Jboss 4.2.3 Installation Guide

JBoss Application Server Software Version Requirements

This page indicates the minimum version required for JBoss Application Server for use with SAS 9.3. It is possible to use updated versions of JBoss Application Server. See SAS Third-Party Software Requirements - Baseline and Higher Support for more details.

JBoss Application Server (64-bit) | Download or contact Red Hat

  • Oracle® Identity Manager Installation and Configuration Guide for JBoss Application Server Release Part Number E14046-03.
  • About red hat jboss enterprise application platform 6 1.2. Features of jboss eap 6 c a t i t o ucton 2.1. About the red hat customer portal c a t s st mr q ir n s 3.1. Jboss eap 6 installation prerequisites c a t in a l nst u tio s 4.1. Jboss eap 6 installation methods 4.2. Zip installation 4.2.1. Download jboss eap 6 (zip installation) 4.2.2.
  • Informatica MDM Multidomain Edition for Oracle (Version 9.7.1) Installation Guide for JBoss.
Linux on x64 (x86-64)
(Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5, 6; SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 10, 11)
Solaris on SPARC
(Solaris 10)
AIX on Power
(AIX 6.1 and 7.1)
AIX 7.1
HP/UX on Itanium
(HP-UX 11.31)
Solaris 10 x64
(Solaris 10)
Windows x64 (x86-64)
(Windows Server 2003 x64)
(Windows Server 2008 x64)
(Windows Server 2008 R2 x64)
JBoss AS 4.2.3.GA*
JBoss EAP 4.3
JBoss AS 5.1.0.GA
JBoss EAP 5.1.1**
JBoss EAP 5.2.0
JBoss AS 7.1.1.FINAL***

What's New in 4.2.3.Final. Blog Announcement| Download| Installation Instructions. General for JBoss Tools 4.2.3.Beta1. JBoss Tools is now targeting Eclipse Luna SR2. Import FeedHenry Applications. A new wizard allows you to import Cordova Applications from FeedHenry to take advantage of the Cordova features and the. The procedure below demonstrates how to configure Maven for use with JBoss Enterprise Application Server 6.x by editing the Maven configuration file from within JBoss Developer Studio. Procedure 4.4. Install MySQL. Download MySQL and install. Create a blank database > mysql -u root -p mysql> create schema pacsdb; mysql> grant all on pacsdb.* to pacs@localhost identified by ‘pacs’; mysql> flush privileges; mysql> q. Install Java JDK. Run jdk-7u80-windows-i586.exe. Install dcm4chee. Extract dcm4chee-2.18.1-mysql.zip. Re: Installation Instructions for JBoss 4.2.3.GA? David Fuchs Jun 23, 2009 12:19 PM ( in response to David Fuchs ) I've updated the mbean declaration in jboss-service.xml and it's working fine now.



  • You can use Red Hat's JBoss Enterprise Application Platform (EAP) or a JBoss Application Server (AS) download from the JBoss Community at jboss.org in the SAS 9.3 middle tier as documented in the JBoss Support Statement.
  • Download a binary file by using the Download link or contact Red Hat.
  • You must use a supported version of JDK with SAS 9.3, as documented in SAS 9.3 Support for Java Development Kits.
  • Before you run the SAS® Deployment Wizard to install SAS software and configure JBoss, review the JBoss Application Server documentation for SAS 9.3 below.
  • * If you use JBoss AS 4.2.3.GA in SAS 9.3 Revision 11w29, the SAS Deployment Wizard presents a warning that says you are not using the recommended version. You can ignore that warning.
  • ** If you use JBoss EAP 5.1.1 prior to SAS 9.3 Revision 11w45, the SAS Deployment Wizard presents a warning that says you are not using the recommended version. You can ignore that warning.
  • *** The SAS Deployment Wizard will not automatically configure JBoss AS 7.1.1. Manual configuration is required. Refer to SAS Note 49775 for details.

JBoss Application Server Configuration Documentation

Pre-Installation Documents:

Post-Installation Configuration:

Security-Related Configuration:

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Sun JavaTM System Access Manager Policy Agent 2.2 for JBoss Application Server 4.0,as with all J2EE agents in the 2.2 release of Policy Agent, isinstalled from the command line using the agentadmin program.For more information about the tasks you can perform with the agentadmin program, see Role of the agentadmin Program in a J2EE Agent for Policy Agent 2.2.

Before reading this chapter or performing any of the tasks describedwithin, thoroughly review Chapter 2, Vital Installation Information for a J2EE Agent in Policy Agent 2.2, because variouskey concepts are introduced in that chapter.

This chapter is organized into the following sections:

Before describing any task, this chapter provides you with installation-relatedinformation specific to JBoss Application Server 4.0. The subsequent sections lead youthrough the pre-installation and installation steps and describe how to viewthe installation log files. First, perform the pre-installation (preparation)steps. Then, perform the installation, itself. The installation process hastwo phases. The first phase of the installation includes launching the installationprogram, which requires a directory to already have been selected for theagent files. The second phase of the installation involves interacting withthe installation program. During this phase, the program prompts you stepby step to enter information. Accompanying the prompts, are explanations ofthe type of information you need to enter. After you complete the installation,you can look at the installation log files.

Once you have completed the steps described in this chapter, completethe applicable post-installation tasks described in Chapter 4, Post-Installation Tasks of Policy Agent 2.2 for JBoss Application Server 4.0.

The following sections provide important information about Policy Agent 2.2 for JBoss Application Server 4.0 neededbefore you install the agent.

Supported Platforms and Compatibility of Agent for JBoss Application Server 4.0

The following sections provide information about the supported platformsof Policy Agent 2.2 for JBoss Application Server 4.0 as well as the compatibilityof this agent with Access Manager.

Platform and Version Support of Agent for JBoss Application Server 4.0

The following table presents the platforms supported by Policy Agent 2.2 for JBoss Application Server 4.0.

Table 3–1 Platform and Version Support of Agentfor JBoss Application Server 4.0

Agent for

Supported Policy Agent Version

Supported Access Manager Versions

Supported Platforms

JBoss Application Server 4.0

Note: This agent is supported onJBoss Application Server 3.2.5 through 4.0.5

Version 2.2

Version 6.3 Patch 1 or greater

Version 7

Version 7.1

SolarisTM Operating System (OS) for the SPARC® platform, versions8, 9, and 10

Solaris (OS) for x86 platforms, versions8, 9, and 10

Red Hat Enterprise Linux Advanced Server 3 and 4 (32–bit and 64–bit)

Windows 2003, Enterprise Edition

Windows 2003, Standard Edition

Compatibility of Agent for JBoss Application Server 4.0 With Access Manager

Compatibility of Policy Agent 2.2 With Access Manager 7 and Access Manager 7.1.

All agents in the Policy Agent 2.2 releaseare compatible with Access Manager 7 and Access Manager 7.1. Compatibilityapplies to both of the available modes of Access Manager: Realm Mode and LegacyMode.

Install the latest Access Manager patches to ensure that all enhancementsand fixes are applied. For an example of Access Manager patches that can beinstalled, see the compatibility information discussed in Sun Java System Access Manager Policy Agent 2.2 Release Notes.

Compatibility of Policy Agent 2.2 With Access Manager 6.3

All agents in Policy Agent 2.2 are also compatible with Access Manager 6.3Patch 1 or greater. However, certain limitations apply. For more information,see J2EE Agent Backward Compatibility With Access Manager 6.3.

The agentadmin program performs the following functionsduring the installation of the agent for JBoss Application Server 4.0:

  • Deploys the agentapp.war file in theJBoss server instance's /deploy directory. For example:

  • Copies the am-login-config-service.xml fileto the JBoss server instance's /deploy directory. Forexample:

  • Copies the am-login-config.xml file tothe JBoss server instance's /conf directory. For example:

  • Copies the setAgentClasspath script filepertaining to the JBoss server instance to the JBOSS_HOME/bin directory.This script sets JBOSS_CLASSPATH with the agent's /config and /locale directories. For example:

    Where default indicatesthe JBoss server instance name. For example, if the server instance name is jbserver, then the script file name will be setAgentClasspathjbserver.sh. On Windows systems, the file extension for the script is .bat.

  • Modifies the jboss-service.xml file inthe JBoss server's instance. These changes load the agent.jar and amclientsdk.jar files. For example:

  • Optionally, based on your selection, if JBoss server is runningwith Java permissions, modifies the server.policy filein the /conf directory by adding Java permissions tothe agent code base. For example:

Preparing to Install Agent for JBoss Application Server 4.0

Detailed information about unpacking the distribution files for J2EEagents in Policy Agent 2.2 is covered in Chapter 2, Vital Installation Information for a J2EE Agent in Policy Agent 2.2.The best practice is to follow the detailed steps outlined in that chapterbefore you implement any steps outlined in this chapter.

The following examples provide quick details about the unpacking process.Furthermore, this section provides the opportunity to present again the cautionarynote that follows about the GNU_tar program.

Caution –

For .tar.gz archives, do not use a programother than GNU_tar to untar the contents of the J2EE agentdeliverables. Using a different program, such as another tar program, canresult in some files not being extracted properly. To learn more about the GNU_tar program, visit the following web site:

Example 3–1 Format of the Distribution Files of Agent for JBoss Application Server 4.0

For detailed information on the format of the distribution files, see Format of the Distribution Files for a J2EE Agent Installation in Policy Agent 2.2.

Example 3–2 Unpacking Non-Package Formatted Deliverables ofAgent for JBoss Application Server 4.0

For detailed information about this command, see To Unpack Non-Package Formatted Deliverables of a J2EE Agent in Policy Agent 2.2.

Example 3–3 Unpacking Package Formatted Deliverables of Agentfor JBoss Application Server 4.0

For detailed information about this command, see To Unpack Package Formatted Deliverables of a J2EE Agent in Policy Agent 2.2.

Example 3–4 Unpacking a .zip Compressedfile of Agent for JBoss Application Server 4.0

For example, if you unzip the file in /opt, thehome directory is /opt/j2ee_agents/am_jboss_agent. Inthis guide, JBOSS_AGENT_HOME represents the home directory.

For detailed information about this command, see To Unpack a .zip Compressed file of a J2EE Agent in Policy Agent 2.2.

Follow the specific steps outlined in the following section before youinstall the agent to reduce the chance of complications occurring during andafter the installation.

To Prepare to Install the Agent for JBoss Application Server 4.0:

Jboss 4.2.3 Installation Guide Guide

  1. Ensure that the Policy Agent 2.2 for JBoss Application Server 4.0 issupported on the desired platform as listed in Supported Platforms and Compatibility of Agent for JBoss Application Server 4.0.

  2. Install JBoss Application Server 4.0 if it is not already installed.

    Refer to the appropriate JBoss Application Server 4.0 installation documentationfor information about installing this product on the following web site:


    Note –

    The Agent for JBoss Application Server 4.0 is not supported with the JBossminimal configuration set.

  3. Ensure that the JBoss Application Server 4.0 instance that will be protectedby the agent is shut down.

  4. Create a valid agent profile in Access Manager Console if one hasnot already been created.

    For information on how to create anagent profile, see Creating a J2EE Agent Profile.

    To avoid a misconfiguration of the agent, ensure that you knowthe exact ID and password used to create the agent profile. You must enterthe agent profile password correctly in the next step and you must enter theagent profile ID correctly when installing the agent.

  5. Create a text file and add the agent profile password to thatfile.

    Ensure that this file is located in a secure directoryof your choice. You will refer to this file during the agent installationprocess.

    With the agent profile password in this file, storedin a secure location, you do not need to enter sensitive information in theconsole. A valid password file can have only one line that contains the agentprofile password.

Using the Installation Program of Agent for JBoss Application Server 4.0

After you issue the agentadmin command and acceptthe license agreement (if necessary) the installation program appears, promptingyou for information.

The steps in the installation program are displayed in this sectionin an example interaction. Your answers to prompts can differ slightly orgreatly from this example depending upon your specific deployment. In theexample, most of the defaults have been accepted. This example is providedfor your reference and does not necessarily indicate the precise informationyou should enter.

The following list provides key points about the installation program.

  • Each step in the installation program includes an explanationthat is followed by a more succinct prompt.

  • For most of the steps you can type any of the following charactersto get the results described:


    Type the question mark to display Help information for thatspecific step.


    Type the left arrow symbol to go back to the previous interaction.


    Type the exclamation point to exit the program.

  • Most of the steps provide a default value that can be acceptedor replaced. If a default value is correct for your site, accept it. If itis not correct, enter the correct value.

About Installation Prompts in Agent for JBoss Application Server 4.0

The following list provides information about specific prompts in theinstallation. Often the prompt is self explanatory. However, at other timesyou might find the extra information presented here to be very helpful. Thisextra information is often not obvious. Study this section carefully beforeissuing the agentadmin --install command.

After you have completed all the steps, a summary of your responsesappears followed by options that allow you to navigate through those responsesto accept or reject them.

When the summary appears, note the agent instance name, such as agent_001. You might be prompted for this name during the configuration process.

About the options, the default option is 1, Continue with Installation.

  • If you are satisfied with the summary, choose 1 (the default).

  • If you want to edit input from the last interaction, choose2.

  • If you want to edit input starting at the beginning of theinstallation program, choose 3.

  • If you want to exit the installation program without installing,choose 4.

You can edit your responses as necessary, return to the options list,and choose option 1 to finally process your responses.

After you have performed any required pre-installation steps, use the agentadmin --install command to install the agent.

To Install the Agent for JBoss Application Server 4.0:

  1. Change to the following directory:

    JBOSS_AGENT_HOME represents the directory where youunpacked or unzipped the JBoss Application Server 4.0agent distribution file. For example: /opt/j2ee_agents/am_jboss_agent.

    The /bin directorycontains the agentadmin program, which is used to installa J2EE agent and to perform other tasks. For more information, see Role of the agentadmin Program in a J2EE Agent for Policy Agent 2.2.

  2. Issue the following command:

    Note: On Windows systems, execute agentadmin.bat.

  3. (Conditional) If you receive license agreement, accept or rejectthe agreement. If you reject any portion of the agreement, the program willend.

    The license agreement is displayed only during the firstrun of the agentadmin program.

  4. Enter the installation information as prompted by the agentadmin program (or accept the default values).

    For example,specific information that you will need to enter includes:

    JBoss Server Configuration Directory

    Path to the /conf directory. For example: /opt/jboss-4.0.2/server/default/conf

    Java Security Manager Permissions

    Indicates (true or false)whether the JBoss server instance is running with Java Security Manager permissions:

    • true - The JBoss server standard server.policy file location is displayed. If JBoss server is using a different server.policy file, specify that file, including its path. TheJava permissions file (standard file is server.policy)will be modified with agent-specific permissions.

    • false (default) - Skip the server.policy file interaction. The Java permissions file (standard file is server.policy) will not be modified, if it exists.

    For more information, see Installing the Agent on a JBoss Application Server 4.0 Instance Running with Java Security Manager Permissions.

    Deployment URI for the Agent Application

    The deployment URI for the agent application (agentapp.war) is required for the agent to perform necessary housekeeping taskssuch as registering policy and session notifications, legacy browser support,and CDSSO support. Accept /agentapp as the default valuefor this interaction. The agent application is deployed during the agent installation.The deployment URI for agent application during install time should matchthe deployment URI for the same application when deployed in the J2EE container.

    Encryption Key

    This key is used to encrypt sensitive information such thepasswords. The key should be at least 12 characters long. A key is generatedrandomly and provided as the default. You can accept the random key generatedby the installer or create your own using the .agentadmin --getEncryptKey command.

    For information about creating a new encryption key, see agentadmin --getEncryptKey.

    Agent Profile Name

    An agent profile should have been created as a pre-installationstep. The creation of the agent profile is mentioned in that section. Forthe pre-installation steps, see Preparing to Install Agent for JBoss Application Server 4.0. For the actual informationon creating an agent profile, see Creating a J2EE Agent Profile.

    In summary, the J2EE agent communicates with Access Manager with a specificID and password created through an agent profile using Access Manager Console.For J2EE agents, the creation of an agent profile is mandatory. Access Manager usesthe agent profile to authenticate an agent. This is part of the security infrastructure.

    J2EE Password File

    The J2EE password file should have been created as a pre-installationstep. For the pre-installation steps, see Preparing to Install Agent for JBoss Application Server 4.0.

    When the installation program prompts you for the password for the agent,enter the fully qualified path to this password file.

    Other values that you must specify include items such as the AccessManager server host name, port number, and protocol (http or https).

    After you specify all values, the program displaysa summary of your responses. For example:

  5. Based on this summary, select one of the options.

    Ifyou choose option 1, Continue with Installation, the programperforms the functions described in JBoss Application Server 4.0 Agent Installation Functions and then displays the Summary of the Agent Installation.

    Fora complete sample run on an installation, see Sample Installation for the Agent for JBoss Application Server 4.0.

Summary of the Agent Installation

At the end of the installation process, the installation program displaysa summary of the agent installation. For example:

In the following descriptions, PolicyAgent-base representsthe J2EE base installation directory for the agent, and agent_001 identifiesthis specific agent installation. For more information about the locationof a J2EE agent base directory, see Location of the J2EE Agent Base Directory in Policy Agent 2.2.



Location of the J2EE agent AMAgent.properties configurationfile for the agent instance. Every instance of a J2EE agent has a unique copyof this file. You can configure this file to meet your site's requirements.For more information, see the following sections:


Location of the J2EE agent local audit trail.


Jboss 4.2.3 Installation Guide Pdf

Location of all debug files required to debug an agent installationor configuration issue.


Location of the file that has the agent install file location.If the installation failed for any reason, you can look at this file to determinethe cause of the failure.


Before performing the post-installation steps as described in Chapter 4, Post-Installation Tasks of Policy Agent 2.2 for JBoss Application Server 4.0, be sure to review the install.log file.

Sample Installation for the Agent for JBoss Application Server 4.0

Example 3–5 shows a sample installationrun of the agent for JBoss Application Server 4.0.

This sample run represents a JBoss Application Server 4.0 installation running withJava security manager permissions. For more information, see Installing the Agent on a JBoss Application Server 4.0 Instance Running with Java Security Manager Permissions.

Example 3–5 Sample Installation for the Agent for JBoss Application Server 4.0

Installing a J2EE Agent on Multiple JBoss Application Server 4.0 Instances

Jboss 7.1 Download

After you install the agent for a specific JBoss server instance, youcan install the agent on another JBoss server instance on the same host serverby executing the agentadmin --install commandagain.

However, the JBoss server agent and the Access Manager server must runon different web containers?

Installing the Agent on a JBoss Application Server 4.0 InstanceRunning with Java Security Manager Permissions

If you are installing the agent on an instance of JBoss Application Server 4.0 thatruns with Java security manager permissions, during the installation process,answer true to the following prompt as shown:

Jboss Installation Steps

Jboss 4.2.3 installation guide free

Answering true to the preceding prompt, causes thefollowing prompt to appear:

Enter the appropriate path information.