domain was a feudal domain what was located in Yamato Province ( present-day Takatori-cho , Takaichi-gun , Nara Prefecture ) .
' Kokuiko ' is a literary work by KAMO no Mabuchi , a scholar of Japanese classical literature in the Edo period .
Baishoron is a Japanese war tale and a history of the period of the Northern and Southern Courts ( Japan ) as great as the Taiheiki .
Arashiyama Torokko Station , located in Saga Ogurayama-cho , Ukyo Ward , Kyoto City , Kyoto Prefecture , is a stop on the Saga Sightseeing Tram Line of the Sagano Scenic Railway .
Yoshimasa KOIDE ( 1565 - April 19 , 1613 ) was a busho ( Japanese military commander ) in the Azuchi Momoyama period and the early Edo period .
The Gangyo War , which occurred in the Heian period , was a rebellion by the Ifu , or less assimilated Emishi ( unassimilated northerners ) under the rule of the Imperial Court .
Minpoten Ronso ( disputes over the legal code provided for basic stipulation related to Civil Code ) was the disputes whether to postpone or carry out the effectuation of the Old Civil Code ( Act No.28 , No.29 of 1890 ) in Japan from 1889 to 1892 ) .
The term ' Matsugo yoshi ' refers to a son who was adopted on his adoptive father 's deathbed .
Tsunenori NIJO ( 1286-date of death unknown ) was a kuge ( court noble ) who lived during the Kamakura period .
Goro HIRAYAMA ( born in 1829 and died on October 30 , 1863 ) was a samurai in the Edo period .
Imperial Prince Shiki ( 志貴皇子 , 668 ? - , September 5 , 716 ) lived from the end of the Asuka period to the beginning of the Nara period .
Nenki is an anniversary of the death of a person .
Naosue IMADEGAWA ( October 24 , 1782 - September 27 , 1810 ) was Kugyo ( a Court noble ) in the late Edo period .
Bangaku-ji Temple is a temple of the Soto sect located in Nakasho , Makino-cho , Takashima City , Shiga Prefecture .
Utsusemi is the cast-off skin of a cicada ( order : Pentatomidae ) , when it hatches .
FUJIWARA no Yoritada ( 924 - August 5 , 989 ) was a court noble who lived in the mid Heian period .
KI no Narimori ( year of birth and death unknown ) was an influential warrior in the western part of Hoki Province ( Nishi Hoki ) from the end of the Heian period to the Kamakura period .
Doan SEN ( 1546 - March 14 , 1607 ) , a Japanese tea ceremony master during the Sengoku and Edo periods of Japanese history .
Nobukatsu ( Nobuo ) ODA was a warlord / daimyo ( feudal lord ) who lived in the Azuchi-momoyama and early Edo periods .
Court rituals are performed in order for an emperor to pray for peace , security , and prosperity of the nation and people .
Yasunobu MATSUDAIRA was the second Lord of the Sakura Domain in Shimousa Province .
The opening of a country to the outside world ( as opposed to national isolation ) means to interact and trade with foreign countries .
Socho ( 1448 - April 11 , 1532 ) was a renga ( linked-verse ) poet of the late Muromachi period .
Noriyori ARIMA ( March 18 , 1533 - September 13 , 1602 ) was a Japanese military commander during the time from the Sengoku period ( of Japan ) to the Azuchi-Momoyama period .
Roben ( 689 - January 10 , 774 ) was a bonze of the Kegon Sect in the Nara period .
The Sino-Japanese Agreement was the treaty concluded between Japan and the Qing Dynasty which ruled China .
Norifusa UESUGI
Koshu ( 公主 ) indicates the daughters of the Chinese Emperors .
Gun-ku-cho-son Henseiho ( the law for reorganization of counties , wards , towns and villages ) was the law regarding a Japanese local government system , established in 1878 .
Shukuzen is one of the words used in the doctrine of Jodo Shinshu ( the True Pure Land Sect of Buddhism ) .
Muneko HINO ( year of birth unknown - June 21 , 1447 ) was the legal wife ( Midaidokoro ( shogun 's wife ) ) of Yoshinori ASHIKAGA , who was the sixth seii taishogun ( literally , ' the great general who subdues the barbarians ' ) of the Muromachi bakufu ( Japanese feudal government headed by a shogun ) .
Arashi Kanjuro Productions ( established April 1928 , disbanded in February 1929 , established again in August 1931 and then disbanded in 1937 ) was a film company located in Kyoto .
Mitsuyoshi KIRA ( year of birth unknown - October 17 , 1356 ) was a busho ( Japanese military commander ) lived during the period of the Northern and Southern Courts .
The Imperial Household Agency ( called Kunai-cho in Japanese ) is one of the administrative agencies in Japan .
FUJIWARA no Mayori ( year of birth and death unknown ) was a noble in the Nara period .
Chuko ( Middle Ages ) is a word used to represent a time period , and is the second of the three words : joko ( ancient times ) , chuko ( middle ages ) , and kinko ( early modern age ) .
FUJIWARA no Moriko
The Maria Luz Incident is an incident in which the Japanese government freed the Qing laborers the Peruvian ship ' Maria Luz ' harbored in Yokohama Port in 1872 , on the ground that they were treated as slaves .
Koto-sanzan ( the three temples in the east of Lake Biwa ) collectively means three Tendai Sect temples , namely Saimei-ji Temple , Kongorin-ji Temple , and Hyakusai-ji Temple .
KOSE no Kiminari ( dates of birth and death unknown ) was a noble of the Nara Period .
Hoshigaki is a kind of dried fruit made by drying Japanese persimmons .
Gyonyo ( 1376 - November 8,1440 ) was a monk of Jodo Shinshu ( the True Pure Land Sect of Buddhism ) and the sixth chief priest of Hongan-ji Temple .
The Seika garden city , located in Hosono Nishi , Seika-cho Town , Soraku-gun County , Kyoto Prefecture , is a shopping center in front of Hosono Station on the JR Katamachi line ( the science city line ) and in front of Shin Hosono Station on the Kintetsu Kyoto line .
' Jishi menkyo ' refers to the exemption from ' jishi ' ( the tax imposed on the land of the town 's residential area during the early modern ages of Japan ) permitted by a feudal lord , and jishi corresponded to ' nengu ' ( the tax imposed on the land of farming villages ) .
The term ' seishi ' refers to the following :
Morotane SOMA
The Fujita school is one of the schools of fue-kata ( flute players ) in Nohgaku ( the art of Noh ) .
TAIRA no Narimoto ( year of birth unknown - 1109 ) is a busho ( Japanese military commander ) in the late Heian period .
Suketada OGAWA ( 1549 - 1601 ) was a warlord in the Sengoku period ( period of Warring States ) .
Keijuin ( 1514 - June 27 , 1565 ) was the lawful wife of Yoshiharu ASHIKAGA , who was the 12th Seii Taishogun ( literally , ' great general who subdues the barbarians ' ) of the Muromachi bakufu ( Japanese feudal government headed by a shogun ) .
The Kajuji ( also pronounced Kanjuji ) family was a court noble family of the Kajuji line of the Northern House of the Fujiwara clan .
Koseki refers to a family register or eligibility to be a member of the Imperial Family .
Jinpo or kamudara refers to items which are stored within the inner sanctum located in the sanctuary of a Shinto shrine .
Asuka-Fujiwara : Archaeological sites of Japan 's Ancient Capitals and Related Properties is the generic term of archaeological sites in Asuka , Nara Prefecture and has been accepted to the World Heritage ( cultural heritage ) Tentative List of United Nations Educational , Scientific and Cultural Organization ( UNESCO ) .
Tadamasa TODA ( 1632 - October 2 , 1699 ) was a feudal lord who lived in the early Edo period .
Sumio YAMADA ( 1937- ) is a Noh actor , shite-kata ( main roles ) of Kongo school .
Ko NAKAHIRA ( January 3 , 1926-September 11 , 1978 ) was a film director .
Monto mono shirazu ' is a phrase which believers of other sects use when they criticize monto ( believers ) of Jodo Shinshu ( the True Pure Land Sect of Buddhism ) as ' they don 't know about the manners of Buddhism . '
The term Kouin refers to Imperial descendants .
MINAMOTO no Chikayuki ( year of birth and death unknown ) was a writer and politician , a classical scholar , and a poet who lived in the first half of the Kamakura period .
Various ceremonies associated with the emperor and Miyake ( families allowed to be in status of the Imperial Family ) are described below .
Jujo Station ( Tokyo ) , located in the Kita Ward of Tokyo , is a station on the Saikyo Line ( Akabane Line ) of the East Japan Railway Company ( JR East ) .
' Kenchi-cho ' refers to the register compiled per village , in which the result of ' kenchi ' ( land survey ) was added up .
Fukuchiyama-jo Castle is a hirayamajiro ( flatland-mountain castle ) located in Fukuchiyama City in Kyoto Prefecture .
Yogin is a foreign silver brought in to Japan at the end of the Edo Period through the beginning of the Meiji Period .
Anpan ( a round soft bread with azuki bean paste in the center ) is a kind of a sweet bun with ' an ' ( sweet bean paste ) .
Kamigata is a name used in the Edo period referring to Kinai including Osaka and Kyoto .
SUGAWARA no Michizane ( his name can also be read as Michimasa and Doshin ) ( August 5 , 845 - March 31 , 903 ) was a scholar , composer of Chinese poems , and a politician who lived in the Heian period .
Busshi is a name for someone who is in charge of making Buddhist statues and so on , in Japan .
Sanemori SAITO ( 1111 - June 22 , 1183 ) was a military commander in the late Heian period .
MINAMOTO no Yoshikatsu ( years of birth and death unknown ) , who was a busho ( Japanese military commander ) descended from Kawachi-Genji ( Minamoto clan ) , lived in the end of the Heian period .
Hokoku-jinja Shrine stands in Nagahama City , Shiga Prefecture .
MINAMOTO no Mitsumune ( date of birth unknown - 1160 ) was a samurai at the end of the Heian period .
Shigeyoshi UESUGI ( year of birth unknown - January 28 , 1350 ) was a warlord in the Northern and Southern Courts period ( Japan ) .
Prince Masamichi ( 821 - July 7 , 841 ) was a member of the Imperial Family during the early Heian period .
' Torikaebaya Monogatari ' is a narrative that was completed in the late Heian period .
SAMI no Sukunamaro was a person from the Asuka Period in Japan .
Kusuguri ( tickling ) is to give ' tickling ' sensation by stimulating skin surface and ' make someone laugh . '
Nishikoji-dori Street is one of the streets in Kyoto running in the north-south direction .
Kamon SHIBATA ( February 6 , 1863 - August 25 , 1919 ) is a statesman who served as Education Minister , a member of the House of Peers , and so on .
Gohyaku-Jintengo ( literally , five hundred is like a piece of dust in the infinite time frame ) is a word that represents admiration for Siddhartha Gautama spending limitless time in the process of Jodo ( completing the path to becoming a Buddha by attaining enlightenment ) , which is cited in the Nyorai Juryo-bon ( the Infinite Life of Buddha Chapter ) of Hokekyo ( the Lotus Sutra ) .
Takashi YAMAMOTO ( September 18 , 1936 - ) is a Nohgakushi ( Noh actor ) playing stick drums of Okura-ryu school .
Oban , in the general meaning , is a large-sized oval gold coin among noshikin ( flattened by a hammer or roller , that was made of unprocessed gold ) made after the 16th century in Japan .
Nihon Sandai Jitsuroku ( The True History of Three Reigns of Japan ) is a Japanese history text compiled during the Heian period and completed in the year 901 .
Tsunetaka KIKKAWA ( 1234 - 1319 ) was a samurai who lived in the end of Kamakura period .
Nenbutsu-ko means kochu , which is the gathering for nenbutsu chanting by lay believers of Japanese Buddhism .
Yamatai ( 邪馬台国 ) is a vassal state which is mentioned in Gishiwajinden ( ' Worenchuan ' [ the account of the people of ' Wa ' ] in ' Wei chih ' [ The History of the Wei Dynasty ] ) .
Konjiki Yasha is a representative novel of Meiji Period written by Koyo OZAKI .
Yasunori IMAGAWA ( 1334 ? - November 3 , 1409 ? ) was shugo daimyo ( shugo , which were Japanese provincial military governors , that became daimyo , which were Japanese feudal lords ) from the period of the Northern and Southern Courts through the early Muromachi Period .
Yokai ( specter ) , in folk beliefs handed down in Japan , is an unusual being with supernatural powers that can cause bizarre and abnormal phenomena that are beyond human understanding .
Amanozako is a Japanese goddess who is depicted in ' Wakan-sansai-zue ' ( an encyclopedia compiled in the Edo period ) .
Nagafusa SHINDO ( 1642 - August 31 , 1718 ) was aozamurai ( young samurai of lower rank ) from the early to middle of the Edo period .
Zori are a sandal-like type of Japanese traditional footwear .
Iken junikajo ( twelve opinions ) was the written statement on politics that Kiyoyuki MIYOSHI , a scholar of Chinese classics in the mid Heian period , submitted to Emperor Daigo in 914 .
Chuo-do Daytime Express Kyoto-go is a daytime express bus service which connects Tokyo and Kyoto City , Kyoto Prefecture .
The Otomo clan was one of the dominant clans in ancient Japan .
Johakyu is a word used in discussions regarding such arts as renga ( Japanese collaborative poetry ) , kemari ( a kick-ball game arranged by aristocrats in the Heian period ) , kodo ( traditional incense ceremony ) , swordsmanship , batto-jutsu ( the art of using swords and cutting with swords ) and iaido ( an art using swords ) , which was originally used in the field of Japanese traditional music including gagaku ( ancient Japanese court dance and music ) and nohgaku ( the art of noh ) .
The enshrined deity is Iwatsukiwake-no-Mikoto Hime-gami .
Shonen ( 1513 - August 27 , 1554 ) was a Buddhist monk of the Jodo Sect in the Sengoku Period ( Period of Warring States ) ( Japan ) .
Imperial Prince Sadazumi ( 873 ? - June 15 , 916 ) was an Imperial family member of Japan in the early Heian period .
Shoroku SEKINE ( 1930 - ) is a leading traditional Japanese Noh drama performer ( shite-kata ) and member of the Kanze school ( one of the 5 major Noh troupes ) .
Omi Saigoku Sanjusankasho ( the 33 temples in Omi Province of Saigoku [ provinces in Kinki region ] ) refers to 33 sacred places enshrining Kannon for pilgrimage and are located in present Shiga Prefecture .
Rikyuage is a kind of agemono ( deep-fried food ) of Japanese cuisine .
Oume HANAI ( 1863 - December 14 , 1916 ) was the name of character and the title of the movie which was modeled on the evil woman and her murder case in the Meiji and the Taisho periods .
Ihai is a policy under which the Ritsuryo-seifu Government ( the ancient Japanese government of centralized governance ) ( Imperial court ) forced Emishi ( northerners ) , who lived in present-day Tohoku area , to move to Kanto region and to the west of Honshu , Shikoku and Kyushu from the 8th to the 9th century .
Kannin ( also known as Kanjin , Tsukasabito ) means an official and a civil servant .
Shibosatsu ( shi means four ) , means four Bosatsu literally , is a combination of Bosatsu as the object of worship or construction of statues in the Buddhism .
The Battle of Shimanto-gawa River , which is also referred to as the ' Battle of Watari-gawa River , ' was a battle that confirmed the unification of Tosa Province ( Kochi Prefecture ) by Motochika CHOSOKABE in 1575 .
Seikai KOSONE ( 1851 - June 5 , 1904 ) was a businessman , a calligrapher and a seal-engraving artist in Meiji period .
Emperor Kogon ( August 1 , 1313 - August 5 , 1364 ) , his reign was from October 22 , 1331 to July 7 , 1333 ) and he was the first Emperor of Northern Court during the period of the Northern and Southern Courts .
A han bill was paper currency issued by each domain for use within their respective territories .
Ujimune SUGIWAKA ( year of birth and death unknown ) was a busho ( Japanese military commander ) and daimyo ( Japanese feudal lord ) during the Azuchi-Momoyama period .
The Aikokukoto Party was the first political organization associated under the Jiyu Minken Undo ( Movement for Liberty and People 's Right ) .
MINAMOTO no Yoshiyasu ( Yoshiyasu ASHIKAGA ) was a Japanese military commander from the Kawachi-Genji in the end of the Heian period .
Shinmonzen-dori Street is a street running east - west through Higashiyama Ward in Kyoto City .
Tokimasu HOJO ( date of birth unknown , died June 28 , 1333 ) was the last Rokuhara Tandai ( an administrative and judicial agent in Rokuhara , Kyoto ) ( Minamikata ) ( South ) of the Kamakura bakufu ( Japanese feudal government headed by a shogun ) .
Korai Futeisho is a textbook on poetry that was completed during the early Kamakura period .
Emperor Reigen ( July 9 , 1654 - September 24 , 1732 ) was the 112th Emperor , counting from Emperor Jimmu .
Kanenaga FUJIWARA ( 1138 - 1158 ) is a court politician during the late Heian period .
The Shuinsen was a ship that carried out foreign trade by receiving the Shuinjo ( the permit to travel to foreign countries ) of the Japanese ruler between the end of the sixteenth century to the early seventeenth century .
Tatsuta-hime ( 竜田姫 ) is the god of autumn in Japan .
The Oribe School is one of the schools of the tea ceremony .
Chosan was means of resistance and forms of struggle waged by farmers in Japan from the middle ages to the early modern period .
Iwao OYAMA ( November 12 , 1842 - December 10 , 1916 ) was a Japanese samurai ( warrior ) , statesman , Genro ( elder statesman ) , and military man .
Saiho Shochishi ( an investigating commissioner ) was a title of the government official in Tang dynasty of China .
Sun is a length unit in the traditional East Asian system of weights and measures .
Iryo GEN ( male , years of birth and death unknown ) was a tenkokuka ( artist of seal engraving ) in the mid-Edo period .
' Omoto Shinyu ' is a collection of literary work in which Ofudesaki ( the Holy Scriptures of Omoto ) was edited .
Ganjin ( 688-June 25 , 763 ) was a naturalized priest in the Nara period .
Ippen was a priest in the mid Kamakura period .
Nukiemon is a method of wearing a kimono .
Motoyasu ODAKA ( November 16 , 1758 - 1830 ) was a Japanese doctor and Rangakusha or a Dutch scholar ( a person who studied Western sciences by means of the Dutch language ) in the period that the Western sciences were introduced .
Danjodai is as follows .
The Juko school is one of the schools of tea ceremony .
Kokei ( high chignon ) was hair style for noblewomen in Nara period .
Seiza refers to :
' Sojuro-zukin ' is a kind of hood for men .
Shigetoshi TAKENAKA ( 1562 - December 6 , 1615 ) was a busho ( military commander ) and daimyo ( feudal lord ) who lived in the Sengoku period ( Warring States Period ) .
FUJIWARA no Michitoshi ( 1047 - September 9 , 1099 ) was a court noble as well as a waka poet in the late Heian period .
Soyen SHAKU ( January 10 , 1860 - November 1 , 1919 ) was a priest of the Rinzai sect of Buddhism during the Meiji and Taisho periods .
Prince Fushiminomiya Haruhito ( 1370 - February 28 , 1417 ) was a Japanese Imperial family member during the period of the Northern and Southern Court and the Muromachi period .
Imperial Prince Yamashinanomiya Akira ( October 22 , 1816 - February 17 , 1898 ) was a member of the Imperial family in Japan .
In Juo-shinko , the faithful beg for the mercy of ten judges , who decide the realm to which the dead would go posthumously .
The Shigisan Shingon sect is a Shingon set that worships Bishamonten ( Vaisravana ; also called Tamonten ) and its Grand Head Temple is Chogosonshi-ji Temple ( Shigisan-ji Temple ) .
Heiminsha is a newspaper company established by newspaper reporters of ' Yorozu-choho ' newspaper company , Shusui KOTOKU and Toshihiko SAKAI ( KOSEN ) , to promote and spread socialist thoughts , who retired from the Choho press company in order to insist their claim of pacifism , when the company , which had been claiming pacifism against the move to the Russo-Japanese War , shifted its policy from pacifism to the theory of making war .
Ichiniwa Tumulus is a megalithic tomb which lies across Tsukamoto and Ichiniwa , Saki-cho , Nara City , Nara Prefecture .
The Maizuru Repatriation Memorial Museum is a facility for preservation of historical artifacts and tradition in Maizuru City , Kyoto Prefecture
Oiryo ( Bureau of Palace Kitchens ) is a bureau of Kunaisho ( the Ministry of the Imperial Household ) under the ritsuryo system ( a system of centralized government based on the ritsuryo code ) in Japan .
Chokunyu TANOMURA ( March 31 , 1814 - January 21 , 1907 ) is an artist who flourished in Meiji period .
Naruchika NAKAYAMA ( July 7 , 1741-October 1 , 1814 ) was kuge ( a court noble ) in the late Edo period .
Kanmuri-jima Island belongs to Maizuru City , Kyoto Prefecture .
Kinroku Kosai was the public bond issued for people in the class below aristocrats in compensation for the abolition of the Roku-rewarding system after the Meiji Restoration .
KI no Haseo ( born 845 , died March 6 , 912 ) was a high-ranking court noble and literatus who lived from the early into the mid-Heian period .
Imperial Prince Fushiminomiya Kuniie ( November 19 , 1802 - September 7 , 1872 ) was a member of the Imperial family at the end of Edo Period in Japan .
MIWA no Kobito ( year of birth unknown - August , 676 in old lunar calendar ) was a person who lived in the Asuka period of Japanese history .
ONO no Minemori ( 778 - April 19 , 830 ) was a noble and a man of letters during the early Heian period .
Mitsusada WAKEBE ( 1816 - May 12 , 1870 ) was the 11th lord of the Omizo clan in Omi Province .
Ieatsu KAZANIN ( April 23 , 1789-September 28 , 1866 ) was a high-rank Court noble in the late Edo period .
Yoshida-jinja Shrine is a shrine on Mt . Yoshida , in Kaguraoka-cho , Sakyo Ward , Kyoto City .
Kajiko GION ( year of birth and death unknown ) was a poet who lived during the middle of the Edo period .
Konren-ji Temple , located in Kita Ward , Kyoto City , is a temple of the Ji sect .
Genshi-sai Festival ( the Shinto festival of origins ) is one of taisaijitsu ( the days when grand festivals are held ) in the prewar public holiday system .
Michishige INABA was a busho ( Japanese military commander ) in the Azuchi-Momoyama period .
Tan ( 反 or 段 ) is a unit of area belongs to old Japanese system of weights and measures .
Gentaku OTSUKI ( November 9 , 1757 - April 25 , 1827 ) was a Rangakusha ( a person who studied Western sciences by means of the Dutch language ) from Ichinoseki Domain ( Tamura Domain ) , a branch domain of Sendai Domain during the late Edo Period .
Tojinuta is a category of popular song during the Edo period and the Meiji era .
Shonosuke OKURA ( 1955 - ) is an otsuzumi kata ( large hand drum player ) of Okura school .
Suichu ( also called ' mizutsugi ' ) is a utensil used in the sado and sencha tea services for pouring water .
Mokugyo ( 木魚 ; a fish-shaped wooden drum ) ( also written in 杢魚 ) is a kind of butsugu ( Buddhist altar fittings ) .
Makibishi is a tool which is scattered on the ground to escape from pursuers when running away .
Teisho TSUGA ( male , 1718 - circa . 1794 ) was a yomihon writer , Confucian scholar , and physician during the middle of Edo period .
Kinu is a story of a bird with three legs in the sun ; it refers to the bird ( kau ) and the sun .
Yoshiwara no Mandoro is a traditional and vibrant festival that takes place in Maizuru City , Kyoto Prefecture .
Torahiko ENOMOTO ( February 24 , 1866 - November 16 , 1916 ) was a Kyogen ( farce played during a Noh cycle ) and Kabuki ( traditional drama performed by male actors ) writer , who lived during the Meiji and Taisho Periods .
Yukitsune KUJO ( June 5 , 1823 - August 31 , 1859 ) was a Court noble ) who lived during the late Edo period .
Kangetsukyo Station , located in Bungobashi-cho , Fushimi Ward , Kyoto City , Kyoto Prefecture , is a stop of the Keihan Uji Line , which is operated by the Keihan Electric Railway .
Yukimura NIKAIDO ( 1155 - March 3 , 1238 ) was a governmental official responsible for practical works in the mid Kamakura period .
Otarashihime ( year of birth and death unknown ) was a daughter of ABE no Uchimaro .
Moroie MATSUDONO ( 1172 - November 11 , 1238 ) was a Court noble in the end of Heian Period through the early Kamakura Period .
The Yoshingo-ryu school is a school of flower arrangement established by Seiryusai SAKURAI ichinyokoji ( Ichinyo ) .
The Usei-kai , which lasted for three days , from June 17th ( Monday ) to June 19th ( Wednesday ) , 1907 , is the name given to an evening banquet held by Kinmochi SAIONJI , then prime minister , at his private residence in Kandasurugadai , to which he invited various Japanese literati .
MINAMOTO no Shigeyuki ( ? - around 1000 ? ) was a poet of the mid-Heian period
Suisho NISHIYAMA ( April 2 , 1879 - March 30 , 1958 ) was a Japanese-style painter .
Sansho ( Japanese pepper ; scientific name : Zanthoxylum piperitum ) is one of the deciduous shrubs of Rutaceae , Zanthoxylum .
Fu-han-sanchisei is a local administration system established in the first year of the Meiji Era .
Ienobu Shikibu TODO ( 1578 - March 26 , 1636 ) was a vassal of the Todo clan over the period ranging from the Azuchi- Momoyama period to the early Edo period .
Oeyamaguchi-naiku Station , located in Naiku , Oe-cho ( Kyoto Prefecture ) , Fukuchiyama City , Kyoto Prefecture , is a railway station on the Miyafuku Line of the Kitakinki Tango Railway ( KTR ) .
Kyoritsu Eiga Production ( established in 1931- dissolved in 1932 ) is a Japanese film company that once existed .
Nanboku TSURUYA IV ( 1755 - December 22 , 1829 ) was a Kabuki playwright during the latter half of the Edo period .
Temariuta ( written in Japanese as てまりうた , 手まり唄 , 手毬歌 , 手毬唄 , etc . ) is a kind of children 's song or play song to which girls sing along as they bounce temari balls ( balls of cotton wound tightly around with threads of many colors ) .
FUJIWARA no Shigetaka ( 1076 - 1118 ) was a retainer of Imperial Court in the late Heian period .
MINAMOTO no Moromitsu
Kazuuji NAKAMURA was a Daimyo ( Japanese feudal lord ) in the Azuchi-Momoyama period .
Tomishige MAKINO ( 1761 - June 9 , 1783 ) was a successor of the Tanabe Clan of Tango Province .
The Miyazu Line is a railway operated by Kitakinki Tango Railway that connects Nishi-Maizuru Station in Maizuru City , Kyoto Prefecture , with Toyooka Station in Toyooka City , Hyogo Prefecture , via Miyazu Station in Miyazu City .
TACHIBANA no Ujikimi ( 783 - February 1 , 848 ) was a court noble during the early years of the Heian period .
Tsuge no Kuni no Miyatsuko ( also called ' Tsuge Kokuzo ' ) was a Kuni no miyatsuko ( the head of a local government ) who ruled the northern-east of Yamato Province .
Kirikane ( literally , cut leaf ) , which is also called hosogane ( literally thinly cut leaf ) , refers to a traditional technique of creating patterns by using brushes to bond several leaves of gold , silver or platinum together , which are then burnt together and cut into shapes such as narrow rectangles , triangles , diamonds , or circles .
Ofuregaki shusei indicates a collection of laws and regulations issued by the Edo bakufu ( Japanese feudal government headed by a shogun ) .
Genbunicchi ( unification of the written and spoken language ) refers to the movement in the Meiji period that asserted that writers should write in a style close to the colloquial style Japanese , using everyday expressions instead of the previous literal style Japanese and practiced it , and to the works written in that style .
Shinpachi MURATA ( December 10 , 1836 - September 24 , 1877 ) was a feudal retainer of the Satsuma clan at the end of the Edo period ( the final years of the Edo period when the Tokugawa shogunate came to an end ) and statesman in the Meiji period .
Chinkai ( 1091 - December 20 , 1152 ) was a learned priest pursuing his studies and also an artist monk of the late Heian period .
Shoshin ( 1187 - August 16 , 1275 ) is a Buddhist priest of the Jodo Shinshu ( the True Pure Land Sect of Buddhism ) who lived during the middle of the Kamakura period .
Sukuigoya is a public shelter of the Edo Period , built by the Edo shogunate or local feudal domain for victims of earthquakes , fire , floods , famine and other natural disasters .
Sarumino is a collection of Shomon ( Basho School ) which contains hokku ( the first lines of waka poems ) and renku ( linked verses ) and was edited by Kyorai MUKAI and Boncho NOZAWA .
Suden ( 1569 - February 28 , 1633 ) was a priest of the Rinzai Sect and a politician serving the Tokugawa shogunate from the Azuchi-Momoyama period to the Edo period .
Kyorai MUKAI ( 1651 - October 8 , 1704 ) was a haiku poet in the early part of the Edo period .
' Aki no Yonaga Monogatari ' is a representative chigo monogatari ( tales of chigo , or page ) , about male homosexuality between priests and chigo .
Koku is a physical unit of old Japanese system of weights and measures represents volume .
Nobori NAKAJIMA ( February 25 , 1838 - April 2 , 1887 ) was a lowly member of the Shinsengumi ( a special force that guarded Kyoto during the end of Tokugawa Shogunate ) .
Toyonaga KANROJI ( 1590 - 1606 ) was a court noble who lived in the era from the Azuchi-Momoyama period to the Edo period .
Fukura-ko Port ( 福浦港 in Chinese characters ) is a local port in Shika-machi ( former Togi-machi ) , Ishikawa Prefecture .
The Yamato Sarugaku is one of the groups performing Sarugaku ( a traditional form of a Japanese theatre ) mostly in Yamato Province ( today 's Nara Prefecture ) .
Chosonsei , as well as Shisei ( a municipal system ) , is the fundamental law governing local autonomy under the Constitution of the Empire of Japan .
The Angaryo family is the collective name of the Abe clan and the Kamo clan which are the head families of Onmyodo ( way of Yin and Yang ; occult divination system based on the Taoist theory of the five elements ) .
' Sanjuro SEKI ' is a professional name used by Kabuki ( a traditional form of drama and music performed by male actors ) actors .
' Yuya ' is one of the most representative Noh pieces .
Sake is a traditional alcoholic drink in Japan that is produced by fermenting rice .
Nishiki-e-shinbun ( a newspaper having nishiki-e prints in it ) refers to a visual news medium which was issued for several years in the early Meiji period in Japan , and was a newspaper which explained each one newspaper article using one nishiki-e ( an especially colorful Japanese woodblock print ) which was a kind of ukiyo-e ( a Japanese wood-block print ) .
Sanemichi TOKUDAIJI ( 1513 - May 29 , 1545 ) was a kugyo ( court noble ) who lived during the latter half of the Muromachi period .
Bunrei KATO ( 1706 - April 17 , 1782 ) was a Japanese painter in the middle of the Edo period .
Hiroko TSUMAKI ( c . 1530 - November 27 , 1576 ) was the second wife of Mitsuhide AKECHI , a busho ( Japanese military commander ) in the Sengoku Period ( Period of Warring States ) ( Japan ) and Azuchi-Momoyama period .
Chosen Sotoku-fu was a government office established by the Empire of Japan of the day in 1910 in order to govern Korea in the period of Japan 's rule by the annexation of Korea .
The Kameoka Matsuri Festival is a reisai ( regular festival ) of Kuwayama-jinja Shrine that takes place for three days from October 23 to October 25 annually in Kameoka City , Kyoto Prefecture .
Matsujiro SHIRAI ( December 13 , 1877 - January 23 , 1951 ) was a founding member ( and President ) of Shochiku Co . , Ltd .
Nagaharu MIZOE ( date of birth unknown - June 23 , 1646 ) was a busho ( Japanese military commander ) and a daimyo ( Japanese feudal lord ) in Azuchi-Momoyama period .
Masanori KUSUNOKI was busho ( Japanese military commander ) in the period of the Northern and Southern Courts ( Japan ) .
Shigeie ISHIDA was a busho ( Japanese military commander ) from the Azuchi-Momoyama period to the early Edo period .
Yoshiaki KATO was a busho ( general ) and daimyo during the Azuchi-Momoyama and Edo Periods .
FUJIWARA no Tadakiyo ( year of birth unknown - 1185 ) was a busho ( Japanese military commander ) during end of the Heian period .
Roppyakuban Uta-awase was an uta-awase ( poetry contest ) in the Kamakura period hosted by FUJIWARA no Yoshitsune .
Ietsugu OINOMIKADO ( 大炊御門 家嗣 , 1197 - August 21 , 1271 ) was a Kugyo ( high court noble ) in the middle of Kamakura period .
Meshikome was one of the punishments given out to courtiers in the Heian Period .
Issen Yoshoku consists of a wheat flour mixed with water , baked on a cast-iron pan , with green onion added onto it .
Enomoto-jinja Shrine is a local shrine of Kasuga Taisha Shrine in Nara City , Nara Prefecture .
The Nanbokucho-Seijun-ron is a debate on which of the Imperial Courts , Southern or Northern , was the legitimate dynasty during the Nanbokucho period in Japan ( ' jun ' is the same as ' uruu ' and means ' not legitimate but also not fake ' ) .
Funyu no ken is the right of shoen ( manor in medieval Japan ) to decline the entry of messengers ( Kendenshi , Shunoshi , Shidoshi , etc . ) from the Kokuga ( provincial government offices )
Ifukube no tsumuji ( year of birth unknown , April 21 , 658 ) is a member of Ifukube clan which was an ancient local ruling family in Inaba Province .
SHIMOTSUKENU no Iwashiro ( year of birth and death unknown ) was a noble who lived from Asuka period to Nara period .
MINAMOTO no Kiyohime ( 810 - August 3 , 856 ) was Emperor Saga 's Princess .
The irimoya-zukuri style is one of the traditional East-Asian roof styles .
A plot of Usa Hachiman-gu Oracle is an incident in which Dokyo is assumed to try to ascend the throne based on an oracle that says ' Dokyo should ascend the throne ' ; this oracle was given to Empress Shotoku ( Empress Koken ) from Usa Hachiman-gu Shrine ( present-day Usa City , Oita Prefecture ) in 769 .
Wakumusubi is the god of grain and sericulture , appearing in Japanese mythology .
Daimyo shonin seido was the system that the Edo bakufu ( Japanese feudal government headed by a shogun ) held hostages from feudal loads and their senior vassals and put them up in Edo .
Ikkyu-jinja Shrine is a shrine , that is located slightly to the south of the urban area in Fukuchiyama City , Kyoto Prefecture .
Otagi no Kori ( Otagi-gun ) was a district that existed in Yamashiro Province , Kyoto Prefecture .
Tomoko MAKINO ( January 29 , 1907 - October 20 , 1984 ) was the Japanese actress .
' Shinju Tenno Amishima ' refers to Joruri ( dramatic narrative chanted to a samisen accompaniment ) written by Monzaemon CHIKAMATSU .
Chirimenjako ( small dried fish ) is small , young fish , such as type of sardines ( anchovy , maiwashi , urume iwashi , shirouo sardine , ikanago ) , cooked in salted water and dried in the sun .
Shuyoshi ( Falcons Office ) refers to an institution that belonged to Hyobusho ( Ministry of Military ) in the Ritsuryo system ( a system of centralized government based on the ritsuryo code ) .
Gofukakusain ( no ) Nijo ( Lady Nijo ) ( 1258 - date of death unknown ) was a lady during the Kamakura period .
The Toba-kaido Road extends from the Rajomon-ato ( remains of Rajomon gate ) ( the Minami Ward , Kyoto City ) to Yodo ( the Fushimi Ward , Kyoto City ) via Shimotoba .
The Battle of Nyoigatake was fought near Mt . Nyoigatake in Sakyo Ward of Kyoto City at midnight of July 14 , 1509 .
Ikkoshu is a Buddhist sect founded by Ikko Shunsho , a Jodoshu sect monk during the Kamakura period .
Supreme command is a power of supreme command and direction to the army .
' Geba ' means to dismount one 's horse in order to salute in front of nobles , in the precincts of shrines and temples , or before entering a castle .
Nukata no Okimi ( also known as Nukata no Kimi ) ( dates of birth and death unknown ) was a leading female Japanese poet who was active during the reigns of the emperors Kogyoku and Jito with poems in the ' Manyoshu ' ( Collection of Ten-Thousand Leaves ) .
A party cabinet is a cabinet organized on the basis of political parties with seats in the parliament .
Inscriptions of iron swords and iron blades are letters or sentences inscribed on the iron swords or iron blades .
' New Collection of Ancient and Modern Poetry ' was compiled by order of Emperor Gotoba in the early Kamakura period .
FUJIWARA no Takaiko ( 842 - April 18 , 910 ) was the Nyogo ( imperial consort ) of Emperor Seiwa during the Heian period .
Masataka NASU ( dates of birth and death unknown ) was samurai in Kamakura Period .
FUJIWARA no Nakamitsu ( year of birth and death unknown ) was a samurai who lived during the mid Heian period .
Shiga-in Temple , a temple of the Tendai sect located in Sakamoto , Otsu City , Shiga Prefecture , s a honbo ( a priest 's main living quarters ) ( Sosatobo ) of Enryaku-ji Temple on Mt . Hiei .
Tsuneshige KIKKAWA ( dates of birth and death unknown ) was a samurai who lived in the late Kamakura period .
Ekiben is a box lunch mainly sold at a railway station .
Chinju-fu Shogun was an official who served as shogun , belonging to Ryoge no kan ( class outside of the Ritsuryo system ) , which was set up for the defense of the northern area during the Nara period and the Heian period in Japan .
Mochizane KAZANIN ( November 29 , 1670 - November 21 , 1728 ) was a Kugyo ( high court noble ) who lived in the mid-Edo period .
History of Noh means the history of the development of Japanese traditional art of Noh .
Imperial Prince Koreaki ( 1179 - May 25 , 1221 ) was the third prince of Emperor Takakura .
Imperial Princess Junshi ( 1093 - December 2 , 1132 ) was a member of the Imperial Family during the latter half of the Heian period .
Genzui KUSAKA ( 1840 - August 20 , 1864 ) was a Japanese samurai and feudal retainer of the Choshu clan .
FUJIWARA no Kanemichi ( 925-December 25 , 977 ) was a high court official during the mid-Heian period .
Located in Joyo City of Kyoto Prefecture , Terada Station is a stop on the Kyoto Line of the Kintetsu Corporation .
NAKATOMI no Omimaro ( date of birth unknown - August 10 , 711 ) was a government official in the Nara Period .
A castle ( shiro ) is a structure that was built as a strongpoint for defending against enemy attacks .
The Ningbo War ( also referred as Neiha War ) was an incident caused by Japanese nationals in Ningbo in Ming Dynasty China in 1523 .
The Imperial Court was a place where an emperor performs political affairs and tasks .
Honkatori is a technique used to create waka ( a traditional Japanese poem of thirty-one syllables ) in the study of Japanese poems to take in one or two phrases of old and famous poem ( the original ) to create a new poem .
Shigekatsu MAEDA is a daimyo ( Japanese feudal lord ) in the early Edo period .
The word ' hoshu ' ( also referred as ' hossu ' ) refers to a person who keeps the creed of Buddhism and plays a central role in its teaching , and turns to refer to the supreme leader ( head ) of the school , sect and religious community .
Tahirikishimarumi no kami was a god ( Shinto religion ) who appeared in Japanese Mythology .
Hyakuren sho ( 百錬抄 ) is a history book in which extracts from diaries of kuge ( court nobles ) and other records were complied .
The Nonomiya family were Japanese kuge ( court nobles ) .
Taneshige KOKUBUN was a samurai and Gokenin ( Shogunal retainer of the Kamakura bakufu ) of the Kamakura period .
Tamekata FUJITANI ( September 8 , 1593 - September 2 , 1653 ) was Kuge ( court noble ) of the early Edo period .
Fudokoku is rice in the husk kept in fudoso ( a warehouse which was sealed after the regular warehouse became full ) put in provinces in the ritsuryo system ( a system of centralized government based on the ritsuryo code ) .
Sosho ( 1202-June 29 , 1278 ) was a priest at Todai-ji Temple in the early to mid Kamakura period .
Koto ISHIKAWA ( year of birth unknown ) was a blind musician who was active during the early nineteenth century in Kyoto ( jiuta shamisen ( traditional Japanese shamisen music ) player , so or koto ( a long Japanese zither with thirteen strings ) player and composer ) .
Takamanohara ( also called Takaamahara / Takanoamahara / Takamagahara ) is a place where Amatsu kami ( god of heaven ) lives in the Japanese mythology and norito ( Shinto prayer ) in ' Kojiki ' ( The Records of Ancient Matters ) .
Kansei Igaku no Kin was an academic control performed during the Kansei Reforms in 1790 , by a roju ( senior councilor ) of the Edo Shogunate , Sadanobu MATSUDAIRA .
SAEKI no Otoko ( years of birth and death unknown ) was a Japanese who lived in Asuka period .
Nakasen-do Road ( 中山道 ) was one of the Go-kaido Road ( the five major roads ) of the Edo Period which ran through the interior of the central Honshu area .
Iwashiro OE ( 1744-January 11 , 1813 ) was a member of Japan 's Imperial Family .
Yaotome refers to 8 female shrine media called miko who serve gods mainly by performing sacred music and performing a dance called kagura ( also known as Miko kagura - dances by shrine maidens ) and mikomai ( female Shinto dance where the young girls each carry a small baton with bells ) .
Chugu-ji Temple , next to Horyu-ji Temple in Ikaruga-cho , Ikoma County , Nara Prefecture , is noted in connection with Prince Shotoku .
Koen ( 1074 ? - July 16 , 1169 ) was a priest of the Tendai sect in the late Heian period .
Jogyo ( birth date unknown - January 9 , 867 ) was a Buddhist monk who lived during the first part of the Heian period .
Takemichi KOGA ( March 11 , 1815 - September 26 , 1903 ) was an aristocrat of the Edo period .
A Migyosho ( or Mikyosho ) was a form of ancient document issued by a Keishi ( household superintendant ) with a court rank of Jusanmi ( Junior Third Rank ) or higher used for conveying the intentions of their masters from the late Heian period to the Muromachi period .
Imperial Princess Kyushi ( Yasuko ) ( 1157 - April 7 , 1171 ) was a member of the Imperial family at the end of the Heian Period .
Yamato Tenjinyama-kofun Tumulus is a keyhole-shaped tumulus constructed in the beginning of the early Kofun period located in Yanagimoto-cho , Tenri City , Nara Prefecture .
Tojumaru MIURA ( year of birth unknown - 1584 ) was a Japanese military commander who lived during the Sengoku Period ( Period of Warring States ) .
Chikamasa IKOMA was a daimyo who lived from the Azuchi Momoyama period to the early Edo period .
Dorogawa onsen is a hot spring in Dorogawa , Tenkawa-mura , Yoshino County , Nara Prefecture ( the former Yamato Province ) .
Yasujiro OZU ( December 12 , 1903 – December 12 , 1963 ) was a Japanese movie director .
Prince Mayowa ( Mayowa no Okimi ; born in 450 , and died in 456 ) appeared in Kiki , ( ' Kojiki ' [ A Record of Ancient Matter ] and the ' Nihonshoki ' [ Chronicles of Japan ] ) as an Imperial family ( royal family ) in fifth century in Japan .
The Ukyo Ward is one of the eleven wards that constitute Kyoto City .
Yoshihide ISSHIKI ( ? - June 18 , 1498 ) was a shugo daimyo ( shugo , which were Japanese provincial military governors , that became daimyo , which were Japanese feudal lords ) who lived in the latter of the Muromachi period .
Emperor Bidatsu ( 538 ? -September 14 , 585 ) was the 30th Emperor ( whose reign lasted from April 30 , 572 to September 14 , 585 ) .
Tsugenjakurei ( 1322 - June 7 , 1391 ) was a Soto sect Buddhist monk during the period of the Northern and Southern Courts .
The Engishiki Jinmyocho is the name given to the ninth and the tenth volumes of the ' Engishiki ' ( an ancient Japanese book of administrative regulations and ceremonial procedures that was completed in 927 ) , which provide a list of shrines throughout the country that were designated as ' kansha ' ( official shrines ) at that time .
Abihiko is a legendary person in Chusei Nihongi ( A set of medieval Japanese mythologies ) .
Gorenju was a title of honor used to indicate a legal wife of an aristocrat in Japan .
Nanate-gumi ( Hideyoshi 's seven troops ) is a group of vassals that was organized by Hideyoshi TOYOTOMI ..
Yoshikado SHIBA ( date of birth and death unknown ) was a shugo daimyo ( a Japanese provincial military governor who became a feudal lord ) in the mid to late Muromachi period .
Emperor Nijo ( July 31 , 1143 - September 5 , 1165 ) was the seventy-eighth Emperor ( his reign was from September 5 , 1158 to August 3 , 1165 ) .
Chikaie TOMIDA ( dates of birth and death unknown ) was a samurai from the Kodama Party of Musashi Province ( today 's Honjo city , Saitama prefecture ) in the beginning of the Kamakura period .
Arikore CHIGUSA ( October 29 , 1638 - January 5 , 1693 ) was a Kugyo ( top court official ) during the early Edo period .
Yasunori WAKISAKA ( 1762 - August 18 , 1781 ) was a successor of Tatsuno Domain of Harima Province .
Ezochishimao Kasha ( or called Ezochishimao Kahi or Ezochishimao Kayu ) refers to the name of person who sent an envoy in 1482 to request the Yi Dynasty Korea for Tripitaka Koreana .
A doma is a space constituting the inside of a Japanese-style house .
Sakatashinmei-gu Shrine is a Shinto shrine located in Omi-cho , Maibara City , Shiga Prefecture .
KUNU no Maro ( year of birth and death unknown ) was a person who lived during the Asuka period .
The Ritsumeikan University Confucius Institute is a private school whose purpose is to propagate education in Chinese and culture .
NE no Kanemi is a person who lived during Japan 's Asuka period , although his birth and death dates are not known .
Heitaro TSUBONO ( 1859-1925 ) was an educator and a statesman in Japan .
Rokuhara yakata is the term for indicating the residences that once existed at the foot of Higashi-yama Mountain as a whole .
Rengetsu OTAGAKI ( February 10 , 1791 - December 10 , 1875 ) was a nun cum woman waka poet in the late Edo period .
TACHIBANA no Naramaro ( 721-July 757 ) was a noble who lived in the Nara period .
Taiko-Tenno is an appellation of emperor , which is applied during a period from the demise of the Emperor to the grant of Tsuigo ( posthumous title ) .
The Tango Peninsula is a peninsula in the north of Kyoto Prefecture , thrusting northeast into the Sea of Japan .
Banzan IDA ( 1767 - May 5 , 1863 ) was a Japanese calligrapher .
Seikanron is the insistence of the members of the ' Rusu-seifu ' on making Korea open to the world by military power ( Rusu-seifu means the government while heads of government are away : the heads of Rusu-seifu were Takamori SAIGO , Taisuke ITAGAKI , Shinpei ETO , Shojiro GOTO , and Taneomi SOEJIMA ) .
FUJIWARA no Motozane ( date of birth and death unknown ) was a kajin ( waka poet ) in the mid-Heian period .
Imperial Prince Tomohira ( August 4 , 964 - August 21 , 1009 ) was the seventh prince of the sixty-second Emperor Murakami .
Tamemune ISA ( year of birth unknown , died in 1221 [ ? ] ) was a gokenin ( an immediate vassal of the shogunate in the Kamakura and Muromachi through Edo periods ) who lived in the early Kamakura Period .
Shidosen were funds donated to temples for memorial services for the deceased and for the management and upkeep of shido ( also known as mitamaya ( a place where spirits are enshrined ) or jibutsu-do hall ) .
Sanehisa OGIMACHISANJO ( August 11 , 1656 - December 16 , 1695 ) was a Kugyo ( court noble ) during the early Edo period .
Momonoo no-taki Falls is in Takimoto-cho , Tenri City , Nara Prefecture .
Shunsho KATSUKAWA ( 1726 - January 19 , 1793 ) was an ukiyoe artist in the Edo period .
Surigane is one of the metal percussion instruments .
The Battle of Otsu-jo Castle took place from October 13 , 1600 to October 21 , 1600 .
TAIRA no Kunitae ( dates of birth and death unknown ) was a busho ( military commander ) in Dewa Province who lived during the Heian Period .
Shimo Goryo-jinja Shrine is a Shinto shrine located in Kamigyo Ward , Kyoto City .
OTOMO no Miyuki ( 646 ? – March 3 , 701 ) was a figure in the Asuka period of Japan .
MINAMOTO no Kuninao ( year of birth and death unknown ) is a busho ( Japanese military commander ) in the late Heian period .
Kagehisa MATANO ( year of birth unknown – 1183 ) was a samurai in the Heian Period .
Naniwa kagura-dance is a kind of Satokagura ( kagura performance held somewhere other than the imperial palace ) handed down mainly in the Kansai region .
The Otsu Line refers to two lines : Keihan Keishin Line managed by the Otsu Railway Business Department of Keihan Electric Railway connecting Misasagi Station in Yamashina ward , Kyoto City , Kyoto Prefecture and Hamaotsu Station in the central part of Otsu City , Shiga Prefecture ; and Keihan Ishiyama-sakamoto Main Line connecting Sakamoto Station ( Shiga Prefecture ) in the western part of Otsu City , Shiga Prefecture , and Ishiyamadera Station .
Tejime is a Japanese custom of rhythmic hand clapping performed in time with the calls of one participant in order to celebrate the fact that an event has concluded without trouble .
Tsunemitsu OINOMIKADO ( September 15 , 1638 - October 4 , 1704 ) was a Kugyo ( high court noble ) who lived in the early Edo period .
Tokizo NAKAMURA is a Kabuki ( traditional drama performed by male actors ) actor 's professional name .
Imperial Prince Tamehira ( 952 - December 15 , 1010 ) was a member of the Imperial family during the Heian period and Emperor Murakami 's fourth Prince .
Soseki MUSO ( Muso was his dogo ( a pseudonym as a priest ) and Soseki was his hoi ( personal name used by Buddhist priests ) ; 1275 - October 28 , 1351 ) was a Zen monk of the Rinzai Sect of Buddhism from the end Kamakura period to the period of the Northern and Southern Courts ( Japan ) , and to the early Muromachi period .
Zojishi was an extra statutory office established in the Nara period for building national temples or those corresponding to national temples .
Kaoru is a fictional character who appears in Murasaki Shikibu 's novel ' Genji Monogatari . '
The Kyoto Photographers ' Society ( KPS ) , an organization for professional photographers in Kyoto Prefecture , was founded in 1970 .
Hoshun-in Temple is a sub-temple located within the precinct of Rinzai sect Daihonzan ( Head Temple ) Daitoku-ji Temple in Murasakino , Kita Ward , Kyoto City , Kyoto Prefecture .
Hangaku Gozen ( years of birth and death unknown ) is believed to have been a woman warlord ( female samurai ) who lived from the late Heian period through the early Kamakura period .
Kamigyo Ward is one of the eleven wards that constitute Kyoto City .
Meiji juyonen no seihen ( the failed Meiji-14 coup of 1881 ) is a politically-motivated incident , which occurred during movement of the Freedom and People 's Rights and dispute regarding creation of a constitution in government , especially between Hirobumi ITO , who recommended Bismarck 's constitution , which preserves the royal prerogative and Shigenobu OKUMA , who recommended constitution from England , which has parliamentary system of government , as a result of the incident in which Shigenobu OKUMA was banned from government .
Nishiki Tenman-gu Shrine is a Shinto shrine located at Nishikikoji Street and Shin Kyogoku Street , Nakagyo Ward , Kyoto City .
Chuin School is one of the sects of the Shingon Buddhism ( Tomitsu ) that places emphasis on jiso ( one of Buddhism practical trainings ) .
Jogaku Zasshi was a magazine intended for female readers published during the Meiji era .
SOGA no Oane no Kimi ( year of birth and death unknown ) was the daughter of SOGA no Iname .
The monk-Imperial Prince Kakugyo Hosshino ( April 1075 - December 26 , 1105 ) was a member of the Imperial Family and a monk of the middle to the late Heian period .
Eishun ( 1518 – 1596 ) was a Buddhist monk who lived during the Sengoku Period ( period of warring states ) .
Jiun ( August 24 , 1718 - January 22 , 1805 ) was a Buddhist priest of the Shingon Sect in the late Edo period .
The Makimuku Ishizuka-kofun Tumulus is an ancient tomb belonging to the Makimuku-kofun Tumuli Cluster .
Bantsuma Tachibana Universal Rengo Eiga was a Japanese film company that was jointly established between a Japanese company and an American company ( its contract was signed in September 1926 and terminated in May 1927 ) .
FUJIWARA no Bokushi ( also known as Atsuko ) ( 931 - September 6 , 1016 ) was the legal wife of MINAMOTO no Masanobu , Sadaijin ( minister of the left ) during the Heian period .
' Shinto Shusei ' was written by Mitsukuni TOKUGAWA .
Setsuzo FURUKAWA ( March 4 , 1837 - April 2 , 1877 ) was an educator of the Meiji period ( childhood name was Kamegoro OKAMOTO ; common name was Shukichi OKAMOTO , later changed to Setsuzo FURUKAWA and to Masao FURUKAWA ; pen name was Hakukei OKAMOTO and so on ) .
The Shundo school is an extinct school of waki-kata ( supporting actors ) in Nohgaku ( the art of Noh ) .
Doni NAKAZAWA ( September 12 , 1725 - July 29 , 1803 ) was an eminent scholar of Sekimon Shingaku ( popularized blend of Buddhist , Shinto and Confucian ethical teachings ) between the middle and the latter half of the Edo period .
Terado Otsuka-kofun Tumulus is situated in Nishinooka ( Muko-kyuryo Hills ) , Muko City , Kyoto Prefecture .
KOMADA no Oshihito ( date of birth and death unknown ) lived during Japan 's Asuka period .
Rekido is the ancient Japanese study of calendar-making .
Tameyuki NAKAMIKADO ( 1276 - September 30 , 1332 ) was a kugyo ( a court noble ) during the late Kamakura period .
Kinito TOKUDAIJI ( December 22 , 1821-November 5 , 1883 ) was Kugyo ( the top court officials ) in the end of the Edo period ( Dainagon [ Major Counselor ] and later Naidaijin [ minister of the center ] and Udaijin [ minister of the right ] ) .
Nobukiyo OISHI ( 1677 - March 20 , 1703 ) was one of 47 samurai of Ako Roshi ( lordless samurai of the Ako Domain ) .
Tonjutsu is a technique of Ninjutsu to hide or escape from enemies .
The Tokyo Tento is when Edo was designated as Tokyo during the Meiji Restoration .
Shi-no-ko-sho was a Confucian concept of societal ranking ( government official , farmers , artisans , merchants ) that accounted for the main part of the society .
Tamekazu REIZEI ( 1486 - August 13 , 1549 ) was a kugyo ( high court noble ) and a poet who lived in the Muromachi period .
The Imperial Princess Noto ( 735 - March 20 , 781 ) was a member of the Imperial Family who lived in the Nara period .
The term ' kanzashi ' means Japanese traditional accessories used by women in doing up their hair .
Nohime ( 1535 - August 5 , 1612 ) , was the daughter of Dosan SAITO and lawful wife of Nobunaga ODA .
Gobomaki is a dish using gobo ( burdock root ) .
Shakubuku is an abbreviation of hashaku-kupukku .
Omodaka Jusshu refers to the specialty plays of Ennosuke ICHIKAWA of Omodakaya selected by Ennosuke the third in 1975 .
Danmari ( 暗闘 ) is a piece of choreography in Kabuki ( traditional drama performed by male actors ) .
Kojino-jinja Shrine is a Shinto shrine located in Moriyama City , Shiga Prefecture .
Rokusai Nenbutsu is one of Odori Nenbutsu ( chanting of prayers while dancing ) .
Nagaokakyo City is a city located in the southwest of Kyoto Prefecture .
Kagayaku Hinomiya ( Kakayaku Hinomiya ) ( The Shining Princess ) is the title of a chapter of ' The Tale of Genji . '
Wareki ( Japanese calendar ) refers to a calendar peculiar to Japan , by which time is divided into periods based on gengo ( an era name ) and ensuing years
Imperial Prince Noriakira ( 907 - February 4 , 967 ) was a member of the Imperial Family during the mid Heian period .
Emperor Gofushimi ( April 5 , 1288 - May 17 , 1336 ) was the ninety third Emperor during the Kamakura period ( his reign was from August 30 , 1298 to March 2 , 1301 ) .
Portraits of Court Nobles ( called ' Kugeretsueizu ' or ' Kokeretsueizu ' in Japanese ) is a book of portraits that is thought to have been compiled in the Kamakura period .
TOMI no Ichii ( year of birth and death unknown ) was a toneri ( palace servant ) during the Asuka Period .
Koreko KONOE ( December 6 , 1760 – November 6 , 1783 ) was ' Nyogo ' ( a wife or concubine of Emperor ) of the Emperor Gomomozono .
Susumu TAKAHASHI ( January 1 , 1902 - October 19 , 1984 ) was a Nohgakushi ( Noh actor ) playing shite ( principal roles ) of Hosho-ryu school .
The section of Japanese wine describes the wine produced in Japan .
Born as the first prince of the 19th imperial ruler , Emperor Ingyo , Kinashi no karu no miko was the Crown Prince .
Gokomachi-dori Street is one of the streets in Kyoto City that run in the north-south direction .
Kuki-cha is one of Japanese green teas .
Jukoin ( orthographic style : 壽光院 ; year of birth unknown-November 17 , 1741 ) was a Sokushitsu ( concubine ) of Tsunayoshi TOKUGAWA of the Tokugawa Shogun family .
Tadaie KUJO ( July or August 1229 - July 3 , 1275 ) was a Court noble of the highest rank in the Kamakura period .
The Yamakami Domain existed in Omi Province ( present-day Yamakami-cho , Higashi-Omi City , Shiga Prefecture ) .
Hirotake YOSHIOKA ( July 8 , 1847 - September 12 , 1932 ) was a Japanese diplomat and a Christian ( minister of the Presbyterian Church ) .
Koboku is the ink stick that has gone through the years among Bunboshiho ( four stationary goods for calligraphy ; writing brush , ink , ink stone and paper ) , and is recognized as a good quality ink stick .
Masaharu ASUKAI ( November 2 , 1520 – March 3 , 1594 ) was a court noble between the Sengoku period ( period of warring states ) ( Japan ) and the Azuchi-Momoyama period .
Otoshidama ( おとしだま 、 御年玉 ) or Toshidama ( 年玉 ) is a present which is given to celebrate the New Year .
IWA no Kazutsune ( dates of birth and death unknown ) was a servant of TAIRA no Masakado , a busho ( Japanese military commander ) during the mid Heian period .
Matehime ( 1589 - May 5 , 1638 ) , a woman who lived from the Azuchi-Momoyama period to the Edo period , was a daughter of the lord of the Sekiyado Domain in Shimosa Province , Yasumoto MATSUDAIRA who was the half-brother of Ieyasu TOKUGAWA .
The case of the murder of a Shichijo Police constable is a homicide that occurred on June 9 , 1946 in Kyoto City , Kyoto Prefecture .
Kazunobu INUI ( year of birth unknown - June 9 , 1570 ) was a samurai in the Azuchi-Momoyama period .
Shaka Sanzon is a style in Buddhism for installing Buddha images .
TAIRA no Arimori was a busho ( a Japanese military commander ) lived during the end of Heian period .
Kagenaka NAGAO ( 1388 - October 17 , 1463 ) was a main retainer of Yamanouchi-Uesugi family which was Kanto Kanrei ( Shogun 's deputy for the Kanto region ) during the middle of the Muromachi period .
Yasuhide NAGAI ( date of birth and death unknown ) was a person in the Kamakura period .
Fushiminomiya Imperial Prince Sadafusa ( April 9 , 1372 - September 28 , 1456 ) was a member of the Imperial family during the Muromachi period .
The Koriyama Ruins are the site of an ancient kanga ( public office ) located in the present Koriyama , Taihaku Ward , Sendai City , Miyagi Prefecture .
A nageshi is a pillar-connecting material used in Japanese-style buildings .
Yoshihisa MIYAHARA ( 1577 -January 7 , 1631 ) was a Koke-Hatamoto ( direct retainer of the bakufu who were in a privileged family under Tokugawa Shogunate ) during the Edo Period .
Tai KATO ( August 24 , 1916-June 17 , 1985 ) was a Japanese film director .
Takato KYOGOKU ( 1741 - June 16 , 1762 ) was an heir to Marugame Domain of Sanuki Province .
Mine MASAI ( February 3 , 1888 - November 20 , 1909 ) was a Japanese worker .
Tajimamori is a person appearing in Japanese mythology , and is the god ( Shinto ) of confection .
Sodaisho was a commander in chief who lead an army composed of more than one corps .
Yasaka-jinja Shrine is the name for Shinto shrines all around the country that enshrine the deity Susanoo-no-mikoto .
The Japanese term ' Seiyo-kan ' is used to describe western-style buildings that were built in Japan from the end of the Edo period and the Meiji period onwards .
The Shin clan was a local ruling family who was influential in the western part of Hoki Province ( West Hoki ) from the period of the Northern and Southern Courts ( Japan ) to the Muromachi period .
Nichigyo ( date of his birth is unknown - September 14 , 1369 ) was the fifth hoshu ( high priest ) in the Taiseki-ji Temple .
Mokuroku are documents that are made for the purpose of either clarifying the place where something is kept or showing the name , content and the number of articles that are to be assigned or donated .
Chikashige TOMIDA was a samurai who belonged to the Kodama party of Musashi Province ( present-day Tomida , Honjo City , Saitama Prefecture ) during the Kamakura period .
Kyogaku Seishi is an education policy presented to Sangi ( Councilors ) Hirobumi ITO and Munenori TERASHIMA ( also the Mombukyo [ chief of the Ministry of Education ] ) by the Meiji Emperor in 1879 .
TAIRA no Tokitada was a court noble who lived during the late Heian period .
Shikibu TAKABATAKE ( 1785 to May 28 , 1881 ) was a female poet from the late shogunate period of Japan to the early Meiji era .
Nuidonoryo ( Bureau of the Wardrobe and Court Ladies ) was the office which belonged to Nakatsukasasho ( Ministry of Central affairs ) and was in charge of personnel affairs of nyokan ( court ladies ) as well as the supervision of sewing under the Japanese Ritsuryo system ( a system of centralized government based on the Ritsuryo code ) .
Tokai Nature Trail is a long-distance nature trail that connects the distance of 1,697 km from ' Meiji no Mori Takao Quasi-National Park ' in Hachioji City , Tokyo Prefecture to ' Meiji no Mori Mino Quasi-National Park ' in Minoo City , Osaka Prefecture , extending over 11 prefectures and some 90 municipalities .
Heredity means that a specific status or title ( e.g. official rank , peerage ) held by a parent or their occupation or the like is passed on to their children , family members or in-laws , thus ensuring that such successors obtain social power and authority .
Tadauji KISHIDA ( ? - January 20 , 1616 ) was a feudal warlord in the Azuchi-Momoyama period .
Monk-Imperial Prince Gyoin ( 1458 - 1520 ) was the Monk-Imperial Prince from the middle of the Muromachi period to Warring States period .
Nobunaga ODA was a busho ( Japanese military commander ) , daimyo ( Japanese territorial lord ) during the Sengoku period ( period of warring states ) and a statesman who lived from the Sengoku period to the Azuchi-Momoyama period and he had a great influence on future generations .
Ryoen ( 983 - July 1050 ) was a Buddhist priest of the Tendai sect during the mid Heian period .
Kyukei ( Castration penalty ) is a kind of penalty to castrate criminals .
Torataro SAIGO ( August 21 , 1866 - January 1 , 1919 ) was a military man of the Imperial Japanese Army .
Okitsushima-jinja Shrine is a Shinto shrine located in Okishima-cho , Omi Hachiman City , Shiga Prefecture .
Wachigaiya is an okiya ( geisha dwelling ) and machiai-jaya ( tea house to lend seats and tables , or rooms ) that even now operates in Shimabara , a hanamachi ( geisha district ) in Kyoto .
Katsuragi hitokotonushi-jinja Shrine is located in Gose City , Nara Prefecture .
Naii were the ranks that formed the core of the Ikai ( court ranks ) of the Ritsuryo Code in Japan .
Rurikei is located in Sonobe-cho , Nantan City , Kyoto Prefecture , and is a valley spanning four kilometers where the Sonobe-gawa River , a tributary of the Oi-gawa River , runs through the area .
Fuyusoden was a rice field exempted from tax according to the Japanese ritsuryo system ( a system of centralized government based on the ritsuryo code ) .
Emperor Gosaga ( April 1 , 1220 - March 17 , 1272 ) was the eighty eighth Emperor during the Kamakura period ( his reign was from February 21 , 1242 to February 16 , 1246 ) .
Kaisuke HASHIMOTO , from the Yamato Koriyama Domain , ( 1835 - June 3 , 1871 ) was a member of the Shinsengumi .
FUJIARA no Norinaga ( 1109 - 1180 ) was a noble who lived during the late Heian period .
The Hyakuman Chobu Kaikon Keikaku ( The million- hectare development plan ) was a government scheme during the Nara Period .
Dezomeshiki is a fire fighting training undertaken by fire department and fire company personnel , which is generally conducted in the early part of January as the first training for the year .
MURAKUNI no Shigamaro ( year of birth and death unknown ) was a figure who lived from Japan 's Asuka period into the Nara period .
Usuchaki is a kind of chaki ( tea utensil ) , used to hold powdered tea , and the term is used in contrast to koichaki , which refers to a ceramic chaire specially used to contain the powdered tea for thick tea .
Located in 80 , Sujakubunki-cho , Shimogyo Ward , Kyoto City , Kyoto Prefecture , Kyoto Municipal Central Wholesale Market covers an area of 149,509 square meters .
Aosagibi is defined as a mysterious phenomenon in Japan in which the body of a heron emits a pale blue light mainly at night .
The Imperial Princess Izumi ( year of birth unknown - March 21 , 734 ) was a princess of the Emperor Tenchi ( Tenji ) .
Imperial Princess Koshi ( also known as Yoshiko , year of birth unknown - August 12 , 1192 ) was a member of the Imperial Family in the end of the Heian period .
Bunshi NANPO ( 1555 - October 25 , 1620 ) was a priest of the Rinzai Sect from the Azuchi-Momoyama period to the early Edo period .
Shigenori ASUKE ( 1292-June 4 , 1332 ) was a busho ( Japanese military commander ) in the late Kamakura period .
Hyosuke INOKO ( It is not known when he was born - July 1 , 1582 ) was a busho ( Japanese military commander ) who served Dosan SAITO and Nobunaga ODA .
Toei Daio is one of the honoric titles for Sanzan Kanryo no miya .
Princess Genshi ( also known a Motoko ) ( year of birth and death unknown ) was a member of the Imperial Family during the first half of the Heian period .
Mahayana Buddhism is a sect of Buddhism that has been traditionally practiced in central and eastern Eurasian Continent .
FUJIWARA no Hoshi ( Yoshiko ) ( year of birth unknown - September 11 , 967 ) was the nyogo ( consort ) of Emperor Murakami and the daughter of FUJIWARA no Morotada and the ninth daughter of FUJIWARA no Sadakata .
Masatsugu KOBORI ( 1540 - April 29 , 1604 ) was a daimyo ( a feudal lord ) who lived during the Sengoku period ( period of warring states ) and the early Edo period .
Karyo ( non-penal fine ) is the one of sanctions in the collection of money ( fines ) in Japan .
Daisetsu Sono ( April 7 , 1313 - October 1 , 1377 ) was a Buddhist monk of the Rinzai Sect in the period of the Northern and Southern Courts ( Japan ) .
' Matsusuke ONOE ' is a professional name used by Kabuki ( a traditional form of drama and music performed by male actors ) actors .
Samanosuke Arakida ( 1838 - November 7 , 1863 ) was a member of Shinsengumi ( a group who guarded Kyoto during the end of Tokugawa Shogunate ) .
FUJIWARA no Sanemune ( 1145-January 28 , 1214 ) was Kugyo ( court noble ) who lived from the late Heian period to the early Kamakura period .
Roka ( January 16 , 1672 - November 17 , 1703 ) was a Buddhist monk of Jodo Shin Sect cum haiku poet in the mid-Edo period .
Dosen ( 702 - May 7 , 760 ) was a Buddhist monk who lived during the Tang Dynasty in China .
Genko borui is the fort constructed with stone along the coast area of Hakata Bay in Kitakyushu in the Kamakura period .
Juntaro KOMURA ( 小村 壽太郎 ) ( October 26 , 1855 - November 26 , 1911 ) was a diplomatic official .
The Uji Tunnel is a tunnel used exclusively by motor vehicles .
Kintsuna UTSUNOMIYA ( 1302 - December 17 , 1356 ) was a military commander from the late Kamakura period through the period of the Northern and Southern Courts ( Japan ) .
The first three days of the New Year refer to January 1 , or New Year 's Day , and January 2 and 3 of every year .
Hisatada KUJO ( September 5 , 1798 - October 5 , 1871 ) is a court noble who lived from late Edo period to Meiji period .
Yoshimura school refers to Kamigata mai ( dance from the pleasure quarters of Osaka and Kyoto , and are very reserved and refined ) originated by Fuji YOSHIMURA during the early Meiji period .
NAKAHARA no Suetoki ( date of birth unknown - May 19 , 1236 ) was a busho ( Japanese military commander ) , who lived from the end of the Heian Period to the early Kamakura Period .
FUJIWARA no Masaruko ( 1140 - January 19 , 1202 ) was the Empress at the end of the Heian period .
Keien School is a school of Waka ( Japanese poem ) led by Kageki KAGAWA ( 1768-1843 ) , a poet in the late Edo period .
Abura tokkuri is a traditional Japanese folk utensil used as a container when purchasing or preserving oil for tomyo ( votive light . )
Sanetaka Koki is a diary written by Sanetaka SANJONISHI , a court noble in the late Muromachi period .
Imperial Princess Shoshi ( her given name can also be pronounced ' Akiko ' ) ( January 19 , 1027 - October 26 , 1105 ) was the first daughter of the sixty-eighth emperor , Emperor Goichijo .
Yoshiharu BESSHO ( 1579 - August 25 , 1654 ) was a daimyo ( Japanese feudal lord ) in the Edo period .
Imperial Princess Tokushi ( 1060 - October 30 , 1114 ) was the fourth princess of the seventy-first Emperor Gosanjo .
Teikan TO ( August 13 , 1732 - October 8 , 1797 ) , written as 藤 貞幹 in Japanese , was a scholar of yusoku-kojitsu ( studies of the traditional protocol of the Imperial Court , courtiers , and leading samurai houses ) who lived during the mid-Edo period .
' Sanjuban shin ' is a synchronism of Shinto and Buddhism , with 30 gods taking turns every day guarding the nation and the people .
The Misemaruyama Kofun ( Ancient Tomb ) is a zenpokoenfun ( keyhole-shaped tomb ) located in Mise-town , Gojyo-town and Ogaru-town , in Kashiwara City , Nara Prefecture .
' Sanmon Gosan-no-kiri ' is the gedai ( title ) of a kabuki that was written by Gohei NAMIKI ( the first ) and first performed at Kado-za Theatre of Osaka in April , 1778 .
The Ise clan is a Japanese clan .
Tsuzumi ( hand drum ) is a traditional instrument unique to Japan , and refers to Kotsuzumi ( small hand drum ) in a narrow sense .
Tanosuke SAWAMURA VI ( August 4 , 1932 - ) is a kabuki actor .
Juni Shinsho ( the 12 protective deities ) are tenbu , deities who reside in a heavenly realm , one of six realms in which the souls of living beings transmigrate from one to another ; they are worshiped and shaped into statues in Buddhism , and are good deities that guard Buddhism .
Kuni no miyatsuko was a post , or an official to the post , placed to govern regions across Japan before the Ritsuryo legal code system was introduced .
Korozen no goho is a word in the glossary of Japanese clothes meaning an upper garment which constitutes the traditional formal court dress worn by an emperor at a formal ceremony .
INUGAMI no Mitasuki ( his age of birth and death are unknown ) was from the Asuka period .
' Imamiya-jinja Shrine ' is a shrine in Murasakino , Kita Ward , Kyoto City .
Kogetsusho ( The Tale of Genji Moon on the Lake Commentary ) is a commentary on The Tale of Genji written by Kigin KITAMURA .
Furosaki Byobu , one of the tea ceremony equipment , is a folding screen of two panels , which is placed in the corner at the upper end of the tea-making tatami mat when the tea ceremony procedure is done in a room of more than 4.5 tatami mat size .
Chaire , in its broadest sense , means chaki ( tea utensils ) in general into which powdered green tea is poured , and in a more limited sense means ceramic tea utensils , in contrast with wooden tea utensils ( see ' usuchaki ' ( tea utensils for a light tea ) ) as typified by natsume ( a container for powdered tea ) .
Zenjodo is the mountain path that leads to zencho ( the peak of a sacred mountain ) .
Yasutoki HOJO was a military commander in the early Kamakura period .
Yonaoshi Ikki refers to a rush of uprisings that the Japanese society experienced from the later Edo period to the early Meiji period .
Horokuhiya was a weapon invented and used in Japan during the Sengoku period ( period of warring states ) ( Japan ) .
Karahashi ( date of birth and death unknown ) was a maid housed in O-oku ( the inner rooms of the shogun 's palace ) of the Edo bakufu ( Japanese feudal government headed by a shogun ) .
Tadasada KAZANIN ( November 22 , 1379 - September 15 , 1416 ) was a kugyo ( court noble ) who lived during the Muromachi period .
Otogiku SUGIMOTO ( 1849 to July 27 , 1878 ) was a shizoku ( family or person with samurai ancestors ) of Ishikawa Prefecture in the early Meiji perio
Amida triad is one style to place a Buddhist image in Buddhism .
Taihei Gyoran is one of the encyclopedias from the early Northern Song Dynasty .
Compiled by Dogen in the Baisong Dynasty era in China , Keitokudentoroku ( written 景徳傳燈録 or 景徳伝灯録 in the modern kanji , 30 volumes ) is a history book representative of the Zen sect .
' Shoryoshu ' is a collection of poetry and prose which was written by Kukai .
Fujinaga ISSHIKI ( the date of birth unknown - May 6 , 1596 ? ) was Busho ( Japanese military commander ) in the Sengoku period ( Japan ) .
Soujun IKKYUU was a Zen monk in the Daitokuji branch of the Rinzai sect , during the Muromachi period .
Michiyuki MATSUDA ( June 22 , 1839 - July 6 , 1882 ) was a government official of the Ministry of Home Affairs and a statesman in Japan .
Kyoto Racecourse is a racecourse located in Fushimi Ward , Kyoto City , Kyoto Prefecture .
The Yamato race is the race that has been living since ancient times in the Japanese Islands including Japan 's mainland ( Honshu , Shikoku and Kyushu ) and the other islands around them .
FUJIWARA no Yasunori ( 825-May 23 , 895 ) was an aristocrat of the early Heian period .
Sakkai ki is a diary written by Sadachika NAKAYAMA , Gon Dainagon ( chief councilor of state ) and Danjoin ( President of the Board of Censors ) .
Yanagidani Mountain Railway ( ' Yanagidani Tozan Tetsudo ' in Japanese ) was a cable car line , which was intended to run near Yanagidani Kannon ( Yokoku-ji Temple ) in the present day Nagaokakyo City .
Kagutsuchi is the god of fire that appears in Kiki-shinwa ( the Kojiki , Nihonshoki and mythology ) .
Hikoyai no mikoto ( 日子八井命 , year of birth and death unknown ) was a member of the Imperial family , who appears in the Japanese Myth .
TAIRA no Moritsuna ( dates of birth and death unknown ) is a busho ( Japanese military commander ) during the end of Heian period .
Yasutsune WAKIZAKA ( year of birth unknown - May 22 , 1632 ) was a successor of the Iida Domain , Shinano Province .
Ango is an ascetic practice conducted for a specified period at one place by a group of Buddhist monks who have been engaged in separate activities .
Imperial Princess Yushi ( Imperial Princess Sukeko / Imperial Princess Sachiko )
Aazusayumi is a bow made of Japanese cherry birch used for Shinto rituals .
The village community mainly means the social structure in a village .
Goyotei is a villa of imperial family or royalty of Japan .
A sculpture of deities is a statue or a portrait to represent Kami , an object of worship .
Shikimoku was an itemized form of law code used in medieval Japan .
Sugawara Tenman-gu Shrine is a Shinto Shrine located in Nara City , Nara Prefecture .
Inoko mochi ' is a rice cake cooked on inoko ( the day of boar ) .
Akiyo TOMOEDA ( March 24 , 1940 - ) is a traditional Japanese Noh drama performer and member of the Kita school ( one of the 5 major Noh troupes ) .
Shigeyuki HOSOKAWA ( 1434 – October 13 , 1511 ) was a shugo daimyo ( shugo , which were Japanese provincial military governors , that became daimyo , which were Japanese feudal lords ) of Awa , Mikawa and Sanuki Provinces in the Muromachi period .
Kanin ( dates of birth and death unknown ) was a Tendai sect priest in the middle Heian period .
Tsuneie KONOE ( 1332 - 1389 ) was a kugyo ( top court official ) who lived in the Muromachi period .
The Fushimi-kaido here refers to a road that links the Gojo-dori Street in Kyo , Capital ( Kyoto ) with Fushimi .
Sarayashiki is a general term for Kaidan telling ( Ghost Stories telling ) famous for a woman 's ghost named Okiku counting plates .
Shimokoma Station , located in Seika-cho , Sorakugun of Kyoto Prefecture , is a stop on the Katamachi Line of West Japan Railway Company ( JR West ) .
The Tenmanya Incident was an incident in which members of Kaientai ( an association of roshi ( masterless samurai ) organized by Ryoma SAKAMOTO ) ( Roshi association ) and Rikuentai ( an association of roshi organized by Shintaro NAKAOKA ) assaulted a hatago ( inn with meals ) on Aburanokoji-dori Street , Kyoto called Tenmanya , attacking Yasushi MIURA , who was a feudal retainer of the Kishu Domain , and fought a battle against Shinsengumi ( group that guarded Kyoto during the end of Tokugawa Shogunate ) .
Kabushiki Kaisha ( a joint stock corporation ) Heirakuji ( literally , Heiraku-ji Temple ) Shoten is a publishing company located at Nakagyo Ward , Kyoto City .
Matsuiyamate Station , located in Yamate-Chuo , Kyotanabe City , Kyoto Prefecture , is a stop on the Katamachi Line , which is operated by the West Japan Railway Company ( JR West ) .
' 祝詞 '
Machiai-chaya is an industry which offers rental rooms used for waiting for others and gatherings .
Yoshinori UESUGI ( 1333 - May 22 , 1378 ) is a busho ( Japanese military commander ) in the period of the Northern and Southern Courts ( Japan ) .
Oyamatsumi is the god described in Japanese mythology .
The Kikuchi clan is one of Japanese clans .
Goma-dofu is one of Shojin-ryori ( vegetarian diet ) .
Joshu daimyo ( daimyo who is allowed to live in a castle ) is a social status in the early-modern times of the Edo period , and refers to a daimyo , who was allowed to have a castle as his residence in his kunimoto ( hometown ) , among Daimyo families ( feudal lord families ) classified according to their resident provinces and resident castles into five ranks : kokushu ( landed daimyos ) , jun ( associate ) kokushu , joshu ( lord of a castle ) , joshukaku ( joshu class ) , mujo ( without a castle ) ( jinya [ regional government office ] ) .
Rokujosaiin no senji ( year of birth and death is not clear ) was a female waka poet in the late Heian period .
Matsubayashi ( or Matsuhayashi ) is a traditional performing art for New Year 's celebration .
Zensho-ji Temple on Mt . Myoe is located in Okazaki Higashifukukawa-cho , Sakyo Ward , Kyoto City , to the east of Kurodani Ryuko-in Temple .
Tamamo no Mae ( may be written with a few different sets of Chinese characters ) was an imaginary woman of great beauty which was the transformed figure of the Hakumenkinmokyubi no kitsune ( white-faced , golden-haired , and nine-tailed fox ) that served Emperor Toba at the end of the Heian period .
The battle of Dannoura was fought in the closing days of the Heian period , on April 25 , 1185 , under the old lunar calendar ) , and took place in Nagato Province , at Akamaseki , Dannoura ( modern-day Shimonoseki , Yamaguchi Pref . ) .
Mimurodo Station , located in Todo-deguchi , Uji City , Kyoto Prefecture , is a stop on the Keihan Uji Line , which is operated by Keihan Electric Railway .
Shimotsuunakami kuninomiyatsuko 下海上国造 was kuninomiyatsuko ( local ruling families in ancient Japan ) ruled the east part of Shimousa Province .
Sanzaemon YOSHIKAWA contributed to develop a town then called Imahama into the Nagahama castle town following the order made by Hideyoshi TOYOTOMI .
The Omi-Takashima Domain refers to a domain which existed in Takashima County , Omi Province ( present-day Takashima City , Shiga Prefecture ) .
Kawahara no Miya was a palace where Empress Kogyoku lived in the middle of the seventh century .
ABE no Yoshimasa ( 955 ? - June 4 , 1019 ) was an Onmyoji ( Master of Yin yang ) , and Inyoka ( the Yin and Yang school of philosophy ) in the Heian period .
Komin KAWAMOTO ( 1810 to July 18 , 1871 ) was a scholar of Western sciences by the means of the Dutch language at the end of the Edo period and in the period of the Meiji Restoration .
Banyu Enzetsu is a speech made by Navy Minister Sukenori KABAYAMA in the second Imperial Diet in December 1891 .
Teikan ( Imperial Crown ) Style is a Japan-west blended architectural style that is a modern architecture ; a reinforced concrete building , which was popular in the early Showa period , with a Japanese tiled roof .
Peddling ( Gyosho ) is one of retailing industry ( service business ) where peddlers sell products by moving from customer to customer without having their specific stores .
Kakiage is a kind of tenpura , a Japanese deep-fried dish , where several kinds of seafood and vegetables are deep-fried in batter .
Hachimanmae Station , located in the Sakyo ward of Kyoto City , is a stop on the Kurama Line of the Eizan-dentetsu ( Eizan Electric Railway ) .
Sakaki ( The Green Branch ) is one of the fifty-four chapters of ' The Tale of Genji . '
Budo Senmon Gakko ( Vocational Training School of Martial Arts ) is a vocational school under the old-education system founded by ' Dai-Nippon Butoku-Kai ' ( Great Japan Federation of Martial Arts ) in present-day , Sakyo Ward , Kyoto City , Kyoto Prefecture , to train martial arts coaches .
Sukemura NASU ( 1190 ? - 1268 ? ) was a person who lived during the Kamakura period .
SAEKI no Itaji is a court noble in the Nara Period .
Juliao NAKAURA ( 1568 - October 22 , 1633 ) was a Christian and was one of the vice-envoys of Tensho Keno Shonen Shisetsu ( the Tensho Boy Mission to Europe ) who lived during the Azuchi Momoyama period to the early Edo period .
' Sanseki ' refers to three established calligraphers .
Ichiro AYA ( 1838 - Oct 6 , 1868 ) was a member of the Shinsengumi ( a group who guarded Kyoto during the end of Tokugawa Shogunate ) form Osaka , Settsu Province .
Gekisei refers to a system that Kugyo ( high court nobles ) who were ministers read moshibumi ( a general term for a request or petition submitted by a lower authority to a higher ) from shoshi ( officials ) , had conferences and gave decisions on them at Geki Cho , an office of Geki ( Secretary of the Grand Council of State ) .
Michinobu KONO ( 1156 - July 6 , 1222 was a Japanese military commander in Iyo Province who lived from the end of the Heian period to the beginning of the Kamakura period .
Tennokawa Onsen Hot Spring is a hot spring which is located in Amakawa Mura , Yoshino County , Nara Prefecture ( old province , Yamato Province ) .
The Miyafuku Line is a railway operated by Kitakinki Tango Railway ( KTR ) , running from Miyazu Station in Miyazu City , Kyoto Prefecture , to Fukuchiyama Station in Fukuchiyama City , Kyoto Prefecture .
Save-and-five syllable meter is a form of poem in which words of Shichion ( seven syllables ) and Goon ( five syllables ) repeat one after another .
Imperial Princess Masako was a member of the Japanese Imperial Family .
Japonism ( Japonisme in French ) is a term for an interest in and an appreciation for Japanese arts that appeared in Europe .
Kakujo ( 1013 - December 9 , 1063 ) was a Buddhist priest of the Tendai sect who lived in the mid-Heian period .
Yasedoji , Yasenodoji , or Hasedoji was a group of people who lived in Rakuhoku Yasego , the Yase Village in the northern Kyoto ( present day Yase , Sakyo Ward , Kyoto City , Kyoto Prefecture ) serving as Yotei ( koshi carrier ) for the Emperor from the Muromachi period .
The Johei and Tengyo Wars ' is the generic name given to the two wars that occurred almost at the same time during the mid-Heian period in Kanto and the Seto Inland Sea : TAIRA no Masakado 's War and FUJIWARA no Sumitomo 's War .
Tango okoku ron is a theory in which Teiji KADOWAKI asserted an existence of ' Tango Kingdom ' in and around Tango region ( present Tango City , Kyoto Prefecture ) during the Kofun period ( tumulus period ) , which is believed to have been independent and rivaled Yamato sovereignty ( the ancient Japan sovereignty ) ( It is also referred to as ' Tanba Kingdom ' because Tango Province was divided from Tanba Province later ) .
Mototsuna YASUTOMI was a Japanese military commander who lived during the Muromachi period .
Himemiko ( also referred to as Ojo or Kojo ) is the naming of daughters of Tennoo ( emperor ) .
Suzuribako means a box that is used for keeping suzuri ( ink stone ) and other articles .
Mitsutorii is a combination of three myojin-gate torii ( a pillared gate-like entrance to a Shinto shrine ) , and it is sometimes called yotsuashi torii ( four-legged torii ) because it has four pillars .
Shomyo means the invocation of the name ( s ) of the Buddha and / or Bodhisattva .
Here is the article ' The Goto troops in Japan 's Invasion of Korea ' about the activities of Goto Domain in Hizen Province ( Fukue Domain , the present Goto Islands in Nagasaki Prefecture ) in the Bunroku and Keicho War led by Hideyoshi TOYOTOMI .
Ohashi Tayu was a tayu ( courtesan ) in Shimabara , Kyoto .
Rentaro TAKI ( August 24 , 1879 - June 29 , 1903 ) was a Japanese musician and composer .
Tsubaiotsukayama-kofun is a tumulus located in Yamashiro Town of Kizugawa City , Kyoto Prefecture .
Somanouchi-kofun Tumulus Cluster is a tumulus cluster in Tenri City , Nara Prefecture .
Konpira ( 金毘羅 ) is a water god and demon god of Mt . Ryojusen in India , and is the head of the Juni Shinsho ( the twelve protective deities ) of Yakushi Nyorai ( the Healing Buddha ) .
MINAMOTO no Hitoshi ( 880 - March 951 ) was a noble who lived in the early to middle Heian Period .
Masuda-ike Pond is a reservoir which once existed in Kashihara City , Nara Prefecture but does not now exist .
FUJIWARA no Chikamichi ( year of birth and death unknown ) was a court noble during the late Heian period .
TOYOTOMI no Sadako ( Sadako HASHIBA ) ( 1592 - 1658 ) was a personality in the Azuchi-Momoyama and Edo periods .
MINAMOTO no Kanemasa ( year of birth and death unknown ) was a poet of the middle to late-Heian period .
Yugoro KONDO ( December 24 , 1851 - February 23 , 1933 ) was an expert swordsman from the end of the Edo period to the Meiji period .
Morinobo Zoryu ( dates of birth and death unknown ) was a Buddhist monk in the Sengoku Period ( Period of Warring States ) .
MINAMOTO no Mitsunobu , c.1092 - October 1145 ( October under the old lunar calendar ) , was a samurai who lived at the end of the Heian Period .
Komabue is one of the wind instruments used in the orchestra of gagaku ( ancient Japanese court dance and music ) .
TAIRA no Shigeko ( 1142 - August 14 , 1176 ) was Emperor Goshirakawa 's Empress after the Emperor succeeded to the throne .
The local tax regulations were defined as tax items ( items of taxation ) prefectures can collect and expense items paid by the tax revenue during Japanese Meiji and Taisho periods .
Ryojin hisho was a folk song collection compiled in the end of Heian period .
Fusajiro KAJIMA ( 25 October , 1869 - 29 July , 1932 ) was a Japanese businessman and a politician who was born in Shobara Village ( currently Shobara City ) , Hiba District , Hiroshima Prefecture .
Tomotsuna KUTSUKI ( 1599 - September 20 , 1662 ) was a hatamoto ( direct retainer of the bakufu [ Japanese feudal government headed by a shogun ] ) , who lived during the early Edo period .
Nyudo Shinno means an Imperial Prince who has entered the priesthood , becoming a lay Buddhist ( Ubasoku ) .
Chiho San Shinpo ( Three New Local Laws ) refers to three laws on the Japanese local administration system that were enacted during the Meiji period .
Toyokuni-jinja Shrine is a Shinto shrine located in Higashiyama Ward , Kyoto City .
FUJIWARA no Ishi , 1076 - March 12 , 1103 , was an Imperial consort during the late Heian period .
Imperial Prince Kazurawara ( December 1 , 786 - July 17 , 853 ) , a member of the Imperial Family in the Heian period , was the founder of the Taira clan .
Daisu refers to tea equipment used during tea ceremony procedure , or a kind of a display stand for tea ceremony utensils such as mizusashi ( cold water jar ) .
' Eikyoki ' is an account of war that covers the incidents ranging from the Eikyo War and Yuki War in the Muromachi period to the political circumstances in Togoku ( the eastern part of Japan , particularly Kanto region ) .
Yumai-zukuri is the modern method for brewing sake ( rice wine ) wherein rice is reduced to a gruel-like consistency to enable saccharification at a high temperature .
Wakan konkobun was a Japanese writing style generated in the late Heian period .
Chokan-kanmon ( or Chokan no kanmon ) was kanmon ( written report for what the Imperial court requested ) written in the Chokan era ( 1163 - 1164 ) during the Heian period .
Zenjo-ji Temple is one of the temples of the Soto sect , that is located in Zenjo-ji , Ujitawara-cho , Tsuzuki County , Kyoto Prefecture .
Senior statesmen 's conferences , which took over the official duties of genro ( retired elder Japanese statesmen ) , were held during the Showa period in the form of responding to the Emperor 's request for advice regarding the selection of a succeeding Prime Minister and the nation 's important issues .
Utamaro KITAGAWA ( 喜多川 歌麿 ) ( the date of birth unknown , 1753 - October 31 , 1806 ) was an ukiyo-e artist in the Edo period .
Nichiju ( 1549 to 1623 ) was a Nichiren sect priest from the Azuchi-momoyama to the early the Edo period .
Nuka-zuke ( or nukamiso-zuke ) , which is also called dobu-zuke or dobo-zuke , is one type of representative pickles in Japan , made by pickling vegetables in nuka-doko ( a rice bran bed made by lactic acid fermentation ) .
Juyo mukei bunkazai ' refers to ' intangible cultural properties ' designated by the Japanese Minister of Education , Culture , Sports , Science and Technology under ' the Law for the Protection of Cultural Properties ' in Japan .
' Toki wa Ima Kikyo no Hataage ' is the title of a Kabuki play .
Prince Sakurai ( around 560 - 587 ) was the sixth son of Emperor Bidatsu and his wife , SOGA no Kitashihime .
FUJIWARA no Akitada ( 898 - June 1 , 965 ) was a court noble who lived in the Heian Period .
Jinpu is fuko ( a vassal household allotted to courtier , shrine and temple ) donated to a shrine .
Naishi no tsukasa was one of the cutcherry in government-regulated organizations in Japan .
The Kissaka-toge Pass is a pass located on the border between Maizuru City , Kyoto Prefecture and Takahama Town , Oi County , Fukui Prefecture .
Kitamura Museum is a private art museum mainly devoted to antiquities and tea utensils , located in Kamigyo Ward , Kyoto City .
Sekisho ( barrier station ) were facilities installed at the important points of traffic , in order to collect taxes and perform inspections .
Shimo-Amazu Station , located in Fukuchiyama City , Kyoto Prefecture , is a railway facility on the Miyafuku Line of the Kitakinki Tango Railway ( KTR ) .
The Horyakureki or Horekireki is a Japanese lunar-solar calendar , formerly used in Japan .
The Nosenkata was an organization commissioned to collect the dosoyaku ( taxes imposed on pawnbrokers and moneylenders by the Muromachi bakufu - Japanese feudal government headed by a shogun ) and sakayayaku ( taxes imposed on sake brewery by the Muromachi bakufu ) , whose members were appointed by the Muromachi bakufu from among influential figures belonging to the doso ( pawnbrokers and moneylenders ) or the sakaya ( sake breweries ) .
Ebusshi was a monk and specialist who was mainly engaged in the production of Buddhist paintings and coloring of statues .
Takaragaike Park Sports Facility Ball Grounds , Kyoto City refers to a ball field in Takaragaike Park in Matsugasaki Nishiikenouchi-cho , Sakyo Ward , Kyoto City , Kyoto Prefecture .
This article describes the history of Hongwan-ji Temple of the Jodo Shinshu sect , founded by Shinran .
The crown princess is a person who has the position of the wife of a prince .
Princess Akiko ( 1638 - August 2 , 1680 ) was a member of the Japanese Imperial Family .
Soroku was a position that existed in Japan following the middle ages responsible for religious human affairs such as the registration and appointment of head priests
The Omiya-dori Street is one of the major streets running north-south in Kyoto City .
KBS Hall is a hall in the Broadcasting Hall of Kyoto Broadcasting System Co . Ltd . ( KBS Kyoto ) in Kamigyo Ward , Kyoto City .
Soymilk is a beverage made by soaking soybeans in water , grinding them , adding water , boiling the mixture down and filtering the grounds .
The kara-zukuri style concerns castle buildings in Japan , the external view of tenshu ( the main keep or tower of a castle ) in particular .
The word ' buke ' refers to the collection of various powers which support the authority of a bakufu ( Japanese feudal government headed by a shogun ) , and this word sometimes also refers to a Shogun family or general samurai .
Shigekatsu YOKOHAMA ( year of birth and death unknown ) was a busho ( Japanese military commander ) during the Azuchi-Momoyama period .
Tametada REIZEI ( July 26 , 1824 - April 25 , 1885 ) was a Japanese poet .
The Utsunomiya clan is one of the Japanese clans .
Gogyoka ( Five Line Poems , 五行歌 ) is a new type of poetry which utilizes ancient ballads and Waka ( thirty-one-syllable poems ) included in ' Kojiki ' ( The Records of Ancient Matters ) and ' Nihon Shoki ' ( The Chronicles of Japan ) and is revived in modern times as prototypes of Japanese poetry .
Cloistered Imperial Prince Chokaku ( 1219 - 1289 ) was a chief priest of Sanzen-in Temple of the Tendai sect during the Kamakura Period .
Bonsho are hanging bells as a Buddhist equipment used in East Asian temples .
Motonari MORI was kokujin ( local lord ) and a fighting daimyo ( territorial lord ) of Aki Province in the late Muromachi to the Sengoku period .
Soshinni ( 1588 - April 5 , 1675 ) was a daughter of Toshisada MAKIMURA who was a lord of the Iwate castle in the Ise province and nun served Iemitsu TOKUGAWA , the third seii taishogun ( great general ) of the Edo bakufu ( Japanese feudal government headed by a shogun ) in the Edo Period .
YUGE no Kiyohito ( date of birth and death unknown ) was a Kugyo ( high court noble ) who lived in the Nara period .
Zoroku HAMAMURA IV ( Male , 1826 - February 24 , 1895 ) was a tenkokuka ( artist of seal engraving ) in Meiji Period in Japan .
Hamao ARAI ( 1843 - October 20 , 1868 ) , from Kai Province , was a member of the Shinsengumi .
Nobutami ODA ( March 5 , 1840 - August 1 , 1865 ) was a daimyo ( a Japanese feudal lord ) in the Edo period .
' Chashitsu ' is a facility built for a tea ceremony host ( shujin ) to invite and entertain guests with tea .
Hiogi is a fan made of wood that was used in the Imperial court .
Masatoyo YAMANA ( shugo daimyo , Japanese provincial military governors that became Japanese feudal lords ) during the late Muromachi Period .
Tsunenori KUJO ( 1331 - June 22 , 1400 ) was a court noble during the period of the Northern and Southern Courts .
The Hyakuman-to Towers were produced in the late Nara period at the wish of Emperor Shotoku .
Seigan-ji Temple is a Buddhist temple located on Shin Kyogoku-dori , Nakagyo Ward , Kyoto City .
Vice shogun is the post of military officer which was ranked the next position of ' Dai Shogun ( the great general ) ' or shogun in Japan .
Honke Nishio Yatsuhashi is the oldest manufacture of Yatsuhashi ( type of sweets made with bean paste ) in Kyoto , established in 1689 .
Kengyo YOSHIZAWA ( 1800 or 1808 - 1872 ) was a visually impaired musician , playing jiuta shamisen ( traditional music for the three-stringed banjo-like shamisen ) , sokyoku ( music for the zither-like koto ) , the kokyu ( Chinese fiddle ) , and the Heike biwa ( a lute-like instrument with four strings and five frets used to play Heike Monogatari ) , and composer active at the end of the Edo Period .
Saikachihama Swimming Area is a swimming area operated by Nagahama City which is located in Takahashi-cho and Tamura-cho in Nagahama City , Shiga Prefecture facing Lake Biwa .
Kamiyu Onsen Hot Spring ( Kamiyu Onsen ) is a hot spring in Totsukawa-mura , Yoshino-gun , Nara Prefecture ( the former Yamato Province ) .
Sanetomi SANJO ( March 13 , 1837 - February 18 , 1891 ) was a noble and a politician who was active from the end of the Edo period to the Meiji period .
Takeie no Okimi ( year of birth and death unknown ) was a person from the Asuka period , Japan .
Myotai-ji Temple is a temple of the Nichiren Shoshu sect located in Kyotango City , Kyoto Prefecture .
Keifuku Electric Railroad Co . , Ltd. is a company that operates a tramway business ( electric tramway ) , cable cars and cableways in Kyoto City .
Origami is the traditional Japanese art of folding paper to make models of plants , animals , daily-use tools and amongst others .
Kyokai ( aka Keikai ; years of birth and death unknown ) was a priest at Yakushi-ji Temple , who lived in the Nara period .
MINAMOTO no Yoshitada was a military commander in the late Heian period .
Although it is commonly believed that Ieyasu TOKUGAWA founded the Edo shogunate , there is another theory that suggests an imposter took the place of Ieyasu TOKUGAWA at some stage of his life .
Mugaku Sogen ( 1226 - September 22 , 1286 ) was a priest of the Rinzai Sect of Buddhism who was from Qingyuan Prefecture , Mingzhou ( Zhejiang Province ) in China , and lived in the Kamakura period .
Kobe Naval Training Center is a naval officer training Institute and Navy Arsenal that Bakufu established in Kobe City in May 1864 under a proposal of Kaishu Katsu , a government 's naval magistrate .
Ainosuke KATAOKA is a kabuki actor .
Mokurai SHIMAJI ( March 10 , 1838 - February 3 , 1911 ) was a priest of the Jodo Shinshu ( the True Pure Land Sect of Buddhism ) Hongan-ji school who actively worked in the Meiji period .
Yamato-cha green tea is a kind of Japanese tea produced in an area centering Yamato Plateau in Nara Prefecture .
The warrior class was a status given to hatamoto ( a direct vassal of the shogun ) and high-ranking warriors of the Edo period after the Meiji Restoration .
Jinruikan Incident , also known as ' Gakujutsu-Jinruikan Incident ' or Osaka Exhibition Incident , ' occurred at ' Gakujutsu-Jinruikan ' in the fifth National Industrial Exhibition held in 1903 at Tennoji , Osaka , at the exhibition , living people dressed in their ethnic costumes and their ethnic houses were exhibited , those people were from Okinawa , Korea , India , Malaysia , Java and Africa as well as the Ainu tribe and the Takasago tribe of Taiwan .
Kiyotada BOMON ( date of birth unknown - April 11 , 1338 ) was a court noble who lived in the period of the Northern and Southern Courts .
Sotoba is the Japanese transliteration of the Sanskrit word ' stupa . '
Tsunenari OINOMIKADO ( January 4 , 1683 - May 26 , 1714 ) was a Kugyo ( high court noble ) who lived in the early Edo period .
The Kyoto Town Magistrate was one of the ongoku-bugyo ( magistrates placed at important areas ) that was set up in Kyoto by the Edo bakufu ( Japanese feudal government headed by a shogun ) .
Kiritsubo ( The Paulownia Court ) is one of the smaller houses of kokyu ( seven larger houses and five smaller ones which were mainly empress 's residences ) in the Heian Imperial Palace .
Minoru KITA ( February 23 , 1900 to October 2 , 1986 ) was a Noh actor of the shite-kata Kita school ( one of the five schools of shite-kata [ main roles ] ) , and the 15th Soke ( headmaster of the head family ) in the Kita school .
Kiyotosaku Oketsu is a horizontal decorated cave tumulus located in Oaza Shinzan , Futaba-machi , Futaba County , Fukushima Prefecture .
Shinsengumi Tenmatsuki was one of the valuable materials on Shinsengumi as an oral history material by Shinpachi NAGAKURA , one of the survivor , one of leading members of Shinsengumi .
Gasho ( 887 - February 20 , 967 ) was a monk of the Tendai Sect who was active in the middle of the Heian period .
Saneyoshi ICHIJO ( March 26 , 1835 - May 16 , 1868 ) was a Kuge ( court noble ) who lived in the late Edo period .
FUNYA no Watamaro ( 765 to June 10 , 823 ) was a seii taishogun ( literally , ' great general who subdues the barbarians ' ) and kugyo ( a minister ) in the first half of the Heian period .
Located in Katagihara in Saikyo Ward of Kyoto City , Kyoto Prefecture , Katagihara haiji ato are the ruins of an ancient temple , which are designated as a National Historic Site .
FUJIWARA no Kinzane ( 1053 - December 29 , 1107 ) was a court noble and poet of Heian period .
Munenao TAKAHASHI ( 1703 - 1785 ) was a Kuge ( court noble ) , authority of ancient practice of customs and scholar of Japanese classical literature in the Edo Period .
Hoshikawa no Wakamiya no miko ( year of birth unknown - 479 ) , was a member of the Imperial family ( Royal family ) , who is said to have lived in the Kofun period ( tumulus period ) according to ' Nihonshoki ' ( Chronicles of Japan ) .
Norinaga NIJO ( 1234-date of death unknown ) was a kugyo ( court noble ) of the Kamakura period .
Buyeo Pung ( years of birth and death unknown ) was the prince of the last King Uija of Paekche ( reign AD 641 to AD 660 ) .
FUJIWARA no Yasusuke ( year of birth unknown -August 7 , 988 ) was a government official ( esp. one of low to medium rank ) and also regarded as a ringleader of robbers in the mid-Heian period .
Enchishi ( Gardens and Ponds Office ) was one of the institutions belonging to Kunaisho ( Ministry of the Sovereign 's Household ) in the Ritsuryo system ( a system of centralized government based on the ritsuryo code ) .
Bukeho refers to a set of codes enforced on samurai society and on the military government during the medieval and the early modern times in Japan .
Kaiseki SATA ( May 12 , 1818 to December 9 , 1882 ) from Higo Province was a Jodo Shinshu sect monk of Hongan-ji school ( In his later years , he was a Tendai sect monk ) from the end of the Edo period to the beginning of Meiji period .
In the Eiroku Incident , troops led by the so-called ' Miyoshi Triumvirate ' ( Nagayuki MIYOSHI , Masayasu MIYOSHI and Tomomichi IWANARI ) and Hisahide MATSUNAGA attacked and killed Yoshiteru ASHIKAGA , the 13th Seii Taishogun ( literally , ' great general who subdues the barbarians ' ) of the Muromachi Bakufu ( Japanese feudal government headed by a shogun ) , at the then Imperial Palace in Nijo , Kyoto on Eiroku 8 , the 19th day of the 5th month ( according to the old calendar ) ( June 17 , 1565 ) .
Fushimi-momoyama Station , located in 4-chome , Ryogae-machi , Fushimi Ward , Kyoto City , Kyoto Prefecture , is a railway stop on the Keihan Main Line of Keihan Electric Railway .
Uji Hachi no Miya ( the Eighth Prince ) is one of the fictional characters appearing in ' The Tale of Genji ' written by Murasaki Shikibu .
Tanbanomichinoushi no mikoto ( 丹波道主王 : year of birth and death unknown ) was a member of the Imperial family ( Royal family ) , who appears in ' Kojiki ' ( The Records of Ancient Matters ) and ' Nihonshoki ' ( Chronicles of Japan ) .
MINAMOTO no Hiromu ( 812 - February 16 , 863 ) was a court noble during the early Heian period .
Oichi no Kata ( 1547 ? - June 14 , 1583 ) was a woman of the Sengoku period ( Period of Warring States ) .
Kian Soen ( February 8 , 1261 - April 28 , 1313 ) was a priest of the Rinzai sect of the late Kamakura period .
' Ichinomiya ' ( lit. first shrine ) may refer to
FUJIWARA no Muneko ( dates of birth and death unknown ) was a woman during the late Heian period .
The chihaya ( outer vestment garment ) has existed in Japan since ancient times and is a piece of clothing used when performing religious rituals and duties that is principally worn by women .
Shigefusa UESUGI ( dates of birth and death unknown ) was a court noble and samurai who lived in the middle of the Kamakura period .
Shigetsugu NIWATA ( March 19 , 1757 – May 16 , 1831 ) was a court noble of the Edo period .
Toro ' is fish meat cut from a specific part of tuna , and is used as an ingredient for sushi , etc .
The term ' monyo ' generally referred to families that were related by blood .
Kurama Tengu
Soboro is the soy-simmered , fine-crumb ground meat using pork , chicken , fish or shrimp .
Toshiharu TOGI ( September 14 , 1929 - year of death unknown ) is a gagakuka , or a person who plays old Japanese court music , and is also a member of the Japan Art Academy .
Karasuma Oike Station , located in Nakagyo Ward , Kyoto City , Kyoto , Kyoto Prefecture , is a stop on the Kyoto Municipal Subway line .
The Jodo Sanbu-kyo is a collective name for the basic three sutras of the various Jodo sects in Japan .
' Honbutsu ' means the Primordial Buddha among numerous Buddha ( Nyorai . )
Imperial Prince Nariyoshi ( his name can also be read as Narinaga ) ( 1326 - January 29 , 1344 ) was the son of Emperor Godaigo of the period of the Northern and Southern Courts ( Japan ) .
Kujira Domain was a feudal domain that was located in Yamato Province ( present-day Kujira , Gose City , Nara Prefecture )
Sonobe-jo Castle is located ( initially as Jinya - a government house ) in Nantan City , Kyoto Prefecture .
Uchitsune ICHIJO ( August 19 , 1291 - November 15 , 1325 ) was a court noble and waka poet in the latter half of Kamakura period .
Zuikei Shuho ( January 2 , 1392 – June 3 , 1473 ) was a Buddhist priest of the Rinzai sect in the mid-Muromachi Period .
Imperial Prince Arisugawa-no-miya Yukihito ( April 9 , 1656 – August 20 , 1699 ) was a member of the Imperial family who lived in the Edo period .
Sarashi is white , long cloth ( 34cm in width , 2 to 10m in length ) , and it is usually used by wrapping around the stomach .
Joden ( 定田 ) refers to rice fields which were designated , as a result of a kenchu ( land survey ) on territories belonging to shoen ( manors ) and koryo ( public lands ) , as taxable lands in regard to the payment of kanmotsu ( tribute goods paid as taxes or tithes ) , shoto ( tax on rice fields ) , nengu ( annual tribute , land tax ) , and kuji ( public duties ) .
Izanami ( written as 伊弉冉 , 伊邪那美 , 伊弉弥 ) is a goddess in Japanese mythology .
In contrast to tanka poetry as art , doka refers to tanka ( 31 syllables ' poem ) or waka ( Japanese poem ) that includes Buddhist teachings or that Zen monks composed to make study and spiritual enlightenment easier to understand .
Jisho HACHIMONJIYA ( year of birth unknown - December 3 , 1745 ) was a Ukiyozoshi ( Literally , Books of the Floating World ) writer and hanmoto ( publisher ) .
Hikimayu is a makeup technique applied from the Nara period to the Edo period , meaning to shave or pull out eyebrows .
' Wakahirume no mikoto ' is a god ( Shinto ) appearing in Japanese Mythology .
Meibutsu can be regarded as a rating of tea utensils .
Shingi ( Monastic regulations in the Zen Sect ) , which is formally called Shojodaikaishu kikujunjo , is the regulations of a group of the Zen sect ( a sect of Buddhism ) .
The movement to unite for a common purpose refers to a unification movement took place between 1887 and 1889 among factions of the Freedom and People 's Rights Movement to prepare for the establishment of the Imperial Diet .
Fusako TAKATSUKASA ( October 12 , 1653 - May 19 , 1712 ) was a member of the Japanese Imperial Family .
Higuma KATO ( year of birth unknown - June 23 , 1867 ) was a common member ( regimental soldier ) of the Shinsengumi ( literally , the newly selected corps , referring to a special police force for the Tokugawa regime ) and was a 側越人 of Kanryusai TAKEDA .
' Imperial property ' refers to the property of the Imperial family .
Taa ( 1237 - February 18 , 1319 ) was a Ji Sect Buddhist monk who lived during the latter part of the Kamakura period .
Tamakazura is one of the fifty-four chapters of ' The Tale of Genji . '
Gozan indicates the status of a Zenrin ( temple of the Zen sect ) in China and Japan that is ranked above jissatsu ( for the ten important temples of the Rinzai sect ) and shozan ( for ordinary Zen temples ) .
The Aimanomachi-dori Street is a street runningnorth-south through Kyoto City .
Kayain was one of the Satodairi ( temporary imperial residence ) in Heian-kyo .
Kinharu OGIMACHISANJO ( 1441 - April 16 , 1495 ) was a Kugyo ( top court official ) during the Muromachi period .
Teruyoshi ICHIJO ( November 28 , 1756 - November 25 , 1795 ) was a Court noble who lived during the Edo period .
Harumichi YANO , born on December 18 , 1823 , in Arimatsu , Azo Village , Kita County , Iyo Province ( present-day Osu City , Ehime Prefecture ) , was a scholar of Japanese classical culture and a theologian .
Kentaro MIURA ( years of birth and death unknown ) was a member of the Miburoshigumi ( Mibu masterless warriors group ) which was the forerunner of the Shinsengumi ( literally , the newly selected corps , referring to a special police force for the Tokugawa regime ) of Japan .
Shijo Station , located in 1 Miyagawasuji , Higashiyama Ward , Kyoto City , Kyoto Prefecture , is a stop on the Keihan Main Line , which is operated by Keihan Electric Railway .
Japan Movie Production Federation ( May 1928 - February 1929 ) was an association in Kyoto made up of film companies focused on independent films .
FUJIWARA no Yoshimi ( 813 - November 13 , 867 ) was a court noble who lived in the first half of the Heian period .
The Hokenoyama-kofun Tumulus is a so-called Makimuku type escallop-shaped , large keyhole-shaped mound in the early first half of the Kofun period ( Tumulus period ) , located in Aza Hokenoyama , Oaza Hashinaka , Sakurai City , Nara Prefecture .
The Sixteenth Division was one of the divisions of the Imperial Japanese Army .
ITO resigned the prime minister in August 31 , and Kiyotaka KURODA , the Chairman of the Privy Council ( Japan ) also served temporarily as the prime minister until organization of the Cabinet by Masayoshi MATSUKATA on September 18 of the same year .
MURAKUNI no Mushimaro ( year of birth and death unknown ) was a figure who lived during Japan 's Nara period .
Hyakki yagyo emaki is a type of Japanese picture scrolls .
Shoseki KAWAI ( male , 1876-1956 ) was a tenkokuka ( artist of seal engraving ) who was active in Kyoto .
Gansen-ji Temple is a Buddhist temple belonging to the Shingon Ritsu Sect located in Kamo-cho , Kizugawa City , Kyoto Prefecture .
In the ancient and medieval periods of Japan , shoen ( manor in medieval Japan ) or feudal loads of the villages under the system of public lands and private estates , such as the great and powerful or the local jito ( manager and lord of manor ) set bounds on their territories ( states ) and insisted the justice of their domination over such territories .
Utaryo ( Bureau of Traditional Music ) was an organization belonging to the Jibusho ( the ministry of civil administration ) under the Ritsuryo system ( a system of centralized government based on the ritsuryo code ) .
Mototsune HOSOKAWA was shugo ( provincial constable ) of the northern part of Izumi Province and the lord of Shoryuji-jo Castle in Yamashiro Province in the Sengoku period ( period of warring states ) .
The term ' Hiten ' refers to the tennin ( heavenly beings ) who flies around Buddha and sings .
Jun Daijo tenno is the treatment which is equal to that of Daijo tenno ( retired emperor ) .
Kakekotoba ( a pivot word ) is a rhetorical device used in waka poetry .
Mekabu seaweed is the thick , folded part of the phyllodes of wakame seaweed ( Undaria pinnatifida ) that is located above its appressoria .
Yoshiyuki YAMANA ( date of birth and death unknown ) was a shugo daimyo ( shugo , which were Japanese provincial military governors , that became daimyo , which were Japanese feudal lords ) in the period of the Northern and Southern Courts ( Japan ) .
IKI no Hakatoko was ( years of birth and death unknown ) a person from Asuka Period to Nara Period .
The term ' Zoyakumen ' ( or Zoekiden ) means myoden ( rice fields named after the local land lords who developed the land in question ) which were exempted from zatsueki ( levies other than land tax ) under the system of shoen ( manor ) and kokugaryo ( territories governed by provincial government ) during the medieval period .
Ninsei NONOMURA ( 野々村仁清 : date of birth and date of death are unknown ) is a potter in the early Edo Period .
FUJIWARA no Sanesuke ( 957 - March 4 , 1046 ) was a high court official during the Heian period .
Choken ( 1126 - September 19 , 1203 ) was a Buddhist priest of the Tendai sect who lived from the late Heian period to the beginning of the Kamakura period .
TAIRA no Tamemori ( year of birth unknown - June 10 , 1183 ? ) was a military commander who lived during the last days of the Heian period .
Senbei ( 煎餅 ) is a kind of food made from flour .
SENA no Yukifumi ( year of birth and death unknown ) was a kajin ( waka poet ) and a scholar of Myogyo-do ( the study of Confucian classics ) , who lived during the Nara period .
Taisho Democracy refers to the movements that emerged in Japan 's Taisho period , urging for greater freedom and democracy in politics , society and culture .
Abura-bo is a strange light or a ghost known in Shiga and Kyoto prefectures .
Kanshin ( also known as Kanjin ) ( 1084 - April 2 , 1153 ) was a Shingon sect priest in the late Heian period .
The Choshu Conquest was the battle between the Edo bakufu ( Japanese feudal government headed by a shogun ) and the Choshu clan , which was fought twice in the latter half of the Edo period .
MINAMOTO no Noriyori was a busho ( Japanese military commander ) from the end of the Heian Period to the beginning of the Kamakura Period .
Kikunojo ONOE inherited the name of the Onoe school of traditional Japanese dance .
Sanemochi OGIMACHISANJO ( 1463 - April 12 , 1530 ) was a Kugyo ( top court official ) during the Muromachi period .
James Curtis Hepburn ( born March 13 , 1815 ; died June 11 , 1911 ) was a Presbeterian missionary who practiced medicine and developed the hepburn system of romanizing Japanese .
TACHIBANA no Narisue ( years of birth and death unknown ) was a kinju ( attendant ) of Michiie KUJO in the Kamakura period .
Tsukeshugen ( 付祝言 , also written as 附祝言 ) is one of the performance styles of noh ( traditional masked dance-drama ) .
FUJIWARA no Moroie ( 1027 - September 29 , 1058 ) was a middle-ranking court noble in the later Heian period .
' Miyakodori nagare no shiranami ' is the title of a kabuki kyogen play which is commonly known as ' Shinobu no Sota ' ( Sota who avoids being seen ) .
The Shinyama tumulus is a zenpo-koho ( square front , square back ) tumulus constructed in the early era of the first half of the Kofun period ( tumulus period ) and is located in Koryo-cho , Kitakatsuragi-gun , Nara Prefecture .
Nishi-Maizuru is the western half of present Maizuru City .
Nichiren Shoshu Sect is one of the religious schools of Buddhism which had Nichiren as the founder of a religious sect , and was founded by Nikko .
Yoshifusa KOIDE ( also known as Yoshihide KOIDE , 1587 - April 13 , 1666 ) was a daimyo ( Japanese feudal lord ) in the early Edo period .
Built on a small hill in present day Nishi-Tsutsujigaoka-cho , Kameoka City , the Yorimasa-zuka Tumulus is the Kubizuka ( tomb of the head ) of MINAMOTO no Yorimasa of the Tada-Genji ( Minamoto clan ) , who died an untimely death towards the end of the Heian period .
Prince Hachiko ( 562 ? - Nov 28 , 641 ? ) is the first prince of Emperor Sushun and the male cousin of Prince Shotoku .
Nizaemon KATAOKA is a Kabuki ( traditional drama performed by male actors ) actor 's professional name .
The Nakanomikado family
Seiichiro IKENO ( 1866 - 1943 ) is a Japanese botanist .
Myoki-an Temple is a Buddhist temple located in Oyamazaki-cho , Otokuni-gun , Kyoto Prefecture .
' Yowa no Nezame ' is a story of the ocho monogatari ( tales of the Heian and Kamakura periods ) written in the latter half of the Heian period ( supposedly around the latter half of 11th century ) .
Hachijo KONPARU ( September 30 , 1886 - May 17 , 1962 ) was the 78th soke ( head ) of Shite Kata Konparu school ( one of the five Shite Kata schools ) .
Shimazu no Sho ( Shimazu Manor ) was a large manor located in southern Kyushu from the Heian period to the first part of the Kamakura period .
Fusamoto ICHIJO ( 1522 - May 9 , 1549 ) was a person who lived in the Sengoku Period ( Period of Warring States ) in Japan .
' Umeshu ' is a liqueur which is popular in Japan and made by steeping green ume ( Japanese apricots ) , which are generally picked around June , in alcohol ( normally in white liquor or shochu - distilled spirits ) .
Doko TETSUGEN ( February 12 , 1630 - April 27 , 1682 ) was a Zen priest of the Obaku School in the early Edo period .
Tarikihongan ( salvation by faith in Amitabha ) has the following meanings :
Musa no kuni no miyatsuko ( 武社国造 ) , also known as Musa kokuzo , was a kuni no miyatsuko that ruled the northeast part of Kazusa Province in ancient Japan .
Takeshiro NAGAYAMA ( May 28 , 1837 - May 27 , 1904 ) was a military man of the Japanese Army and a nobleman .
Nishikyogoku Station , located in Ukyo Ward , Kyoto City , is a stop on the Hankyu Kyoto Line , which is operated by the Hankyu Railway .
The Asuka Period is a period in Japanese history , stretching from the end of the 6th century to the beginning of the 8th century , during which the capital was located in a place named Asuka .
Tokikiyo KASAI was a busho of Kamakura period .
Higashiyama Station , located in Higashiyama Ward , Kyoto City , is a stop on the Kyoto Municipal Subway Tozai Line .
Takekawa is a chapter title of ' Genji Monogatari ' ( The Tale of Genji ) which has fifty four chapters .
Tadatoki SHIMAZU ( 1202 – May 8 , 1272 ) was a busho ( Japanese military commander ) in the early and middle Kamakura period .
Tosei shosei katagi ( The Character of Modern Students ) is a novel written by Shoyo TSUBOUCHI ( a nom de plume : Harunoya Oboro ) .
The Takanawa negotiation was a conference held by the the head of the Meiji Government and the ambassadors of England , France , United States of America , Italy , and Germany , in Takanawa , Tokyo Prefecture on August 19 , 1869 .
HOZUMI no Momotari ( year of birth unknown-June 29 , 672 ) is Japanese of Asuka period .
KI no Osadamaro ( 755 - June 825 ) was a government official in the beginning of the Heian period .
Soshitsu SEN XVI ( 1956 - ) is the sixteenth generation grand master of the Urasenke ( the house of Urasen ) , Genmoku Soshitsu , and his saigo is Zabosai .
Katsurakisitoriniimasu Amenohaikazuchinomikoto-jinja shrine is located at the base of Mt . Nijo ( Nara Prefecture and Osaka Prefecture ) in Katsuragi City ( former Taima-Cho ) , Nara Prefecture .
Cavalry was a military force formed by soldiers mounting on horseback , armed with swords , spears , and guns .
The normal school order was an imperial edict promulgated on April 10 , 1886 .
Shuzan Jusshu refers to the specialty plays of Kichiemon NAKAMURA of Harimaya ( kabuki ) selected by Kichiemon NAKAMURA the first .
Kokai ( January 29 , 1608 – November 22 , 1695 ) was a Buddhist priest of the Tendai Sect in the early part of the Edo period .
' Jiin-ho ' is a name for laws regarding Buddhist temples .
Emperor Go-Suzaku ( December 14 , 1009 - February 7 , 1045 ) , the sixty-ninth Emperor , reigned in the middle Heian period ( from 1036 to 1045 ) .
Akishino is the name of place in Nara City , Nara Prefecture , and according to the present residence indication , it is Akishino-cho .
Minowaraji or Minosoji is one of Japanese yokai ( ghosts , spirits and monsters ) which is portrayed in Sekien TORIYAMA 's yokai art collection book , ' Gazu Hyakki Tsurezure Bukuro ' ( The Illustrated Bag of One Hundred Random Demons ; the term ' hyakki ' in its title is a pun on the usual hyakki , replacing the character for demon which is written as ' 鬼 ' in Japanese with a character for vessel written as ' 器 , ' and sure enough , most of the yokais shown in this book are tsukumogami [ a type of Japanese spirits that originate in items or artifacts that have reached their 100th birthday and become alive ] ) .
Game Archive Project , also known as GAP , was inaugurated in 1998 , by Kyoto Prefecture as a leasing body and other organizations .
The faction of Saiwai-club was a union of medium and small parliamentary factions in the House of Peers ( Japan ) led by the Tea Party group from the late Meiji period to the early Showa period .
Kyoto Prefectural Library is a prefectural library located in Sakyo Ward , Kyoto City , Kyoto Prefecture .
Imperial Prince Yorihito ( August 29 , 1201 - June 25 , 1264 ) was a member of the Imperial Family during the early Kamakura period .
Tamemasa NAKAMIKADO ( 1255 - January 15 , 1307 ) was a court noble in the Kamakura period .
Chosai ( 1184 - February 19 , 1266 ) was a priest of the Jodo Sect in the middle of the Kamakura period .
Prince Takami ( year of his birth and death is unclear ) was either a member of the Imperial Family or a member of the Imperial Family conferred a family name during the middle of Heian period .
Kyoto Orthodox Church , located in Nakagyo Ward , Kyoto City , Kyoto Prefecture , is an Orthodox church of Japan ( Greek Orthodox Church ) .
Yusurutsuki is a container for shiromizu ( water after washing rice ) which is to be used for washing and arranging hair .
Chikamoto Nikki is the diary of Chikamoto NINAGAWA ( Shinuemon no Jo ) , who was the deputy steward of the office of administration in the Muromachi Period .
Kanekata URABE ( year of birth and year of death not known ) was a kanjin ( government official ( esp. one of low to medium rank ) ) in charge of matters relating to Shintoism ( in other words , Shintoist ) , who lived in the middle and late Kamakura period .
Kinshige SAIONJI ( 西園寺 公重 , 1317 - October 5 , 1367 ) was a Kugyo ( high court noble ) from the late Kamakura period to the Northern and Southern Courts period .
Hidetomo TOYAMA ( December 2 , 1609-February 6 , 1642 ) was the second lord of Naegi Domain in Mino Province .
TAIRA no Yasuyori ( c . 1146 - 1220 ) was a member of the noble class in the Heian period .
The Meio Incident involved the enthronement and dethronement of the Ashikaga seii taishogun ( literally , ' great general who subdues the barbarians ' ) and occurred in the Muromachi period in 1493 .
A Japanese-style room is a room on whose floor tatami mats are laid in a traditional Japanese house .
Yoshitsura ISSHIKI ( 1400 - June 14 , 1440 ) was a shugo daimyo ( shugo , which were Japanese provincial military governors , that became daimyo , which were Japanese feudal lords ) in the early Muromachi period .
Sukemasa MACHI ( MACHI no Sukemasa ) ( April 28 , 1518 - November 18 , 1555 ) was a Kugyo ( top court official ) during the mid Sengoku period ( period of warring states ) ( Japan ) .
Shuen ( 771 - July 16 , 835 ) was a Hosso Sect Buddhist monk who lived during the first part of the Heian period .
Kuninao DATE ( November 2 , 1835 - January 12 , 1891 ) was a head of the Iwadeyama Date family , Sendai Domain Sept in the end of Edo Period , who devoted himself to development of Hokkaido after Meiji Restoration and laid the foundation of Tobetsu-cho .
Nobufusa TAKATSUKASA ( November 17 , 1565 - January 18 , 1658 ) was a kugyo ( top court official ) who lived in the era from the Azuchi-Momoyma period to the Edo period .
Kyoto International Exhibition Hall is an event site located in Sakyo-ku Ward of Kyoto City , Kyoto Prefecture .
Uraderamachi-dori Street is a street running north-south in Kyoto City .
Tanenao HARADA ( dates of birth and death unknown ) was a Japanese military commander and Dazai gonno Shoni ( Junior Assistant Governor-General of Dazai-fu [ local government office in Kyushu region ] ) in the late Heian period .
Masayoshi ABE was a daimyo ( feudal lord ) during the Edo period .
Independent Party ( Mushozoku-dan ) refers to a faction within the Diet of the House of Peers under the Constitution of the Empire of Japan .
Tsunemori KIKKAWA ( 1290-1358 ) was a bushi ( samurai ) of the Nanbokucho period ( the period of the Northern and Southern Courts ) .
Zenna ( years of birth and death are unknown ) was a Buddhist monk and a Rengashi ( linked-verse poet ) from the end of Kamakura Period .
Roji is also called Chatei and is the common name of a garden attached to a tea-ceremony room .
OTOMO no Tomokuni
' The Tale of Genji ' is a Japanese novel written in the mid-Heian period .
Kusarigama ( a chain and a sickle ) is a weapon that has a form like a kama ( a sickle ) for cutting grass attached to a chain weight and it was developed as a weapon from a farming tool .
Fushimi Momoyama-jo Castle Land was an amusement park located in Fushimi Ward , Kyoto City , Kyoto Prefecture , which was owned by Kintetsu Group ( operated by Momoyamajo Co . Ltd . , a subsidiary of Kinki Nippon Railway Company ) .
Katsuragi Futakami-jinja Shrine ( or Katsuragi Nijo-jinja Shrine ) is located around the top of the Mt . Odake in the Nijo-zan mountain range ( Nara Prefecture and Osaka Prefecture ) in Katsuragi City , Nara Prefecture .
Oto Tachibana Hime was the wife of a mythical Japanese prince called Yamatotakeru .
Yukitomo SHINGU was a busho ( Japanese military commander ) of the Sengoku period .
Ise ( around 872 - 938 ) was a Japanese poet who lived in the Heian period .
Hisoka MAEJIMA ( February 4 , 1835-April 27 , 1919 ) was a Japanese government official as well as a statesman .
The Minase family fell under the FUJIWARA no Takaie line of the Northern House of the Fujiwara clan , and was Toshoke .
Sugasaka-toge Pass is a mountain pass located between Maizuru City and Ayabe City in Kyoto Prefecture .
Aoi Matsuri ( formally known as Kamo Matsuri ) is an annual celebration that takes place at Kamomioya-jinja Shrine ( Shimogamo-jinja Shrine ) and Kamowakeikazuchi-jinja Shrine ( Kamigamo-jinja Shrine ) in Kyoto City on May 15 ( the middle day of Cock day of lunar calendar ) .
' Shoichii ( Senior First Rank ) ' is one of court ranks and ranks granted to Shinto gods in Japan .
The Ko school of tea ceremony of the Ogasawara family is a tea ceremony school descended in the Kokura Domain , Buzen Province ( Kitakyushu City , Fukuoka Prefecture ) .
Hamaya is an arrow given as a lucky charm of the New Year by a temple and / or a Shinto shrine .
The Kintetsu Kyoto Line ( Kintetsu Kyoto-sen ) is a railway line of Kintetsu Corporation ( Kintetsu ) and it connects Kyoto Station located in Shimogyo Ward , Kyoto City , Kyoto Prefecture and Yamato-Saidaiji Station in Nara City , Nara Prefecture .
Muneie UKITA ( date of birth and death unknown ) was a person who lived in the latter part of the Muromachi period .
Hyakushuuta ( The Set of One Hundred Poems , 百首歌 ) consists of one hundred poems as a unit , which are a type of waka composed with a predetermined number .
Sakuramochi is a variety of wagashi , or Japanese confectionery , covered with a leaf of sakura ( Japanese flowering cherry ) .
Mukomachi Station , located in Kuguso , Terado-cho , Muko City , Kyoto Prefecture , is a railway facility of the Tokaido Main Line ( JR Kyoto Line ) , which is operated by the West Japan Railway Company ( JR West ) .
Zenshin ( 1151 - the year of death unknown ) was a monk of Tendai sect in the end of Heian period .
Mt . Odaigahara ( Odaigaharayama ) is located across Kamikitayama Village and Kawakami Village in Yoshino-gun , Nara Prefecture , and former Miyagawa Village , Odai Town , Taki-gun , Mie prefecture .
FUJIWARA no Atsutada ( 906 - April 18 , 943 ) was a court noble and poet in the mid-Heian period .
Masakatsu YAMAWAKI ( 1849 - May 6 , 1905 ) was a feudal retainer of the Kuwana Domain in the end of Edo period .
Kayabuki no sato Kitamura is a village located in Miyama-cho Kita , Nantan City , Kyoto Prefecture ( formerly Miyama-cho , Kita-Kuwada-gun ) .
Tsuneoki KAJUJI ( 1396-April 29 , 1437 ) was a court noble , or Kugyo ( the top court official ) , in the Muromachi period .
Kasuga no kami is a Shinto deity .
Shinzaemon SORORI is the professional name of rakugo storyteller .
Uta-awase is a contest in which two teams of poets divided into the right and the left sides .
Instantaneous discharge matchlock is an ignition system for matchlock guns , which are represented by Japanese hinawa-ju ( literally , fire rope gun ) .
Yodo-dono ( c . 1569 – c . June 4 , 1615 ) was a woman who lived from the Sengoku period ( the end of Muromachi period ) to the early Edo period , and a concubine of Hideyoshi TOYOTOMI ( Hideyoshi HASHIBA ) .
Yorikuni OINOMIKADO ( 1577 - June of 1613 ) was a kugyo ( court noble ) who lived from the Azuchi-Momoyama period to the early Edo period .
The term ' Kojunin ' refers to a post of the security and military division ( Bankata [ security officials ] ) of the Edo bakufu ( Japanese feudal government headed by a shogun ) .
Umeko TSUDA ( December 31 , 1864 - August 16 , 1929 ) was an educator in the Meiji Period .
The ' Kogai ' ( Traditional Hairpin accessory ) is decorative hairdressing implement used for lifting hair into a bun shape .
Prince Otsu ( 663 - October 28 , 686 ) was a prince of Emperor Tenmu .
Hirohide HIRATE ( 1553 - February 4 , 1573 ) was a busho ( Japanese military commander ) during the Azuchi-Momoyama period .
Imperial Princess Keishi ( February 17 , 1029 - September 26 , 1093 ) , who was also called Kaoruko , was the second imperial princess of the sixty-eighth emperor , Goichijo .
Mido-ryu was the name of a style of Yusoku-kojitsu ( knowledge of court rules , ceremony , decorum and records of the past ) and manners for the descendants of FUJIWARA no Michinaga ( Sessho [ Regent ] and Daijo-daijin [ Grand Minister ] ) of Kujo line of Fujiwara-Hokke ( the Northern House of the Fujiwara Clan ) and the groups who assumed Michinaga as their ancestors .
The Anegakoji / Anekoji family were court nobility of Fujiwara lineage .
The Ano family belonged to the court nobility and had a status of Urin .
Kizo-in Temple is a Goji-in Temple of Mt . Omine located in Yoshino-cho , Yoshino-gun , Nara Prefecture .
Toyomori MIYAGI ( 1554 - 1620 ) , written as 宮城 豊盛 in Japanese , was a Japanese military commander who lived from the Azuchi-Momoyama period to the Edo period .
Kakujo ( 1194 - July 1 , 1249 ) was a priest of the Risshu sect of Buddhism in the middle of the Kamakura period .
Princess Tochini iribime ( Tochini iribime no Mikoto ; the dates of her birth and death are unknown ) was a princess of the Emperor Suinin .
Jibu-sho ( Ministry of Civil Administration ) was a government-regulated organization in Japan under the Ritsuryo system ( a system of centralized government based on the ritsuryo codes ) .
Gudo UCHIYAMA ( May 17 , 1874-January 24 , 1911 ) was a Japanese Buddhist , a monk ( the chief priest of Rinsen-ji Temple , Soto sect ) , and a socialist activist .
SUGAWARA no Takasue no musume ( 1008-ca. after 1059 ) was a noble woman who lived in the Heian period .
MINAMOTO no Tadamune ( date of birth and death unknown ) was a busho ( Japanese military commander ) from Kawachi-Genji ( the Minamoto clan of Kawachi Province ) and active during the Heian period .
The Kamakura Bakufu ( Japanese feudal government headed by a shogun ) was a samurai government ( bakufu ) established in Kamakura ( currently , Kanagawa City , Kamakura Prefecture ) by MINAMOTO no Yoritomo .
' Rajomon no oni ' or ' Rashomon no oni ' is an ogre who was said to have lived at Rajo-mon Gate , the main gate of Heiankyo ( the ancient capital of Japan in current Kyoto ) .
MINAMOTO no Chikayoshi ( year of birth unknown - August 28 , 918 ) was shisei kozoku ( member of the Imperial Family conferred with a family name ) in the early Heian period .
Tokuseirei in the Kenmu era is an act promulgated on June 13 , 1334 .
ONO no Michikaze ( also known as ONO no Tofu ) ( June 894 – February 9 , 967 ) is one of the foremost calligraphy artists from the Heian period , and is numbered among the ' sanseki ' ( The Three Famous Calligraphers of Japan ) .
The Sakaimachi-dori Street is a street running north-south through Kyoto City .
Tango is one of the seasonal festivals held on the 5th day of the 5th month .
Kuhon-ji Temple , located in Higashi Kujo , Minami Ward , Kyoto City , is a temple of the Jodo ( Pure Land ) sect .
Tawawa-chan is the mascot of Kyoto Tower , which is located in Shimogyo Ward , Kyoto city .
Daitokuji natto is natto ( fermented soybeans ) made in Daitokujimonmae , Murasakino , Kita Ward , Kyoto City .
The Shini-e is a Japanese woodcut print Ukiyo-e , ( lit . Pictures of the floating world ) produced and published for the commemoration of a famous actor or a writer when he passed away .
FUJIWARA no Tanetsugu ( 737 - November 4 , 785 ) was a kuge ( court noble ) who lived during the late Nara Period .
Kyoto Prefectural Gymnasium is a gymnasium located in Kita Ward , Kyoto City , Kyoto Prefecture .
FUJIWARA no Sonohito ( 756-January 22 , 819 ) was a politician from the end of the Nara period to the beginning of the Heian period .
MINAMOTO no Okitada ( 957 - September 1018 ) was a busho ( Japanese military commander ) in the mid-Heian period .
Yorishige MATSUDAIRA was a Japanese feudal lord in the early Edo period .
The lactic acid for making sake is the high-purity lactic acid required in making yeast mash in the process of brewing Japanese sake ( rice wine ) .
Hyobusho ( Tsuwamono no tsukasa or Ministry of Military ) was an administrative organ taking in charge of military administration for the national defense in earlier times in Japan .
Kamikitayama Onsen Hot Spring is a hot spring which is located in Kamikitayama-mura , Yoshino-gun Nara Prefecture ( old province , Yamato province ) .
Sogishi ( Mourning and Burial Office ) is a bureau within Jibusho ( Ministry of Civil Administration ) under the ritsuryo system ( a system of centralized government based on the ritsuryo code ) .
Chosen-dera Temple ( Korean Temple ) refers to the common name of the temples worshipped by korean people living in Japan , particularly , the women .
Kosode is clothing thought to be designed in the middle of the Heian period , and is an origin of Japanese Kimono .
Fusatoshi KOIDE ( November 28 , 1659 - March 13 , 1713 ) was the third feudal lord of Sonobe Domain , Tanba Province .
Chikatsuo-jinja Shrine is a Shinto shrine located in Kokubu , Otsu City , Shiga Prefecture .
Sukeyasu SHIBA ( August 13 , 1935 - ) is a gagakuka , or a musician who plays old Japanese court music , and a member of the Japan Art Academy .
The order of the succession to the Imperial Throne means the order in which the Imperial Throne is succeeded to from generation to generation .
Middle Japanese is a stage in the development of the Japanese language located between Early Middle Japanese and Early Modern Japanese .
Kouchigi is one of Japanese clothing .
Takedanomiya is a Miyake ( family allowed to have the status of Imperial family ) created by Takedanomiya Prince Tsunehisa , who was a prince of Imperial Prince Kitashirakawanomiya Yoshihisa , in the late Meiji period .
' Sento gosho ' is the imperial palace of an abdicated emperor ( retired or cloistered emperor ) .
Takaie TAKIMI ( year of birth and death unknown ) , also generally called Shinsuke , was a Japanese military commander who lived around the Azuchi-Momoyama period , and he was the lord of Miyayoshi-jo ( 宮吉城 ) Castle in Keta County , Inaba Province .
Mitsunori ISSHIKI ( 1368-January 25 , 1409 ) was a son of the family head of the Isshiki clan , Akinori ISSHIKI .
Yusho KAIHO ( 1533- June 27 , 1615 [ June 2 , 1615 by the lunar calendar ] ) was a painter of the Kano School from the Azuchi-Momoyama Period ( from 1573 ) to the early Edo Period ( from 1603 ) .
Ishi-gassen is a stone-throwing fight , in which people are divided into two groups and throw stones at each other , imitating a battle in the Sengoku period .
The term ' Yoshoku ' refers to western food served in Japan .
Omotedaka refers to kokudaka ( yield ) on face value of shoryo ( territory ) that was given by seii taishogun ( literally , ' great general who subdues the barbarians ' ) to daimyo ( feudal lords ) or hatamoto ( direct retainers ) in the Edo period .
Gyoki ( or Gyogi , 668 - February 23 , 749 ) was a Buddhist monk of the Nara era in Japan .
FUJIWARA no Hidezumi ( year of birth unknown - October , 1221 ) was a samurai in the Kamakura period .
Usa-jingu Goshin Noh is a Noh play dedicated at Usa-jingu Shrine ( Usa City , Oita Prefecture ) on the second day of fujo hosai festival ( a festival of giving thanks to a shrine for grain of the field having been protected from storm and flood damage or from disease and harmful insects ) , held on October 20 and 21 every year .
Maizuru Fururu Farm is an agricultural park located in Sezaki , Maizuru City , Kyoto Prefecture .
CHIISAKOBE no Sahichi ( year of birth unknown - July or August , 672 ) was active in the Asuka period of Japan .
Hahakigi is :
Ansai YAMAZAKI ( January 24 , 1619 - October 16 , 1682 ) was a Confucian scholar , neo-Confucian scholar , Shintoist and philosopher of the early Edo period .
Hisashige UNO ( date of birth and death unknown ) was a Busho ( Japanese military commander ) at the end of the Muromachi period .
Choshin ( 1014 - November 12 , 1072 ) was a Buddhist monk of the Shingon sect , in the mid-Heian period .
FUJIWARA no Nakamaro ( 706 - October 21 , 764 ) was a kugyo ( a high court noble ) of the Nara Period .
Jinposho is a list of various districts of Ise-jingu Shrine ( both Naiku ( the inner shrine ) and Geku ( the outer shrine ) ) territory .
Kyohachiryu is a legendary school of swordsmanship .
Tokan-ya ( also read as Tokaya ) is an annual festive event held on the night of October 10 ( old lunar calendar ) .
The words ' Kishu Seibatsu ' or ' Kishu-zeme ' refer to the conquest of Kii Province by Nobunaga ODA and Hideyoshi TOYOTOMI in the Sengoku period ( period of warring states ) ( in the Azuchi-Momoyama period ) .
Rokuharamitsu-ji Temple is a temple of the Chisan branch of the Shingon Sect located in Higashiyama Ward , Kyoto City .
Daini no Sanmi ( ca . 999-ca . 1082 ) was a female poet who lived during the mid-Heian period .
Tadakatsu UTSUMI ( September 12 , 1843 - January 20 , 1905 ) was samurai as well as a government official and a statesman in Japan .
Kyoan HORI ( June 25 , 1585-January 10,1643 ) was a Confucian doctor and scholar in the early Edo period .
Takayama Chikurin Park is a garden located in Ikoma City , Nara Prefecture .
The Ogimachi family were kuge ( court nobles ) with kakaku ( family status ) of urinke ( the fourth highest family status for court nobles ) .
Kuji Kongen was a book on ancient practices and precedents of the imperial court written by Kaneyoshi ICHIJO during the Muromachi period .
FUJIWARA no Sanenobu ( 964 - September 28 , 1001 ) was a Kugyo ( top court official ) during the mid Heian period .
MINAMOTO no Tadashige ( year of birth and death unknown ) was a samurai ( warriors ) and government official ( lower or middle ranked ) .
Sankyoku is the collective name for the three musical instruments : jiuta shamisen ( shamisen , or sangen--a three-stringed Japanese banjo , for jiuta , or traditional songs with shamisen accompaniment ) , so ( a long Japanese zither with thirteen strings ) , and kokyu ( Chinese fiddle ) .
The term ' Yohen Tenmoku tea bowl ' refers to a tea bowl considered to be the best of Tenmoku ( a stoneware glaze which is deeply stained by iron oxide ) tea bowls .
Miyazu Station , located in Aza-Tsuruga of Miyazu City , Kyoto Prefecture , is a stop on the Kitakinki Tango Railway ( KTR ) .
Sankaiki is the name given to the diary of Tadachika NAKAYAMA .
Umekoji-koen Park is located across Kankiji Town , Hachijo Bomon Town and Umekojikashira Town in Shimogyo-ku Ward , Kyoto City .
Toyooka Prefecture is a prefecture established in 1871 based on the policy of Haihan-chiken ( abolition of feudal domains and establishment of prefectures ) .
Toshiharu SAITO ( 1541 ? - July 1 , 1582 ) was a busho ( military commander ) in the Sengoku ( Warring States ) period .
Hitoshi KOMATSU ( January 19 , 1902 - August 23 , 1989 ) was a Japanese-style painter .
Ryozen ( dates of birth and death unknown ) was a monk and a poet who lived during the mid-Heian period .
Nankei TACHIBANA ( May , 23 , 1753 - May 8 , 1805 ) was a doctor in the late Edo period .
Mochimaki is an event of scattering rice cakes for people who come to a Shinto ritual , such as jotoshiki ( the framework raising ceremony held during construction of a new building ) .
Rinjikyu was provisional payment of extra nenkan ( a regular nenkan means : a right granted as a stipend to members of the Imperial Family [ including the emperor ] , consorts of the emperor , some court nobles , and so forth to nominate a person for a certain government post conferred to them on the occasion of the annual installation of them as government officials ) .
Komyo-ji , the Grand Head Temple of the Seizan Jodo sect , is located in Ao , Nagaokakyo City , Kyoto Prefecture .
' Shitachi ' is a term used in Bujutsu ( martial art ) especially in Kenjutsu ( swordplay ) , and Budo ( martial art ) especially in Kendo ( Japanese art of fencing ) .
Empress Sahohime no mikoto ( year of birth unknown - November , 25 B.C. ) was the first wife of Emperor Suinin ( she became Empress on March 29 , 28 B.C. ) , and she is mentioned in the Kojiki ( Records of Ancient Matters ) and the Nihonshoki ( Chronicles of Japan ) .
Okurakyo-no-tsubone ( ? - June 4 , 1615 ) was a woman in the Sengoku period ( period of warring states ) - the Edo Period .
Rakuyo dengakuki is a book written by OE no Masafusa .
Motosu no kunimiyatsuko ( also known as Motosukokuzo ) was kuninomiyatsuko ( local ruling families in ancient Japan ) ruled the central west of Mino Province .
Kinnosuke NAKAMURA is the professional name of kabuki actors .
Kyoto Regular Tour Bus is a regular sightseeing bus operated by Keihan Bus and Kyoto Municipal Transportation Bureau in Kyoto City and the surrounding area .
Goteni ( 御典医 ) were doctors who belonged to Tenyakuryo ( the Bureau of Medicine ) in the Imperial Court , and were simply called teni .
Chicken nanban is a local cuisine originally created in Nobeoka City , Miyazaki Prefecture .
Jutaro CHIBA ( 1824-May 7 , 1885 ) was a swordsman of the Hokushin Itto-ryu Style in the Edo Period .
An altar is a structure for making sacrifices and offerings to gods , spirits , and death .
Kanjosho is a kind of account book prepared for settlement of balances on rice , soy beans , gold , silver and others .
Akazonae ( red arms ) is a kind of military organization in the Sengoku period ( Japan ) , which is a troop formation of which all arms including armor and flag were colored red .
Uji saicha shi was a procession that carried Uji tea leaves , one of the specialties of Uji City , Kyoto , in a chatsubo ( tea jar ) to be presented to the Tokugawa Shogunate Family .
Munemitsu MUTSU ( August 20 , 1844-August 24 , 1897 ) was a Japanese warrior / feudal retainer of the Kishu Domain , a statesman , and a diplomat .
Kafu ( family tradition ) is a style of behavior , including custom and procedure , which has been specifically inherited down the generations within certain individual families .
The branch of the main families of the Ashikaga clan ( head family ) that had inherited the post of Seii taishogun ( literally , ' great general who subdues the barbarians ' ) of the Muromachi bakufu ( Japanese feudal government headed by shogun ) since the first generation of Takauji ASHIKAGA was referred to as the Ashikaga Shogunate family .
Shobo-ji Temple , located in Saikyo Ward , Kyoto City. is a temple of the To-ji school of the Shingon sect .
Shinbutsu-shugo ( syncretization of Shinto with Buddhism ) refers to blending of indigenous belief and Buddhistic faith to reconfigure one belief system .
Suzuka no Okimi ( year of birth unknown - October 17 , 745 ) was an Imperial Family member during the Nara period .
Kongorin-ji Temple is a temple of the Tendai Sect in Aisho-cho , Echi-gun , Shiga Prefecture .
Sakiyori SAGARA ( year of birth unknown - February 19 , 1394 ) was busho ( Japanese military commander ) from the period of the Northern and Southern Courts through the early Muromachi Period .
Imperial Prince Toneri ( February 8 , 675 - December 6 , 735 ) was a prince of Emperor Tenmu .
Sunpu was the city in which kokufu ( ancient provincial capital ) of Suruga Province was located and fuchu ( provincial city which consists of local governments as the core of the city ) of Suruga Province .
ONO no Emishi ( year of birth unknown - 677 ) was a government official who lived during the Asuka period .
Regulation of national bank is a Japanese law enacted in 1872 .
Kunitama is a concept of Shintoism , referring to the sanctification or spiritualization of a province ( an administrative division in feudal Japan ) or the land itself .
Torin-in Temple is one of the sub-temples of Myoshin-ji Temple of the Rinzai sect .
The former head office of the Kyoto Prefectural government is a Renaissance style building located in Kamigyo Ward , Kyoto City , Kyoto Prefecture .
Munetaka DATE ( 1607 - October 7 , 1626 ) was a Japanese military commander who lived during the Edo period .
Ouchi clan is one of clans in Japan .
Tokiyori SAITO ( year of birth and death unknown ) was a samurai in the late Heian period .
Suga KANNO ( June 7 , 1881 - January 25 , 1911 ) was a newspaper journalist , writer , feminist and socialist activist in the Meiji era .
JR-Fujinomori Station , located at Fukakusa Okamedani Oyama-cho 99 , Fushimi Ward , Kyoto City , Kyoto Prefecture , is a stop on the Nara Line , which is operated by the West Japan Railway Company ( JR West ) .
Chawan originally referred to a porcelain bowl made for drinking tea .
Whale meat is defined as the edible parts of cetaceans and of smaller-sized cetaceans called dolphins , which are used for food .
Shonen-ji Temple , situated at Imai-cho , Kashihara City in Nara Prefecture , is the temple of Jodo Shinshu Hongan-ji school .
Koka means that an Imperial princess or a princess marries a man who is not a member of Imperial family nor the royal family .
Shibun was the term for persons with the full social rank as bushi ( warrior ) class among the bushi during the Edo Period .
Flash pan is a receptacle sticking out from the side of the barrel for priming powder in matchlock guns and flintlock guns .
The ' Tokuseirei ' ( ordering return of land sold and dissolution of debts ) was acts by the Imperial Court and the bakufu ( Japanese feudal governments headed by a shogun ) during the Middle Ages in Japan , from the Kamakura period to the Muromachi period .
Imperial Prince Okiyoshi ( also known as Okinaga )
Oshioki Saikyo-cho was a compilation of legal reports thought to be created by Edo machi-bugyo in Hoei era ( 1704 to 1710 ) .
Shiokumi-toge Pass is a pass separates Maizuru City ( Kyoto Prefecture ) and Takahama Town ( Oi County , Fukui Prefecture ) .
Takatomo ODA ( 1337 - July 3 , 1414 ) is a busho ( Japanese military commander ) from the period of the Northern and Southern Courts ( Japan ) to the early Muromachi period .
Jetavana Vihara ( the formal name is ' Jetavana Anathapindadasya-arama ' in Sanskrit ) was a temple at Sravasti in Middle India , where Buddha preached sermons .
Kani Sotosei was the bureaucrats hierarchy system that set the constant suitability relationship between Ikai ( Court rank ) and government post given to a government official on the Japanese Ritsuryo system ( a system of centralized government based on the ritsuryo code ) .
Ikoku keigobanyaku was a military service imposed by the Kamakura bakufu ( Japanese feudal government headed by a shogun ) on Gokenin in Kyushu .
Hannya-ji Temple is the Shingo Risshu sect 's temple located at Nara-zaka ( also called Nara Kitamachi ) in the northern part of Nara City .
Teishoku is a style of serving food frequently found in Japanese restaurants .
Joju-ji Temple , located in Nishikyo Ward , Kyoto City , is a temple of the Obaku Sect .
Morinaga Hikoshichi OMORI was a busho ( Japanese military commander ) of Seiwa-Genji ( Minamoto clan ) in the period of the Northern and Southern Courts ( Japan ) .
Imperial Prince Katsura-no-miya Misahito ( December 11 , 1833 – April 20 , 1836 ) was a member of the Japanese Imperial family who lived in the late Edo period .
FUJIWARA no Hirotsugu ( year of birth unknown - November 28 , 740 ) was a retainer of Imperial Court in the Nara period .
Princess Kunikatahime ( Kunikatahime no Mikoto ; the dates of her birth and death are unknown ) was a princess of the Emperor Sujin .
The gyaku-en indicates the concept of not believing in the teachings of Buddha ( i.e. , defying the ' en ' , or connection with Buddha ) unquestioningly or someone who can not be saved .
Ingo means followings .
Abdication of the throne implies resignation by a monarch such as an emperor or a king from his or her position .
Toyokuni ( years of birth and death unknown ) was a priest around the 6th century .
MINAMOTO no Koreyoshi ( the year of his birth and death is not clear ) was a bushi ( samurai ) in the Heian Period .
Nagatoshi YAMANAKA ( 1547-March 21 , 1607 ) was a daimyo ( Japanese feudal lord ) who lived during the Azuchi-Momoyama period .
The Date clan ( or the Idate clan ) was a samurai family which designated itself as the Fujiwara no Yamakage line of the Northern House of the Fujiwara clan and prospered in the southern Tohoku region from the Kamakura Period through the Edo Period .
Princess Yukiko ( November 14 , 1680-March 18 , 1720 ) was a member of the Japanese Imperial family in the Edo period .
Mancio ITO ( otherwise written as Mancio or ' 満所 ' , circa 1569 - November 13 , 1612 ) was a Christian and one of the senior envoys of the Tensho Keno Shonen Shisetsu ( the Tensho Youth Mission to Europe ) who lived from the Azuchi Momoyama period into the early Edo period .
Gekkeikan Okura Sake Museum is a corporate museum of the sake manufacturer Gekkeikan Sake Co . , Ltd. located in Fushimi Ward , Kyoto City , Kyoto Prefecture .
Yoshinari AICHI ( MINAMOTO no Yoshinari : date of birth and death unknown ) was a busho ( Japanese military commander ) , who lived from the later Heian Period to the early Kamakura Period .
Sayoko ERI ( July 19 , 1945 - October 3 , 2007 ) was a Japanese craftsman of cut gold leaf .
FUJIWARA no Tadahira ( 880 - September 14 , 949 ) was a court noble of the Heian period .
The term Henjo Nanshi refers to the idea that a woman , who has been thought to have great difficulty in becoming a Buddha since ancient times , is able to accomplish it by once changing into a man .
Joa ( 1540 – August 28 , 1619 ) was a Buddhist priest of the Jishu School and poet between the Sengoku Period ( Period of Warring States ) and the early part of the Edo period .
Higashi ( 干菓子 ) or Higashi ( 乾菓子 ) is a generic term that refers to dry Japanese sweets .
Choku is the words of the emperor or a document that directly conveys the emperor 's order .
Shijo Karasuma is the name of the area around the crossing between Shijo-dori Street and Karasuma-dori Street in Shimogyo Ward , Kyoto City , Kyoto Prefecture as well as the crossing itself .
Shunsai OTSUKI ( 1806 - May 7 , 1862 ) was a Ranpoi ( a person who studied Western medicine by means of the Dutch language ) at the end of the Edo period .
' Tango no kuni Fudoki ' ( The records of Tango Province ) is a record of Tango Province ( now the northern part of Kyoto Prefecture ) .
The Narutomaki ( written in Japanese character as : 鳴門巻き ) is a type of kamaboko , steamed fish paste , made from minced fish and with a spiral pattern in cross section .
Sei Shonagon ( 966 ? - 1025 ? ) was a female writer and poet in the Heian period .
Norisue IMADEGAWA ( 1425 - ( January 26 , 1484 ) was a kugyo ( court noble ) who lived during the Muromachi period .
' Hennentai ' is one of descriptive methods of history , whereby historical affairs are described in chronological order .
Tadasue TSUTSUMI ( year of birth unknown - July 27 , 1221 ) was gokenin ( an immediate vassal of the shogunate in the Kamakura and Muromachi through Edo periods ) in the early Kamakura period .
Korokke is a kind of deep fried dish .
' Jinryo bugyo ' was an official post in the Muromachi bakufu ( Japanese feudal government headed by a shogun ) .
Shoei KANO ( 1519 - November 24 , 1592 ) , the third son of Motonobu KANO , was a painter of the Kano school who lived in the Azuchi-Momoyama period .
ISHIKAWA no Toshitari ( 688 - October 762 ) was a noble who lived from the end of the Asuka period to the middle of the Nara period .
Katsutoki NAKAYAMA ( ? - July 1 , 1582 ) was a military commander in the Sengoku period ( period of Warring States ) .
Rusui was a governmental post placed in the Edo bakufu and in domains .
Ryudai ( 1751-July 2 , 1843 ) was a monk of Shingon sect .
Odainokata ( 1528 - October 13 , 1602 ) was the legitimate wife of Hirotada MATSUDAIRA , and later became the wife of Toshikatsu HISAMATSU .
Tanzaku means paper cut into strips , or thin slices of wood .
Nanso Satomi Hakkenden is Yomihon ( copy for reading ) written by Bakin KYOKUTEI ( Bakin TAKIZAWA ) during the late Edo period .
Mochiie ARIMA ( 1396 ? - 1450 ? ) was a warrior in the middle of the Muromachi period .
The Shinkokushi is a national history of Japan that is said to have been compiled in the 10th century , following the ' Nihon Sandai Jitsuroku ' ( Veritable Records of Three Reigns of Japan ) , the last of the Rikkokushi ( Six National Histories ) .
Kyoto Gosho is an imperial palace located in Kamigyo Ward , Kyoto City , Kyoto Prefecture .
Ichidakusai SAITO ( 1813 - December 18 , 1874 ) was a priest in the end of Edo period .
Shintaro NAKAOKA ( May 6 , 1838 - December 12 , 1867 ) was a political activist involved in the fight to restore imperial rule .
Choroku no hen was an incident that occurred on December 27 , 1457 during the Muromachi period when former retainers of the Akamatsu family attacked angu ( emperor 's temporary palace ) of Gonancho ( Second Southern Court ) , made a surprise assault on the brothers of Sonshuo and Chugio who were descendants of the Southern Court emperor ( the latter was a seii taishogun ( literally , ' great general who subdues the barbarians ' of the Southern Court ) , and took away Shinji ( the sacred jewel ) .
Kuninaga TAJIMI ( 1289 - 1324 ) was a busho ( Japanese military commander ) who lived in the late Kamakura period .
Shinju-an Temple is a sub-temple located within the precinct of Rinzai sect Daihonzan ( Head Temple ) Daitoku-ji Temple in Murasakino , Kita Ward , Kyoto City , Kyoto Prefecture .
Kanjosho is the name of an office or a governing organization established for finance and civil administration in the Edo bakufu ( Japanese feudal government headed by a shogun ) , in each domain and at each hatamoto ( direct retainers of the Edo bakufu ) .
Iso no Zenji ( dates of birth and death unknown ) was a woman who lived during the late Heian period .
Zenshu-yo is one of the traditional temple architectural styles in Japan .
Gyokei ( year of birth unknown-August 31 , 1165 ) was a priest of the Tendai sect in the late Heian period .
Kinpira is one of Japanese side dishes .
Nobumasa WAKEBE ( January 13 , 1653 - January 23 , 1715 ) was the 4th lord of the Omizo Domain , Omi Province .
Monogatari are various events read by a narrator to the reader .
Ko-no-Zu is a kind of Kumiko or a design consisting of longitudinal and horizontal lines used as a pattern of artistic work in Kodo .
FUJIWARA no Tadanobu ( 967 to May 9 , 1035 ) was a Kugyo ( top court official ) who lived during the mid Heian period .
Dainihon Enkaiyochi Zenzu is a surveyed map of the whole of Japan drawn by Tadataka INO , a geographical surveyor in the late Edo period .
Oharano-jinja Shrine is a Shinto shrine located in Oharano , Nishigyo Ward , Kyoto City .
FUJIWARA no Hamao ( year of birth not known ; died on September 1 , 840 ) was a court noble who lived in the Heian period .
Ryuha are groups of people that are headed by an Iemoto ( head of school ) or Soke ( grand master ) , who passes down a certain systematic waza ( craftsmanship or technique ) in the fields of Japanese art , sake brewing , etc .
As an affiliate department of Zushoryo ( the Bureau of Drawings and Books ) under the Ritsuryo system ( a system of centralized government based on the ritsuryo code ) , Kamiyain manufactured paper used in the Imperial Court .
Azumaya is one of the fifty-four chapters of ' The Tale of Genji . '
Daisen-ji Temple is a branch temple of Enryaku-ji Temple which belongs to Tendai sect , located in Aiba , Shinasahi-cho , Takashima City , Shiga Prefecture .
Bukeryo was shoryo ( individual holdings ) of military families during the medieval Japan .
Tadanobu SATO ( 1161 – November 4 , 1186 ) was a Busho in the end of Heian period and a vassal of MINAMOTO no Yoshitsune .
MURAKUNI no Oi ( year of birth and death unknown ) was a figure who lived during Japan 's Nara period .
Goshiki-mame ( five-colored roasted sweet beans ) , roasted beans of five different colors covered with a sugar coating , are regarded as a well-known Kyoto confection .
Sonjun Hosshinno ( December 1 , 1591 - June 21 , 1653 ) was a Buddhist monk of Tendai Sect in the early Edo period .
The word ' Kunitomo ' referred to Kunitomo Village in Sakata County , Omi Province ( present-day Kunitomo-cho , Nagahama City , Shiga Prefecture ) , which was renowned for its production of firearms along with Sakai City during the Warring States period through to the end of the Edo period , and also to gunsmiths who worked in Kunitomo Village ( called ' Kunitomo Kaji ' in Japanese ) .
Masasato KITABATAKE ( 1449-1508 ) was a court noble in the middle of the Muromachi period .
Nobuyoshi ICHIJO ( 一条 信能 , 1190 - 1221 ) was a Kugyo ( high court noble ) in the early Kamakura period .
Jigeke was a family status of court officials who were not permitted to enter the Courtiers ' Hall in the Imperial Palace .
A geyujo is a document that , when an officer in a position is replaced with another person under the Ritsuryo system ( a system of centralized government based on the ritsuryo code ) in ancient Japan , was issued confirming the change necessary for continuing office duties .
John William Drake is an Englishman who lived in Japan during Meiji Period .
Senei IKENOBO ( July 21 , 1933 - ) is a flower arrangement expert from Kyoto Prefecture .
The Yagyu clan was a Japanese clan .
Manganji Togarashi is one of the spring Kyo-yasai ( specifically certified vegetable varieties grown in Kyoto . )
Nicchin ( 1469 to June 24 , 1527 ( old lunar calendar ) ) was the 12th head priest of Taiseki-ji Temple .
Kyoto Cinema ( a mini-theater ) is located in Shijo Karasuma , Shimogyo-ku Ward , Kyoto City , Kyoto Prefecture .
Ishii school is one of the schools of otsuzumi-kata ( large hand drum players ) in Nohgaku ( the art of Noh ) .
Amenonaemasu no mikoto ( spelled ' 天苗加命 , ' or alternatively ' 天苗益命 ' ) is a deity ( Shinto ) in Japanese mythology .
The Shinkokin period is a literary period that refers to the era of transition from Heian literature ( literature in Chuko ) to Kamakura literature ( medieval literature ) .
Kurofune is a term used to refer to large , Western-style sea vessels , used before the Edo Period until the modern age .
Kinmoto SAIONJI ( 西園寺 公基 , 1220 - January 19 , 1275 ) was a Kugyo ( high court noble ) in the Kamakura period .
Naizenshi was an institution belonging to Kunaisho ( Ministry of the Sovereign 's Household ) in Japanese government-regulated organization or facility , etc .
Joeki NAKAGAWA is a name that has been succeeded for generations by the head of the Nakagawa family , one of the Senke jissoku ( the 10 artisans of the Sen family ) specialized in the hardware craftwork .
When Nobunaga ODA went to the capital with Yoshiaki ASHIKAGA in hand and put Kyoto under his dominion , he made his vassal Sadakatsu MURAI the Kyoto Shoshidai , in charge of maintaining the peace in Kyoto , imitating the organization of the Muromachi Shogunate .
Jizo-in Temple , located in Kita Ward , Kyoto City , is a temple of the Jodo sect .
The Yoshimi clan was a samurai clan in Japan .
The Seshu-Shinno-ke is also known as ' the Tei-Shinno-ke ' ( the legitimate Imperial prince 's family ) .
Kaneyoshi KUJO ( 九条 兼良 , 1167 - February 3 , 1221 ) was a Kugyo ( high court noble ) in the early Kamakura period .
Bankei Yotaku ( April 18 , 1622 - October 2 , 1693 ) was a Buddhist priest of the Rinzai sect during the early Edo period .
Higashi Koya-kaido road was a road used to visit Mt . Koya from Kyoto .
Mototsuna ANEGAKOJI ( 1441 - June 5 , 1504 ) was a warring lord and governor of Hida Province .
Dashi is a float used in a procession during a festival .
' Aoi no Ue ' is a work of nogaku ( the art of Noh ) which is based on the chapter of ' Aoi ' ( Hollyhock ) in ' The Tale of Genji . '
The sogamae is a castle or fort 's outer enclosure or the area that the enclosure surrounds .
Nagahide NIWA , Nagamasa ASANO
The Mikohidari family was one of the principal families of the Fujiwara clan , whose founder was FUJIWARA no Nagaie , the sixth son of FUJIWARA no Michinaga of the Northern House of the Fujiwara clan .
Wachi Station , located at 19-1 Honjo Baba , Kyotanba-cho , Funai-gun , Kyoto Prefecture , is a stop on the Sanin Main Line of the West Japan Railway Company ( JR West ) .
Tomikuji also called Tomitsuki is a way to collect fund for mutual aids and a kind of lottery that is said to be the origin of takarakuji and also a gamble .
FUJIWARA no Masamitsu ( 956-April 7 , 1013 ) was a court noble in the mid-Heian Period .
Hana no En ( The Festival of the Cherry Blossoms ) is one of the fifty-four chapters of ' The Tale of Genji . '
Kuruwa is a general term for a castle compound , which is bounded by walls .
The term Sohei means samurai ( warriors ) with the appearance of priests who were active from the Medieval Period until the early modern ages .
Skyland Ikoma is a theme park located at the top of Mt . Ikoma in Ikoma City , Nara Prefecture .
' Shomonki ' is an early war chronicle that details TAIRA no Masakado 's War , which occurred in Togoku ( the eastern part of Japan , particularly the Kanto region ) in the middle of the tenth century .
Motohiro KONOE ( April 28 , 1648 - October 13 , 1722 ) was a court noble and Kanpaku ( chief adviser to the Emperor ) who lived in the early to mid Edo period .
Otabisho means the place where a deity ( usually the mikoshi , or portable shrine , that carries the deity ) takes a rest or stays overnight while on a ritual procession during a shrine festival ( Shinko-sai Festival ) .
Japanese housing
The Battle of Bitchu Takamatsu-jo Castle was a battle in 1582 in which , on the order of Nobunaga ODA , his karo ( retainer ) Hideyoshi TOYOTOMI conquered Takamatsu-jo Castle , owned by Muneharu SHIMIZU , in Bitchu Province in the territory of the Mori clan .
Imperial Prince Hachijonomiya Yasuhito ( June 15 , 1643 - November 9 , 1665 ) was a member of the Imperial family in the early Edo period .
Kazarimusubi is as follows .
Gojo no Tsubone ( year of birth unknown - June 20 , 1193 ) was a court lady and kajin ( waka poet ) during the late Heian period .
Mt . Mikami is a mountain located in Mikami , Yasu City , Shiga Prefecture .
Maejima Wharf is located in Maizuru Port in Maizuru City , Kyoto Prefecture .
Tomomi IWAKURA ( October 26 , 1825 - July 20 , 1883 ) was a Japanese court noble and a politician .
Horanomiya was an Imperial Palace which Emperor Junnin built in Omi Province in Nara period , which was placed as ' Hokukyo ' in the system of multi-capital of Heijo-kyo ( the ancient capital of Japan in current Nara ) .
The Edo bakufu ( Japanese feudal government headed by a shogun ) established the post of ' Kyooyaku ' during the Edo period to have someone provide entertainment for messengers of the emperor ( who were known as ' chokushi ' ) , messengers of the retired emperor ( who were known as ' inshi ' ) , or messengers of the empress ( who were known as ' nyoinshi ' ) that had been sent to Edo .
Introduced in 2003 , ' K-tokkyu ' is a type of train owned by Keihan Electric Railway Co . , Ltd . , and represents the best type offered by the company .
Hiroshi TAKAHASHI ( 1932 - ) is a Noh actor of the Konparu school of shite-kata ( lead actors ) .
FUJIWARA no Michinaga ( 966 - 1027 ) was a court nobility during the mid-Heian Period , Dajo-Daijin ( held the position from December 4 , 1017 , to February 9 , 1018 , both in lunar calendar ) .
Nissei ( March 23 , 1623 - March 30 , 1668 ) was a Buddhist monk of the Nichiren sect and a poet of Chinese poetry who lived in the early Edo period .
The Kuze family was a Tosho-ke ( the hereditary lineage of Court nobles occupying relatively high ranks ) ( new family ) of the Murakami-Genji ( Minamoto clan ) line .
Mansaku ITAMI ( real name Yoshitoyo IKEUCHI ; January 2 , 1900 - September 21 , 1946 ) was a Japanese film director active during the early Showa era .
Mino no Okimi ( date of birth and death unknown ) lived in the Asuka period in Japan .
Hitakami no kuni is a province ruled by Emishi ( a group of people ) as a local sphere of influence , which was located in the present-day Tohoku region ( the Kitakami-gawa River basin in Iwate Prefecture ) and described in ' Nihonshoki ' ( Chronicles of Japan ) .
Selected intangible properties of folk culture refers to an intangible cultural property ( except important intangible folk cultural properties ) , which is allowed to receive financial aid at public cost to cover a part of the expense to record , preserve , and exhibit .
MINAMOTO no Kuniaki ( 1064 - June 8 , 1105 ) was a courtier in the later Heian period .
Kyoto City University of Arts is a public university which is located in Nishikyo Ward , Kyoto , and is one of the premiere universities for arts and music in Japan .
Saiho-ji Temple is a Buddhist temple belonging to Jodo ( Pure Land ) Sect located in Tokiwadeguchi-cho , Ukyo-ku Ward , Kyoto City , Kyoto Prefecture .
Iwao KOYAMA ( April 18 , 1905 - July 7 , 1993 ) was a Japanese philosopher .
Japanese pigments are materials used in Japanese traditional painting .
SOGA no Umako ( male ; born c . 551 and died on June 19 , 626 ) was a politician during the Asuka period .
Imperial Princess Gishi ( Noriko ) ( date of birth unknown - November 26 , 879 ) was a member of the Imperial family during the early Heian period .
Kanpyo no goyuikai was the note that Emperor Uda left for the 13-year-old new emperor when he abdicated the throne in favor of Emperor Daigo on August 8 , 897 .
Toyotamahime no Kami ( Toyotama-hime ) is a god ( Shinto ) appearing in volume one of ' Kojiki ' ( The Records of Ancient Matters ) , and the mythology of Yamasachihiko and Umisachihiko .
Zeshi rokuju igo Sarugaku dangi ( also known as ' Sarugaku dangi ' ) was established in the Muromachi Period , which is a written record on Zeami 's discourse about the art and has been handed down from ancestors as a collection of art treatises on Nohgaku .
Nobumichi MATSUDAIRA was the third lord of the Kameyama Domain , Tanba Province .
The term ' Zoyakumen kei shoen ' means shoen ( manor ) which were granted Zoyakumen ( the right to exempt from all levies other than regular land tax ) and whose lords were allowed to secure the amount equivalent to zatsueki ( odd-jobs tasks ) for themselves .
Nanboroku ( also pronounced ' Nanporoku ' ) is an old book which has been handed down in the Tachibana clan in Hakata ( a part of Fukuoka City , Fukuoka Prefecture ) , as a book of SEN no Rikyu 's secret teachings .
Kyoto Higher Craft School is an old system vocational school ( Specialist School of Business ) established in 1902 .
Nohgaku is a Japanese traditional performing art .
OGIMACHISANJO Kiminaka ( May 18 , 1557- Aug . 12 , 1594 ) was a court noble of the Azuchi-Momoyama Period .
Matataro YAMASHITA is a hereditary family name for an actor of Kabuki , a Japanese traditional theatrical drama .
Shimei-dori Street is a street running east-west through the north part of Kita Ward , Kyoto City .
The Fukuo school is a school of waki-kata ( supporting actors ) in Nohgaku ( the art of Noh ) .
Neko-dera is the common name for temples deeply linked to cats that exist all over Japan .
Tsukuda was a rice field directly managed by lord of the manors , shokan ( an officer governing manor ) or jito ( manager and lord of manor ) in shoen koryo sei ( System of Public Lands and Private Estates ) in medieval Japan .
Kanto Gobunkoku was the group of provinces ruled and administered by Shogun families ( Kamakuradono ) during the Kamakura period .
Harusue SAIONJI ( July 26 , 1809 - August 12 , 1826 ) was Kugyo ( a Court Noble ) in the late Edo period .
The Fukuchiyama Line is a ( trunk ) railway line operated by the West Japan Railway Company that connects Amagasaki Station in Amagasaki City , Hyogo Prefecture , and Fukuchiyama Station in Fukuchiyama City , Kyoto Prefecture .
FUJIWARA no Munetada ( 1062-May 27 , 1141 ) was a Heian-period court noble .
Tegatana ( pronounced either Shuto or Tegatana )
TAIRA no Tokinori ( 1054 - 1109 ) was a middle-ranking court official in the later Heian period .
Masamori OOAE was a busho ( Japanese military commander ) in Muromachi period .
Soi ( year of birth unknown - 1094 ) was a monk and a waka poet who was active from the middle to the end of Heian period .
MINAMOTO no Yoshihira is a busho ( Japanese military commander ) during the end of the Heian period .
Daidoruijuho was a unique Koiho ( school of ancient medicine ) document compiled in Japan in 808 during the early Heian period , while it was also the oldest government-designated pharmacopoeia .
Tadaharu MATSUDAIRA ( 1598-April 23 , 1669 ) was a lord of the Tanaka Domain in Suruga Province .
The Bukkoji-dori Street is a street running east-west in Kyoto City , Kyoto Prefecture .
FUJIWARA no Saneyori ( 900 - June 29 , 970 ) was a court noble in the middle of the Heian period .
Dazai no sochi was the head of Dazaifu .
Wasan means an anthem sung in Japanese to praise Buddha , Bosatsu , Soshi ( founder of a sect ) , ancient virtue , Buddhist scriptures , creed , etc .
The ogre of Suzaku-mon Gate is said to have lived in the Suzaku-mon Gate of Heian-kyo ( the ancient capital in what is now Kyoto ) .
Naomasa MATSUDAIRA ( September 1 , 1601-March 8 , 1666 ) was a daimyo ( Japanese feudal lord ) in the early Edo Period .
FUJIWARA no Iefusa ( 1167 - August 24 , 1196 ) was a kugyo ( top court official ) and a kajin poet who lived from the end of the Heian period through the Kamakura period .
The Ebisugawa-dori Street is a street running east-west running in Kyoto City .
Senmatsumaru SOGO ( 1575 - August 11 , 1589 ) was a son of Masayasu SOGO .
Sugatani onsen is a hot spring located in Nagahama City , Shiga Prefecture ( formerly , Omi Province ) .
A brief summary of each chapter of The Tale of Genji .
Uji jujo ( The Ten Quires of Uji ) is the latter half of the third , last part of Genji Monogatari ( the Tale of Genji . )
Kennosuke KONDO ( April 18 , 1928- ) is a shite-kata ( a main actor ) of the Hosho school of Noh .
Kagemichi AOYAMA ( 1819 - December 11 , 1891 ) was a Japanese Fukko-shintoka ( Reactionary Shintoist ) , who lived during the end of the Edo period to the Meiji period .
Yoshikatsu TOKUGAWA ( April 14 , 1824 - August 1 , 1883 ) was a daimyo ( a Japanese feudal lord ) ( the 14th and 17th lord of the Owari Domain [ later the Nagoya Domain ] ) in the late Edo period and a statesman in the early Meiji period .
MINAMOTO no Kenshi ( also known as Kaneko ) ( 915 - October 972 ) was a shisei kozoku ( member of the Imperial Family conferred with a family name ) during the mid Heian period .
Onitaro OKA ( September 3 , 1872 - October 29 , 1943 ) was a Kabuki playwright , dramatic critic , and writer .
Katsuo no tataki is one of the fish dishes made with katsuo ( bonito or skipjack tuna ) .
Tsukigase Bairin refers to the plum grove located at Mt . Tsukigaseoyama and its surrounding areas ( former Tsukigase Village , Soekami County ) in Nara City , Nara Prefecture .
Sadatsuna MATSUDAIRA ( March 8 , 1592 - February 4 , 1652 ) was a daimyo ( Japanese territorial lord ) in the Edo period .
TAIRA no Iesada ( 1084 - 1167 ) was a roto ( retainer ) of the Taira family during the late Heian period .
Saccho Domei ' refers to the political and military alliance concluded on March 7 , 1866 in the last days of the Edo period between the Satsuma Domain and Choshu Domain .
Jugo SUGIURA ( April 19 , 1855 - February 13 , 1924 ) was a nationalistic educator and thinker of the Meiji period and the Taisho period .
Keizu sanyo ( Edo period pedigree charts ) is a collection of pedigree charts compiled in the late Edo Period .
Doin ( 1741 - July 1 , 1813 ) was a priest of Jodo Shinshu ( the True Pure Land Sect of Buddhism ) during the middle to late Edo period .
Hachiro KIYOKAWA ( October 10th , first year of Tenpo ( Lunar Calendar ) ( November 24 , 1830 ) - April 13th , third year of Bunkyu ( Lunar Calendar ) ( May 30 , 1863 ) ) was a Shishi at end of Edo Period , and one of the leaders of the Roshigumi .
Nobuhiro KONOE ( June 24 , 1599 - November 15 , 1649 ) was a court noble and Toshichoja ( representative of the Fujiwara family ) who lived in early Edo period .
Miyagahama Swimming Area is a swimming area located in Omihachiman City , Shiga Prefecture .
Izanagi-jinja Shirine is located in Tenri City , Nara Prefecture .
MINAMOTO no Yoritomo was a busho ( Japanese military commander ) during the end of the Heian period and the early Kamakura period .
Kohechi is a pilgrimage route to Kumano Sanzan ( the three major shrines of Kumano region including Kumano Hongu-taisha Shrine , Kumano Hayatama-taisha Shrine and Kumano Nachi-taisha Shrine ) and one of Kumano-kodo ( Kumano old road ) .
The Tokugawa clan name was created by Ieyasu TOKUGAWA .
Harutada TAKADA ( year of birth and death unknown ) was a feudal warlord in the Azuchi-Momoyama period .
' Kyo kaido ' indicates all the streets which go to Kyoto .
Ryosei-koku designates Japanese province that was established under the ritsuryo codes .
Jinaicho ( also called Jinaimachi ) refers to self-governing communities formed during the Muromachi period , which centered on the Buddhist temples of the Jodo Shinshu ( the True Pure Land Sect of Buddhism ) and training seminaries ( gobo ) .
Yohoro-gawa River belongs to a class B river system which runs through Maizuru City , Kyoto Prefecture .
' Uji cha ' is a high-class brand of Japanese tea with the image of being produced in the southern area of Kyoto Prefecture around Uji City .
Susoyoke petticoat is an inner wear that is worn under wafuku ( Japanese traditional clothes ) .
Sempuku is a sake brand produced by MIYAKEHONTEN , a sake brewer in Kure City , Hiroshima Prefecture .
FUJIWARA no Yorizane ( 1155 - 1225 ) was a noble who lived the late Heian period and the early Kamakura period .
Rekishimachi was one of Japanese city forms .
Shakuzetsu-nichi Day is a day controlled by Rasetsu-shin God ( type of evil spirit ) of Onmyodo ( way of Yin and Yang ) ( in the customs of nobles and ordinary citizens ) , and was considered unlucky day .
Iwazononiimasu-takumushitama-jinja Shrine is located in Katashio-cho , Yamatotakada City , Nara Prefecture .
Geni MAEDA was a busho ( military commander ) and daimyo ( Japanese feudal lord ) during the Sengoku ( Warring States ) and the Azuchi-Momoyama periods .
Dokyo is one of the Sankyo , ( Japanese word translates as ' three religions ' ) , the three great religions in China , including Confucianism , Chinese Buddhism and Dokyo .
The Kubo-okura was the financial branch of the Muromachi bakufu , in charge of managing revenues and expenditures .
Saibara is a style of ancient music .
Akadashi miso soup is a miso soup made from a blend of Hacho-style ( soy bean and rice ) miso paste .
Shunju-za is a theater located in Sakyo Ward , Kyoto City on the site of Kyoto Performing Arts Center operated by Kyoto University of Art and Design .
Bunji Imperial Sanction was the imperial sanction in Japan to permit placement and appointment and dismissal of shugo ( military governor ) and jitoshiki ( manager and lord of manor ) in various districts given to MINAMOTO no Yoritomo by the Imperial Court on December 28 , 1185 .
Itahi ( board monument ) is a kind of sekihi ( stone monument ) mainly used as a memorial tower .
The Mibu family
Senmai-zuke which is marketed in supermarkets are traditional pickles in Kyoto and are produced by marinating paper-thin slices of turnips with pieces of konbu ( kelp ) , red peppers and vinegar .
Shirako is the name of the milt of fish when the milt is used as ingredients in various dishes .
MINAMOTO no Takaakira ( 914 - January 17 , 983 ) was a court noble in the Heian period .
Shinichiro KURINO ( November 29 , 1851 - November 15 , 1937 ) was a Japanese diplomat in the Meiji and Taisho eras .
Toshikatsu BOJO ( October 7 , 1802 - September 9 , 1865 ) was a court noble in the end of the Edo period .
Taki mountain range is the generic name for the mountains extending from Kyoto Prefecture to Sasayama City and Tanba City in the shape of high quay wall , which are 500 meters to 700 meters high ; it is also called the Taki Alps after former Taki County .
Otoshidama-bukuro is an envelope in which you put money ( mainly bills ) when you give otoshidama ( New Year 's gift ) on New Year 's holidays .
Tadatoshi MATSUDAIRA ( year of birth unknown - January 29 , 1646 ) lived in the Edo period .
Samegai Trout Farm is a prefectural facility for freshwater fish cultivation and research , located in Maibara City , Shiga Prefecture .
The Meiji-setsu is one of the four grand national holidays in the former public holiday system : the Kigen-setsu ( the National Foundation Day ) , the Shiho-setsu ( New Year 's Day ) , the Tencho-setsu ( the birthday of the present emperor ) , and the Meiji-setsu ( the birthday of Emperor Meiji ) .
Isshin-in Temple is a Jodoshu sect ( the Pure Land sect ) temple at Higashiyama Ward in Kyoto City as well as the head temple of the Shasei school of the Jodo sect .
Matsubara-dori Street is one of the major east-west streets in Kyoto City .
Daigokuden was the main administrative building of the Imperial Court in ancient times in Japan .
Moriya-shin ( also pronounced as Moreya-shin ) is an indigenous god ( Shinto ) believed to live around the Suwa region in Nagano Prefecture .
Gessho ( 1813 - December 20 , 1858 ) was a Sonno Joi ( Revere the Emperor , Expel the Barbarians ) School Buddhist monk who lived at the end of the Edo period .
Tai Meshi is one of the local dishes in which sea bream is used .
Enyu-ji Temple was a gogan-ji ( temple built by imperial order ) of the Emperor Enyu that once stood in Kyoto .
Tomoyoshi MAEDA ( 1590 - July 24 , 1628 ) was a busho ( Japanese military commander ) who lived in the Edo period , and he was the third son of Toshiie MAEDA .
Yoshisue SAIONJI ( September 29 , 1743 to January 16 , 1800 ) was Kugyo ( a Court Noble ) in the middle Edo period .
Emperor Murakami ( July 14 , 926 - July 5 , 967 ) reigned in the mid-Heian period ( from May 31 , 946 to July 5 , 967 ) .
Bakumatsu , one of the Japanese periodization , refers to the final years of the Edo period when the Edo bakufu ( Japanese feudal government headed by a shogun ) ruling a county came to an end .
FUJIWARA no Sanenari ( 975 - January 12 , 1045 ) was a court noble in the Heian period .
OE no Tadamitsu ( also called Narimitsu , 934 - November 29 , 987 ) was a kuge ( court noble ) during the mid Heian period .
Tomu UCHIDA ( real name Jojiro ; April 26 , 1898 - August 7 , 1970 ) was a Japanese film director active during the Taisho and Showa periods .
Shihohai is the name of ceremony held at Imperial Palace in the beginning of the year .
Shunkan ( 1143 - April 17 , 1179 ) was a priest of the Shingon sect of Buddhism in Japan , who lived during the latter Heian period .
Jogan gishiki is a book of ceremonies that is believed to have been compiled during the Jogan era ( Japan ) during the early Heian period ( book ) ( book of ceremony ) .
Masanao TSUCHIYA was a daimyo ( Japanese feudal lord ) and roju ( member of shogun 's council of elders ) living in the Edo Period .
Momoyama-Minamiguchi Station , located in Fushimi Ward , Kyoto City , Kyoto Prefecture , is a stop on the Keihan Uji Line , which is operated by Keihan Electric Railway .
Karinto is a type of sweets and the recipe is as follows : Knead wheat flour together with other ingredients such as sugar , water , yeast , salt and baking soda into a ball of dough , fry the dough rolled into a long thin stick in vegetable oil , coat with syrup made from brown sugar or superfine sugar and dry .
Kimio NAKANISHI ( 1843 - 1918 ) was a geisha girl in the Gion Kobu district .
TAIRA no Takakiyo ( TAIRA no Rokudai ) 1173 - March 10 , 1199 ) was a member of the Taira clan who lived from the end of Heian period to early Kamakura period .
Tsunanori KUTSUKI ( January 9 , 1808 - October 15 , 1825 ) was a successor of the Fukuchiyama Domain in Tanba Province .
Masatora KUSUNOKI ( 1520 - February 9 , 1596 ) was a man that lived during the Sengoku period ( Period of Warring States ) ( Japan ) to the Azuchi-Momoyama period .
Kinden school is the largest school of taishogoto ( Taisho lyre ) in Japan which have more than four hundred thousand members and more than ten thousand teachers throughout Japan .
Ichiryu denju means jiso denju ( initiation of practical training ) in the Shingon sect of Buddhism .
Shika Wakashu is the sixth Chokusen Wakashu ( anthology of Japanese poetry compiled by Imperial command ) of the Hachidaishu ( the eight Imperial anthologies of Japanese poetry ) .
Zejo was the title of the chieftain of the Tachibana and O clans in the Heian period .
Kasagi-dera Temple is a Buddhist temple belonging to the Chisan School of the Shingon Sect located in Kasagi-cho , Soraku-gun County , Kyoto Prefecture .
Ichizawa Hanpu Co . , Ltd. is a cloth bag manufacturer located in Higashiyama Ward , Kyoto City .
' Mizuko ' is a term that refers to the following :
Sango ( Mountain Name ) : None
Shinmeiyama-kofun Tumulus is a keyhole-shaped tomb mound made in the latter half of the early kofun ( tumulus ) period , located in Kyotango City , Kyoto Prefecture .
Cloistered Imperial Prince Sonen ( August 1 , 1298 - October 7 , 1356 ) was the seventeenth Chief Priest of Shoren-in Temple .
Suguki pickles are one kind of Japanese pickles .
Katahide NIGITA ( year of birth unknown - February 4 , 1348 ) was busho ( a Japanese military commander ) in the period of the Northern and Southern Courts .
Tsunemoto KANROJI ( 1535 – June 5 , 1585 ) was a court noble during the Muromachi to Azuchi-Momomyama Period .
Kodan is a form of traditional Japanese performing arts .
Danjonokami ( also known as Danjoin ) was the head of Danjodai under the ritsuryo legal code system .
The Makimuku Katsuyama-kofun Tumulus is an ancient tomb belonging to the Makimuku Katsuyama-kofun Tumuli Cluster .
Haitei no Yashiro Shrine was located on a knoll in Shimogyo Ward , Kyoto City , Kyoto Prefecture .
Hisamichi KONOE ( November 21 , 1472 - September 23 , 1544 ) was a kugyo ( court noble ) and Kanpaku ( chief adviser to the Emperor ) during the Sengoku Period ( Period of Warring States ) ( Japan ) .
Kosho OTANI ( April 22 , 1817 - January 15 , 1894 ) was a Jodo Shinshu ( True Pure Land Sect Buddhism ) priest and the 21st Hoshu ( head priest ) of Higashi Hongan-ji Temple .
Ennin ( 794-February 24 , 864 ) was the 3rd head priest of the Tendai Sect .
' Kyo-yasai ' is a general term for varieties of vegetables that were created by selective breeding a long time ago and have been produced in a traditional manner mainly in regions in Kyoto Prefecture , generally referring to 43 varieties of vegetables in total that fall under ' Kyo no Dento Yasai ' ( 41 varieties certified by Kyoto Prefectural Government to continue to be produced in the traditional manner ) and / or ' Brand Kyo-Yasai ' ( 21 varieties certified o have reliable quality and to be produced at such an adequate and stable volume to enable distribution to the marketplace ) .
Inkyo is when the head of the family gives away the reigns of the family to another family member and withdraws from official household affairs .
The trade of sake brewers in Japan involves ; making Japanese rice wine ( sake ) in warehouses and selling sake in retail outlets .
MINAMOTO no Yorikuni ( unknown - 1058 ? ) was a warlord and a court official during the Heian period .
KOMA no Oyama ( year of birth unknown - 762 ) was a government official in the Nara period .
Koikoku is the name of a dish of round sliced carp stewed in miso soup .
The ' Nippon ' was a newspaper first published by Katsunan KUGA on February 11 , 1889 .
Fuyu no ken ( the right of tax exemption ) was the right of shoen ( manor in medieval Japan ) to be exempted from all or part of the land tax to be paid to the government .
Nobunari TSUDA was busho ( Japanese military commander ) , daimyo ( Japanese feudal lord ) of Mimaki Domain , Yamashiro Province .
The Normanton Incident refers to an event that occurred when the Normanton , a cargo ship of British registry , ran aground and sank off the coast of Kii Province ( Cape Shiono-misaki , Kushimoto Town , Higashimuro County , Wakayama Prefecture ) on October 24 , 1886 .
Empress Komyo ( 701 - July 27 , 760 ) was a person in the Nara period .
Washio KANO ( December 14 , 1839 - October 27 , 1902 ) was an officer and corporal of the Shinsen-gumi masterless warriors ' party ; he later became a member of Goryo-eji ( guardians of Imperial mausoleums ) party ( Kodaiji-to party ) .
IKI no Karakuni ( dates of birth and death unknown ) lived during the Asuka period in Japan .
Tadae KAWAKAMI ( 1559 - May 3 , 1622 ) was a busho ( Japanese military commander ) from the Sengoku period ( period of warring states ) to the Edo period
Shinshi is a tool for use in Arai-hari of Wafuku ( Japanese traditional clothing ) ( a Kimono cleaning technique of laying or stretching out a starched Kimono to dry ) or dyeing fabrics by sticking each of its ends into a longer edge of the fabric , respectively , so as to stretch out the fabric in the shape of a bow ( a type of weapon ) and support it while keeping its width without shrinkage .
Honmon Hokke Sect is a school of Nichiren Sect of which the sect founder was Nichiren and the school founder was Nichiryu ( Honmon School of Hokke Sect ) .
Totsuomi kuni no miyatsuko ( 遠淡海国造 ) , also known as Totsuomi kokuzo , was a kuni no miyatsuko ruled the west part of Totomi Province in ancient Japan .
Mokkan ( also read as Bokkan ) is one of supplementary punishments in the ritsuryo system ( a system of centralized government based on the ritsuryo code ) , and it refers to the confiscation of corpus or property by the authority .
Sadamichi MAKINO was a daimyo ( feudal lord ) during the Edo period .
The term ' Dynastic polity ' is the historical notion which refers to Japan 's state regime in a transitional period during which it was in the process of transition from the Ritsuryo system ( a system of centralized government based on the Ritsuryo code ) to the medieval national polity .
Dango is a Japanese traditional sweet and a kind of dumpling made from rice flour ( rice flour is kneaded with water or hot water and steamed or boiled to make a dumpling which is called ' mochi ' ; the mochi is cut into pieces which are shaped like small balls which are called ' dango ' ) .
Doma hoshi was a great magician who lived during the Heian period , in the reign of the Emperor Ichijo .
The term ' feudal lord ' is used to refer to a person who holds feudal dominion over a certain area of land and its residents ( territory ) .
Jinguji are Buddhist temples that operated as Shinto shrines under the syncretism of Shinto and Buddhism that occurred in Japan .
Tsuma is a garnish used for sashimi dish .
Shohei IMAMURA ( September 15 , 1926-May 30 , 2006 ) was a Japanese director and playwright .
Futsunomitama is a divine sword described in the ' Kojiki ' ( The Records of Ancient Matters ) ' Nihonshoki ' ( Chronicles of Japan ) and mythology .
Samegai-dori Street is a street running north-south through Kyoto City .
MINAMOTO no Kanetsuna ( year of birth unknown - June 27 , 1180 ) was a busho ( Japanese military commander ) who lived at the end of the Heian Period .
On hakase ( also known as Koe no hakase ) was a hakase position ( professor ) established under the Ritsuryo system in Japan .
Kyoto Law School , a private school established in 1889 , is located in Teramachi-dori Shijo-dori kudaru Daiun-in , Shimogyo-ku , Kyoto City , Kyoto Prefecture .
Certificate of ownership refers to the letter in which lords such as shogun , provincial military governor and feudal lord gave vassal samurais a guarantee for the ownership of a territory and enfeoffment from the Kamakura period onwards .
TANBA no Yasuyori ( 912-995 ) was a physician during the Heian period .
The Big Four of the Kyoto school refers to the following four scholars who belonged to the Kyoto School : Masaaki KOSAKA , Keiji NISHITANI , Iwao KOYAMA and Shigetaka SUZUKI .
The Kangakai was a fine art association in the early Meiji period .
The list of characters in the Tale of Genji is the list of fictional characters appearing in the story .
Princess Chichitsuku Yamatohime ( Chichitsuku Ymatohime no Mikoto ; the dates of her birth and death are unknown ) was a princess of the Emperor Suinin .
Masaya SUZUKI ( April 3 , 1861 - December 25 , 1922 ) was the third general director of Sumitomo Group .
Konpeito is small ball-shaped candy with horn-like prongs on the surface made from sugar and flavored liquids .
Sena ( 1647 - November 6 , 1735 ) was a waka poet during the mid Edo period .
TAIRA no Masatake ( year of birth unknown - 940 ) was a busho ( Japanese military commander ) in the mid Heian period .
The Ononomiya school was a school of Yusoku-kojitsu ( knowledge of court rules , ceremony , decorum and records of the past ) , which dated back to the Heian period .
A kaya ( mosquito net ) is a box-shaped net that offers protection against harmful insects such as mosquitoes .
Patch is a men 's underwear covering between the waist and ankles .
Hiwadahime ( 1230 - May 13 , 1247 ) was a woman who was a member of the Hojo family during the middle of the Kamakura period .
Kamo kaido is a street running the embankment of the left shore of ( west shore ) the Kamo-gawa River in Kyoto City .
The junkenshi is an envoy of the Edo shogunate dispatched for surveillance of the daimyos ( feudal lords ) and hatamotos ( shogunal retainers ) , and for research on the situation .
Fushikaden is a treatise on Noh ( traditional masked dance-drama ) written by Zeami .
FUJIWARA no Tarashiko ( year of birth unknown - July 2 , 794 ) was a female nobles in the Nara Period .
Hyomashi ( Office of Military Horses ) was the institution belonged to Hyobusho ( ministry of military ) on the Ritsuryo system ( a system of centralized government based on the ritsuryo code ) of Japan .
Suigun is the traditional armed forces on the water in the countries in East Asia where Chinese characters are used .
Osaka no seki ( the Osaka Barrier , 逢坂関 ) was the border between Yamashiro Province and Omi Province .
Shomyo-ji Temple is a temple of the Nishiyama school of the Jodo ( Pure Land ) sect located in Ayameike-cho , Nara City , Nara Prefecture .
Tadatsune MATSUDAIRA ( February 22 , 1790 - May 12 , 1810 ) was the heir of Ueda Domain , Shinano Province .
Gando gaeshi ( to pivot one large piece of scenery onto its side so as to reveal a different one ) is a stage term used in Kabuki and means one of ' Idokoro-gawari ' ( place change ) methods for scene changes or a device which uses Gando-gaeshi .
SAKANOUE no Takimori ( 825 - December 3 , 881 ) was a lower-grade official and military officer who lived during the Heian period .
Choshueiso is a private poetry collection of FUJIWARA no Toshinari .
' The Murasaki Shikibu Diary ' is said to have been written by Murasaki Shikibu .
Gekko OTOMO ( dates of birth and death unknown ) was a painter in the middle to latter part of the Edo period .
Tegoto is a long part of instrumental music sandwiched between vocal music in a piece by an instrumental trio , which is a collective term for jiuta ( a genre of traditional songs with accompaniment by shamisen ( three-stringed lute ) ) , sokyoku ( koto ( thirteen-stringed Japanese zither ) music ) , and kokyugaku ( Chinese fiddle music ) .
Ryutaro MAZUME ( 1844 - ? ) was a Shinsengumi member , who was said to have come from Chugoku region .
Yoshimune OINOMIKADO ( 大炊御門 良宗 , 1260 - September 28 , 1307 ) was a Kugyo ( high court noble ) from the middle of Kamakura period to the late Kamakura period .
Located in Hiyoshi-cho , Nantan City , Kyoto Prefecture , Hiyoshi Station is a stop on the Sanin Main Line , which is operated by the West Japan Railway Company ( JR West ) .
Kazuma ISSHIKI ( year of birth unknown - 1590 ) was an Azuchi-Momoyama period military commander and Kokujin ( local samurai ) とする 。
' Noborigama ' these days generally means a kiln with a partitioned chamber for firing large quantities of ceramics and other ware , built on a slope so that gravity draws the flue gas through the kiln , keeping the high temperatures constant throughout the chamber .
Imperial Princess Mako is a member of Imperial family of Japan .
Tosu is a lavatory in Buddhist temples .
The Ehon Taikoki is a play of ningyo joruri ( traditional Japanese puppet theater ) .
Goshoden-dori Street is a street running east-west through Higashi Goshoden-cho Murasakino in Kita Ward , Kyoto City .
The remains of Kokusei ‐ ji Temple are remains of a temple of the Kegon Sect in Noshiro City , Akita Prefecture .
FUJIWARA no Atsunobu ( year of birth and death unknown ) was a poet in the mid Heian period .
Fukakusa Station , located in Fukakusa-kenasa-cho , Fushimi Ward , Kyoto City , Kyoto Prefecture , is a stop on the Keihan Main Line , which is operated by Keihan Electric Railway .
Tanetsuna KUTSUKI was the third lord of Fukuchiyama Domain in Tanba Province .
Godai Teio Monogatari is a historical tale which was written in the late Kamakura period and arranged in chronological order .
Rangaku Juku is a kind of gakumonjo ( school ) , spread as a private school in the Edo period , to learn Western studies .
Eishoki was the diary of the late Heian Period courtier FUJIWARA no Tametaka .
The Tale of Shinobine refers to a courtly romance which was completed at the end of the Heian period and was subsequently lost , or to an adaptation of a story produced during the period of Southern and Northern Courts ( Japan ) .
Hari hakase ( Doctor of acupuncture ) is a member of Tenyakuryo ( medical and pharmaceutical department ) of the Imperial Household Ministry .
The Kyoto school is a school of philosophy formed by Kitaro NISHIDA , Hajime TANABE , and philosophers learned from these two , while a group featured interdisciplinary research centered on Institute for Research in Humanities , Kyoto University , is called New Kyoto school to distinguish it from the Kyoto school or school of philosophy .
Japan / Kinki Region / Kyoto Prefecture / Soraku-gun
Narazuke is a kind of pickles made with vegetables such as gourd , cucumber , watermelon , and ginger first pickled in salt , then in fresh sake lees several times .
Yoshinao KOZAI ( January 28 , 1864 - June 18 , 1934 ) was a Japanese agricultural chemist .
Iwakamutsukari no mikoto , who appears in the Japanese Mythology , is a courtier of Emperor Keiko .
Nishime ( 煮しめ ) is a dish in which a simmering cooking technique is used .
Yua ( 1291 - c.1379 ) was a Ji Sect Buddhist monk and Manyo scholar who lived from the latter part of the Kamakura period to the Northern and Southern Courts period .
Bugyoshu , also called Yuhitsukata , were of group of Bugyonin ( magistrates ) who were lawyers of the bureaucracy within the Muromachi bakufu ( Japanese feudal government headed by a shogun ) .
Kyoto Animation Co . , Ltd. is a Japanese corporation engaged in the design and production of animation as well as technical guidance related to animation production .
Juni-jinja Shrine is a Shinto shrine located in Tenri City , Nara Prefecture .
The Imperial Prince Asuka ( year of birth unknown - April 27 , 700 ) was a princess of the Emperor Tenchi .
Tomiko HINO ( female , 1440 - June 30 , 1496 ) is a historical figure who lived in the Muromachi period .
Manshuin Temple is a Buddhist temple of the Tendai Sect that is located at Ichijo-ji Temple in Sakyo-ku Ward , Kyoto City .
Nobuyoshi ODA ( 1584 - July 10 , 1626 ) was a military commander and daimyo ( feudal lord ) in the Azuchi-Momoyama and Edo periods .
Born in 899 and passed away on October 13 , 981 , SUGAWARA no Fumitoki was a literary man and a politician in the middle of the Heian period .
Kaoru ASANO ( year of birth unknown - 1867 ? ) was a Shoshi shirabeyaku ken kansatsu ( Shinsengumi 's organizational post for investigating movements of the opponents and keeping the Shinsengumi members under control ) of the Shinsengumi ( a special force that guarded Kyoto during the end of Tokugawa Shogunate ) .
Munemoto NIJO ( July 8 , 1727 - February 9 , 1754 ) was kugyo ( high court noble ) in the Edo period .
Ujimitsu ASHIKAGA ( September 4 , 1359 - December 12 , 1398 ) was the second Kamakura kubo ( Governor-general of the Kanto region ) ( reigning from 1367 to 1398 ) in the Muromachi period .
Koshinto was the ancient Japanese religion which was the origin of Shintoism and was called Kodo , Shintoism before 6th century .
Saneyoshi OGIMACHISANJO ( 1588 - August 17 , 1633 ) was a Kugyo ( a top court official ) from the late Azuchi-Momoyama to the early Edo period .
Itabari is one of the Arai-hari ( washing and stretching out ) techniques used to stretch out a piece of washed , starched fabric on a board so as to flatten out any creases and give the finished fabric a shiny appearance .
Nagasada SHINDO ( 1608 - June 26 , 1675 ) was aozamurai ( young samurai of lower rank ) in the early Edo period .
Mitsumame is one of Japanese style sweets or desserts .
Sakimitsu YANAGIWARA ( 1850 - September 2 , 1894 ) was a Court noble who was born in Kyoto , Yamashiro Province and he later became a count .
Special Notes
Shiraore is a type of Japanese tea that consists of tea stems eliminated from Gyokuro ( refined green tea ) or green tea of middle grade in processing and has an unique flavor derived from stems .
The Honpo-ji Temple , located at Teranouchi , Kamigyo Ward , Kyoto City , is a Honzan ( a major temple of the Nichiren Sect ) and a Yuisho jiin ( a historically important temple of the Nichiren Sect ) .
Shukyu GUCHU ( 1323 - October 4 , 1409 ) was a priest of the Rinzai sect during the period of the Northern and Southern Courts ( Japan ) .
The Muromachi family was court nobility with a family status of the Urin .
TANI no Ne Maro ( year of birth and death unknown ) was a person from the Asuka Period in Japan .
Hino Castle was a Japanese castle located in Hino Town , Gamo County , Shiga Prefecture .
An eishaku indicates an honorable position or rank .
' Shingu ' refers to tools or utensils used for Shinto religious services .
Jokamachi ( castle towns ) were cities that were established with the lord 's castle in the center .
Itoin is a copper seal made in China in Ming Dynasty and brought into Japan over the Sengoku period ( period of warring states ) and the Momoyama period .
Renkyo ( 1451 - July 5 , 1492 ) was a priest of Jodo Shinshu ( the True Pure Land Sect of Buddhism ) ( the Koshoji School of Jodo Shinshu Sect ) in the Sengoku period ( period of warring states ) ( Japan ) .
Kanaizawa no hi is an ancient stone monument located in Yamana Town , Takasaki City and designated as a historic site .
Kenbokkaishi refers to an envoy sent to Bokkai ( Balhae , a kingdom in Manchuria and North Korea , established after the fall of Goguryeo ) .
' General Theory of the Novel ' is the literary criticism by FUTABATEI Shimei .
Ikishiro-jinja Shrine is a Shinto shrine located in Kataoka-cho , Kusatsu City , Shiga Prefecture .
Hoshi refers to officers of provincial government who administered ho , which was a type of Kokugaryo ( the territories governed by a provincial government office ) in medieval Japan .
The Law Prohibiting Cruelty to Animals refers to a large number of proclamations and ordinances issued during the Genroku era in Edo Period .
OTOMO no Komaro ( year of birth unknown - July 4 , 757 ) was one of the nobility during the Nara Period .
Ienaga NAITO ( 1546 - September 8 , 1600 ) was a busho ( Japanese military commander ) from the Sengoku Period ( Period of Warring States ) to the Azuchi-Momoyama period .
KI no Yoshimochi ( date of birth unknown - 919 ) was a Confucian and a kajin ( waka poet ) in the mid Heian period .
Furoshiki is a piece of cloth similar to a regular square shape for wrapping things for carrying or storing .
Kasamatsu-koen Park is located in Miyazu City , Kyoto Prefecture .
Koresada SAEKI ( 1569 - July 30 , 1618 ) was a legitimate grandchild of Korenori SAIKI .
Jodai is one of the periodizations in the history of Japan .
Michiteru KOGA ( 1187 to February 21 , 1248 ) was a Kugyo ( top court official ) and kajin ( waka poet ) who lived during the Kamakura period .
Shin Sarugoki is a work written by FUJIWARA no Akihira , a scholar who lived in the mid-Heian period .
The Kenmu Restoration ( kenmu no shinsei ) refers to the period of direct Imperial rule ( where the Emperor personally controls the government ) initiated by Emperor Godaigo in the sixth month of 1333 , as the Kamakura bakufu ( Japanese feudal government headed by a shogun ) collapsed ; it can also refer to the administrative unit of Imperial rule .
Imperial Prince Kyogokunomiya Ayahito ( September 8 , 1680 - April 23 , 1711 ) was a member of the Imperial family during the middle of the Edo period .
' Ugetsu Monogatari ' is a representative yomihon ( book for reading ) written by Akinari UEDA at the end of the Edo era .
Tomofusa SEIKANJI ( July 9 , 1589 - August 22 , 1661 ) was kugyo ( a Court noble ) in the early Edo period .
Monzaemon CHIKAMATSU ( 1653 - January 6 , 1725 ) was a kabuki and joruri ( ballad drama ) playwright who wrote many great works during the Genroku era in the early Edo period .
Shinchoku is a word that refers to Heaven 's will , and also its writing .
Fuyunobu OINOMIKADO ( 1309-August 9 , 1350 ) was Kugyo ( top court official ) during the period of the Northern and Southern Courts .
Tokiyuki YAMASHINA ( December 3 , 1632 - June 5 , 1665 ) was a court noble in the early Edo period .
Nagakiyo OGASAWARA was a military commander from Kai Province who lived in the last days of the Heian period to the early Kamakura period .
Hisatsugu KONOE ( April 20 , 1622 - September 10 , 1653 ) was a Court noble in the early Edo Period .
Imagawa-yaki is a pastry which is made by baking batter in molds .
TAIRA no Narimasa ( years of birth and death unknown ) was a court noble in the mid-Heian Period .
Oshu tandai was the office of special administrators to the shogun in the Muromachi and the Sengoku period ( of Japan ) .
Mihashira no Uzuno Miko refers to final three deities that came into the world when Izanagi came back from Yominokuni ( Hades ) and cleansed dirtiness from the Yomi ( world after death ) , according to the Kiki-shinwa ( the Kojiki , Nihonshoki and mythology ) .
Munehiro NIJO ( December 27 , 1718 - August 3 , 1738 ) was a Court noble who lived during the Edo period .
Nobuhiro ODA ( date of birth unknown - October 23 , 1574 ) was a military commander in the period of warring states .
The Tominokoji family was a toshoke ( within the hereditary lineage of court nobles allowed to enter the tenjonoma in the palace ) down line of the Fujiwara clan .
Noami ( 1397 - 1471 ) is a painter , master of ceremonial tea , and a renga ( linked poem ) poet who lived during the Muromachi period .
The Jisho Sannen no Seihen was an incident where TAIRA no Kiyomori led an army to conquer Kyoto and stalled the government by Cloistered Emperor Goshirakawa in December ( November in old lunar calendar ) 1179 .
Ichomage is the most popular men 's hairstyle through the Edo period .
Kaminoyonanayo is a general term for seven generations of deities who were born when heaven and earth were created in Japanese Mythology .
Sakanoue was one of the Japanese clans .
Kitayama culture is the culture at the beginning of Muromachi Period , represented by the Kitayama mountain villa of Yoshimitsu ASHIKAGA , the third shogun ( 1358-1408 ) from the end of 14th centuries to the early part of the 15th centuries .
A hosho-sen was a ship carrying not only a shuinjo ( license for foreign trade ) issued by the Seii Taishogun ( literally , ' great general who subdues the barbarians ' ) but also a hosho ( permit ) written by roju ( members of shogun 's council of elders ) .
Reiun-in Temple is a sub-temple located within the precinct of Tofuku-ji Temple in Higashiyama Ward , Kyoto City .
Ikuno Bugyo was administered under Nobunaga ODA , Hideyoshi TOYOTOMI as well as the Tokugawa Shogunate , and it controlled the area of Ikuno Ginzan Silver Mine .
Nobutoyo SHIBAYAMA ( formerly Nobutoyo KAJUJI , Minister of the Treasury , April 25 , 1612 to March 23 , 1690 ) was a court noble ( high court noble ) in the early Edo period .
Botamochi is a Japanese traditional sweet and generally refers to a small mochi shaped like a stick ( ' mochi ' is a rice cake ; in this case , it is made from steamed rice and steamed glutinous rice , and the both are not completely pounded nor baked ) with an ( a sweet red paste made from red azuki beans ) .
Heikoki is a diary of Shonii ( Senior Second Rank ) Minbukyo ( Minister of Popular Affairs ) TAIRA no Tsunetaka .
Tekomai is a dance performed to lead floats or omikoshi ( portable shrine ) in a festival .
Keiun no kaikaku is a political reform of Ritsuryo system ( a system of centralized government based on Ritsuryo Code ) at the imperial court under the reign of Emperor Monmu , which was carried out since 706 at the end of the Asuka period .
Hitachi no Iratsume ( dates of birth and death unknown ) was a daughter of SOGA no Akae .
Daigoro FUJITA ( November 30 , 1915 - November 15 , 2008 ) was Nohgakushi ( Noh actor ) ( Isso-ryu School Fuekata [ a role who plays the flute ] ) , the member of the Japan Art Academy , and Living National Treasure .
Urushigami Monjo refers to the ancient documents that remained without corruption and were made by using the disposal documents as the paper lid of the container that had lacquer inside and permeating lacquer into the paper .
' Karyaku no sodo ' ( Karyaku rebellion ) refers to a conflict in 1326 , towards the end of the Kamakura period , between Nagasaki Takasuke , a minister to the Tokuso family and the Adachi clan , whose head was a maternal relative of the Tokuso family over inheriting the head post of the Tokuso family within the Hojo clan , which was regent to the Kamakura bakufu shogunate .
Sadanori KAZANIN ( November 15 , 1629 - January 30 , 1654 ) was a Kugyo ( high court noble ) who lived in the early Edo period .
Kanshi MATSU is a professional name of kabuki writer .
Chokodo-ryo was an Imperial family shoen ( manor ) under the shoen koryo sei ( a system of Public lands and Private estates ) during the medieval period .
Shigeyoshi NIWATA ( July 12 , 1782 – September 23 , 1842 ) was a court noble of the late Edo period .
Kyoshoden Hall was one of the halls of the dairi ( Imperial Palace ) in the city of Heian-kyo .
Yorakukansuzuka-kofun Tumulus is a tumulus in Takatori Town , Takaichi County , Nara Prefecture , which was constructed in the late Kofun period ( tumulus period ) .
Narutakijuku was a private school established in the suburbs of Nagasaki by Philip Franz von Siebold in 1824 .
Jinzen ( 943 - March 16 , 990 ) was a Buddhist monk of Tendai Sect in the mid-Heian period .
Uiro uri is one of Kabuki juhachiban ( eighteen best plays of the Ichikawa family of kabuki actors ) .
Tango-Kanno Station , located in Urake Kumihama-cho , Kyotango City , Kyoto Prefecture , is a stop on the Miyazu Line , which is operated by Kitakinki Tango Railway ( KTR ) .
Satondo NAGOYA ( 1671-1741 ) was a person of the Edo period .
Chikamasa MATSUDAIRA ( 1547 - September 8 , 1600 ) was a busho ( Japanese military commander ) in Azuchi-Momoyama period .
Kyogen-mawashi ( 狂言回し ) is a key person who plays an important role in the plot of a drama or movie throughout the story .
Inseki refers to books in general on tenkoku ( engraving letters on the material of a seal ) .
Doburoku ( Dakushu ) is a kind of sake produced by adding yeasts remaining in malted rice , sake lee and the like and other ingredients to steamed rice .
FUJIWARA no Motoie ( birth year unknown - 1093 ) was a court noble in the end of the Heian period .
Movement to Improve Rural Areas was government-regulated movement which aimed to improve and reconstruct regional societies , cities , towns and villages which had been devastated after the Russo-Japanese War .
FUJIWARA no Morishige ( years of his birth and death not known ) was a samurai ( warrior ) who lived in the Heian period .
Munenaga YAMAGUCHI ( the year of birth unknown - September 10 , 1600 ) was daimyo ( Japanese feudal lord ) from the late Sengoku period to the early Edo period with 6,000 goku of Daishoji Domain , Kaga Province .
Miyoshi 's government refers to a Japanese military government that existed from 1549 through 1568 .
The Battle of Tanabe-jo Castle is a battle that erupted over Tanabe-jo Castle in Tango Province ( present-day Maizuru City , Kyoto Prefecture ) from August 27 to October 12 , 1600 .
The Hokke sect Shinmon school is a Buddhist school led by Nichiren with Nichiren being Koso ( the founder of the religious sect ) and Nichishin being the founder of the school ( the Hokke sect Shinmon school ) .
Tenka-ippin ( which means the best in the world ) , is a chain of ramen ( Chinese-style noodles served in a hot soup ) stores founded in Kyoto City , Kyoto Prefecture .
Inuo ( year of birth unknown - 1413 ) was the dayu ( master ) of Omi Sarugaku Hieza ( Hie Guild of Sarugaku ( comical mimicry and speech performance in Heian period ) in Omi Province ) that was active during the same period as Kanami .
Situated in a mountain valley in Ukyo Ward , Kyoto City , Mizuo is the location of a group of houses .
Kohokakumyo ( 1271 - June 27 , 1361 ) was a Rinzai sect Buddhist monk from the late Kamakura period to the period of the Northern and Southern Courts .
Nobuoki MATSUDAIRA was a Japanese feudal lord called daimyo ( ruling Tsuchiura Domain in Hitachi Province , etc . ) , who also served as wakadoshiyori ( junior councilor of the shogunate ) , Osaka jodai ( the keeper of Osaka Castle ) , and Kyoto shoshidai ( the Kyoto deputy ) .
Nagikama is a weapon which has an approximately 210 cm-long columnar wooden stick as a handle , to the upper part of which a short straight sword with its edge facing toward is orthogonally attached .
Daijo-in Temple is a tatchu ( sub-temples in the site of main temple ) in Kofuku-ji Temple in Nara City , Nara Prefecture .
Imperial Prince Kanenaga ( Kaneyoshi ) ( c . 1329 - May 8 , 1383 ) was the prince of Emperor Godaigo .
Chomyo-ji Temple is a Buddhist temple located in Nishiiri ( the west ) of Shinfuya-machi , Niomon-dori , Sakyo Ward , Kyoto City .
Umegae is one of the 54 chapters of ' The Tale of Genji . '
Rakugan is one of representative Japanese confectionery , and made by mixing flour of starch derived from rice or the like with starch syrup and sugar to apply coloring , and drying in a mold .
Chokushisho was the organization that succeeded Chokushisho ( Bureau of Edicts ) abolished in 782 .
The term ' foreign settlement ' ( ' gaikokujin kyoryuchi ' in Japanese ) refers to one of the demarcated areas of land created by the government that were specifically set aside as places in which foreigners could reside and trade .
Doyoso is a shoso ( public repository ) to store doyo , which was shozei ( rice tax ) allowed to be consumed , in ancient ritsuryosei ( system of centralized governance ) .
Marumage is the most representative hairstyle ( Japanese coiffure ) for married women from the Edo period to the Meiji period .
Jika means market price as an economic term - > see ' Market Price '
Taneyoshi MIURA ( date of birth unknown - July 13 , 1221 ) was a samurai during the Kamakura period .
Michitomo HORIKAWA ( 1171-October 20 , 1227 ) was a poet in the early Kamakura period .
Moritsuna KUTSUKI was the thirteenth ( last ) lord of the Fukuchiyama Domain in Tanba Province .
' Azukarichi ' ( or ' Azukechi ' ) indicates the land a person has entrusted to another person to keep and manage .
Koreyoshi KURAHARA ( May 31 , 1927-December 28 , 2002 ) was a Japanese film director .
Higekiri is a sword which MINAMOTO no Mitsunaka is said to have had made in the Heian period , handed down , together with another sword , Hizamaru , through successive generations of the Minamoto clan .
Yoritugu ( Yoritsura ) OGUNI ( the date of birth and death unknown ) was a busho ( Japanese military commander ) and gokenin ( shogunal retainer ) in the early Kamakura period .
Gekan means that an incumbent government official is dismissed in the ritsuryo system ( a system of centralized government based on the ritsuryo code ) .
ARATAO no Akamaro ( year of birth and death unknown ) is a historical figure who lived during Japan 's Asuka period .
The Shirakawa Funada / Motonuma remains group , located in the northern part of Shiraka City , Fukushima Prefecture , are composed of the Shimousazuka tumulus , the Yajikubo tumulus , and the Funada Nakamichi remains .
Toshimichi KOGA ( February 19 , 1735 - March 25 , 1756 ) was a Kugyo ( court noble ) during the middle of the Edo period .
Yoshimoto IMAGAWA was a busho ( Japanese military commander ) and daimyo ( Japanese feudal lord ) , who lived during the Sengoku Period ( Period of Warring States ) .
Konchi-in Temple is a sub-temple within the precinct of Rinzai Sect Daihonzan ( head temple ) Nanzen-ji Temple located in Sakyo Ward , Kyoto City , Kyoto Prefecture .
Ebumi-jinja Shrine is located in Sakyo Ward , Kyoto City , Kyoto Prefecture .
Giving the title of Imperial Prince is to give the title of Imperial Prince or Imperial Princess to the children of the Imperial family .
Kentsuba-monyo-tsuki enkei Kintsuba ' ( literally , samurai-sword-guard-patterned round kintsuba-cake ) is one of the Japanese confectionery known as ' kintsuba ' ( a Japanese confection made from red bean paste wrapped with a skin made from flour and water kneaded and spread thinly ) .
Kariginu are informal clothes worn by Court nobles in the Heian period and afterwards .
The Meitoku War was a war against the Muromachi bakufu ( Japanese feudal government headed by a shogun ) that was started by the Yamana clan members , such as Ujikiyo YAMANA and Mitsuyuki YAMANA , in 1391 during the Muromachi period .
Ankoku-ji Temples and Risho-to Pagodas were temples and pagodas established throughout Japan with the exceptions of Hokkaido and Okinawa by Takauji ASHIKAGA and his younger brother Tadayoshi ASHIKAGA during the Northern and Southern Courts period .
Kata training is a training to improve Kata in Geido ( Accomplishments of art ) , Budo ( Martial art ) and Bujutsu ( Martial art ) etc .
Meisho Edo Hyakkei is a series of ukiyoe ( Japanese woodblock prints ) created by Hiroshige UTAGAWA , an ukiyoe artist , from 1856 to 1858 .
Yoshimune KISO ( year of birth and death unknown ) was a busho ( Japanese military commander ) of the Kamakura period .
Sekizanzenin Temple , located at Shugakuin , Sakyo Ward , Kyoto City , is a temple of the Tendai sect .
Keihanshin Local Line is a common name that has been used since the era of Japan National Railway ( JNR ) for the local line running , as a part of Urban Network of West Japan Railway Company ( JR West ) in the metropolitan suburban area , between the Kyoto Station and Kobe Station ( Hyogo Prefecture ) of the Tokaido Main Line as well as between the Kobe Station and Nishi-akashi Station of the Sanyo Main Line
Teigo IBA ( February 19 , 1847 - October 22 , 1926 ) was the second Director General of Sumitomo .
Buke sado is the tea ceremony performed among the samurai families mainly in the Edo period and after .
Munizo YUKI ( May 22 , 1845-May 17 , 1912 ) was a person , who claimed himself to be former soldier of the Kyoto Mimawarigumi ( the group who patrolled Kyoto ) as well as the Shinsengumi .
Mr. Bunagatake is a mountain which is 1,214.4 m high above sealevel and located in Otsu City in Shiga Prefecture .
Kasuga Wakamiya Onmatsuri is a festival held at Sesha Wakamiya shrine ( a subordinate shrine ) of Kasuga-taisha Shrine in Nara City , Nara Prefecture .

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