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Download full-text PDF. This shows that there is a great fungal diversity in vegetables. Keywords: Fungal diversity, Vegetables. Vashishta BR and Sinha AK (2002) Fungi S.Chand and Company. Post on 07-Apr-2015. Category: Documents.

Yog Vashishta Pdf

<p>Bulls</p><p>Learning Curve GK Theory</p><p>1</p><p>ContentsINDIAN HISTORY GEOGRAPHY- PHYSICAL AND ECONOMIC THE SCIENCES INDIAN POLITY THE POTPOURRI INDIAN HISTORY ANCIENT INDIAo o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o THE HARAPPAN CULTURE THE RIGVEDIC CIVILZATION THE LATER VEDIC TIMES JAINISM BUDDHISM THE FIRST MAGADHAN EMPIRE IRANIAN AND MACEDONIAN INVASIONS THE INDO-GREEKS THE SATVAHANAS THE GUPTAS HARSHA AND HIS TIMES SCIENTIFIC LEGACY OF ANCIENT INDIA MAJOR PHILOSOPHICAL SYSTEMS IN ANCIENT INDIA MAJOR TERMS USED IN ANCIENT LITERATURE SOME MAJOR ANCIENT CLASSICS MAJOR MONUMENTS</p><p>MEDIEVAL INDIAo o o o o o o o o o o o o o THE CHOLA EMPIRE THE CIRCA 1000-1200 AD THE DELHI SULTANATE- I THE CIRCA 1200-1400 AD THE DELHI SULTANATE- II THE CIRCA 1200-1400 AD VIJAYANAGARA KINGDOM AND THE PORTUGUESE CIRCA-1350-1365 THE SUFI AND THE BHAKTI MOVEMENTS THE MUGHALS AND THE AFGHANS THE GREAT MUGHALS CLIMAX AND DISINTEGRATION OF THE MUGHAL EMPIRE-I IMPORTANT CLASSICS WRITTEN DURING MEDIEVAL TIMES SOME FAMOUS BHAKTI POETS IMPORTANT TERMS AND MEANINGS THEREOF IMPORTANT FOREIGN VISITORS IMPORTANT TITLES AND HOLDERS THEREOF</p><p>Bulls</p><p>Learning Curve GK Theory</p><p>2</p><p>MODERN INDIAo o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o THE EAST INDIA COMPANY -1600-1714 THE PERIOD-1765-1856 THE REVOLT OF 1857 THE POST-1857 SCENARIO THE ROLE OF THE PRESS THE WORK IN LEGISLATIVE COUNCILS THE SWADESHI MOVEMENT THE CONGRESS SPLIT AND THE REVOLUTIONARY TEERORISTS-I THE GHADAR THE HOME RULE MOVEMENTS GANDHIJIS ACTIVISM THE EARLY PHASE THE NON-COOPERATION MOVEMENT -1920-22 THE REVOLUTIONARY TERRORISTS-II THE CIVIL DISOBEDIENCE MOVEMENT THE YEARS AFTER THE CRIPPS MISSION SOCIAL REFORM AND OTHER ORGANIZATIONS GOVERNOR-GENERALS AND STEPS/ INITIATIVES REGIONAL &amp; TRIBAL UPRISINGS AND LOCATIONS IMPORTANT TITLES AND HOLDERS THEREOF IMPORTANT PRESIDENTS BOOK/NEWSPAPER/JOURNAL- AUTHOR/EDITOR MISCELLANEOUS</p><p>GEOGRAPHY- PHYSICAL AND ECONOMICo o o o o o o o o o o o o o o ASTRONOMICAL TERMS SOME GEOGRAPHICAL FACTS GEOGRAPHICAL TERMS THE MINERAL WEALTH OF INDIA MAJOR TOURIST MONUMENTS IN INDIA MAJOR INDUSTRIAL CENTRES IN INDIA MAJOR CITIES ON RIVER BANKS (INDIA) CHANGED NAMES OF SOME CITIES/ COUNTRIES CONTINENTS, POPULATIONWISE MAJOR PORTS IN INDIA MAJOR CITIES ON RIVER BANKS (WORLD) DEMOGRAPHIC FACTOIDS (1991 CENSUS) MISCELLENEOUS DEMOGRAPHIC FACTFILE COMPARATIVE LITERACY LEVELS ACROSS INDIA GEOGRAPHICAL EPITHETS</p><p>Bulls</p><p>Learning Curve GK Theory</p><p>3</p><p>PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHYo o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o THE EARTH ROCK TYPES HYDROLOGICAL CYCLE WATER MOVEMENTS THE BIOSPHERE FACES OF THE LAND WEATHERING DEGRADATION AND AGGRADATION RIVERS GLACIERS WINDS WAVES PLATE TECTONICS VOLCANOES EARTHQUAKES TEMPEARTURE ZONES LATITUDINAL ZONES TEMPERATE ZONES LAND AND SEA CONTRASTS PREVAILING WINDS OCEAN CURRENTS DIURNAL AND SEASONAL CYCLES PRESSURE AND WINDS SEASONAL MIGRATION LAND AND SEA BREEZES PRECIPITATION FOREST TYPES</p><p>THE SCIENCES THE PHYSICAL WORLDo o o o o o o o o o o o o o MATTER SOLID LIQUID GAS CHARLESS LAW MASS WEIGHT MASS AND WEIGHT DENSITY SPECIFIC GRAVITY STREAMLINING MOTION SPEED UNIFORM SPEED</p><p>Bulls</p><p>Learning Curve GK Theory</p><p>4</p><p>o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o</p><p>ACCELERATION RETARDATION OR DECELERATION NEWTONS FIRST LAW OF MOTION NEWTONS SECOND LAW OF MOTION NEWTONS THIRD LAW OF MOTION GRAVITY LAW OF GRAVITATION RELATIVE VELOCITY ERG POWER ENERGY EQUILIBRIUM SURFCAE TENISON VISCOSITY PASCALS LAW ARCHIMEDES PRINCIPLE PRESSURE HEAT TEMPERATURE CALORIE LATENT HEAT EVAPORATION TRANSFERENCE OF HEAT LATENT HEAT OF VAPORISATION LATENT HEAT OF FUSION RECTILINEAR PROPAGATION OF LIGHT REFLECTION REFRACTION MAGNETISM CURRENT ELECTRICITY HEATING EFFECTS OF CURRENT LIGHTING EFFECTS MAGNETIC EFFECTS MICROWAVES MICROWAVE COOKER ATOM BOMB PULSARS QUARTZ CLOCK RADAR REFRIGERATOR ROCKET SOLAR COOKER TELESCOPE SOUND</p><p>Bulls</p><p>Learning Curve GK Theory</p><p>5</p><p>CHEMICAL PHENOMENAo o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o PHYSICAL CHANGE CHEMICAL CHANGE ELEMENT COMPOUND MIXTURE HARD AND SOFT WATER ALLOY AMALGAM CHEMICAL NAMES IMPORTANT LAWS IN SCIENCE AND SOME DEFINITIONS PRINCIPLES OF SCIENTIFIC INSTRUMENTS ATOMIC POWER PLANT NUCLEAR FUSION CINEMA DYANMO JET ENGINE KALEIDOSCOPE MEDICAL IMAGING NUCLEAR MAGNETIC RESONANCE RADIOACTIVITY LIGHT YEAR PHOTO-ELECTRIC EFFECT MISSILES</p><p>THE BIOLOGICAL WORLDo o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o ANIMAL AND PLANT GROUPS STRUCTURAL ORGANIZATION MITOSIS MEIOSIS TWINS CLONING GENE EXPRESSION AND GENETIC DSIORDERS HEREDITY SEX-LINKED GENES AND RELATED DISORDERS THEORIES OF BIOLOGICAL EVOLUTION INFECTIOUS DISEASES VACCINATION NUTRITIONAL DEFICIENCY DISORDERS FOOD AND NUTRITION BLOOD GROUPS GLANDS SENSE ORGANS SCIENTIFIC UNITS OF MEASUREMENT</p><p>Bulls</p><p>Learning Curve GK Theory</p><p>6</p><p>INDIAN POLITYo o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o THE PREAMBLE INTRODUCTION TO THE INDIAN CONSTITUTION SOURCES OF INDIAN CONSTITUTION POINTS TO REMEMBER THE FEDERAL SYSTEM TERRITORY OF THE UNION ACT/LEGISLATION FUNDAMENTAL RIGHTS FUNDAMENTAL DUTIES DIRECTIVE PRINCIPLES OF STATE POLICY PROCEDURE FOR AMENDMENT THE BASIC FEATURES THEORY THE UNION EXECUTIVE THE UNION COUNCIL OF MINISTERS THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF INDIA THE COMPTROLLER AND AUDITOR GENERAL OF INDIA THE UNION LEGISLATURE LEGISLATIVE PROCEDURES PUBLIC ACCOUNTS COMMITTEE THE STATE EXECUTIVE SPECIAL STATUS OF J&amp;K THE INDIAN JUDICIAL SYSTEM THE FINANCE COMMISSION THE UNION AND STATE PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSIONS ELECTIONS IN INDIA THE SCHEDULED CASTES AND SCHEDULED TRIBES OFFICIAL LANGUAGES IMPORTANT SCHEDULES SOME MAJOR CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENTS MISCELLANY INDIAN PRESIDENTS SO FAR INDIAN PRIME MINISTERS SO FAR SOME IMPORTANT POLITICAL TERMS</p><p>Bulls</p><p>Learning Curve GK Theory</p><p>7</p><p>THE POTPOURRIo o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o MISCELLANEOUS TERMS HISTORICAL, POLITICAL, CONSTITUTIONAL AND DIPLOMATIC TERMS LEGAL TERMS LITERARY, ARTISTIC AND JOURNALISTIC TERMS MEDICAL TERMS SCIENTIFIC TERMS AND INSTRUMENTS DIFFERENT AREAS OF KNOWLEDGE MAJOR INSTRUMENTS SOME INTERNATIONAL BOUNDARY LINES OTHER SPECIALIZED INTERNATIONAL AGENCIES NON-GOVERNMENTAL ORGANIZATIONS NATIONAL AWARDS AND HONOURS GALLANTRY AWARDS OTHER NATIONAL AWARDS INTERNATIONAL AWARDS AND HONOURS BOOK N AUTHORS FIRST IN THE WORLD FIRST IN INDIA DANCE, MUSIC, CULTURE . COMPOSERS/ MUSICIANS INSTRUMENTALISTS VOCALISTS</p><p>Bulls</p><p>Learning Curve GK Theory</p><p>8</p><p>INDIAN HISTORYANCIENT INDIA* The Earth is nearly 4000 million years old as supported by scientific evidence and the evolution of its crust shows four stages. The fourth stage is called the Quaternary, which is divided into Pleistocene (most recent) and the Holocene (the present); the former lasted between 1, 000,000 and 10000 years before the present and the latter began about 10000 years ago. * Man appeared on the Earth in Africa about 2.6 million years ago. * 1. The Paleolithic Age: The stone-age whose characteristic features were the use of hand-axes, cleavers and choppers, flakes, blades etc. The rock-shelters and caves at Bhimbetka near Bhopal can be cited as major evidences pointing towards it. In the world context, the upper or the last Paleolithic age marks the appearance of the modern man (Homo sapiens) on earth. * 2. The Mesolithic Age: The Mesolithic Period is a transitional phase between the Paleolithic and the Neolithic ages. It is marked by warmer climates, hunting, fishing and food gathering and domestication of animals. The peculiar tool of the people was the microlith, evidence of which can be found in Bogor in Rajasthan. * 3. The Neolithic Age: In the world context, the New Stone Age began around 9000 BC. The people of these times used tools made of polished stone. The domestication of animals became a major economic activity. The only neolithic settlement in India is found in Mehergarh in Rajasthan. * The Chalcolithic Cultures: The end of the neolithic phase saw the use of metals, of which copper was the first to be used. Several cultures were based on the use of stone and copper implements. Such a culture is referred to as a Chalcolithic culture, referring to the use of both copper and stone. Technologically, this represents the pre-Harappan phase because the Harappan civilization was based on the use of bronze. They domesticated animals, practiced agriculture (wheat, rice and bajra).*********************************************************************************************************</p><p>THE HARAPPAN CULTURE : THE BRONZE AGE* The Harappan Civilization flourished on the banks of the river Indus. It was discovered first of all in Harappa in Pakistan by DR Sawhney and RD Banerjee in 1921. * Another prominent excavated site is the Mohanjo-daro (which literally means the mound of the dead people) in Sindh. * Some other places containing the remains of this civilization include Kalibangan (Rajasthan), Dholavira and Lothal (Gujarat), Banawali (Hissar), Chanhu Daro (Sindh) and Sanghol (Panjab). * The most distinguishing feature is the town-planning system and architecture. Burnt bricks find use on a wide scale for the first time here. The towns are built on scientific lines, with roads cutting each other at right angles and having covered drains. * Two sites stand out --- The Great Bath and the Great Granary of Mohenjo-daro. The Great Granary is the largest building in Mohanjo-daro. * Rice has been found in Lothal (Gujarat), which was used as a port also. The Indus people were the first to produce cotton; that is why the Greeks refer to it as Sindon (derived from Sindh).</p><p>Bulls</p><p>Learning Curve GK Theory</p><p>9</p><p>* Mercantile activities were most important in those times. Numerous seals, weights and measures attest to it. The Harappans carried on international business in the Persian Gulf region and long-distance trade in lapis lazuli, a precious stone. * The Mother Goddess was a major object of worship. The worship of the Pashupati Maharaj (who later came to be known as Shiva) was also quite prevalent. Of animals and trees, they used to worship the bull and the pipal the most. * We find many seals and figurines made of terracotta. We also find a metal image of a dancing girl. They represent the biggest artistic achievements of these people. * It existed between 2500 BC and 1800 BC.*********************************************************************************************************</p><p>THE RIGVEDIC CIVILIZATION* We come to know of Aryans from the Rig Veda, which is the earliest specimen of the Indo-European languages. It is a collection of prayers devoted to different gods. * The Rig Veda has ten chapters, which give us valuable information about these people. * The Aryan civilization flourished on the river Sindhu. The Aryans appeared in India a little later than 1500 BC. and the use of horses played a significant role in their conquest of West Asia. * The Aryans always led a nomadic life. Their major occupation was pastoral (animal-rearing) in nature and cow was the chief animal they domesticated. So many references to cow are found in the Rigveda that it seems their entire life revolved around it. Mostly the Aryans fought for the sake of cows. A war is referred to as gavishti in vedic literature, which means a search for cows. * We find two very important political assemblies: The Sabha and The Samiti. We find evidence of election of the king (rajan) by the samiti. The samitis were very powerful. The two priests who played a very significant role in these times are Vashishta and Vishwamitra. The tribal chiefs got voluntary offerings from the people called bali. * The king did not maintain a standing army and used to muster a militia in times of need. A fighting unit was called a grama and its chief as gramini. * The Rig Vedic society was an egalitarian one, with no sharp discrimination against any particular class or section of people. Women were held in high esteem and could participate in political assemblies. * They worshipped different manifestatosn of nature. For instance, their chief god was Indra (The Rain God), Agni (The Fire God), Varuna (The Protector of the Universe), Usha (The God of The Morning Sun), Marut (The Wind God) and Soma (The God of Plants).*********************************************************************************************************</p><p>THE LATER VEDIC TIMES (1000 BC 600 BC)* For singing the Rig Vedic hymns were set to tune, and this collection of musical hymns came to be known as the Sama Veda. Besides, the later Vedic period also saw the compilation of the Yajur Veda (containing rituals and ceremonies) and the Atharva Veda (containing charms and spells). * Iron was used in plenty, which is referred to as shyama or Krishna ayas. Rice (vrihi) and wheat became their chief crops. Copper was used in abundance in making ornaments, implements etc. Agriculture became a primary livelihood and the peasants produced enough to maintain themselves as well as spare something for taxes.</p><p>Bulls</p><p>Learning Curve GK Theory</p><p>10</p><p>* Popular assemblies lost their importance and royal power increased at their cost. The sabha and samiti did continue, but their character changed a lot. Womens status declined to some extent. * The society became sharply divided into four varnas called the brahamins (the teachers and preachers), kshatriyas or rajnyas (warriors and rulers), vaishyas (the farming and mercantile class) and the shudras (menial servants). Since rituals were a central feature of this age, the brahmins gained a lot of social prestige and dominance. * The major tax-paying class was the vaishyas, mainly engaged in farming, business and artisanship. The kshatriyas generally became warriors and rulers. The shudras were generally farmhands and domestic servants. * Prajapati (The Creator) came to be worshipped as the supreme god. Some other later Vedic gods include Rudra (The God of Animals) and Vishnu who was thought to be the preserver and protector of the universe. * Sacrifices became central to worship, which were accompanied by ritualistic formulae to be pronounced carefully. * The later Vedic period also saw the formation of territorial kingdoms and the famous Mahabharta War is attributed to this period. However, a state system was not yet in place due to the inability of the farmers to pay regular taxes.*********************************************************************************************************</p><p>JAINISM* In the 6 century BC, Buddhism and Jainism emerged as the most important and potent religious reform movements. The kshatriyas reacted strongly against brahiminical dominance and led a movement to dislodge the existing social order dominated by the brahmins. The two important religious mo...</p>