Al Manar Tv Programs

Trump’s Al-Quds Move Opportunity to Reschedule Palestine as Number 1 Priority Trump’s Al-Quds Decision, an Opportunity? Yemeni Developments Betray Saudi Hopes: Saleh’s Death Portrays Grim Scenario for Riyadh Plots!

  1. Al Mayadeen
  2. Al Manar Tv Live
  3. Al Manar Tv Programs 2017
  • Al Manar TV Live is a TV channel that broadcasts online, it is part of the Lebanon country television live and online on the internet. Access to the TV channel Al Manar TV Live is free and unlimited for all Internet users, because it offers its stream for free streaming on the internet.
  • Hezbollah Denounces STL Sentence against Al-Akhbar Daily: Politicized 'Daraya’s Fall Put Final Nail in Coffin of Saudi Dream to Topple Syria Gov’t' Hezbollah Strikes Takfiris in Arsal.
(Redirected from Al Manar TV)
MottoStation of the resistance
Slogan“A Flame that will not be Extinguished”
OwnerLebanese Communication Group
4 June 1991; 28 years ago
Official website
Arabic, French, Spanish, English
Part of a series on

Al-Manar (Arabic:المنار al-Manār; English: the beacon) is a Lebanese satellite television station affiliated with Hezbollah,[1] broadcasting from Beirut, Lebanon.[2]

Al-Manar was designated as a “Specially Designated Global Terrorist entity,” and banned by the United States on 17 December 2004.[3] It has also been banned by France,[4]Spain,[5] and Germany,[6]and has run into some service and license problems outside Lebanon,[7] making it unavailable in the Netherlands,[8][9]Canada,[10] and Australia,[11][12] while it has not officially been banned in any of these regions.

  • 1History
    • 1.2Al-Manar during 2006 Lebanon War
      • 1.2.1Israeli Air Force strike
  • 2Content
  • 3Journalistic standards and neutrality
    • 3.1Accusations and restrictions
  • 5Notes


Al-Manar first began terrestrial broadcasting from Beirut, Lebanon on 4 June 1991.[13] By 2000, the station began broadcasting via satellite at a cost that was a couple of million dollars.[14][better source needed] The station was located in the predominantly Shi'a neighborhood of Haret Hreik in the southern suburbs of Beirut, where the Hezbollah is also headquartered.[14] Originally, the station employed only a few men that had studied media in London during the mid-1980s. But almost a year later, Al-Manar was employing over 150 people.[14]

Initially, Al Manar would broadcast only five hours per day. Shortly before the 1992 election, it began broadcasting regular news bulletins in order to help Hezbollah attain more votes and spread its message to more people. In 1993, the station expanded its broadcasting to seven hours a day and extended its signal to the southern part of the Bekaa Valley. Ahead of the 1996 Lebanese parliamentary elections, additional antennas were erected in Northern Lebanon and throughout the Mount Lebanon range, so that the station could be viewed not only in Lebanon, but also in western Syria and northern Israel. Broadcasting was extended to 20 hours in 1998 but reduced to 18 hours in 2000.[15]

In 1996, the Lebanese government granted broadcasting licenses to only five television stations, not including Al-Manar. Approximately 50 stations were forced to close at the time. Several stations appealed the government's decision, but only four of them were finally granted licenses, one of which was Al-Manar. On 18 September, the Lebanese Cabinet decided to grant Al-Manar a license after having been requested to do so by then Syrian presidentHafiz al-Asad. Al-Manar received the license in July 1997.[16]

According to the US department of treasury, Al Manar is the media arm of the Hezbollah.[17] The station manager Muhammad Afif Ahmad, said that Al Manar belongs to Hezbollah culturally and politically.[18] By 2004, Al Manar was estimated to hold 10-15 million viewers daily worldwide.[19]

Satellite broadcasting[edit]

During the 1990s, the popularity of satellite broadcasting greatly increased in the Arab world and in Lebanon. The first Lebanese station to use this technology was Future Television, launching Future International SAT in 1994, while LBCI and the Lebanese government followed by launching LBCSAT and Tele Liban Satellite respectively. In order to compete with these emerging stations, and in order to find an international audience, Al-Manar announced its intention to launch a satellite channel on 9 March 2000. Muhammad Ra'd, a Hezbollah member of parliament and al-Manar's largest shareholder, submitted the request to the minister of transmission, which was approved in April 2000. Although the launch of the satellite station was originally planned for July, the date was moved up in order to coincide with the end of the Israeli occupation of South Lebanon on 25 May. This success led other television stations to follow in launching satellite stations, including Murr TV in November 2000, but it was shut down for 'violating an election law prohibiting propaganda' — a fate which al-Manar did not meet, although its programming was also considered propaganda by many analysts[who?][citation needed]. ArabSat, a leading communications satellite operator in the Middle East, headquartered in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, was at first wary about collaborating with al-Manar, because of the station's Shi'a agenda[citation needed] — the two companies agreed, however, that the programming would be adapted to the pan-Arab audience, leading to a slight difference between the local broadcast and the one via satellite. At first, only three hours of satellite programming were broadcast per day, but by December 2000, the station was broadcasting around the clock.[20]

Al-Manar was soon carried by many satellite providers. However, starting with the removal of the station from TARBS World TV in Australia in 2003, many satellite television providers stopped featuring it. Until then the station was featured by the following providers at one time or another:

  • Intelsat, broadcasting to North America
  • New Skies Satellites NSS-803, Africa and parts of Europe
  • ArabSat, Middle East, North Africa, and parts of Europe
  • Hispasat, South America
  • AsiaSat, Asia
  • Eutelsat, Europe, North Africa, and Middle East
  • SESAstra, Europe

According to the BBC on 26 July 2006, Al-Manar had three satellite signals:[21]

  • ArabSat 2B at 30.5 degrees east
  • Badr 3 at 26 degrees east
  • NileSat 102 at 7 degrees west

Al-Manar during 2006 Lebanon War[edit]

Israeli Air Force strike[edit]

The channel was continuously struck by missiles during Israeli air raids. The Israeli Air Force attacks on 13 July 2006 led to injury of three employees.[22] The attack on Al-Manar's facilities shortly followed another strike against the Rafic Hariri International Airport in Beirut earlier that morning. Despite the attack, the station remained on air, broadcasting from undisclosed locations.

The IDF bombed Al-Manar's Beirut complex again on July 16 causing fire in the complex and surrounding buildings. The station's signal disappeared briefly several times, then continued normal programming.[23]

Illegality of bombing[edit]

The bombing of media outlets violates international law when they are not being used for military purposes ('it is unlawful to attack facilities that merely shape civilian opinion; neither directly contributes to military operations'),[24] according to Human Rights Watch.

This incident has been condemned by the International Federation of Journalists.[25] The Israel Association of Journalists withdrew from the federation due to this criticism, claiming that Al-Manar employees 'are not journalists, they are terrorists'.[26][27]

The New York based Committee to Protect Journalists, has also expressed alarm over the incident as 'it (Al-Manar) does not appear based on a monitoring of its broadcasts today to be serving any discernible military function, according to CPJ’s analysis.'[28]


Al-Manar's programming consists of 25% music videos and fillers, 25% series and dramas, 25% talk shows, and finally 25% news and family shows.[29] Most of the programming is self-produced, although on occasion, programming from IRIB (Iran) is used. The point-of-view of the programming is strongly anti-Israel and anti-US. 'Appearing on al-Manar, Hezbollah Secretary General Hassan Nasrallah frequently calls for `Death to America`' and the Statue of Liberty is depicted 'as a ghoul, her gown dripping blood, a knife instead of a torch in her raised hand.'[30]


The news programming includes much footage from the international press, especially the Israeli. Additionally the station subscribes to the following wire services: Reuters, Associated Press, Agence France Presse, and Deutsche Presse Agentur. It also sources stories from Iranian news agencies such as FARS and IRNA. The station airs eight news bulletins a day in Arabic in addition to one in English and one in French.[31]

Several talk shows are regularly aired on al-Manar. The best known of these is Beit al-ankabut (The Spider's House); its title alludes to a metaphor, Hassan Nasrallah often employs to describe Israel. It is dedicated to uncovering the 'weakness of the Zionist entity', i.e. Israel. It attempts to convince the Arab world that Israel could easily be destroyed, for example, by an increase in the Arab population and the implementation of the Palestinian right of return.[32] Further talk shows include Hadith al-sa'a (Talk of the Hour), Matha ba'ad (What's Next?), Ma'al Hadath (With The Event), Bayna Kawsayn (Between The Brackets), Milafat (Files), Al-din wa al-hayat (Religion and Life), and Nun wa al-qalam (The 'Nun' and the Pen). Guests include well-known journalists, analysts, writers, Lebanese politicians, spokespersons of terrorist groups, and Islamic scholars, who then discuss current religious, political, and cultural, regional and global topics.[33]

Al-Manar often airs music videos and fillers in between full-length programs and during commercial breaks. The music videos are generally dedicated to the following seven purposes: the promotion of the Hezbollah, highlighting the importance of armed resistance against Israel, the glorification of martyrdom, spreading of anti-Americanism, denunciation of Israel and Zionism as the embodiments of terrorism, the appeals for the destruction of Israel, and the depiction of the future of Arab youths.[34] The videos are on average three minutes long. The videos are usually professionally produced by the station itself and each usually takes about three to four days to make.[34] The filler material usually consists of appeals to donate money to the Hezbollah, lists of demonstrations taking place worldwide, and slogans in English, Hebrew, or Arabic.[35]

The station also offers sports broadcasting - such as the programs Goal and Tis'in daqiqa (Ninety Minutes) -, family programming - such as Al-mustakshifoun al-judud (The New Explorers), Al-Muslimoun fi al-Sin (Muslims in China), and Ayday al-khayr (Hands of Benevolence) -, game shows - including Al-mushahid shahid (The Viewer Is the Witness), where contestants attempt to guess the names of Israeli political and military figures, and Al-muhima (The Mission) -, and even a children's program called Al-manr al-saghir (The Little Manar), which is in the style of the US show Mr. Rogers' Neighborhood, targeting three- to seven-year-olds.[35] Al-Manar also broadcasts Iraniansoap operas, dubbed into Modern Standard Arabic.

During Ramadan, al-Manar features special programs, many of which are self-produced. In 2001, Izz al-Din al-Qassam: Qisat al-jihad wa al-muqawama (Izz al-Din al-Qassam: A Story of Jihad and Resistance), a four-part drama based on the life of Izz al-Din al-Qassam, an early-twentieth-century Arab, after whom the Izz ad-Din al-Qassam Brigades are named. It was considered a success among Palestinians. The 2002 program Faris bi la jawad (A Knight without a Horse), which was produced by an Egyptian, was based on The Protocols of the Elders of Zion, an old Russiananti-Semitic text claiming a conspiracy of Jews control the world, like many programs of the station. The 29-part series Ash-Shatat (The Diaspora), which was aired in 2003, was also based on The Protocols and produced in Syria; it led to the banning of al-Manar in France.[36][37]


Al Mayadeen

Al-Manar was the first TV station to report Hezbollah's condemnation of the September 11 attacks. Other non-state attacks against the United States have also been condemned on Al-Manar, including the 2000 USS Cole bombing suicide attack against a US Navy destroyer.[38]

Al-Manar was once described as one of the channels, among other complex reasons, of the spread of Shiism in Syria in the years before 2009.[39]

Until the Israeli withdrawal from South Lebanon, Al-Manar's programming political focus was mainly against the Israeli presence in Lebanon. While the withdrawal in May 2000 left a void in the station's programming, Hezbollah and A-Manar consider the Shebaa Farms to be Lebanese territory occupied by Israel, and this became a focal point for political programming. In September of that year, the al-Aqsa Intifada broke out, and Al-Manar began to cover the issue of the Israeli–Palestinian conflict more extensively, overtly propagandizing to support the Palestinian militants.[40]

Journalistic standards and neutrality[edit]

According to Al Manar's news director, Hassan Fadlallah, Al Manar does not aim to be neutral in its broadcasting, 'Neutrality like that of Al Jazeera is out of the question for us,' Fadlallah said. 'We cover only the victim, not the aggressor. CNN is the Zionist news network, Al Jazeera is neutral, and Al Manar takes the side of the Palestinians...He said Al Manar's opposition to neutrality means that, unlike Al Jazeera, his station would never feature interviews or comments by Israeli officials. 'We're not looking to interview Sharon,' Fadlallah said. 'We want to get close to him in order to kill him.'[19]

Accusations and restrictions[edit]

Designation as a 'terrorist entity'[edit]

Al-Manar was placed on a US terrorist watchlist in December 2004.[38]Reporters without Borders said that no evidence was presented of Al-Manar's involvement with terrorism.[38] The main evidence provided for Al-Manar being anti-semitic was its partial showing, in October–November 2003, of the Syrian-produced 29-part series Ash-Shatat ('The Diaspora'). 'Al Manar management apologized for airing the series, dropped it and explained that the Station had purchased it without first viewing the entire series.'[38] Lebanon's ambassador to the United States, Farid Abboud, protested: 'If you want simply to demonize or eliminate one side, you're not going to advance the issue. If you are going to focus on one side simply because of the political message, it's unacceptable and it's a grave breach of the freedom of speech.'.[41]

In March 2006 Al-Manar was designated as a 'Specially Designated Global Terrorist entity' by the United States, declaring it 'owned or controlled by the Iran-funded Hezbollah terrorist network'.[42] As a result, Al-Manar was made subject to US sanctions.[2][42][43]

Allegations of anti-Semitic programming[edit]

One of the satellite providers which has transmitted Al-Manar is the French satellite Hot Bird 4, owned by the Eutelsat Satellite organisation. On 13 December 2004, the French Conseil d'État, the highest administrative Court in France, ordered the French-based Eutelsat Company to shut down Al-Manar broadcasts following accusations that its programmes were anti-Semitic and could incite hatred.[44][45]

Al-Manar claims the French decision was political and not legal, influenced by Israel and Jewish lobbies.[46]

Banning of broadcasts[edit]

Wikinews has related news: Man arrested for broadcasting Hezbollah television in New York

Al-Manar's broadcasts have been banned by the US, France,[4]Spain,[5] and Germany.[6]

After the U.S. Department of State placed Al-Manar on the Terrorist Exclusion List on 17 December 2004, transmissions to North America via Intelsat's satellites were blocked.[41][47] Javed Iqbal, a resident of New York City is the first person to charged under this law. Iqbal, 45, a Pakistani who had been living in the U.S. for more than 25 years, was charged by federal prosecutors with providing material support to a foreign terrorist organization by broadcasting Al Manar to U.S. customers, in exchange for thousands of dollars payment. In a 2008 plea bargain, he agreed to serve a prison term of up to ​612 years. Saleh Elahwal, who also operates HDTV, was also charged and went on trial 5 January 2009.[48][49] Donna Lieberman, executive director of the New York Civil Liberties Union, says it's constitutional for the government to outlaw businesses with direct operational ties to terrorist organizations, and media outlets that directly incite and direct violent action, but in this case, the government is trying to stop the spread of ideas.[50]Mark Dubowitz, who founded the Coalition Against Terrorist Media to in part stop Al-Manar, said Al-Manar was shouting fire in a crowded theater, although Lieberman disagreed with that metaphor.[50]

The Dutch Media Authority 'discovered that a satellite owned by New Skies Satellites was carrying Al-Manar and has ordered the company to stop doing so, because the channel did not have the required Dutch licence.'[51][52] Many, including Radio Netherlands Worldwide Media Network[8][9] consider this to be a ban. The Spanish authorities banned the retransmission of Al-Manar by Hispasat on 30 June 2005 (which effectively prevents its reception not only in the Iberian Peninsula but also in South America).[5]

The lack of transmission from Intelsat had the effect of making Al-Manar unavailable in Canada, which some have interpreted as a 'ban'.[10] While Al-Manar is not approved for distribution in Canada,[53] there is no record of application for approval having been made.[54]

TARBS World TV voluntarily stopped broadcasting al-Manar in Australia on 5 November 2003, 15 days into an investigation by the ABA regarding accusations of 'broadcast programs that are likely to incite or perpetuate hatred against or gratuitously vilify any person or group on the basis of their ethnicity, nationality, race or religion'. The report for this investigation was never finalised as TARBS had gone into receivership by that time. Al-Manar in August 2009 received approval for broadcast by Australian Communications and Media Authority.[55]

Al-Manar provides a live feed of its programming on the Internet through its website. This effectively circumvents the bans as Al-Manar is still available in all the areas it does not broadcast to via satellite.

Google and Apple applications[edit]

On 25 July 2012, Al Manar launched an application through Apple's iTunesapp store, directing users to various content produced by the Hezbollah television station, including speeches by Hezbollah leader, Hassan Nasrallah.[56]

However, the application was subsequently pulled from iTunes four days later, and two days after that, Google announced that the al-Manar app had been removed from Google Play.[57]Maha Abouelenein, Head of Communications for the Mena at Google, subsequently stated that “We remove applications that violate our policies, such as apps that are illegal or that promote hate speech” although she added that “We don’t comment on individual applications — however, you can check out our policies for more.'[58]

Al Manar TV subsequently blamed 'Israeli incitement against Al Manar TV' as the reason Al-Manar mobile apps were removed by Apple and Google. An Al-Manar TV reporter stated that: 'Al Manar TV is once again targeted by America and Israel. The removal of the channel's mobile apps from the Google and Apple stores is a new attempt to curb Al-Manar's message of resistance.[59]

Al Manar TV Director-General Abdallah Qasir stated that the removal of the apps 'indicates that Al Manar TV has the ability to cause great harm to Israel, and that Israel is extremely annoyed by Al Manar becoming so widespread and by its great credibility. Israel cannot even bear to see the Al-Manar icon on smartphones.' Abd Al-Hadi Mahfouz, president of the Lebanese National Media Council, also supported Al-Manar, arguing that: 'This move contradicts all laws pertaining to radio and television, to the exercising of media liberties, and to the right of citizens, Western and Arab alike, to information.' Rabi' Al-Ba'lbaki, the head of the Lebanese IT Association reportedly called for a boycott of Apple and Google if they do not restore service for Al-Manar's applications.[59]

In a statement issued on 16 August 2012, Al Manar says it is “back on Ipad and Iphone applications via alternative ways, following the campaign carried out by the Jewish Anti-Defamation League to deactivate Al-Manar applications on smart phones at Google Play and apple store.”[60] In an effort to avoid distributor policies and control, the new applications are downloadable directly from Al-Manar’s website, which is hosted British server.[60] The website also provides instructions, along with screen shots, on configuring Android phones to accept applications “not sourced in Android Market” and for installing the application on iPhones.[60]

In March 2014, Al Manar relaunched their application in Apple's iTunes store under the name 'LCG.'[61]

See also[edit]

  • al-Manar (for the early 20th century journal of the same name)
  • Mohammed Hassan Dbouk, accredited al-Manar journalist believed to have misused his credentials in support of Hezbollah militant activities


  1. ^Germany bans Hezbollah’s al-Manar TV ChannelArchived 20 March 2012 at the Wayback Machine 21 November 2008, Ya Libnan
  2. ^ abElise Labott and Henry Schuster (2006). 'Lebanese media outlets’ assets blocked'. CNN.
  3. ^Nasser, Cilina (23–29 December 2004). 'Al-Manar in the dog house'. Al Ahram Weekly (722). Archived from the original on 3 August 2013. Retrieved 24 July 2013.
  4. ^ ab'France pulls plug on Arab network'. BBC News. 14 December 2004. Retrieved 9 August 2006.
  5. ^ abcCommission of the European Communities Commission document SEC (2006) 160 Retrieved 31 July 2006
  6. ^ ab'Germany bans Hezbollah television station Al Manar'. Fox News. 21 November 2008. Retrieved 18 March 2009.
  7. ^'Commission Of The European Communities'(PDF). Wales. Retrieved 16 December 2011.
  8. ^ abRadio Netherlands Worldwide Blog Iranian commentator reacts to Dutch ban on two satellite TV stationsArchived 30 September 2007 at the Wayback Machine Retrieved 30 July 2006
  9. ^ abRadio Netherlands Worldwide Blog Two Islamic TV stations banned in the NetherlandsArchived 27 September 2007 at the Wayback Machine Retrieved 30 July 2006
  10. ^ ab'Banning Al-Manar TV in North America and France(Chat session with Mohammad S. Dalbah)'. Islam online. 30 December 2004. Archived from the original on 24 August 2006. Retrieved 9 August 2006.
  11. ^ABA News Release NR 135/2004 22 October 2004 ABA investigation into Al Manar programming on TARBS Retrieved 15 August 2006
  12. ^'Cable broadcaster under investigation by ABA'. ABC Australia. 14 November 2003. Retrieved 9 August 2006.
  13. ^Zahera Harb (15 April 2011). Channels of Resistance in Lebanon: Liberation Propaganda, Hezbollah and the Media. I.B.Tauris. p. 100. ISBN978-1-84885-120-7. Retrieved 22 October 2012.
  14. ^ abcJorisch (2004), p. 26
  15. ^Jorisch (2004), pp. 26–27
  16. ^Jorisch (2004), pp. 23–25
  17. ^[1]Archived 21 June 2006 at the Wayback Machine
  18. ^The Washington Post, 19 June 1995, Al-Manar: Hizbullah TV, 24/7, Avi Jorisch, Middle East Quarterly Winter 2004, pp. 17–31
  19. ^ abJeffrey Goldberg (14 October 2002). 'A Reporter At Large: In The Party Of God (Part I)'. The New Yorker. Archived from the original on 16 May 2008. Retrieved 31 March 2007.
  20. ^Jorisch (2004), pp. 25–27
  21. ^BBC News, July 26, 2006 Israel steps up 'psy-ops' in Lebanon Retrieved 1 August 2006
  22. ^'Media in Lebanon: Reporting on a Nation Divided'(PDF). IPI. December 2006. Archived from the original(Mission Report) on 19 September 2011. Retrieved 16 July 2012.
  23. ^'Hizbollah rockets hit Haifa, Israel strikes Lebanon'. Archived from the original on 27 September 2007. Retrieved 27 March 2007.
  24. ^'Can Israel attack Hezbollah radio and television stations?'. Retrieved 27 March 2007.
  25. ^'International Federation of Journalists condemned bombing of Al-Manar'. Archived from the original on 5 March 2016. Retrieved 27 March 2007.
  26. ^Jerusalem Post, 16 July 2006, Israel threatens to leave World Press Federation Note that this article refers to the 'World Press Federation' in an apparent error
  27. ^Jerusalem Post, 20 July 2006, Israeli journalists pull out of IFJArchived 11 May 2011 at the Wayback Machine Retrieved 27 July 2006
  28. ^Lebanon: 'Israeli forces strike Al-Manar TV facilities'. Retrieved 27 March 2007.
  29. ^Jorisch (2004), p. 36
  30. ^Avi Jorisch, National Review, 22 December 2004, Terrorist Television Hezbollah has a worldwide reach.
  31. ^Jorisch (2004), p. 101
  32. ^Jorisch (2004), p. 102
  33. ^Jorisch (2004), pp. 102–103
  34. ^ abJorisch (2004), p. 104
  35. ^ abJorisch (2004), p. 105
  36. ^Jorisch (2004), pp. 103–104
  37. ^Intelligence and Terrorism Information Center at the Center for Special Studies: Legal proceedings to ban Al-Manar in France and Lebanon’s rushing to Hezbollah’s aidArchived 1 July 2006 at the Wayback Machine
  38. ^ abcdFranklin Lamb (1–3 January 2010). 'The Israel Lobby's War on Al Manar TV: How a Lebanese Television Station Got Included on the T-List'. CounterPunch. Archived from the original on 4 January 2010.
  39. ^Sindawi (2009)
  40. ^Jorisch (2004), p. 84
  41. ^ abReuters, 18 December 2004 U.S. designates Al-Manar TV as 'terrorist' Retrieved 1 August 2006
  42. ^ abU.S. Department of the Treasury (2006). 'U.S. Designates Al-Manar as a Specially Designated Global Terrorist Entity'. U.S. Department of the Treasury.
  43. ^'U.S. Treasury List of Organizations sanctioned under Executive Order 13224'(PDF). Archived from the original(PDF) on 10 September 2008. Retrieved 27 March 2007.
  44. ^(full text of the decisionArchived 17 December 2004 at the Wayback Machine, press releaseArchived 17 December 2004 at the Wayback Machine, in French; BBC report)
  45. ^EU, Brussels, 17 March 2005 EU Rules and Principles on Hate Broadcasts: Frequently Asked Questions Retrieved 26 July 2006
  46. ^Al Jazeera, 27 December 2004 US designates Al-Manar TV 'terrorist'Archived 18 August 2006 at the Wayback Machine Retrieved 1 August 2006
  47. ^The Washington Times, 19 December 2004 Hezbollah's TV loses U.S. feed Retrieved 1 August 2006
  48. ^NY man pleads guilty to broadcasting Hezbollah TV, Reuters, 23 December 2008
  49. ^NYC man admits he helped air Hezbollah TV, Larry Neumeister, AP, 23 December 2008
  50. ^ abN.Y. Man Charged with Aiding Hezbollah TV Channel, NPR, Weekend Edition 27 August 2006, Liane Hansen, host.
  51. ^Al Jazeera, 17 March 2005 Al-Manar TV to go off Dutch platform Retrieved 30 July 2006
  52. ^Haaretz, 18 March 2005 EU blocks Hezbollah TV broadcasts in Europe Retrieved 30 July 2006
  53. ^'Revised lists of eligible satellite services'. 28 July 2006. Archived from the original on 15 July 2006. Retrieved 3 August 2006.
  54. ^'Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission (CRTC) Search page'. Retrieved 3 August 2006.[permanent dead link]
  55. ^'ACMA says 'OK' to Hezbollah, but 'No Way' to Lezbollah'. Galus Australis. 24 August 2009. Retrieved 16 December 2011.
  56. ^'Hezbollah on Your iPhone: There's An App for That'. Anti-Defamation League. 27 July 2012.
  57. ^Hezbollah TV app banned by Apple and Google by Gabe Fisher, Times of Israel, 1 August 2012.
  58. ^Google and Apple ban web application for Hezbollah TV station Jumana Al Tamimi, Gulf News, 8 August 2012.
  59. ^ abHizbullah's Al-Manar TV after Google and Apple Banned Its Apps: We Will Find Other Ways to Deliver 'Message of Resistance', MEMRITV, Clip No. 3517 (transcript), 2 August 2012.
  60. ^ abc'Hezbollah Re-Launches Apps; Blames ADL For Failure Of Previous Effort'. Anti-Defamation League. 16 August 2012.
  61. ^Hezbollah’s Al-Manar news station launches app in Apple’s iTunes storeArchived 15 March 2014 at the Wayback Machine,, 14 March 2014.


  • Jorisch, Avi (2004). Beacon of Hatred: Inside Hizballahs Al-Manar Television. Washington Institute for Near East Policy. ISBN0-944029-88-4.
  • Sindawi, Khalid (2009). 'The Shiite Turn in Syria'(PDF). Current Trends in Islamist Ideology. 8: 82–107.

Further reading[edit]

  • Tatham, Steve (2006), 'Losing Arab Hearts & Minds: The Coalition, Al-Jazeera & Muslim Public Opinion' Hurst & Co (London) Published 1 January.
  • Kilpert, Daniel. Tödliche Sendung in Jungle World January 11, 2006 ISSN 1613-0766
  • Jorisch, Avi Hezbollah Hate with a U.S. Link in Los Angeles Times, 13 October 2002.
  • IFEX. 'Israeli forces strike Al-Manar TV facilities', 14 July 2006.
  • Kelly McEvers, Inside Manar, On the Media, National Public Radio, 26 January 2007
  • M. Zuhdi Jasser. Al-Manar: Satellite Propaganda Network. Homeland Security Network. 17 October 2011

External links[edit]

  • Al Manar official website in Arabic(in Arabic)
  • Al Manar official website in English(in English)
  • Al Manar official website in French(in French)
  • Al Manar official website in Spanish(in Spanish)
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Explanation of Executive Order 13224[edit]

U.S. President Bush signed Executive Order 13224 on September 23, 2001. Executive Order 13224 gives the U.S. Government a legal tool to impede terrorist funding and is part of the U.S. commitment to lead the international effort to bring a halt to terrorist activity. The Order provides a means by which to disrupt the financial support network for terrorists and terrorist organizations by authorizing the U.S. government to designate and block the assets of foreign individuals and entities that commit, or pose a significant risk of committing, acts of terrorism.

U.S. President Bush issued Executive Order 13224 pursuant to the authorities of the International Emergency Economic Powers Act (50 U.S.C. 1701 et seq.)(IEEPA), the National Emergencies Act (50 U.S.C. 1601 et seq.), section 5 of the United Nations Participation Act of 1945, as amended (22 U.S.C. 287c)(UNPA), and section 301 of title 3, United States Code. geraldshields11

Article order[edit]

I kind of liked 'content' coming before 'history'. Could we move it back the way it was? Elizmr 16:58, 9 October 2006 (UTC)

Actually there are several reasons why I changed the order. 1) All the other articles about television stations/networks, I checked (American Broadcasting Corporation, NBC, BBC, Das Erste, Australian Broadcasting Corporation, and Global Television Network were just the first I could think of) had the history of the station first and then information about programming, etc. 2) WP:TVS's list of what an article about a telivision station should include begins with a good introduction followed by the history of the station (I assume, but am not sure that this order was intentional). 3)Personal preference (Ok, that's not a very good reason, but I think the preceding two were.)--CarabinieriTTaallkk 19:26, 9 October 2006 (UTC)
Makes sense Elizmr 19:47, 9 October 2006 (UTC)

moving old unsourced political remark here[edit]

How weak is the former so-called 'Free Western World' to close Manar tv? First: The westerners shut down freedom;Then they(The British Military Government) undertook an assassination attempt to the Iranian President at Ahwas.UK & US Press biased? Answer:24th January 2006 it was the proof. —The preceding unsigned comment was added by 20:12, 24 January 2006 (UTC).

Arabic clips[edit]

Apparently these are Arabic clips:Al-Manar#Al-Manar TV (Lebanon) broadcasts. Is it usual to put their links in the English wikipedia. Please check them and delete them if they're in Arabic.--Sa.vakilian(t-c) 15:54, 2 April 2007 (UTC)


Al Manar Tv Live

This is former structure of this article:

I found it illogic to put 'Banning of broadcasts', 'Designation as a 'terrorist entity' and 'Anti-Semitic Programming' under history and separated it. Also I gathered 'Israeli Air Force strike' and 'Criticism of bombing' in one section. I merged 'Satellite broadcasting' and 'Satellite transmission'. This is my suggestion:

What's your idea?--Sa.vakilian(t-c) 04:16, 15 April 2007 (UTC)

I like it, except I think 4.1, 4.2, and 4.3 should be under 'Journalistic standards and neutrality' and the 'Accusations and Restrictions' heading can be done away with. --GHcool 06:53, 15 April 2007 (UTC)
I agree. Also, I think that 'Designation as an Anti-Semitic Programming' should be changed. The English is a bit off, and the Anti-Semitic and Programming shouldn't be capitalized. Also, the Antisemitism article seems to favor the non-hyphenated spelling. Maybe something like 'Allegations of antisemitic programming'. Not 100% sure what title would be most accurate, but I think it's more accurate to say that Al-Manar has been accused of airing antisemitic programs than to say it has been classified/designated as an anti-semitic organization (that sounds more like the Ku Klux Klan to me). — George Saliba [talk] 07:14, 15 April 2007 (UTC)
Do you agree with this--Sa.vakilian(t-c) 07:31, 15 April 2007 (UTC)

How about this:

--GHcool 17:42, 15 April 2007 (UTC)


Hi guys, GHcool, George, and Sav.Some things that I would suggest...Propaganda, I've been watching this channel since I was born, from Baalbek to Beirut to Canada. Let's talk about their Hezbollah's Psychological warfare. I've been browsing Wikipedia, and I've seen that people post music, and video downloads. Why don't we do that... I can pick some clips from Wa3ad, wa3ad english doesn't have has like 4 clips, so I can go on the Arabic one and find a view Anasheeds (hezbollah music) and some al-Manar infomercials (ie Propaganda clips) they've got lots of stuff , and they're good stuff that can prove our point on al-Manar not being neutral and infact balancing things up in the media, like Hassan Fadlallah said. Also, can we please change the line in the religion and politics section 'radical islamic form' to maybe somethiing less insulting?? How about 'they follow the same brand of revolutionary islam introduced by Ayatollah Khomeini, and adopted by Hezbollah' something along those lines, Sav/George can u guys work on something ??? Anyways Most important of all is the videos/??? how about it? Ahmad Husseini 22:19, 15 April 2007 (UTC)

Also, on the side box, its also available in North America... (revision please, my friend pays big bucks to get it) Ahmad Husseini 22:26, 15 April 2007 (UTC)
I'm not too familiar with copyright rules on Wikipedia, but you should take a look at this. As for the 'radical Islamist' statement, I've tagged the whole section to try to get references. This section makes a lot of broad statements which need sources cited. Anything that can't be backed up by a reliable source should be removed. Regarding the availability in North America, can you find some websites that state such? Maybe the website listing al-Manar for the cable company your friend uses, or any web site that states that it offs broadcast in a country in North America. We need some source to add this, and it may be more accurate to say 'Canada' or 'parts of North America,' rather than 'North America' in general. — George Saliba [talk] 22:34, 15 April 2007 (UTC)
George, I'm on it, but my friend pays a free to air provider like 10 bucks a month to get it so its not impossible. Ahmad Husseini 00:20, 16 April 2007 (UTC)
Thanx George for tagging that section, I guess we can remove the attacks on America part, since Hezbollah has condemned the attacks on the trade centers, Guys? Sav, I need help with those copyright permits on the videos. I guess there is no copyright on them since they're offered to the public, and Wa3ad promotes downloading them? Ahmad Husseini 00:35, 16 April 2007 (UTC)
George, Intelsat doesn't carry anything on their website but here's something explaining how al-Manar is broadcast. Marketing of terrorism: Hezbollah’s use of the Al-Manar TV station to spread incitement and hatred across the globe, pretty much, it says al-manar gives broadcasting rights to Arabsat and Globecast, and they make up Arabic channel packages (including al-Manar) and they sell those rights to Satellite providers in other parts of the Globe. Ahmad Husseini 01:03, 16 April 2007 (UTC)
There were some clips which I removed.[1] I think it's not appropriate to use Arabic clips in English wikipedia as I told before.--Sa.vakilian(t-c) 01:39, 16 April 2007 (UTC)
I'm currently working on a neutral reworded intro, bare with me guys it will take 3 days, since I'm pretty busy now, the intro btw is rediculus, as George pointed out. Ahmad Husseini 17:48, 16 April 2007 (UTC)
I cannot emphasize enough how awful 'Current Trends in Islamist Thought' is as an objective source. The journal is widely perceived as a journal endorsing fabrications and slander to bolster far right neo-conservative agendas. To that end, the idea that al-Manaar tries to actively convert Muslims from Shi'ism to Sunnism is patently false with little supporting documentation. Hopefully, this will be removed; I attempted earlier, but I guess denying a false journal article without something that says differently is not sufficient for Wikipedia. Next up, I will argue that Hizb'allah is responsible for theories of evolution being banned in Kansas (you have no evidence that this isn't true!). — Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 22:32, 26 September 2012 (UTC)

Good enough?[edit]

I think this page should be nominated for Good article status, what do other editors think?Hypnosadist 03:44, 19 January 2007 (UTC)

I think the lead section should be expanded to mention all of the article's major points, which it currently does not do. -Fsotrain09 17:43, 27 January 2007 (UTC)
Thanks for the reply, having re-read the intro the section on the bans could be lengthend. Could you say what else specifically you think needs adding to the intro. Hypnosadist 08:50, 28 January 2007 (UTC)
I think we should add something about the journalistic standards in the lead. Elizmr 19:34, 28 January 2007 (UTC)

Partial Review:

  1. Adding rationale templates on logo of Al-Manar
It has done.--Sa.vakilian(t-c) 07:35, 4 April 2007 (UTC)
  1. Verification of the sources: Because some of the news sources doesn't exist anymore like [2] you should check the sources and substitute dead sources with new ones.(Please look at Talk:Hezbollah#Verifying the references)
Thanks Mceder, It has done.--Sa.vakilian(t-c) 15:18, 2 April 2007 (UTC)
No problems. Fixed the last one today, looks much better now. mceder (utc) 15:19, 5 April 2007 (UTC)
  1. Adding enough explanation wherever clarification tag is added.
  2. Rearrangement: I suggest to separate some parts of History like Designation as a terrorist entity, Anti-Semitic Programming and Satellite transmission.--Sa.vakilian(t-c) 07:04, 29 March 2007 (UTC)
After a quick review, I don't think this article is anywhere near GA quality. The intro has repeated, incomplete quoted sentences, and the references at the bottom are all messed up. — George Saliba [talk] 07:49, 31 March 2007 (UTC)

I think its getting very close. The biggest problem I had was with the lead. Its missing punctuation and could be better in terms of spacing. The 'Content' section is top notch. Fix the lead for punctuation and readability and I think you guys are on your way. --GHcool 18:37, 31 March 2007 (UTC)

GA review (see here for criteria)
  1. It is reasonably well written.
    a (prose): b (MoS):
  2. It is factually accurate and verifiable.
    a (references): b (citations to reliable sources): c (OR):
  3. It is broad in its coverage.
    a (major aspects): b (focused):
  4. It follows the neutral point of view policy.
    a (fair representation): b (all significant views):
  5. It is stable.
  6. It contains images, where possible, to illustrate the topic.
    a (tagged and captioned): b lack of images (does not in itself exclude GA): c (non-free images have fair use rationales):
  7. Overall:
    a Pass/Fail:

My reason to fail this article:

  • We haven't reach consensus about structure yet.
  • Lack of references as George.Saliba has mentioned by adding a tag
  • It hasn't coveraged all major aspects if we compare it with a similar GA like BBC.

--Sa.vakilian(t-c) 01:56, 16 April 2007 (UTC)

Sav, It's not really neutral, it needs clean up of a bunch of 'radical islams' and like George mentioned: this paragraph could get some clean up:

Like Hezbollah, al-Manar promotes a radical Islamist ideology. Its primary message is the promotion of 'resistance' and 'jihad'. It regularly legitimizes violence against the United States, Israel, and other enemies, not only by Hezbollah, whom it generally glorifies, but also by Palestinian militants. It always glorifies martyrdom in the fight against its enemies. The station regularly broadcasts speeches by Hassan Nasrallah and conveys statements from the Hezbollah. Islamic tradition is often invoked to justify suicide bombings, which Nasrallah called 'a modest weapon and does not warrant that a world war be waged against it.' Fatwas justifying this type of violence are often broadcasted and Muslim clerics such as Sheikh Babil al-Halbawi, imam of the al-Sayida Rikiyya Mosque in Damascus, explain their morality with quotes from the Quran. Suicide missions themselves are often aired on al-Manar as well as the video tapes made by the bombers hours before the attack. The station often asserts that it is not impossible to destroy Israel.[32] Until the Israeli withdrawal from South Lebanon, al-Manar's programming political focus was mainly against the Israeli presence in Lebanon. The withdrawal in May 2000 left a void in the station's programming, however Hezbollah and al-Manar consider the Sheeba Farms to be Lebanese territory occupied by Israel, and this became a focal point for political programming. In September of that year, the al-Aqsa Intifada broke out, and al-Manar began to cover the issue of the Israeli Palestinian conflict more extensively, overtly propagandizing to support the Palestinian militants.[33]

Tell me the author of this paragraph isn't biased 'like Hezbollah(?),' 'however Hezbollah and al-Manar consider the Sheeba Farms to be Lebanese territory occupied by Israel' you know what this sounds like to me... It sounds like Hezbollah and al-Manar were having lunch, or a coffee, and outta the blue al-Manar said: 'Hey, Hezbollah, how about we just say the shebba farms are lebanese territories? that would work!' Dude u gotta be kiddin, hezbollah asked the Lebanese gov't and it confirmed that Shebba was lebanese and then they continued from there, they continued the march, they didn't stop freeing lebanon at the blue line and one day they dicided to start again, these borders were set before 2000. Ahmad Husseini 02:56, 16 April 2007 (UTC)
'Hey, Hezbollah, how about we just say the shebba farms are lebanese territories? that would work!' Dude u gotta be kiddin, Nope thats just how it went but not in english (or using the word dude). Ahmed its called an EXCUSE, then you can use the excuse that the sheba farms is lebanesse(its syrian land, it was when the isrealis captured it and still is) to start a war that kills lots of people. Its called the BIG LIE, just keep repeating it (say on a TV station you control) and people will believe it. This is one of the prime examples of the job of Al-manar in facilitating genocide, just like the lie about jews not going to work on 9/11 or showing the protocols of the elders of zion 11 part TV show. Hypnosadist 01:47, 17 April 2007 (UTC)
Keep the insults to yourself, and do spell my name right. Lebanon decided that the Shebaa farms are Lebannese, not you, not me, not al-Manar, nor Hezbollah, the people that live on that land and that own the land are Lebanese and have lived there before Israel was created. Ahmad Husseini 04:17, 17 April 2007 (UTC)
That's why we do not believe that this page should be nominated, lots of claims no hard facts. When did al-Manar personnaly decide Shebaa is Lebanese? Do answer. That's why editors like George and Sav and GHcool are actually spending their time to clean this page up. Have you read the intro? It was pretty much repeating everything over and over, with sentance fragments here and there. Ahmad Husseini 04:20, 17 April 2007 (UTC)
Why don't you ask the UN who they think Shebaa belong to Ahmad, whats that oh syria, its one of the reasons that there is only a cease fire between syria and isreal as opposed to peace. Oh and there promoting of the lie about jews not going to work on 9/11 or showing the protocols of the elders of zion 11 part TV show are all sourced. Plenty of hard facts!Hypnosadist 06:42, 17 April 2007 (UTC)
If you're so quick with info, why don't you re-write the article in a non-biased way? You can't that's the problem. You have to insert your POV, and you just hate Hezbollah with a passion. Ahmad Husseini 11:33, 17 April 2007 (UTC)
Whatever.Hypnosadist 13:23, 17 April 2007 (UTC)
I think some parts of the article don't have any problem. --Sa.vakilian(t-c) 12:50, 19 April 2007 (UTC)

Ahmad Husseini[edit]

The Slogan I added was found in this PDF file: Bombs and broadcasts: Al Manar’s Battle to Stay on Air in the file search for the word 'slogan', and you'll find it, it's about half way through. Ahmad Husseini 01:54, 19 April 2007 (UTC)

Questionable Sources[edit]

Some of the sources are questionable:

Any publication by Avi Jorisch. He is a 'senior fellow at the Foundation for the Defence of Democracies' (see end of article as of 4/20/07 'The Foundation for the Defense of Democracies is dedicated to winning the war of ideas through communicating, influencing, empowering and educating.' (from In a list of the Foundations 'successes' ( is this:

Al Manar Tv Programs

'FDD is the only organization that created a global campaign—comprising Muslim, Christian, Jewish, andsecular organizations—to shut down Hezbollah’s al-Manar terrorist television station. Through numerousmedia appearances and briefings to more than 650 government officials and private sector executives inthe United States, Europe, and the Middle East, our Coalition Against Terrorist Media has been instrumentalin removing al-Manar from eight satellite providers around the world. As a result, al-Manar can no longerspread hatred, recruit suicide bombers, and support terrorism in North America, Central and SouthAmerica, Asia, Australia, and most of Africa. We are working to remove al-Manar from the two remainingsatellite providers (Egyptian and Saudi) that broadcast the station into Europe, the Middle East, and North Africa'

It is amazingly obvious that this organization, or any of its 'fellows', are not only non-objective, but actively hostile to the topic of this Wikipedia entry. Any part of this entry using sources quoted from any affiliate of the FDD should be deleted. This includes Avi Jorisch's book 'Beacon of Hatred', and any of his writings. Sources include 3, 15-18, and 26-34. Another strike against this book as non-objective reference is the fact that it is published by the Washington Institute for Near East Policy, which itself was founded by a former research director for AIPAC.

Source number 32 includes a reference to a report by the Intelligence and Terrorism Information Center at the Center for Special Studies. This center part of the Israel Intelligence Heritage & Commemoration Center (IICC) , an NGO dedicated to the memory of the fallen of the Israeli Intelligence Community...

( Any source taken from the Center should obviously be deleted.

Also, source number 4 is extemely dubious. Al-Manar maintains a current web site, which shows no signs of the inflamatory language quoted in #4. If this was a statement actually from Al-Manar, it should be properly attributed from a reputable source.

Jeffrey Goldberg, author of #5, is in fact Jewish, and served in the IDF. While it would be wrong to assume that no Jew could be objective, or a person who served in the IDF, he has a poor history of accurate reporting, particularly in regards to the Middle East.

I must say that this is really something. If the authors of this article must write propaganda, there are appropriate places to do so. Providing a biased, one-sided hack job as fact is churlish and of questionable taste. It shows a complete, naked lack of respect for the reader. I will wait to make changes, if anyone wants to respond.

ThurstonZ 21:14, 20 April 2007 (UTC)

Don't worry, there are editors like me and Sav who tilt the scale just enough to make it neutral. We are also working on this page, as you can read above, we wouldn't pass this article for GA, so, please if you want to edit this page, discuss it first, tell us what you are changing, because a lot of the stuff you might find biased, has probably already been talked about. Ahmad Husseini 21:25, 20 April 2007 (UTC)
I'm sorry friend, I do believe that Jefferey Goldberg is an ok source, if we do not use partisan sources half of the articles on Wikipedia would have to get deleted, and that line is in fact true, al-Manar does not aim to be neutral, I know that for a fact, being a life long viewer of al-Manar, they say they want to be biased, not in a completely negative way, but in a way that shows off more to the side of the West's 'enemy' (ie, Hezbollah, Palestinian cause, and the Iraqi war). Being 'fair' gives both sides a chance to speak, al-Manar believes that the one side of the argument gets to hold the mic for a while longer, and gets to open up his accusations freely, that is why al-Manar aims to be biased, they only give the mic to the one who sat by recieving accusations from the other side, and not given a chance by the 'free' media to say what he has to say. Also, please explain your point about al-Manar web site. Ahmad Husseini 21:35, 20 April 2007 (UTC)
There's no Wikipedia policy that states that POV sources can't be used. It's the article that has to be NPOV not the sources it cites. I mean, the Wikipedia articles on fascism all cite sources written by authors opposed to fascism, that does not necessarily make them POV. And Avi Jorisch's work just happens to be the only English-language sources on al-Manar known to me.--Carabinieri 22:05, 20 April 2007 (UTC)
Is this aimed at me? I never said that, I just said it is partisan, but it outlines main points that we can use, it's not like al-manar denies to be biased, I'm too busy btw to fish through official arabic statements. Ahmad Husseini 22:38, 20 April 2007 (UTC)


Did you read what the FDD said was a success? 'to shut down Hezbollah’s al-Manar terrorist television station'? Using any connection to the FDD as a source is obviously biased. If you would keep 'Beacon of Hatred' as sources of information about Al-Manar, why not use Mein Kampf as a source of factual information about Judaism? The first paragraph of the entry is fact mixed with anti-Al-Manar propaganda from spurious sources. And it gets worse from there.

Your assertion that al-Manar aims to be biased in its reporting is unsubstantiated. That link on, even under cursory scrutiny, is weak in comparison to Al-Manar's real webpage. Your opinions about Al-Manar have no relevance here. Perhaps you can voice your opinions on a personal web page, blog, forum, etc. Wikipedia was not invented so you could spread your personal views.

Carabinieri, fascism and a television station are two very different things. Again, Avi Jorisch is a senior fellow at the Foundation for the Defence of Democracies. The FDD blatently states in the .pdf linked to above, that they are actively attempting to shut down all access to Al-Manar. They state :

FDD is the only organization that created a global shut down Hezbollah’s al-Manar terrorist television station.

It is clear that any literature released by anyone associated with the FDD will be biased(at the least) or not factual.

ThurstonZ 22:35, 20 April 2007 (UTC)

WO ok buddy, why would I be trash talking al-Manar? If I have been a Lebanese-born-Shia born into a Hezb family, one of the most elite families in Lebanon when it comes to being a Hezb supporter? and oppose it? I said it is considered good for them to be slanted. They do see things as good vs. evil, which in the M.E. is considered good! THAT's what I said. Ahmad Husseini 22:43, 20 April 2007 (UTC)
As you probably have not read before, This article was not considered GA material, and we are working on it, but we are not the nerdy-type, sitting in our parent's basement editing Wikipedia all day, WE HAVE OTHER THINGS TO DO. Give us time and we will address everything. Ahmad Husseini 22:45, 20 April 2007 (UTC)

How much time do you need? Simple googling revealed the bias I pointed out. I can clean up this entry. I don't really care about al-Manar, the obvious propaganda just sickens me. God forbid there should be a source of information that Israel resents.

ThurstonZ 04:49, 22 April 2007 (UTC)

Go nuts man, we are slowly editinf this page, but if you feel you can contribute, be bold. Ahmad Husseini 04:53, 22 April 2007 (UTC)

Al-Manar's 9/11 claim[edit]

I just want to make sure that we all agree this. the claim was started by the Jerusalem Post, and Al-Manar ran that claim later on, from which they concluded that 9/11 was an Israeli plot. So it really wouldn't be accurate to say that Al-Manar started the claim... in the article 9/11 Conspiracy, the Jerusalem Post is stated as the source who first claimed that 4,000 Jews did not go to their posts in the World Trade Center... Let's get this fact clarified please... Thanks guys... Ahmad Husseini

No we don't agree, the JP said that 4000 jews were missing after the attack. Al-Manar misrepresented this for anti-semitic reasons to 4000 jews missed work BEFORE the attack. Hope that helps you understand what happened. (Hypnosadist) 13:54, 16 February 2008 (UTC)

Arabs are semitic, calling almanar antisemitic is wrong in the first place; it's like saying anti-my-self radiant guy (talk) 03:23, 8 March 2008 (UTC)

Be that as it may, they still deliberatly took part of that Jerusalem Post story, and re-wrote it for propagandistic purposes to turn people against the Jews. ----DanTD (talk) 22:21, 22 March 2012 (UTC)


Could someone provide some supporting or opposing arguements for this tag. (Hypnosadist) 18:15, 19 November 2008 (UTC)

An article that accuses Al-Manar of anti-Semitism, terrorism and illegal activities, and that quotes from critics, does not sound like a press release. The tag should be removed. Nbauman (talk) 19:52, 23 December 2008 (UTC)


I just made an edit from the lead that referred to sources with no mention of what is asserted here. i suspect there is a whole lot more that is POV and miscited, suggest this page be reread.Lihaas (talk) 17:15, 13 June 2010 (UTC)

edit needed[edit]

The following sentence is grammatically incorrect and needs correction.

It has an offering a 'rich menu' of high production news, commentary, and entertainment. — Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 22:42, 17 April 2012 (UTC)

corrected — Preceding unsigned comment added by Yteitz (talk • contribs) 15:25, 21 May 2012 (UTC)

Javed Iqbal and Ashcroft v. Iqbal[edit]

I have created redirects from Javaid Iqbal (cable television installer) and Javed Iqbal (satellite television installer). They may or may not be the same person. I started the discussion at Talk:Ashcroft v. Iqbal#2009 convection for selling access to Hezbollah's satellite television channel?. -- Petri Krohn (talk) 09:11, 25 Septembe a

Javed Iqbal[edit]

Javed Iqbal that you had described in this page is untrue and is a lie. Here is the correct story which I will confirm anytime any where in he world, his name is Javed Iqbal a.k.a John. I know him since he was 14 years old in the US. When he was a young teenager. He has a very humble background and he had alot of talent, building cars and racing cars, and motorcycles, he is not very religious, because his father died very young when he was 3 years old. He also works for automobile, high proformace technology during the young day's. And he come the motor vehicle inspector for cars and m motor vehicle under 18000 pound. And after that he started to work at communication industries he did not install any communication devices or equipment or satellite dish this is a lie from the federal government, FBI and police and he informer/ CIA. Javed Iqbal is an illigit business man, he has a manufacture license, he is the one to introduced the world digital and analog combined satellite receiver displaying las Vegas SBCA satellite trade show 1995 to 1999. He is a proud manufacture that time. And he also, he did provide satellite technology to companies such as globe cast. Panamsat and Skyangel, he provided them encryption system hardware and software, manufactured by him and his company, he is the owner.He is a very straight forward man and believes on his religion very well, he never drinks or smoke any other drug or substance. And he had travel around he world to do business. And he has got a rodcdting license and his own earth station called HDTV broadcasting. He is the first one to provide in the early 2000 high definition satellite TV signal and transmission. Afounturnaly he had one customer from Libenan his is Al Manar, and their t TV station name is called Al-Manar TV. It is a Libanease TV station. And it has a contract with Mr.Iqbal business to broadcast this station with 2 different satellite for 5 years, which is illegal to business because he is a licence broadcaster is first amendment issue. So at that rime, the Al-Manar TV never listed to ban for broadcast or for to do business. It had happened at 2006. He did not convict NY crime all his life, he respected he US rule and law. And all this alligarioj and conviction was because he had a contract with Al-Manar TV to broadcast them which wasn't ancrimw. The problem had stared when was the day Israel had lost war to their party of God. Now he can't shut the station doen, he is doing a live footage of the world, Israel and Israelian around the world, and especially in the US, to find out if continued of how they bombed their TV station. And a couple of people who spyed for US government happen to be Jews. They work for freedom and democracy. Mr. Duvabich CEO and founder of this Jew group, is associated with a Jewish lobby with a good politition because he is good lier. And monopolized the government officials. He know how to do very professionally. He is the one who called the FBI and US attorney in NY and explained that they had found with their experience who broadcast Al-Manar TV in the us. You think that it is amazing of what they had found, Javed Iqbal and his company broadcast this television 1 year ago.And of is free to wear satellite tv, it doesn't require any special equipment, it is FTA, free to air any body can watch this, it is frree. Close to 35 million people watching it, in the Us, Canada, and South and Central America, and include Mexico.And would it be do secret when they had found something so amazing, it had started January 2005. Israel had lost war in 2006. And the TV station name came a tourist and that is how Israel won it, and the US followed it because the political pressure. And Javed Iqbal had broadcast 10 other Tv station, include arabic, Christian religous, and adult entertainment. But the Jewish called the US government and US attorney that they want this man in prison, supporting the tourist. Mr Javed Iqbal layer, Josh Draytal advices Mr. Iqbal that he can not help me because the government wants him, but Javed didn't convicted any crime in his lifetime. Javed Iqbal wanted to go to trial. And to let the world know that I am a legal broadcaster and how are you charging me, while I am doing business as everyone else, and I am giving everybidy rights to broadcast. This is the first members rights. And the lawyer is d ared of him and doenst know any law, he told him that he is guilty for providing satellite TV, material support under USC 2339B under this you are guilty. He told Javed Iqbal to go to prison for 110 years and shown on the indinent papers which one Mr.Iqbal didn't understand anythin, he had no clue of what he was looking for, and his lawyer told him that the government offered you 5 to 7 years in time if you sign guilty plea agreement. Javed Iqbal still doesn't have a clue of what it means. At the end of the day, December 2008 Judge Bermin accept Mr. Iqbal guilty plea agreement and sended him to federal prison for 6 years. He charged him for supporting and resources to Al Manar tv, supporting tourist. Mr Iqbal has 6 children and a lot of families, he grew up and raised in the city. I knew him ever since he canrti this country, and I am a Jewish and I am the one who pay and signed a quarter million dollars at that time of 2006. This is the warning to every civilized world, please don't destroy people correcter and reputation.the us government and the Israleian people took 10 years of his life and destroyed his ability to function. He is Javed Iqbal and he is back, I saw him two weeks ago and we welcomed hima nd a lot of people had approached him and the New York Times and Al jazzera englidh, they wanted to get an interview, because he didn't want to make any problems for him and his family, very sad. People destroy other people and their family and children just to put the in prison for no reason. This is my believe I think, if you are a Muslim, and if you definitely go to jail for a crime with tourist charges because the law was designed for you after 9/11. Israel and Israelian lo e this world called patriact. More memo will be written very soon, this man isn't a satellite installer, or gives TV access, he is a satellite broadcaster and is well none man, he is the only Muslim man in the US who does satellite broadcasting, even to today.Thank you. — Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 07:53, 31 August 2015 (UTC)

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